FHI-aims is a all-electron full-potential density functional theory code using a numeric local orbital basis set.
Running the Calculator
The default initialization command for the FHI-aims calculator is
- class ase.calculators.aims.Aims(profile=None, directory='.', **kwargs)[source]
Construct the FHI-aims calculator.
The keyword arguments (kwargs) can be one of the ASE standard keywords: ‘xc’, ‘kpts’ and ‘smearing’ or any of FHI-aims’ native keywords.
- cubes: AimsCube object
Cube file specification.
- tier: int or array of ints
Set basis set tier for all atomic species.
- plus_udict
For DFT+U. Adds a +U term to one specific shell of the species.
- kwargsdict
Any of the base class arguments.
In order to run a calculation, you have to ensure that at least the
following str
variables are specified, either in the initialization
or as shell environment variables:
keyword |
description |
The full command required to run FHI-aims from
a shell, including anything to do with an MPI
wrapper script and the number of tasks, e.g.:
Directory where the species are located, e.g.:
which exchange-correlation functional is used. |
List of keywords
This is a non-exclusive list of keywords for the control.in
that can be addresses from within ASE. The meaning for these keywords is
exactly the same as in FHI-aims, please refer to its manual for help on
their use.
One thing that should be mentioned is that keywords with more than
one option have been implemented as tuples/lists, eg.
or relativistic=('atomic_zora','scalar')
In those cases, specifying a single string containing all the options is also possible.
None of the keywords have any default within ASE, but do check the defaults set by FHI-aims.
Example keywords describing the computational method used:
keyword |
type |
str |
float |
str |
list |
bool |
str |
list |
Any argument can be changed after the initial construction of the calculator, simply by setting it with the method
>>> calc.set(keyword=value)
Volumetric Data Output
The class
- class ase.calculators.aims.AimsCube(origin=(0, 0, 0), edges=[(0.1, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.1, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.1)], points=(50, 50, 50), plots=())[source]
Object to ensure the output of cube files, can be attached to Aims object
- origin, edges, points:
Same as in the FHI-aims output
- plots:
what to print, same names as in FHI-aims
describes an object that takes care of the volumetric output requests within FHI-aims. An object of this type can be attached to the main Aims() object as an option.
The possible arguments for AimsCube are:
keyword |
type |
list |
3x3-array |
list |
list |
The possible values for the entry of plots are discussed in detail in the FHI-aims manual, see below for an example.
Here is an example of how to obtain the geometry of a water molecule,
are set:
import pytest
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.aims import AimsCube
from ase.optimize import QuasiNewton
def test_H2O_aims(factory):
water = Atoms('HOH', [(1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0)])
water_cube = AimsCube(points=(29, 29, 29),
'eigenstate 5',
'eigenstate 6'))
calc = factory.calc(
water.calc = calc
dynamics = QuasiNewton(water)