Source code for ase.optimize.bfgs

import warnings
from typing import IO, Optional, Union

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import eigh

from ase import Atoms
from ase.optimize.optimize import Optimizer, UnitCellFilter

[docs]class BFGS(Optimizer): # default parameters defaults = {**Optimizer.defaults, 'alpha': 70.0} def __init__( self, atoms: Atoms, restart: Optional[str] = None, logfile: Optional[Union[IO, str]] = '-', trajectory: Optional[str] = None, append_trajectory: bool = False, maxstep: Optional[float] = None, master: Optional[bool] = None, alpha: Optional[float] = None, ): """BFGS optimizer. Parameters: atoms: Atoms object The Atoms object to relax. restart: string Pickle file used to store hessian matrix. If set, file with such a name will be searched and hessian matrix stored will be used, if the file exists. trajectory: string Pickle file used to store trajectory of atomic movement. logfile: file object or str If *logfile* is a string, a file with that name will be opened. Use '-' for stdout. maxstep: float Used to set the maximum distance an atom can move per iteration (default value is 0.2 Å). master: boolean Defaults to None, which causes only rank 0 to save files. If set to true, this rank will save files. alpha: float Initial guess for the Hessian (curvature of energy surface). A conservative value of 70.0 is the default, but number of needed steps to converge might be less if a lower value is used. However, a lower value also means risk of instability. """ if maxstep is None: self.maxstep = self.defaults['maxstep'] else: self.maxstep = maxstep if self.maxstep > 1.0: warnings.warn('You are using a *very* large value for ' 'the maximum step size: %.1f Å' % self.maxstep) self.alpha = alpha if self.alpha is None: self.alpha = self.defaults['alpha'] Optimizer.__init__(self, atoms=atoms, restart=restart, logfile=logfile, trajectory=trajectory, master=master, append_trajectory=append_trajectory) def initialize(self): # initial hessian self.H0 = np.eye(3 * len(self.optimizable)) * self.alpha self.H = None self.pos0 = None self.forces0 = None def read(self): file = self.load() if len(file) == 5: (self.H, self.pos0, self.forces0, self.maxstep, self.atoms.orig_cell) = file else: self.H, self.pos0, self.forces0, self.maxstep = file def step(self, forces=None): optimizable = self.optimizable if forces is None: forces = optimizable.get_forces() pos = optimizable.get_positions() dpos, steplengths = self.prepare_step(pos, forces) dpos = self.determine_step(dpos, steplengths) optimizable.set_positions(pos + dpos) if isinstance(self.atoms, UnitCellFilter): self.dump((self.H, self.pos0, self.forces0, self.maxstep, self.atoms.orig_cell)) else: self.dump((self.H, self.pos0, self.forces0, self.maxstep)) def prepare_step(self, pos, forces): forces = forces.reshape(-1) self.update(pos.flat, forces, self.pos0, self.forces0) omega, V = eigh(self.H) # FUTURE: Log this properly # # check for negative eigenvalues of the hessian # if any(omega < 0): # n_negative = len(omega[omega < 0]) # msg = '\n** BFGS Hessian has {} negative eigenvalues.'.format( # n_negative # ) # print(msg, flush=True) # if self.logfile is not None: # self.logfile.write(msg) # self.logfile.flush() dpos =,, V) / np.fabs(omega)).reshape((-1, 3)) steplengths = (dpos**2).sum(1)**0.5 self.pos0 = pos.flat.copy() self.forces0 = forces.copy() return dpos, steplengths def determine_step(self, dpos, steplengths): """Determine step to take according to maxstep Normalize all steps as the largest step. This way we still move along the direction. """ maxsteplength = np.max(steplengths) if maxsteplength >= self.maxstep: scale = self.maxstep / maxsteplength # FUTURE: Log this properly # msg = '\n** scale step by {:.3f} to be shorter than {}'.format( # scale, self.maxstep # ) # print(msg, flush=True) dpos *= scale return dpos def update(self, pos, forces, pos0, forces0): if self.H is None: self.H = self.H0 return dpos = pos - pos0 if np.abs(dpos).max() < 1e-7: # Same configuration again (maybe a restart): return dforces = forces - forces0 a =, dforces) dg =, dpos) b =, dg) self.H -= np.outer(dforces, dforces) / a + np.outer(dg, dg) / b def replay_trajectory(self, traj): """Initialize hessian from old trajectory.""" if isinstance(traj, str): from import Trajectory traj = Trajectory(traj, 'r') self.H = None atoms = traj[0] pos0 = atoms.get_positions().ravel() forces0 = atoms.get_forces().ravel() for atoms in traj: pos = atoms.get_positions().ravel() forces = atoms.get_forces().ravel() self.update(pos, forces, pos0, forces0) pos0 = pos forces0 = forces self.pos0 = pos0 self.forces0 = forces0
class oldBFGS(BFGS): def determine_step(self, dpos, steplengths): """Old BFGS behaviour for scaling step lengths This keeps the behaviour of truncating individual steps. Some might depend of this as some absurd kind of stimulated annealing to find the global minimum. """ dpos /= np.maximum(steplengths / self.maxstep, 1.0).reshape(-1, 1) return dpos