# fmt: off
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.optimize.optimize import Optimizer
from ase.utils import deprecated
def _forbid_maxmove(args: List, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
"""Set maxstep with maxmove if not set."""
maxstep_index = 6
maxmove_index = 7
def _pop_arg(name: str) -> Any:
to_pop = None
if len(args) > maxmove_index:
to_pop = args[maxmove_index]
args[maxmove_index] = None
elif name in kwargs:
to_pop = kwargs[name]
del kwargs[name]
return to_pop
if len(args) > maxstep_index and args[maxstep_index] is None:
value = args[maxstep_index] = _pop_arg("maxmove")
elif kwargs.get("maxstep", None) is None:
value = kwargs["maxstep"] = _pop_arg("maxmove")
return False
return value is not None
class FIRE(Optimizer):
"Use of `maxmove` is deprecated. Use `maxstep` instead.",
def __init__(
atoms: Atoms,
restart: Optional[str] = None,
logfile: Union[IO, str] = '-',
trajectory: Optional[str] = None,
dt: float = 0.1,
maxstep: Optional[float] = None,
maxmove: Optional[float] = None,
dtmax: float = 1.0,
Nmin: int = 5,
finc: float = 1.1,
fdec: float = 0.5,
astart: float = 0.1,
fa: float = 0.99,
a: float = 0.1,
downhill_check: bool = False,
position_reset_callback: Optional[Callable] = None,
atoms: :class:`~ase.Atoms`
The Atoms object to relax.
restart: str
JSON file used to store hessian matrix. If set, file with
such a name will be searched and hessian matrix stored will
be used, if the file exists.
logfile: file object or str
If *logfile* is a string, a file with that name will be opened.
Use '-' for stdout.
trajectory: str
Trajectory file used to store optimisation path.
dt: float
Initial time step. Defualt value is 0.1
maxstep: float
Used to set the maximum distance an atom can move per
iteration (default value is 0.2).
dtmax: float
Maximum time step. Default value is 1.0
Nmin: int
Number of steps to wait after the last time the dot product of
the velocity and force is negative (P in The FIRE article) before
increasing the time step. Default value is 5.
finc: float
Factor to increase the time step. Default value is 1.1
fdec: float
Factor to decrease the time step. Default value is 0.5
astart: float
Initial value of the parameter a. a is the Coefficient for
mixing the velocity and the force. Called alpha in the FIRE article.
Default value 0.1.
fa: float
Factor to decrease the parameter alpha. Default value is 0.99
a: float
Coefficient for mixing the velocity and the force. Called
alpha in the FIRE article. Default value 0.1.
downhill_check: bool
Downhill check directly compares potential energies of subsequent
steps of the FIRE algorithm rather than relying on the current
product v*f that is positive if the FIRE dynamics moves downhill.
This can detect numerical issues where at large time steps the step
is uphill in energy even though locally v*f is positive, i.e. the
algorithm jumps over a valley because of a too large time step.
position_reset_callback: function(atoms, r, e, e_last)
Function that takes current *atoms* object, an array of position
*r* that the optimizer will revert to, current energy *e* and
energy of last step *e_last*. This is only called if e > e_last.
kwargs : dict, optional
Extra arguments passed to
.. deprecated:: 3.19.3
Use of ``maxmove`` is deprecated; please use ``maxstep``.
Optimizer.__init__(self, atoms, restart, logfile, trajectory, **kwargs)
self.dt = dt
self.Nsteps = 0
if maxstep is not None:
self.maxstep = maxstep
self.maxstep = self.defaults["maxstep"]
self.dtmax = dtmax
self.Nmin = Nmin
self.finc = finc
self.fdec = fdec
self.astart = astart
self.fa = fa
self.a = a
self.downhill_check = downhill_check
self.position_reset_callback = position_reset_callback
def initialize(self):
self.v = None
def read(self):
self.v, self.dt = self.load()
def step(self, f=None):
optimizable = self.optimizable
if f is None:
f = optimizable.get_forces()
if self.v is None:
self.v = np.zeros((len(optimizable), 3))
if self.downhill_check:
self.e_last = optimizable.get_potential_energy()
self.r_last = optimizable.get_positions().copy()
self.v_last = self.v.copy()
is_uphill = False
if self.downhill_check:
e = optimizable.get_potential_energy()
# Check if the energy actually decreased
if e > self.e_last:
# If not, reset to old positions...
if self.position_reset_callback is not None:
optimizable, self.r_last, e,
is_uphill = True
self.e_last = optimizable.get_potential_energy()
self.r_last = optimizable.get_positions().copy()
self.v_last = self.v.copy()
vf = np.vdot(f, self.v)
if vf > 0.0 and not is_uphill:
self.v = (1.0 - self.a) * self.v + self.a * f / np.sqrt(
np.vdot(f, f)) * np.sqrt(np.vdot(self.v, self.v))
if self.Nsteps > self.Nmin:
self.dt = min(self.dt * self.finc, self.dtmax)
self.a *= self.fa
self.Nsteps += 1
self.v[:] *= 0.0
self.a = self.astart
self.dt *= self.fdec
self.Nsteps = 0
self.v += self.dt * f
dr = self.dt * self.v
normdr = np.sqrt(np.vdot(dr, dr))
if normdr > self.maxstep:
dr = self.maxstep * dr / normdr
r = optimizable.get_positions()
optimizable.set_positions(r + dr)
self.dump((self.v, self.dt))