netcdftrajectory - I/O trajectory files in the AMBER NetCDF convention
More information on the AMBER NetCDF conventions can be found at
http://ambermd.org/netcdf/. This module supports extensions to
these conventions, such as writing of additional fields and writing to
HDF5 (NetCDF-4) files.
A netCDF4-python is required by this module:
netCDF4-python - https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python
NetCDF files can be directly visualized using the libAtoms flavor of
AtomEye (http://www.libatoms.org/),
VMD (http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Research/vmd/)
or Ovito (http://www.ovito.org/, starting with version 2.3).
import collections
import os
import warnings
from functools import reduce
import numpy as np
import ase
from ase.data import atomic_masses
from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell
class NetCDFTrajectory:
Reads/writes Atoms objects into an AMBER-style .nc trajectory file.
# Default dimension names
_frame_dim = 'frame'
_spatial_dim = 'spatial'
_atom_dim = 'atom'
_cell_spatial_dim = 'cell_spatial'
_cell_angular_dim = 'cell_angular'
_label_dim = 'label'
_Voigt_dim = 'Voigt' # For stress/strain tensors
# Default field names. If it is a list, check for any of these names upon
# opening. Upon writing, use the first name.
_spatial_var = 'spatial'
_cell_spatial_var = 'cell_spatial'
_cell_angular_var = 'cell_angular'
_time_var = 'time'
_numbers_var = ['atom_types', 'type', 'Z']
_positions_var = 'coordinates'
_velocities_var = 'velocities'
_cell_origin_var = 'cell_origin'
_cell_lengths_var = 'cell_lengths'
_cell_angles_var = 'cell_angles'
_default_vars = reduce(lambda x, y: x + y,
[_numbers_var, [_positions_var], [_velocities_var],
[_cell_origin_var], [_cell_lengths_var],
def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', atoms=None, types_to_numbers=None,
double=True, netcdf_format='NETCDF3_CLASSIC', keep_open=True,
index_var='id', chunk_size=1000000):
A NetCDFTrajectory can be created in read, write or append mode.
The name of the parameter file. Should end in .nc.
The mode.
'r' is read mode, the file should already exist, and no atoms
argument should be specified.
'w' is write mode. The atoms argument specifies the Atoms object
to be written to the file, if not given it must instead be given
as an argument to the write() method.
'a' is append mode. It acts a write mode, except that data is
appended to a preexisting file.
The Atoms object to be written in write or append mode.
Dictionary or list for conversion of atom types to atomic numbers
when reading a trajectory file.
Create new variable in double precision.
Format string for the underlying NetCDF file format. Only relevant
if a new file is created. More information can be found at
'NETCDF3_CLASSIC' is the original binary format.
'NETCDF3_64BIT' can be used to write larger files.
'NETCDF4_CLASSIC' is HDF5 with some NetCDF limitations.
'NETCDF4' is HDF5.
Keep the file open during consecutive read/write operations.
Set to false if you experience data corruption. This will close the
file after each read/write operation by comes with serious
performance penalty.
Name of variable containing the atom indices. Atoms are reordered
by this index upon reading if this variable is present. Default
value is for LAMMPS output. None switches atom indices off.
Maximum size of consecutive number of records (along the 'atom')
dimension read when reading from a NetCDF file. This is used to
reduce the memory footprint of a read operation on very large files.
self.nc = None
self.chunk_size = chunk_size
self.numbers = None
self.pre_observers = [] # Callback functions before write
self.post_observers = [] # Callback functions after write are called
self.has_header = False
self.types_to_numbers = None
if isinstance(types_to_numbers, list):
types_to_numbers = {x: y for x, y in enumerate(types_to_numbers)}
if types_to_numbers is not None:
self.types_to_numbers = types_to_numbers
self.index_var = index_var
if self.index_var is not None:
self._default_vars += [self.index_var]
# 'l' should be a valid type according to the netcdf4-python
# documentation, but does not appear to work.
self.dtype_conv = {'l': 'i'}
if not double:
self.extra_per_frame_vars = []
self.extra_per_file_vars = []
# per frame atts are global quantities, not quantities stored for each
# atom
self.extra_per_frame_atts = []
self.mode = mode
self.netcdf_format = netcdf_format
if atoms:
self.n_atoms = len(atoms)
self.n_atoms = None
self.filename = filename
if keep_open is None:
# Only netCDF4-python supports append to files
self.keep_open = self.mode == 'r'
self.keep_open = keep_open
def __del__(self):
def _open(self):
Opens the file.
For internal use only.
import netCDF4
if self.nc is not None:
if self.mode == 'a' and not os.path.exists(self.filename):
self.mode = 'w'
self.nc = netCDF4.Dataset(self.filename, self.mode,
self.frame = 0
if self.mode == 'r' or self.mode == 'a':
self.frame = self._len()
def _set_atoms(self, atoms=None):
Associate an Atoms object with the trajectory.
For internal use only.
if atoms is not None and not hasattr(atoms, 'get_positions'):
raise TypeError('"atoms" argument is not an Atoms object.')
self.atoms = atoms
def _read_header(self):
if not self.n_atoms:
self.n_atoms = len(self.nc.dimensions[self._atom_dim])
for name, var in self.nc.variables.items():
# This can be unicode which confuses ASE
name = str(name)
# _default_vars is taken care of already
if name not in self._default_vars:
if len(var.dimensions) >= 2:
if var.dimensions[0] == self._frame_dim:
if var.dimensions[1] == self._atom_dim:
self.extra_per_frame_vars += [name]
self.extra_per_frame_atts += [name]
elif len(var.dimensions) == 1:
if var.dimensions[0] == self._atom_dim:
self.extra_per_file_vars += [name]
elif var.dimensions[0] == self._frame_dim:
self.extra_per_frame_atts += [name]
self.has_header = True
def write(self, atoms=None, frame=None, arrays=None, time=None):
Write the atoms to the file.
If the atoms argument is not given, the atoms object specified
when creating the trajectory object is used.
if atoms is None:
atoms = self.atoms
if hasattr(atoms, 'interpolate'):
# seems to be a NEB
neb = atoms
assert not neb.parallel
except AttributeError:
for image in neb.images:
if not self.has_header:
if len(atoms) != self.n_atoms:
raise ValueError('Bad number of atoms!')
if frame is None:
i = self.frame
i = frame
# Number can be per file variable
numbers = self._get_variable(self._numbers_var)
if numbers.dimensions[0] == self._frame_dim:
numbers[i] = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
if np.any(numbers != atoms.get_atomic_numbers()):
raise ValueError('Atomic numbers do not match!')
self._get_variable(self._positions_var)[i] = atoms.get_positions()
if atoms.has('momenta'):
self._get_variable(self._velocities_var)[i] = \
atoms.get_momenta() / atoms.get_masses().reshape(-1, 1)
a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = atoms.cell.cellpar()
if np.any(np.logical_not(atoms.pbc)):
warnings.warn('Atoms have nonperiodic directions. Cell lengths in '
'these directions are lost and will be '
'shrink-wrapped when reading the NetCDF file.')
cell_lengths = np.array([a, b, c]) * atoms.pbc
self._get_variable(self._cell_lengths_var)[i] = cell_lengths
self._get_variable(self._cell_angles_var)[i] = [alpha, beta, gamma]
self._get_variable(self._cell_origin_var)[i] = \
if arrays is not None:
for array in arrays:
data = atoms.get_array(array)
if array in self.extra_per_file_vars:
# This field exists but is per file data. Check that the
# data remains consistent.
if np.any(self._get_variable(array) != data):
raise ValueError('Trying to write Atoms object with '
'incompatible data for the {} '
self._add_array(atoms, array, data.dtype, data.shape)
self._get_variable(array)[i] = data
if time is not None:
self._get_variable(self._time_var)[i] = time
self.frame += 1
def write_arrays(self, atoms, frame, arrays):
for array in arrays:
data = atoms.get_array(array)
if array in self.extra_per_file_vars:
# This field exists but is per file data. Check that the
# data remains consistent.
if np.any(self._get_variable(array) != data):
raise ValueError('Trying to write Atoms object with '
'incompatible data for the {} '
self._add_array(atoms, array, data.dtype, data.shape)
self._get_variable(array)[frame] = data
def _define_file_structure(self, atoms):
self.nc.Conventions = 'AMBER'
self.nc.ConventionVersion = '1.0'
self.nc.program = 'ASE'
self.nc.programVersion = ase.__version__
self.nc.title = "MOL"
if self._frame_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._frame_dim, None)
if self._spatial_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._spatial_dim, 3)
if self._atom_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._atom_dim, len(atoms))
if self._cell_spatial_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._cell_spatial_dim, 3)
if self._cell_angular_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._cell_angular_dim, 3)
if self._label_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._label_dim, 5)
# Self-describing variables from AMBER convention
if not self._has_variable(self._spatial_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._spatial_var, 'S1',
self.nc.variables[self._spatial_var][:] = ['x', 'y', 'z']
if not self._has_variable(self._cell_spatial_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._cell_spatial_dim, 'S1',
self.nc.variables[self._cell_spatial_var][:] = ['a', 'b', 'c']
if not self._has_variable(self._cell_angular_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._cell_angular_var, 'S1',
(self._cell_angular_dim, self._label_dim,))
self.nc.variables[self._cell_angular_var][0] = [x for x in 'alpha']
self.nc.variables[self._cell_angular_var][1] = [x for x in 'beta ']
self.nc.variables[self._cell_angular_var][2] = [x for x in 'gamma']
if not self._has_variable(self._numbers_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._numbers_var[0], 'i',
(self._frame_dim, self._atom_dim,))
if not self._has_variable(self._positions_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._positions_var, 'f4',
(self._frame_dim, self._atom_dim,
self.nc.variables[self._positions_var].units = 'Angstrom'
self.nc.variables[self._positions_var].scale_factor = 1.
if not self._has_variable(self._cell_lengths_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._cell_lengths_var, 'd',
(self._frame_dim, self._cell_spatial_dim))
self.nc.variables[self._cell_lengths_var].units = 'Angstrom'
self.nc.variables[self._cell_lengths_var].scale_factor = 1.
if not self._has_variable(self._cell_angles_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._cell_angles_var, 'd',
(self._frame_dim, self._cell_angular_dim))
self.nc.variables[self._cell_angles_var].units = 'degree'
if not self._has_variable(self._cell_origin_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._cell_origin_var, 'd',
(self._frame_dim, self._cell_spatial_dim))
self.nc.variables[self._cell_origin_var].units = 'Angstrom'
self.nc.variables[self._cell_origin_var].scale_factor = 1.
def _add_time(self):
if not self._has_variable(self._time_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._time_var, 'f8', (self._frame_dim,))
def _add_velocities(self):
if not self._has_variable(self._velocities_var):
self.nc.createVariable(self._velocities_var, 'f4',
(self._frame_dim, self._atom_dim,
self.nc.variables[self._positions_var].units = \
self.nc.variables[self._positions_var].scale_factor = 1.
def _add_array(self, atoms, array_name, type, shape):
if not self._has_variable(array_name):
dims = [self._frame_dim]
for i in shape:
if i == len(atoms):
dims += [self._atom_dim]
elif i == 3:
dims += [self._spatial_dim]
elif i == 6:
# This can only be stress/strain tensor in Voigt notation
if self._Voigt_dim not in self.nc.dimensions:
self.nc.createDimension(self._Voigt_dim, 6)
dims += [self._Voigt_dim]
raise TypeError("Don't know how to dump array of shape {}"
" into NetCDF trajectory.".format(shape))
if hasattr(type, 'char'):
t = self.dtype_conv.get(type.char, type)
t = type
self.nc.createVariable(array_name, t, dims)
def _get_variable(self, name, exc=True):
if isinstance(name, list):
for n in name:
if n in self.nc.variables:
return self.nc.variables[n]
if exc:
raise RuntimeError(
'None of the variables {} was found in the '
'NetCDF trajectory.'.format(', '.join(name)))
if name in self.nc.variables:
return self.nc.variables[name]
if exc:
raise RuntimeError('Variables {} was found in the NetCDF '
return None
def _has_variable(self, name):
if isinstance(name, list):
for n in name:
if n in self.nc.variables:
return True
return False
return name in self.nc.variables
def _get_data(self, name, frame, index, exc=True):
var = self._get_variable(name, exc=exc)
if var is None:
return None
if var.dimensions[0] == self._frame_dim:
data = np.zeros(var.shape[1:], dtype=var.dtype)
s = var.shape[1]
if s < self.chunk_size:
data[index] = var[frame]
# If this is a large data set, only read chunks from it to
# reduce memory footprint of the NetCDFTrajectory reader.
for i in range((s - 1) // self.chunk_size + 1):
sl = slice(i * self.chunk_size,
min((i + 1) * self.chunk_size, s))
data[index[sl]] = var[frame, sl]
data = np.zeros(var.shape, dtype=var.dtype)
s = var.shape[0]
if s < self.chunk_size:
data[index] = var[...]
# If this is a large data set, only read chunks from it to
# reduce memory footprint of the NetCDFTrajectory reader.
for i in range((s - 1) // self.chunk_size + 1):
sl = slice(i * self.chunk_size,
min((i + 1) * self.chunk_size, s))
data[index[sl]] = var[sl]
return data
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
def close(self):
"""Close the trajectory file."""
if self.nc is not None:
self.nc = None
def _close(self):
if not self.keep_open:
if self.mode == 'w':
self.mode = 'a'
def sync(self):
def __getitem__(self, i=-1):
if isinstance(i, slice):
return [self[j] for j in range(*i.indices(self._len()))]
N = self._len()
if 0 <= i < N:
# Non-periodic boundaries have cell_length == 0.0
cell_lengths = \
pbc = np.abs(cell_lengths > 1e-6)
# Do we have a cell origin?
if self._has_variable(self._cell_origin_var):
origin = np.array(
origin = np.zeros([3], dtype=float)
# Do we have an index variable?
if (self.index_var is not None and
index = np.array(self.nc.variables[self.index_var][i][:])
# The index variable can be non-consecutive, we here construct
# a consecutive one.
consecutive_index = np.zeros_like(index)
consecutive_index[np.argsort(index)] = np.arange(self.n_atoms)
consecutive_index = np.arange(self.n_atoms)
# Read element numbers
self.numbers = self._get_data(self._numbers_var, i,
consecutive_index, exc=False)
if self.numbers is None:
self.numbers = np.ones(self.n_atoms, dtype=int)
if self.types_to_numbers is not None:
d = set(self.numbers).difference(self.types_to_numbers.keys())
if len(d) > 0:
self.types_to_numbers.update({num: num for num in d})
func = np.vectorize(self.types_to_numbers.get)
self.numbers = func(self.numbers)
self.masses = atomic_masses[self.numbers]
# Read positions
positions = self._get_data(self._positions_var, i,
# Determine cell size for non-periodic directions from shrink
# wrapped cell.
for dim in np.arange(3)[np.logical_not(pbc)]:
origin[dim] = positions[:, dim].min()
cell_lengths[dim] = positions[:, dim].max() - origin[dim]
# Construct cell shape from cell lengths and angles
cell = cellpar_to_cell(
list(cell_lengths) +
# Compute momenta from velocities (if present)
momenta = self._get_data(self._velocities_var, i,
consecutive_index, exc=False)
if momenta is not None:
momenta *= self.masses.reshape(-1, 1)
info = {
name: np.array(self.nc.variables[name][i])
for name in self.extra_per_frame_atts
# Create atoms object
atoms = ase.Atoms(
# Attach additional arrays found in the NetCDF file
for name in self.extra_per_frame_vars:
atoms.set_array(name, self._get_data(name, i,
for name in self.extra_per_file_vars:
atoms.set_array(name, self._get_data(name, i,
return atoms
i = N + i
if i < 0 or i >= N:
raise IndexError('Trajectory index out of range.')
return self[i]
def _len(self):
if self._frame_dim in self.nc.dimensions:
return int(self._get_variable(self._positions_var).shape[0])
return 0
def __len__(self):
n_frames = self._len()
return n_frames
def pre_write_attach(self, function, interval=1, *args, **kwargs):
Attach a function to be called before writing begins.
function: The function or callable object to be called.
interval: How often the function is called. Default: every time (1).
All other arguments are stored, and passed to the function.
if not isinstance(function, collections.abc.Callable):
raise ValueError('Callback object must be callable.')
self.pre_observers.append((function, interval, args, kwargs))
def post_write_attach(self, function, interval=1, *args, **kwargs):
Attach a function to be called after writing ends.
function: The function or callable object to be called.
interval: How often the function is called. Default: every time (1).
All other arguments are stored, and passed to the function.
if not isinstance(function, collections.abc.Callable):
raise ValueError('Callback object must be callable.')
self.post_observers.append((function, interval, args, kwargs))
def _call_observers(self, obs):
"""Call pre/post write observers."""
for function, interval, args, kwargs in obs:
if self.write_counter % interval == 0:
function(*args, **kwargs)
def read_netcdftrajectory(filename, index=-1):
with NetCDFTrajectory(filename, mode='r') as traj:
return traj[index]
def write_netcdftrajectory(filename, images):
if hasattr(images, 'get_positions'):
images = [images]
with NetCDFTrajectory(filename, mode='w') as traj:
for atoms in images: