Manipulating atoms
Ag adatom on Ni slab
We will set up a one layer slab of four Ni atoms with one Ag adatom. Define the slab atoms:
>>> from math import sqrt
>>> from ase import Atoms
>>> a = 3.55
>>> atoms = Atoms('Ni4',
... cell=[sqrt(2) * a, sqrt(2) * a, 1.0, 90, 90, 120],
... pbc=(1, 1, 0),
... scaled_positions=[(0, 0, 0),
... (0.5, 0, 0),
... (0, 0.5, 0),
... (0.5, 0.5, 0)])
>>>, axis=2)
Have a look at the cell and positions of the atoms:
>>> atoms.cell
Cell([[5.020458146424487, 0.0, 0.0], [-2.5102290732122423, 4.347844293440141, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 10.0]])
>>> atoms.positions
array([[ 0. , 0. , 5. ],
[ 2.51022907, 0. , 5. ],
[-1.25511454, 2.17392215, 5. ],
[ 1.25511454, 2.17392215, 5. ]])
>>> atoms[0]
Atom('Ni', [0.0, 0.0, 5.0], index=0)
Write the structure to a file and plot the whole system by bringing up the
>>> from ase.visualize import view
>>> atoms.write('')
>>> view(atoms)

Within the viewer (called ase gui
) it is possible to repeat
the unit cell in all three directions
(using the window).
From the command line, use ase gui -r 3,3,2

We now add an adatom in a three-fold site at a height of h=1.9
>>> h = 1.9
>>> relative = (1 / 6, 1 / 6, 0.5)
>>> absolute =, atoms.cell) + (0, 0, h)
>>> atoms.append('Ag')
>>> atoms.positions[-1] = absolute
The structure now looks like this:
>>> view(atoms)

Interface building
Now, we will make an interface with Ni(111) and water.
First we need a layer of water. One layer of water is constructed in this
, and saved in the file WL.traj
. Now run the
script and then read the atoms object from the traj file:
>>> from import read
>>> W = read('WL.traj')
Lets take a look at the structure using view.

and let’s look at the unit cell.
>>> W.cell
Cell([8.490373, 4.901919, 26.93236])
We will need a Ni(111) slab which matches the water as closely as possible. A 2x4 orthogonal fcc111 supercell should be good enough.
>>> from import fcc111
>>> slab = fcc111('Ni', size=[2, 4, 3], a=3.55, orthogonal=True)

>>> slab.cell
Cell([5.020458146424487, 8.695688586880282, 0.0])
Looking at the two unit cells, we can see that they match with around 2 percent difference, if we rotate one of the cells 90 degrees in the plane. Let’s rotate the cell:
>>> W.cell = [W.cell[1, 1], W.cell[0, 0], 0.0]

Let’s also rotate()
the molecules:
>>> W.rotate(90, 'z', center=(0, 0, 0))

Now we can wrap the atoms into the cell
>>> W.wrap()

The wrap()
method only works if periodic boundary
conditions are enabled. We have a 2 percent lattice mismatch between Ni(111)
and the water, so we scale the water in the plane to match the cell of the
The argument scale_atoms=True indicates that the atomic positions should be
scaled with the unit cell. The default is scale_atoms=False indicating that
the cartesian coordinates remain the same when the cell is changed.
>>> W.set_cell(slab.cell, scale_atoms=True)
>>> zmin = W.positions[:, 2].min()
>>> zmax = slab.positions[:, 2].max()
>>> W.positions += (0, 0, zmax - zmin + 1.5)
Finally we use extend to copy the water onto the slab:
>>> interface = slab + W
>>>, axis=2)
>>> interface.write('NiH2O.traj')

Adding two atoms objects will take the positions from both and the cell and boundary conditions from the first.