import re
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import (
from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
from .parser import _define_pattern
# Note to the reader of this code: Here and below we use the function
# _define_pattern from in this same directory to compile
# regular expressions. These compiled expressions are stored along with
# an example string that the expression should match in a list that
# is used during tests (test/nwchem/ to ensure that
# the regular expressions are still working correctly.
# Matches the beginning of a GTO calculation
_gauss_block = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+NWChem (?:SCF|DFT) Module\n$',
" NWChem SCF Module\n",
# Matches the beginning of a plane wave calculation
_pw_block = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+\*[\s]+NWPW (?:PSPW|BAND|PAW|Band Structure) Calculation'
" * NWPW PSPW Calculation *\n",
# Top-level parser
def read_nwchem_out(fobj, index=-1):
"""Splits an NWChem output file into chunks corresponding to
individual single point calculations."""
lines = fobj.readlines()
if index == slice(-1, None, None):
for line in lines:
if _gauss_block.match(line):
return [parse_gto_chunk(''.join(lines))]
if _pw_block.match(line):
return [parse_pw_chunk(''.join(lines))]
raise ValueError('This does not appear to be a valid NWChem '
'output file.')
# First, find each SCF block
group = []
atomslist = []
header = True
lastgroup = []
lastparser = None
parser = None
for line in lines:
if _gauss_block.match(line):
next_parser = parse_gto_chunk
elif _pw_block.match(line):
next_parser = parse_pw_chunk
if header:
header = False
atoms = parser(''.join(group))
if atoms is None and parser is lastparser:
atoms = parser(''.join(lastgroup + group))
if atoms is not None:
atomslist[-1] = atoms
lastgroup += group
lastgroup = group
lastparser = parser
group = []
parser = next_parser
if not header:
atoms = parser(''.join(group))
if atoms is not None:
return atomslist[index]
# Matches a geometry block and returns the geometry specification lines
_geom = _define_pattern(
r'\n[ \t]+Geometry \"[ \t\S]+\" -> \"[ \t\S]*\"[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t-]+\n'
r'(?:^[ \t\S]*\n){3}'
r'^[ \t]+No\.[ \t]+Tag[ \t]+Charge[ \t]+X[ \t]+Y[ \t]+Z\n'
r'^[ \t-]+\n'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){6}[ \t]*\n)+)',
Geometry "geometry" -> ""
Output coordinates in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)
No. Tag Charge X Y Z
---- ---------------- ---------- -------------- -------------- --------------
1 C 6.0000 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.00000000
2 H 1.0000 0.62911800 0.62911800 0.62911800
3 H 1.0000 -0.62911800 -0.62911800 0.62911800
4 H 1.0000 0.62911800 -0.62911800 -0.62911800
""", re.M)
# Unit cell parser
_cell_block = _define_pattern(r'^[ \t]+Lattice Parameters[ \t]*\n'
r'^(?:[ \t\S]*\n){4}'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){5}\n){3})',
Lattice Parameters
lattice vectors in angstroms (scale by 1.889725989 to convert to a.u.)
a1=< 4.000 0.000 0.000 >
a2=< 0.000 5.526 0.000 >
a3=< 0.000 0.000 4.596 >
a= 4.000 b= 5.526 c= 4.596
alpha= 90.000 beta= 90.000 gamma= 90.000
omega= 101.6
""", re.M)
# Parses the geometry and returns the corresponding Atoms object
def _parse_geomblock(chunk):
geomblocks = _geom.findall(chunk)
if not geomblocks:
return None
geomblock = geomblocks[-1].strip().split('\n')
natoms = len(geomblock)
symbols = []
pos = np.zeros((natoms, 3))
for i, line in enumerate(geomblock):
line = line.strip().split()
pos[i] = [float(x) for x in line[3:6]]
cellblocks = _cell_block.findall(chunk)
if cellblocks:
cellblock = cellblocks[-1].strip().split('\n')
cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i, line in enumerate(cellblock):
line = line.strip().split()
cell[i] = [float(x) for x in line[1:4]]
cell = None
return Atoms(symbols, positions=pos, cell=cell)
# GTO-specific parser stuff
# Matches gradient block from a GTO calculation
_gto_grad = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+[\S]+[ \t]+ENERGY GRADIENTS[ \t]*[\n]+'
r'^[ \t]+atom[ \t]+coordinates[ \t]+gradient[ \t]*\n'
r'^(?:[ \t]+x[ \t]+y[ \t]+z){2}[ \t]*\n'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){8}\n)+)[ \t]*\n',
atom coordinates gradient
x y z x y z
1 C 0.293457 -0.293457 0.293457 -0.000083 0.000083 -0.000083
2 H 1.125380 1.355351 1.125380 0.000086 0.000089 0.000086
3 H -1.355351 -1.125380 1.125380 -0.000089 -0.000086 0.000086
4 H 1.125380 -1.125380 -1.355351 0.000086 -0.000086 -0.000089
""", re.M)
# Energy parsers for a variety of different GTO calculations
_e_gto = OrderedDict()
_e_gto['tce'] = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+[\S]+[\s]+total energy \/ hartree[\s]+'
" CCD total energy / hartree "
"= -75.715332545665888\n", re.M,
_e_gto['ccsd'] = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+Total CCSD energy:[\s]+([\S]+)[\s]*\n',
" Total CCSD energy: -75.716168566598569\n",
_e_gto['tddft'] = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+Excited state energy =[\s]+([\S]+)[\s]*\n',
" Excited state energy = -75.130134499965\n",
_e_gto['mp2'] = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+Total MP2 energy[\s]+([\S]+)[\s]*\n',
" Total MP2 energy -75.708800087578\n",
_e_gto['mf'] = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+Total (?:DFT|SCF) energy =[\s]+([\S]+)[\s]*\n',
" Total SCF energy = -75.585555997789\n",
# GTO parser
def parse_gto_chunk(chunk):
atoms = None
forces = None
energy = None
dipole = None
for theory, pattern in _e_gto.items():
matches = pattern.findall(chunk)
if matches:
energy = float(matches[-1].replace('D', 'E')) * Hartree
gradblocks = _gto_grad.findall(chunk)
if gradblocks:
gradblock = gradblocks[-1].strip().split('\n')
natoms = len(gradblock)
symbols = []
pos = np.zeros((natoms, 3))
forces = np.zeros((natoms, 3))
for i, line in enumerate(gradblock):
line = line.strip().split()
pos[i] = [float(x) for x in line[2:5]]
forces[i] = [-float(x) for x in line[5:8]]
pos *= Bohr
forces *= Hartree / Bohr
atoms = Atoms(symbols, positions=pos)
dipole, _quadrupole = _get_multipole(chunk)
kpts = _get_gto_kpts(chunk)
if atoms is None:
atoms = _parse_geomblock(chunk)
if atoms is None:
return None
# SinglePointDFTCalculator doesn't support quadrupole moment currently
calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(atoms=atoms,
free_energy=energy, # XXX Is this right?
# quadrupole=quadrupole,
calc.kpts = kpts
atoms.calc = calc
return atoms
# Extracts dipole and quadrupole moment for a GTO calculation
# Note on the regex: Some, but not all, versions of NWChem
# insert extra spaces in the blank lines. Do not remove the \s*
# in between \n and \n
_multipole = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+Multipole analysis of the density[ \t\S]*\n'
r'^[ \t-]+\n\s*\n^[ \t\S]+\n^[ \t-]+\n'
r'((?:(?:(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){7,8}\n)|[ \t]*\n){12})',
Multipole analysis of the density
L x y z total alpha beta nuclear
- - - - ----- ----- ---- -------
0 0 0 0 -0.000000 -5.000000 -5.000000 10.000000
1 1 0 0 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
1 0 1 0 -0.000001 -0.000017 -0.000017 0.000034
1 0 0 1 -0.902084 -0.559881 -0.559881 0.217679
2 2 0 0 -5.142958 -2.571479 -2.571479 0.000000
2 1 1 0 -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 0.000000
2 1 0 1 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
2 0 2 0 -3.153324 -3.807308 -3.807308 4.461291
2 0 1 1 0.000001 -0.000009 -0.000009 0.000020
2 0 0 2 -4.384288 -3.296205 -3.296205 2.208122
""", re.M)
# Parses the dipole and quadrupole moment from a GTO calculation
def _get_multipole(chunk):
matches = _multipole.findall(chunk)
if not matches:
return None, None
# This pulls the 5th column out of the multipole moments block;
# this column contains the actual moments.
moments = [float(x.split()[4]) for x in matches[-1].split('\n')
if x and not x.isspace()]
dipole = np.array(moments[1:4]) * Bohr
quadrupole = np.zeros(9)
quadrupole[[0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 8]] = [moments[4:]]
quadrupole[[3, 6, 7]] = quadrupole[[1, 2, 5]]
return dipole, quadrupole.reshape((3, 3)) * Bohr**2
# MO eigenvalue and occupancy parser for GTO calculations
_eval_block = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+[\S]+ Final (?:Alpha |Beta )?Molecular Orbital Analysis[ \t]*'
r'\n^[ \t-]+\n\n'
r'(?:^[ \t]+Vector [ \t\S]+\n(?:^[ \t\S]+\n){3}'
r'(?:^(?:(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){5}){1,2}[ \t]*\n)+\n)+',
ROHF Final Molecular Orbital Analysis
Vector 1 Occ=2.000000D+00 E=-2.043101D+01
MO Center= 1.1D-20, 1.5D-18, 1.2D-01, r^2= 1.5D-02
Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function
----- ------------ --------------- ----- ------------ ---------------
1 0.983233 1 O s
Vector 2 Occ=2.000000D+00 E=-1.324439D+00
MO Center= -2.1D-18, -8.6D-17, -7.1D-02, r^2= 5.1D-01
Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function Bfn. Coefficient Atom+Function
----- ------------ --------------- ----- ------------ ---------------
6 0.708998 1 O s 1 -0.229426 1 O s
2 0.217752 1 O s
""", re.M) # noqa: W291
# Parses the eigenvalues and occupations from a GTO calculation
def _get_gto_kpts(chunk):
eval_blocks = _eval_block.findall(chunk)
if not eval_blocks:
return []
kpts = []
kpt = _get_gto_evals(eval_blocks[-1])
if kpt.s == 1:
return kpts
# Extracts MO eigenvalue and occupancy for a GTO calculation
_extract_vector = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+Vector[ \t]+([\S])+[ \t]+Occ=([\S]+)[ \t]+E=[ \t]*([\S]+)[ \t]*\n',
" Vector 1 Occ=2.000000D+00 E=-2.043101D+01\n", re.M,
# Extracts the eigenvalues and occupations from a GTO calculation
def _get_gto_evals(chunk):
spin = 1 if re.match(r'[ \t\S]+Beta', chunk) else 0
data = []
for vector in _extract_vector.finditer(chunk):
data.append([float(x.replace('D', 'E')) for x in vector.groups()[1:]])
data = np.array(data)
occ = data[:, 0]
energies = data[:, 1] * Hartree
return SinglePointKPoint(1., spin, 0, energies, occ)
# Plane wave specific parsing stuff
# Matches the gradient block from a plane wave calculation
_nwpw_grad = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]+Ion Gradients[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+Ion Forces:[ \t]*\n'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){7}\n)+)',
============= Ion Gradients =================
Ion Forces:
1 O ( -0.000012 0.000027 -0.005199 )
2 H ( 0.000047 -0.013082 0.020790 )
3 H ( 0.000047 0.012863 0.020786 )
C.O.M. ( -0.000000 -0.000000 -0.000000 )
""", re.M)
# Matches the gradient block from a PAW calculation
_paw_grad = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]+Ion Gradients[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+Ion Positions:[ \t]*\n'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){7}\n)+)'
r'^[ \t]+Ion Forces:[ \t]*\n'
r'((?:^(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){7}\n)+)',
============= Ion Gradients =================
Ion Positions:
1 O ( -3.77945 -5.22176 -3.77945 )
2 H ( -3.77945 -3.77945 3.77945 )
3 H ( -3.77945 3.77945 3.77945 )
Ion Forces:
1 O ( -0.00001 -0.00000 0.00081 )
2 H ( 0.00005 -0.00026 -0.00322 )
3 H ( 0.00005 0.00030 -0.00322 )
C.O.M. ( -0.00000 -0.00000 -0.00000 )
""", re.M)
# Energy parser for plane wave calculations
_nwpw_energy = _define_pattern(
r'^[\s]+Total (?:PSPW|BAND|PAW) energy'
" Total PSPW energy : -0.1709317826E+02\n",
# Parser for the fermi energy in a plane wave calculation
_fermi_energy = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+Fermi energy =[ \t]+([\S]+) \([ \t]+[\S]+[ \t]*\n',
" Fermi energy = -0.5585062E-01 ( -1.520eV)\n", re.M,
# Plane wave parser
def parse_pw_chunk(chunk):
atoms = _parse_geomblock(chunk)
if atoms is None:
return None
energy = None
efermi = None
forces = None
stress = None
matches = _nwpw_energy.findall(chunk)
if matches:
energy = float(matches[-1].replace('D', 'E')) * Hartree
matches = _fermi_energy.findall(chunk)
if matches:
efermi = float(matches[-1].replace('D', 'E')) * Hartree
gradblocks = _nwpw_grad.findall(chunk)
if not gradblocks:
gradblocks = _paw_grad.findall(chunk)
if gradblocks:
gradblock = gradblocks[-1].strip().split('\n')
natoms = len(gradblock)
symbols = []
forces = np.zeros((natoms, 3))
for i, line in enumerate(gradblock):
line = line.strip().split()
forces[i] = [float(x) for x in line[3:6]]
forces *= Hartree / Bohr
if atoms.cell:
stress = _get_stress(chunk, atoms.cell)
ibz_kpts, kpts = _get_pw_kpts(chunk)
# NWChem does not calculate an energy extrapolated to the 0K limit,
# so right now, energy and free_energy will be the same.
calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(atoms=atoms,
calc.kpts = kpts
atoms.calc = calc
return atoms
# Extracts stress tensor from a plane wave calculation
_stress = _define_pattern(
r'[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]+(?:total gradient|E all FD)[ \t]+[=]+[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+S =((?:(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){5}\n){3})[ \t=]+\n',
============= total gradient ==============
S = ( -0.22668 0.27174 0.19134 )
( 0.23150 -0.26760 0.23226 )
( 0.19090 0.27206 -0.22700 )
""", re.M)
# Extract stress tensor from a plane wave calculation
def _get_stress(chunk, cell):
stress_blocks = _stress.findall(chunk)
if not stress_blocks:
return None
stress_block = stress_blocks[-1]
stress = np.zeros((3, 3))
for i, row in enumerate(stress_block.strip().split('\n')):
stress[i] = [float(x) for x in row.split()[1:4]]
stress = (stress @ cell) * Hartree / Bohr / cell.volume
stress = 0.5 * (stress + stress.T)
# convert from 3x3 array to Voigt form
return stress.ravel()[[0, 4, 8, 5, 2, 1]]
# MO/band eigenvalue and occupancy parser for plane wave calculations
_nwpw_eval_block = _define_pattern(
r'(?:(?:^[ \t]+Brillouin zone point:[ \t]+[\S]+[ \t]*\n'
r'(?:[ \t\S]*\n){3,4})?'
r'^[ \t]+(?:virtual )?orbital energies:\n'
r'(?:^(?:(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){3,4}){1,2}[ \t]*\n)+\n{,3})+',
Brillouin zone point: 1
weight= 0.074074
k =< 0.333 0.333 0.333> . <b1,b2,b3>
=< 0.307 0.307 0.307>
orbital energies:
0.3919370E+00 ( 10.665eV) occ=1.000
0.3908827E+00 ( 10.637eV) occ=1.000 0.4155535E+00 ( 11.308eV) occ=1.000
0.3607689E+00 ( 9.817eV) occ=1.000 0.3827820E+00 ( 10.416eV) occ=1.000
0.3544000E+00 ( 9.644eV) occ=1.000 0.3782641E+00 ( 10.293eV) occ=1.000
0.3531137E+00 ( 9.609eV) occ=1.000 0.3778819E+00 ( 10.283eV) occ=1.000
0.2596367E+00 ( 7.065eV) occ=1.000 0.2820723E+00 ( 7.676eV) occ=1.000
Brillouin zone point: 2
weight= 0.074074
k =< -0.000 0.333 0.333> . <b1,b2,b3>
=< 0.614 0.000 0.000>
orbital energies:
0.3967132E+00 ( 10.795eV) occ=1.000
0.3920006E+00 ( 10.667eV) occ=1.000 0.4197952E+00 ( 11.423eV) occ=1.000
0.3912442E+00 ( 10.646eV) occ=1.000 0.4125086E+00 ( 11.225eV) occ=1.000
0.3910472E+00 ( 10.641eV) occ=1.000 0.4124238E+00 ( 11.223eV) occ=1.000
0.3153977E+00 ( 8.582eV) occ=1.000 0.3379797E+00 ( 9.197eV) occ=1.000
0.2801606E+00 ( 7.624eV) occ=1.000 0.3052478E+00 ( 8.306eV) occ=1.000
""", re.M) # noqa: E501, W291
# Parser for kpoint weights for a plane wave calculation
_kpt_weight = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+Brillouin zone point:[ \t]+([\S]+)[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+weight=[ \t]+([\S]+)[ \t]*\n',
Brillouin zone point: 1
weight= 0.074074
""", re.M) # noqa: W291
# Parse eigenvalues and occupancies from a plane wave calculation
def _get_pw_kpts(chunk):
eval_blocks = []
for block in _nwpw_eval_block.findall(chunk):
if 'pathlength' not in block:
if not eval_blocks:
return []
if 'virtual' in eval_blocks[-1]:
occ_block = eval_blocks[-2]
virt_block = eval_blocks[-1]
occ_block = eval_blocks[-1]
virt_block = ''
kpts = NWChemKpts()
_extract_pw_kpts(occ_block, kpts, 1.)
_extract_pw_kpts(virt_block, kpts, 0.)
for match in _kpt_weight.finditer(occ_block):
index, weight = match.groups()
kpts.set_weight(index, float(weight))
return kpts.to_ibz_kpts(), kpts.to_singlepointkpts()
# Helper class for keeping track of kpoints and converting to
# SinglePointKPoint objects.
class NWChemKpts:
def __init__(self): = {}
self.ibz_kpts = {}
self.weights = {}
def add_ibz_kpt(self, index, raw_kpt):
kpt = np.array([float(x.strip('>')) for x in raw_kpt.split()[1:4]])
self.ibz_kpts[index] = kpt
def add_eval(self, index, spin, energy, occ):
if index not in[index] = {}
if spin not in[index]:[index][spin] = [][index][spin].append((energy, occ))
def set_weight(self, index, weight):
self.weights[index] = weight
def to_ibz_kpts(self):
if not self.ibz_kpts:
return np.array([[0., 0., 0.]])
sorted_kpts = sorted(list(self.ibz_kpts.items()), key=lambda x: x[0])
return np.array(list(zip(*sorted_kpts))[1])
def to_singlepointkpts(self):
kpts = []
for i, (index, spins) in enumerate(
weight = self.weights[index]
for spin, (_, data) in enumerate(spins.items()):
energies, occs = np.array(sorted(data, key=lambda x: x[0])).T
kpts.append(SinglePointKPoint(weight, spin, i, energies, occs))
return kpts
# Extracts MO/band data from a pattern matched by _nwpw_eval_block above
_kpt = _define_pattern(
r'^[ \t]+Brillouin zone point:[ \t]+([\S]+)[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+weight=[ \t]+([\S])+[ \t]*\n'
r'^[ \t]+k[ \t]+([ \t\S]+)\n'
r'(?:^[ \t\S]*\n){1,2}'
r'^[ \t]+(?:virtual )?orbital energies:\n'
r'((?:^(?:(?:[ \t]+[\S]+){3,4}){1,2}[ \t]*\n)+)',
Brillouin zone point: 1
weight= 0.074074
k =< 0.333 0.333 0.333> . <b1,b2,b3>
=< 0.307 0.307 0.307>
orbital energies:
0.3919370E+00 ( 10.665eV) occ=1.000
0.3908827E+00 ( 10.637eV) occ=1.000 0.4155535E+00 ( 11.308eV) occ=1.000
0.3607689E+00 ( 9.817eV) occ=1.000 0.3827820E+00 ( 10.416eV) occ=1.000
0.3544000E+00 ( 9.644eV) occ=1.000 0.3782641E+00 ( 10.293eV) occ=1.000
0.3531137E+00 ( 9.609eV) occ=1.000 0.3778819E+00 ( 10.283eV) occ=1.000
0.2596367E+00 ( 7.065eV) occ=1.000 0.2820723E+00 ( 7.676eV) occ=1.000
""", re.M) # noqa: E501, W291
# Extracts kpoints from a plane wave calculation
def _extract_pw_kpts(chunk, kpts, default_occ):
for match in _kpt.finditer(chunk):
point, weight, raw_kpt, orbitals = match.groups()
index = int(point) - 1
for line in orbitals.split('\n'):
tokens = line.strip().split()
if not tokens:
ntokens = len(tokens)
a_e = float(tokens[0]) * Hartree
if ntokens % 3 == 0:
a_o = default_occ
a_o = float(tokens[3].split('=')[1])
kpts.add_eval(index, 0, a_e, a_o)
if ntokens <= 4:
if ntokens == 6:
b_e = float(tokens[3]) * Hartree
b_o = default_occ
elif ntokens == 8:
b_e = float(tokens[4]) * Hartree
b_o = float(tokens[7].split('=')[1])
kpts.add_eval(index, 1, b_e, b_o)
kpts.set_weight(index, float(weight))
kpts.add_ibz_kpt(index, raw_kpt)