"""Determine symmetry equivalence of two structures.
Based on the recipe from Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 690-697 (2012)."""
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations, filterfalse, product
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as KDTree
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.build.tools import niggli_reduce
def normalize(cell):
for i in range(3):
cell[i] /= np.linalg.norm(cell[i])
class SpgLibNotFoundError(Exception):
"""Raised if SPG lib is not found when needed."""
def __init__(self, msg):
class SymmetryEquivalenceCheck:
"""Compare two structures to determine if they are symmetry equivalent.
Based on the recipe from Comput. Phys. Commun. 183, 690-697 (2012).
angle_tol: float
angle tolerance for the lattice vectors in degrees
ltol: float
relative tolerance for the length of the lattice vectors (per atom)
stol: float
position tolerance for the site comparison in units of
(V/N)^(1/3) (average length between atoms)
vol_tol: float
volume tolerance in angstrom cubed to compare the volumes of
the two structures
scale_volume: bool
if True the volumes of the two structures are scaled to be equal
to_primitive: bool
if True the structures are reduced to their primitive cells
note that this feature requires spglib to installed
>>> from ase.build import bulk
>>> from ase.utils.structure_comparator import SymmetryEquivalenceCheck
>>> comp = SymmetryEquivalenceCheck()
Compare a cell with a rotated version
>>> a = bulk('Al', orthorhombic=True)
>>> b = a.copy()
>>> b.rotate(60, 'x', rotate_cell=True)
>>> comp.compare(a, b)
Transform to the primitive cell and then compare
>>> pa = bulk('Al')
>>> comp.compare(a, pa)
>>> comp = SymmetryEquivalenceCheck(to_primitive=True)
>>> comp.compare(a, pa)
Compare one structure with a list of other structures
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from ase import Atoms
>>> s1 = Atoms('H3', positions=[[0.5, 0.5, 0],
... [0.5, 1.5, 0],
... [1.5, 1.5, 0]],
... cell=[2, 2, 2], pbc=True)
>>> comp = SymmetryEquivalenceCheck(stol=0.068)
>>> s2_list = []
>>> for d in np.linspace(0.1, 1.0, 5):
... s2 = s1.copy()
... s2.positions[0] += [d, 0, 0]
... s2_list.append(s2)
>>> comp.compare(s1, s2_list[:-1])
>>> comp.compare(s1, s2_list)
def __init__(self, angle_tol=1.0, ltol=0.05, stol=0.05, vol_tol=0.1,
scale_volume=False, to_primitive=False):
self.angle_tol = angle_tol * np.pi / 180.0 # convert to radians
self.scale_volume = scale_volume
self.stol = stol
self.ltol = ltol
self.vol_tol = vol_tol
self.position_tolerance = 0.0
self.to_primitive = to_primitive
# Variables to be used in the compare function
self.s1 = None
self.s2 = None
self.expanded_s1 = None
self.expanded_s2 = None
self.least_freq_element = None
def _niggli_reduce(self, atoms):
"""Reduce to niggli cells.
Reduce the atoms to niggli cells, then rotates the niggli cells to
the so called "standard" orientation with one lattice vector along the
x-axis and a second vector in the xy plane.
def _standarize_cell(self, atoms):
"""Rotate the first vector such that it points along the x-axis.
Then rotate around the first vector so the second vector is in the
xy plane.
# Rotate first vector to x axis
cell = atoms.get_cell().T
total_rot_mat = np.eye(3)
v1 = cell[:, 0]
l1 = np.sqrt(v1[0]**2 + v1[2]**2)
angle = np.abs(np.arcsin(v1[2] / l1))
if (v1[0] < 0.0 and v1[2] > 0.0):
angle = np.pi - angle
elif (v1[0] < 0.0 and v1[2] < 0.0):
angle = np.pi + angle
elif (v1[0] > 0.0 and v1[2] < 0.0):
angle = -angle
ca = np.cos(angle)
sa = np.sin(angle)
rotmat = np.array([[ca, 0.0, sa], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-sa, 0.0, ca]])
total_rot_mat = rotmat.dot(total_rot_mat)
cell = rotmat.dot(cell)
v1 = cell[:, 0]
l1 = np.sqrt(v1[0]**2 + v1[1]**2)
angle = np.abs(np.arcsin(v1[1] / l1))
if (v1[0] < 0.0 and v1[1] > 0.0):
angle = np.pi - angle
elif (v1[0] < 0.0 and v1[1] < 0.0):
angle = np.pi + angle
elif (v1[0] > 0.0 and v1[1] < 0.0):
angle = -angle
ca = np.cos(angle)
sa = np.sin(angle)
rotmat = np.array([[ca, sa, 0.0], [-sa, ca, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
total_rot_mat = rotmat.dot(total_rot_mat)
cell = rotmat.dot(cell)
# Rotate around x axis such that the second vector is in the xy plane
v2 = cell[:, 1]
l2 = np.sqrt(v2[1]**2 + v2[2]**2)
angle = np.abs(np.arcsin(v2[2] / l2))
if (v2[1] < 0.0 and v2[2] > 0.0):
angle = np.pi - angle
elif (v2[1] < 0.0 and v2[2] < 0.0):
angle = np.pi + angle
elif (v2[1] > 0.0 and v2[2] < 0.0):
angle = -angle
ca = np.cos(angle)
sa = np.sin(angle)
rotmat = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, ca, sa], [0.0, -sa, ca]])
total_rot_mat = rotmat.dot(total_rot_mat)
cell = rotmat.dot(cell)
atoms.wrap(pbc=[1, 1, 1])
return atoms
def _get_element_count(self, struct):
"""Count the number of elements in each of the structures."""
return Counter(struct.numbers)
def _get_angles(self, cell):
"""Get the internal angles of the unit cell."""
cell = cell.copy()
dot = cell.dot(cell.T)
# Extract only the relevant dot products
dot = [dot[0, 1], dot[0, 2], dot[1, 2]]
# Return angles
return np.arccos(dot)
def _has_same_elements(self):
"""Check if two structures have same elements."""
elem1 = self._get_element_count(self.s1)
return elem1 == self._get_element_count(self.s2)
def _has_same_angles(self):
"""Check that the Niggli unit vectors has the same internal angles."""
ang1 = np.sort(self._get_angles(self.s1.get_cell()))
ang2 = np.sort(self._get_angles(self.s2.get_cell()))
return np.allclose(ang1, ang2, rtol=0, atol=self.angle_tol)
def _has_same_volume(self):
vol1 = self.s1.get_volume()
vol2 = self.s2.get_volume()
return np.abs(vol1 - vol2) < self.vol_tol
def _scale_volumes(self):
"""Scale the cell of s2 to have the same volume as s1."""
cell2 = self.s2.get_cell()
# Get the volumes
v2 = np.linalg.det(cell2)
v1 = np.linalg.det(self.s1.get_cell())
# Scale the cells
coordinate_scaling = (v1 / v2)**(1.0 / 3.0)
cell2 *= coordinate_scaling
self.s2.set_cell(cell2, scale_atoms=True)
def compare(self, s1, s2):
"""Compare the two structures.
Return *True* if the two structures are equivalent, *False* otherwise.
s1: Atoms object.
Transformation matrices are calculated based on this structure.
s2: Atoms or list
s1 can be compared to one structure or many structures supplied in
a list. If s2 is a list it returns True if any structure in s2
matches s1, False otherwise.
if self.to_primitive:
s1 = self._reduce_to_primitive(s1)
self.s1 = s1.copy()
vol = self.s1.get_volume()
self.expanded_s1 = None
s1_niggli_reduced = False
if isinstance(s2, Atoms):
# Just make it a list of length 1
s2 = [s2]
matrices = None
translations = None
transposed_matrices = None
for struct in s2:
self.s2 = struct.copy()
self.expanded_s2 = None
if self.to_primitive:
self.s2 = self._reduce_to_primitive(self.s2)
# Compare number of elements in structures
if len(self.s1) != len(self.s2):
# Compare chemical formulae
if not self._has_same_elements():
# Compare angles
if not s1_niggli_reduced:
if not self._has_same_angles():
# Compare volumes
if self.scale_volume:
if not self._has_same_volume():
if matrices is None:
matrices = self._get_rotation_reflection_matrices()
if matrices is None:
if translations is None:
translations = self._get_least_frequent_positions(self.s1)
# After the candidate translation based on s1 has been computed
# we need potentially to swap s1 and s2 for robust comparison
switch = self._switch_reference_struct()
if switch:
# Remember the matrices and translations used before
old_matrices = matrices
old_translations = translations
# If a s1 and s2 has been switched we need to use the
# transposed version of the matrices to map atoms the
# other way
if transposed_matrices is None:
transposed_matrices = np.transpose(matrices,
axes=[0, 2, 1])
matrices = transposed_matrices
translations = self._get_least_frequent_positions(self.s1)
# Calculate tolerance on positions
self.position_tolerance = \
self.stol * (vol / len(self.s2))**(1.0 / 3.0)
if self._positions_match(matrices, translations):
return True
# Set the reference structure back to its original
self.s1 = s1.copy()
if switch:
self.expanded_s1 = self.expanded_s2
matrices = old_matrices
translations = old_translations
return False
def _set_least_frequent_element(self, atoms):
"""Save the atomic number of the least frequent element."""
elem1 = self._get_element_count(atoms)
self.least_freq_element = elem1.most_common()[-1][0]
def _get_least_frequent_positions(self, atoms):
"""Get the positions of the least frequent element in atoms."""
pos = atoms.get_positions(wrap=True)
return pos[atoms.numbers == self.least_freq_element]
def _get_only_least_frequent_of(self, struct):
"""Get the atoms object with all other elements than the least frequent
one removed. Wrap the positions to get everything in the cell."""
pos = struct.get_positions(wrap=True)
indices = struct.numbers == self.least_freq_element
least_freq_struct = struct[indices]
return least_freq_struct
def _switch_reference_struct(self):
"""There is an intrinsic assymetry in the system because
one of the atoms are being expanded, while the other is not.
This can cause the algorithm to return different result
depending on which structure is passed first.
We adopt the convention of using the atoms object
having the fewest atoms in its expanded cell as the
reference object.
We return True if a switch of structures has been performed."""
# First expand the cells
if self.expanded_s1 is None:
self.expanded_s1 = self._expand(self.s1)
if self.expanded_s2 is None:
self.expanded_s2 = self._expand(self.s2)
exp1 = self.expanded_s1
exp2 = self.expanded_s2
if len(exp1) < len(exp2):
# s1 should be the reference structure
# We have to swap s1 and s2
s1_temp = self.s1.copy()
self.s1 = self.s2
self.s2 = s1_temp
exp1_temp = self.expanded_s1.copy()
self.expanded_s1 = self.expanded_s2
self.expanded_s2 = exp1_temp
return True
return False
def _positions_match(self, rotation_reflection_matrices, translations):
"""Check if the position and elements match.
Note that this function changes self.s1 and self.s2 to the rotation and
translation that matches best. Hence, it is crucial that this function
calls the element comparison, not the other way around.
pos1_ref = self.s1.get_positions(wrap=True)
# Get the expanded reference object
exp2 = self.expanded_s2
# Build a KD tree to enable fast look-up of nearest neighbours
tree = KDTree(exp2.get_positions())
for i in range(translations.shape[0]):
# Translate
pos1_trans = pos1_ref - translations[i]
for matrix in rotation_reflection_matrices:
# Rotate
pos1 = matrix.dot(pos1_trans.T).T
# Update the atoms positions
self.s1.wrap(pbc=[1, 1, 1])
if self._elements_match(self.s1, exp2, tree):
return True
return False
def _expand(self, ref_atoms, tol=0.0001):
"""If an atom is closer to a boundary than tol it is repeated at the
opposite boundaries.
This ensures that atoms having crossed the cell boundaries due to
numerical noise are properly detected.
The distance between a position and cell boundary is calculated as:
dot(position, (b_vec x c_vec) / (|b_vec| |c_vec|) ), where x is the
cross product.
syms = ref_atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
cell = ref_atoms.get_cell()
positions = ref_atoms.get_positions(wrap=True)
expanded_atoms = ref_atoms.copy()
# Calculate normal vectors to the unit cell faces
normal_vectors = np.array([np.cross(cell[1, :], cell[2, :]),
np.cross(cell[0, :], cell[2, :]),
np.cross(cell[0, :], cell[1, :])])
# Get the distance to the unit cell faces from each atomic position
pos2faces = np.abs(positions.dot(normal_vectors.T))
# And the opposite faces
pos2oppofaces = np.abs(np.dot(positions - np.sum(cell, axis=0),
for i, i2face in enumerate(pos2faces):
# Append indices for positions close to the other faces
# and convert to boolean array signifying if the position at
# index i is close to the faces bordering origo (0, 1, 2) or
# the opposite faces (3, 4, 5)
i_close2face = np.append(i2face, pos2oppofaces[i]) < tol
# For each position i.e. row it holds that
# 1 x True -> close to face -> 1 extra atom at opposite face
# 2 x True -> close to edge -> 3 extra atoms at opposite edges
# 3 x True -> close to corner -> 7 extra atoms opposite corners
# E.g. to add atoms at all corners we need to use the cell
# vectors: (a, b, c, a + b, a + c, b + c, a + b + c), we use
# itertools.combinations to get them all
for j in range(sum(i_close2face)):
for c in combinations(np.nonzero(i_close2face)[0], j + 1):
# Get the displacement vectors by adding the corresponding
# cell vectors, if the atom is close to an opposite face
# i.e. k > 2 subtract the cell vector
disp_vec = np.zeros(3)
for k in c:
disp_vec += cell[k % 3] * (int(k < 3) * 2 - 1)
pos = positions[i] + disp_vec
expanded_atoms.append(Atom(syms[i], position=pos))
return expanded_atoms
def _equal_elements_in_array(self, arr):
s = np.sort(arr)
return np.any(s[1:] == s[:-1])
def _elements_match(self, s1, s2, kdtree):
"""Check if all the elements in s1 match corresponding position in s2
NOTE: The unit cells may be in different octants
Hence, try all cyclic permutations of x,y and z
pos1 = s1.get_positions()
for order in range(1): # Is the order still needed?
pos_order = [order, (order + 1) % 3, (order + 2) % 3]
pos = pos1[:, np.argsort(pos_order)]
dists, closest_in_s2 = kdtree.query(pos)
# Check if the elements are the same
if not np.all(s2.numbers[closest_in_s2] == s1.numbers):
return False
# Check if any distance is too large
if np.any(dists > self.position_tolerance):
return False
# Check for duplicates in what atom is closest
if self._equal_elements_in_array(closest_in_s2):
return False
return True
def _least_frequent_element_to_origin(self, atoms):
"""Put one of the least frequent elements at the origin."""
least_freq_pos = self._get_least_frequent_positions(atoms)
cell_diag = np.sum(atoms.get_cell(), axis=0)
d = least_freq_pos[0] - 1e-6 * cell_diag
atoms.positions -= d
atoms.wrap(pbc=[1, 1, 1])
def _get_rotation_reflection_matrices(self):
"""Compute candidates for the transformation matrix."""
atoms1_ref = self._get_only_least_frequent_of(self.s1)
cell = self.s1.get_cell().T
cell_diag = np.sum(cell, axis=1)
angle_tol = self.angle_tol
# Additional vector that is added to make sure that
# there always is an atom at the origin
delta_vec = 1E-6 * cell_diag
# Store three reference vectors and their lengths
ref_vec = self.s2.get_cell()
ref_vec_lengths = np.linalg.norm(ref_vec, axis=1)
# Compute ref vec angles
# ref_angles are arranged as [angle12, angle13, angle23]
ref_angles = np.array(self._get_angles(ref_vec))
large_angles = ref_angles > np.pi / 2.0
ref_angles[large_angles] = np.pi - ref_angles[large_angles]
# Translate by one cell diagonal so that a central cell is
# surrounded by cells in all directions
sc_atom_search = atoms1_ref * (3, 3, 3)
new_sc_pos = sc_atom_search.get_positions()
new_sc_pos -= new_sc_pos[0] + cell_diag - delta_vec
lengths = np.linalg.norm(new_sc_pos, axis=1)
candidate_indices = []
rtol = self.ltol / len(self.s1)
for k in range(3):
correct_lengths_mask = np.isclose(lengths,
rtol=rtol, atol=0)
# The first vector is not interesting
correct_lengths_mask[0] = False
# If no trial vectors can be found (for any direction)
# then the candidates are different and we return None
if not np.any(correct_lengths_mask):
return None
# Now we calculate all relevant angles in one step. The relevant angles
# are the ones made by the current candidates. We will have to keep
# track of the indices in the angles matrix and the indices in the
# position and length arrays.
# Get all candidate indices (aci), only unique values
aci = np.sort(list(set().union(*candidate_indices)))
# Make a dictionary from original positions and lengths index to
# index in angle matrix
i2ang = dict(zip(aci, range(len(aci))))
# Calculate the dot product divided by the lengths:
# cos(angle) = dot(vec1, vec2) / |vec1| |vec2|
cosa = np.inner(new_sc_pos[aci],
new_sc_pos[aci]) / np.outer(lengths[aci],
# Make sure the inverse cosine will work
cosa[cosa > 1] = 1
cosa[cosa < -1] = -1
angles = np.arccos(cosa)
# Do trick for enantiomorphic structures
angles[angles > np.pi / 2] = np.pi - angles[angles > np.pi / 2]
# Check which angles match the reference angles
# Test for all combinations on candidates. filterfalse makes sure
# that there are no duplicate candidates. product is the same as
# nested for loops.
refined_candidate_list = []
for p in filterfalse(self._equal_elements_in_array,
a = np.array([angles[i2ang[p[0]], i2ang[p[1]]],
angles[i2ang[p[0]], i2ang[p[2]]],
angles[i2ang[p[1]], i2ang[p[2]]]])
if np.allclose(a, ref_angles, atol=angle_tol, rtol=0):
# Get the rotation/reflection matrix [R] by:
# [R] = [V][T]^-1, where [V] is the reference vectors and
# [T] is the trial vectors
# XXX What do we know about the length/shape of refined_candidate_list?
if len(refined_candidate_list) == 0:
return None
inverted_trial = np.linalg.inv(refined_candidate_list)
# Equivalent to np.matmul(ref_vec.T, inverted_trial)
candidate_trans_mat = np.dot(ref_vec.T, inverted_trial.T).T
return candidate_trans_mat
def _reduce_to_primitive(self, structure):
"""Reduce the two structure to their primitive type"""
import spglib
except ImportError:
raise SpgLibNotFoundError(
"SpgLib is required if to_primitive=True")
cell = (structure.get_cell()).tolist()
pos = structure.get_scaled_positions().tolist()
numbers = structure.get_atomic_numbers()
cell, scaled_pos, numbers = spglib.standardize_cell(
(cell, pos, numbers), to_primitive=True)
atoms = Atoms(
return atoms