Evaluation of Franck-Condon factors
The Franck-Condon principle couples electronic and vibrational properties.
Franck-Condon factors in CH4
We may get a good structure for methane from ase.build
This will not be the ground state structure according to
the EMT
calcuator though. Therfore EMT
predicts finite
from ase.build import molecule
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT
atoms = molecule('CH4')
atoms.calc = EMT()
# evaluate forces in this configuration
forces_a = atoms.get_forces()
Vibrational properties
These forces can be used to calculate the corresponding
Franck-Condon factors for transitions from the EMT
ground state. First we need the EMT
ground state and
the vibrational properties:
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from ase.vibrations import Vibrations
# relax and get vibrational properties
opt = BFGS(atoms, logfile=None)
vibname = 'vib'
vib = Vibrations(atoms, name=vibname)
Huang-Rhys factors
The Huang-Rhys factors describe the displacement energy in each vibrational coordinate relative to the vibrational energy. We may get them by:
from ase.vibrations.franck_condon import FranckCondon
# FC factor for all frequencies
fc = FranckCondon(atoms, vibname)
HR_a, freq_a = fc.get_Huang_Rhys_factors(forces_a)
Franck-Condon factors
The Franck-Condon factors depend on temperature due to occupation of vibrational states. We may get them for 293 K by:
FC, freq = fc.get_Franck_Condon_factors(293, forces_a)
where FC[0]
contains the Franck-Condon factors and
the corresponding frequencies.
It is also possible to evaluate higher order transitions. Two vibrational quanta might be considered by increasing the order:
FC, freq = fc.get_Franck_Condon_factors(293, forces_a, order=2)