Source code for ase.utils

import errno
import functools
import io
import os
import pickle
import re
import string
import sys
import time
import warnings
from contextlib import ExitStack, contextmanager
from importlib import import_module
from math import atan2, cos, degrees, gcd, radians, sin
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Type, Union

import numpy as np

from ase.formula import formula_hill, formula_metal

__all__ = ['basestring', 'import_module', 'seterr', 'plural',
           'devnull', 'gcd', 'convert_string_to_fd', 'Lock',
           'opencew', 'OpenLock', 'rotate', 'irotate', 'pbc2pbc', 'givens',
           'hsv2rgb', 'hsv', 'pickleload', 'reader',
           'formula_hill', 'formula_metal', 'PurePath', 'xwopen',
           'tokenize_version', 'get_python_package_path_description']

def tokenize_version(version_string: str):
    """Parse version string into a tuple for version comparisons.

    Usage: tokenize_version('3.8') < tokenize_version('3.8.1').
    tokens = []
    for component in version_string.split('.'):
        match = re.match(r'(\d*)(.*)', component)
        assert match is not None, f'Cannot parse component {component}'
        number_str, tail =, 2)
            number = int(number_str)
        except ValueError:
            number = -1
        tokens += [number, tail]
    return tuple(tokens)

# Python 2+3 compatibility stuff (let's try to remove these things):
basestring = str
pickleload = functools.partial(pickle.load, encoding='bytes')

def deprecated(
    message: Union[str, Warning],
    category: Type[Warning] = FutureWarning,
    callback: Callable[[List, Dict], bool] = lambda args, kwargs: True
    """Return a decorator deprecating a function.

    message : str or Warning
        The message to be emitted. If ``message`` is a Warning, then
        ``category`` is ignored and ``message.__class__`` will be used.
    category : Type[Warning], default=FutureWarning
        The type of warning to be emitted. If ``message`` is a ``Warning``
        instance, then ``category`` will be ignored and ``message.__class__``
        will be used.
    callback : Callable[[List, Dict], bool], default=lambda args, kwargs: True
        A callable that determines if the warning should be emitted and handles
        any processing prior to calling the deprecated function. The callable
        will receive two arguments, a list and a dictionary. The list will
        contain the positional arguments that the deprecated function was
        called with at runtime while the dictionary will contain the keyword
        arguments. The callable *must* return ``True`` if the warning is to be
        emitted and ``False`` otherwise. The list and dictionary will be
        unpacked into the positional and keyword arguments, respectively, used
        to call the deprecated function.

    deprecated_decorator : Callable
        A decorator for deprecated functions that can be used to conditionally
        emit deprecation warnings and/or pre-process the arguments of a
        deprecated function.

    >>> # Inspect & replace a keyword parameter passed to a deprecated function
    >>> from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List
    >>> import warnings
    >>> from ase.utils import deprecated

    >>> def alias_callback_factory(kwarg: str, alias: str) -> Callable:
    ...     def _replace_arg(_: List, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
    ...         kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs[alias]
    ...         del kwargs[alias]
    ...         return True
    ...     return _replace_arg

    >>> MESSAGE = ("Calling this function with `atoms` is deprecated. "
    ...            "Use `optimizable` instead.")
    >>> @deprecated(
    ...     MESSAGE,
    ...     category=DeprecationWarning,
    ...     callback=alias_callback_factory("optimizable", "atoms")
    ... )
    ... def function(*, atoms=None, optimizable=None):
    ...     '''
    ...     .. deprecated:: 3.23.0
    ...         Calling this function with ``atoms`` is deprecated.
    ...         Use ``optimizable`` instead.
    ...     '''
    ...     print(f"atoms: {atoms}")
    ...     print(f"optimizable: {optimizable}")

    >>> with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
    ...     warnings.simplefilter("always")
    ...     function(atoms="atoms")
    atoms: None
    optimizable: atoms

    >>> w[-1].category == DeprecationWarning

    def deprecated_decorator(func):
        def deprecated_function(*args, **kwargs):
            _args = list(args)
            if callback(_args, kwargs):
                warnings.warn(message, category=category, stacklevel=2)

            return func(*_args, **kwargs)

        return deprecated_function

    return deprecated_decorator

[docs]@contextmanager def seterr(**kwargs): """Set how floating-point errors are handled. See np.seterr() for more details. """ old = np.seterr(**kwargs) try: yield finally: np.seterr(**old)
[docs]def plural(n, word): """Use plural for n!=1. >>> from ase.utils import plural >>> plural(0, 'egg'), plural(1, 'egg'), plural(2, 'egg') ('0 eggs', '1 egg', '2 eggs') """ if n == 1: return '1 ' + word return '%d %ss' % (n, word)
class DevNull: encoding = 'UTF-8' closed = False _use_os_devnull = deprecated('use open(os.devnull) instead', DeprecationWarning) # Deprecated for ase-3.21.0. Change to futurewarning later on. @_use_os_devnull def write(self, string): pass @_use_os_devnull def flush(self): pass @_use_os_devnull def seek(self, offset, whence=0): return 0 @_use_os_devnull def tell(self): return 0 @_use_os_devnull def close(self): pass @_use_os_devnull def isatty(self): return False @_use_os_devnull def read(self, n=-1): return '' devnull = DevNull()
[docs]@deprecated('convert_string_to_fd does not facilitate proper resource ' 'management. ' 'Please use e.g. ase.utils.IOContext class instead.') def convert_string_to_fd(name, world=None): """Create a file-descriptor for text output. Will open a file for writing with given name. Use None for no output and '-' for sys.stdout. .. deprecated:: 3.22.1 Please use e.g. :class:`ase.utils.IOContext` class instead. """ if world is None: from ase.parallel import world if name is None or world.rank != 0: return open(os.devnull, 'w') if name == '-': return sys.stdout if isinstance(name, (str, PurePath)): return open(str(name), 'w') # str for py3.5 pathlib return name # we assume name is already a file-descriptor
# Only Windows has O_BINARY: CEW_FLAGS = os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_WRONLY | getattr(os, 'O_BINARY', 0) @contextmanager def xwopen(filename, world=None): """Create and open filename exclusively for writing. If master cpu gets exclusive write access to filename, a file descriptor is returned (a dummy file descriptor is returned on the slaves). If the master cpu does not get write access, None is returned on all processors.""" fd = opencew(filename, world) try: yield fd finally: if fd is not None: fd.close() # @deprecated('use "with xwopen(...) as fd: ..." to prevent resource leak')
[docs]def opencew(filename, world=None): return _opencew(filename, world)
def _opencew(filename, world=None): import ase.parallel as parallel if world is None: world = closelater = [] def opener(file, flags): return, flags | CEW_FLAGS) try: error = 0 if world.rank == 0: try: fd = open(filename, 'wb', opener=opener) except OSError as ex: error = ex.errno else: closelater.append(fd) else: fd = open(os.devnull, 'wb') closelater.append(fd) # Synchronize: error = world.sum_scalar(error) if error == errno.EEXIST: return None if error: raise OSError(error, 'Error', filename) return fd except BaseException: for fd in closelater: fd.close() raise def opencew_text(*args, **kwargs): fd = opencew(*args, **kwargs) if fd is None: return None return io.TextIOWrapper(fd) class Lock: def __init__(self, name='lock', world=None, timeout=float('inf')): = str(name) self.timeout = timeout if world is None: from ase.parallel import world = world def acquire(self): dt = 0.2 t1 = time.time() while True: fd = opencew(, if fd is not None: self.fd = fd break time_left = self.timeout - (time.time() - t1) if time_left <= 0: raise TimeoutError time.sleep(min(dt, time_left)) dt *= 2 def release(self): # Important to close fd before deleting file on windows # as a WinError would otherwise be raised. self.fd.close() if == 0: os.remove( def __enter__(self): self.acquire() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.release() class OpenLock: def acquire(self): pass def release(self): pass def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): pass def search_current_git_hash(arg, world=None): """Search for .git directory and current git commit hash. Parameters: arg: str (directory path) or python module .git directory is searched from the parent directory of the given directory or module. """ if world is None: from ase.parallel import world if world.rank != 0: return None # Check argument if isinstance(arg, str): # Directory path dpath = arg else: # Assume arg is module dpath = os.path.dirname(arg.__file__) # dpath = os.path.abspath(dpath) # in case this is just symlinked into $PYTHONPATH dpath = os.path.realpath(dpath) dpath = os.path.dirname(dpath) # Go to the parent directory git_dpath = os.path.join(dpath, '.git') if not os.path.isdir(git_dpath): # Replace this 'if' with a loop if you want to check # further parent directories return None HEAD_file = os.path.join(git_dpath, 'HEAD') if not os.path.isfile(HEAD_file): return None with open(HEAD_file) as fd: line = fd.readline().strip() if line.startswith('ref: '): ref = line[5:] ref_file = os.path.join(git_dpath, ref) else: # Assuming detached HEAD state ref_file = HEAD_file if not os.path.isfile(ref_file): return None with open(ref_file) as fd: line = fd.readline().strip() if all(c in string.hexdigits for c in line): return line return None def rotate(rotations, rotation=np.identity(3)): """Convert string of format '50x,-10y,120z' to a rotation matrix. Note that the order of rotation matters, i.e. '50x,40z' is different from '40z,50x'. """ if rotations == '': return rotation.copy() for i, a in [('xyz'.index(s[-1]), radians(float(s[:-1]))) for s in rotations.split(',')]: s = sin(a) c = cos(a) if i == 0: rotation =, [(1, 0, 0), (0, c, s), (0, -s, c)]) elif i == 1: rotation =, [(c, 0, -s), (0, 1, 0), (s, 0, c)]) else: rotation =, [(c, s, 0), (-s, c, 0), (0, 0, 1)]) return rotation def givens(a, b): """Solve the equation system:: [ c s] [a] [r] [ ] . [ ] = [ ] [-s c] [b] [0] """ sgn = np.sign if b == 0: c = sgn(a) s = 0 r = abs(a) elif abs(b) >= abs(a): cot = a / b u = sgn(b) * (1 + cot**2)**0.5 s = 1. / u c = s * cot r = b * u else: tan = b / a u = sgn(a) * (1 + tan**2)**0.5 c = 1. / u s = c * tan r = a * u return c, s, r def irotate(rotation, initial=np.identity(3)): """Determine x, y, z rotation angles from rotation matrix.""" a =, rotation) cx, sx, rx = givens(a[2, 2], a[1, 2]) cy, sy, ry = givens(rx, a[0, 2]) cz, sz, rz = givens(cx * a[1, 1] - sx * a[2, 1], cy * a[0, 1] - sy * (sx * a[1, 1] + cx * a[2, 1])) x = degrees(atan2(sx, cx)) y = degrees(atan2(-sy, cy)) z = degrees(atan2(sz, cz)) return x, y, z def pbc2pbc(pbc): newpbc = np.empty(3, bool) newpbc[:] = pbc return newpbc def string2index(stridx: str) -> Union[int, slice, str]: """Convert index string to either int or slice""" if ':' not in stridx: # may contain database accessor try: return int(stridx) except ValueError: return stridx i = [None if s == '' else int(s) for s in stridx.split(':')] return slice(*i) def hsv2rgb(h, s, v): """ h (hue) in [0, 360[ s (saturation) in [0, 1] v (value) in [0, 1] return rgb in range [0, 1] """ if v == 0: return 0, 0, 0 if s == 0: return v, v, v i, f = divmod(h / 60., 1) p = v * (1 - s) q = v * (1 - s * f) t = v * (1 - s * (1 - f)) if i == 0: return v, t, p elif i == 1: return q, v, p elif i == 2: return p, v, t elif i == 3: return p, q, v elif i == 4: return t, p, v elif i == 5: return v, p, q else: raise RuntimeError('h must be in [0, 360]') def hsv(array, s=.9, v=.9): array = (array + array.min()) * 359. / (array.max() - array.min()) result = np.empty((len(array.flat), 3)) for rgb, h in zip(result, array.flat): rgb[:] = hsv2rgb(h, s, v) return np.reshape(result, array.shape + (3,)) # This code does the same, but requires pylab # def cmap(array, name='hsv'): # import pylab # a = (array + array.min()) / array.ptp() # rgba = getattr(, name)(a) # return rgba[:-1] # return rgb only (not alpha) def longsum(x): """128-bit floating point sum.""" return float(np.asarray(x, dtype=np.longdouble).sum())
[docs]@contextmanager def workdir(path, mkdir=False): """Temporarily change, and optionally create, working directory.""" path = Path(path) if mkdir: path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) olddir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield # Yield the Path or dirname maybe? finally: os.chdir(olddir)
class iofunction: """Decorate func so it accepts either str or file. (Won't work on functions that return a generator.)""" def __init__(self, mode): self.mode = mode def __call__(self, func): @functools.wraps(func) def iofunc(file, *args, **kwargs): openandclose = isinstance(file, (str, PurePath)) fd = None try: if openandclose: fd = open(str(file), self.mode) else: fd = file obj = func(fd, *args, **kwargs) return obj finally: if openandclose and fd is not None: # fd may be None if open() failed fd.close() return iofunc def writer(func): return iofunction('w')(func) def reader(func): return iofunction('r')(func) # The next two functions are for hotplugging into a JSONable class # using the jsonable decorator. We are supposed to have this kind of stuff # in, but we'd rather import them from a 'basic' module # like ase/utils than one which triggers a lot of extra (cyclic) imports. def write_json(self, fd): """Write to JSON file.""" from import write_json as _write_json _write_json(fd, self) @classmethod # type: ignore[misc] def read_json(cls, fd): """Read new instance from JSON file.""" from import read_json as _read_json obj = _read_json(fd) assert isinstance(obj, cls) return obj def jsonable(name): """Decorator for facilitating JSON I/O with a class. Pokes JSON-based read and write functions into the class. In order to write an object to JSON, it needs to be a known simple type (such as ndarray, float, ...) or implement todict(). If the class defines a string called ase_objtype, the decoder will want to convert the object back into its original type when reading.""" def jsonableclass(cls): cls.ase_objtype = name if not hasattr(cls, 'todict'): raise TypeError('Class must implement todict()') # We may want the write and read to be optional. # E.g. a calculator might want to be JSONable, but not # that .write() produces a JSON file. # # This is mostly for 'lightweight' object IO. cls.write = write_json = read_json return cls return jsonableclass class ExperimentalFeatureWarning(Warning): pass def experimental(func): """Decorator for functions not ready for production use.""" @functools.wraps(func) def expfunc(*args, **kwargs): warnings.warn('This function may change or misbehave: {}()' .format(func.__qualname__), ExperimentalFeatureWarning) return func(*args, **kwargs) return expfunc def lazymethod(meth): """Decorator for lazy evaluation and caching of data. Example:: class MyClass: @lazymethod def thing(self): return expensive_calculation() The method body is only executed first time thing() is called, and its return value is stored. Subsequent calls return the cached value.""" name = meth.__name__ @functools.wraps(meth) def getter(self): try: cache = self._lazy_cache except AttributeError: cache = self._lazy_cache = {} if name not in cache: cache[name] = meth(self) return cache[name] return getter def atoms_to_spglib_cell(atoms): """Convert atoms into data suitable for calling spglib.""" return (atoms.get_cell(), atoms.get_scaled_positions(), atoms.get_atomic_numbers()) def warn_legacy(feature_name): warnings.warn( f'The {feature_name} feature is untested and ASE developers do not ' 'know whether it works or how to use it. Please rehabilitate it ' '(by writing unittests) or it may be removed.', FutureWarning) def lazyproperty(meth): """Decorator like lazymethod, but making item available as a property.""" return property(lazymethod(meth)) class IOContext: @lazyproperty def _exitstack(self): return ExitStack() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() def closelater(self, fd): return self._exitstack.enter_context(fd) def close(self): self._exitstack.close() def openfile(self, file, comm, mode='w'): if hasattr(file, 'close'): return file # File already opened, not for us to close. encoding = None if mode.endswith('b') else 'utf-8' if file is None or comm.rank != 0: return self.closelater(open(os.devnull, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)) if file == '-': return sys.stdout return self.closelater(open(file, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)) def get_python_package_path_description( package, default='module has no path') -> str: """Helper to get path description of a python package/module If path has multiple elements, the first one is returned. If it is empty, the default is returned. Exceptions are returned as strings default+(exception). Always returns a string. """ try: p = list(package.__path__) if p: return str(p[0]) else: return default except Exception as ex: return f"{default} ({ex})"