Source code for

"""Module to read and write atoms in xtl file format for the muSTEM software.

See for a few examples of
this format and the documentation of muSTEM.

See for the source code of muSTEM.

import numpy as np

from ase.atoms import Atoms, symbols2numbers
from import chemical_symbols
from ase.utils import reader, writer

from .utils import verify_cell_for_export, verify_dictionary

[docs] @reader def read_mustem(fd): r"""Import muSTEM input file. Reads cell, atom positions, etc. from muSTEM xtl file. The mustem xtl save the root mean square (RMS) displacement, which is convert to Debye-Waller (in Ų) factor by: .. math:: B = RMS * 8\pi^2 """ from ase.geometry import cellpar_to_cell # Read comment: fd.readline() # Parse unit cell parameter cellpar = [float(i) for i in fd.readline().split()[:3]] cell = cellpar_to_cell(cellpar) # beam energy fd.readline() # Number of different type of atoms element_number = int(fd.readline().strip()) # List of numpy arrays: # length of the list = number of different atom type (element_number) # length of each array = number of atoms for each atom type atomic_numbers = [] positions = [] debye_waller_factors = [] occupancies = [] for _ in range(element_number): # Read the element _ = fd.readline() line = fd.readline().split() atoms_number = int(line[0]) atomic_number = int(line[1]) occupancy = float(line[2]) DW = float(line[3]) * 8 * np.pi**2 # read all the position for each element positions.append(np.genfromtxt(fname=fd, max_rows=atoms_number)) atomic_numbers.append(np.ones(atoms_number, dtype=int) * atomic_number) occupancies.append(np.ones(atoms_number) * occupancy) debye_waller_factors.append(np.ones(atoms_number) * DW) positions = np.vstack(positions) atoms = Atoms(cell=cell, scaled_positions=positions) atoms.set_atomic_numbers(np.hstack(atomic_numbers)) atoms.set_array('occupancies', np.hstack(occupancies)) atoms.set_array('debye_waller_factors', np.hstack(debye_waller_factors)) return atoms
class XtlmuSTEMWriter: """See the docstring of the `write_mustem` function. """ def __init__(self, atoms, keV, debye_waller_factors=None, comment=None, occupancies=None, fit_cell_to_atoms=False): verify_cell_for_export(atoms.get_cell()) self.atoms = atoms.copy() self.atom_types = sorted(set(atoms.symbols)) self.keV = keV self.comment = comment self.occupancies = self._get_occupancies(occupancies) self.RMS = self._get_RMS(debye_waller_factors) self.numbers = symbols2numbers(self.atom_types) if fit_cell_to_atoms: self.atoms.translate(-self.atoms.positions.min(axis=0)) self.atoms.set_cell(self.atoms.positions.max(axis=0)) def _get_occupancies(self, occupancies): if occupancies is None: if 'occupancies' in self.atoms.arrays: occupancies = {element: self._parse_array_from_atoms( 'occupancies', element, True) for element in self.atom_types} else: occupancies = 1.0 if np.isscalar(occupancies): occupancies = {atom: occupancies for atom in self.atom_types} elif isinstance(occupancies, dict): verify_dictionary(self.atoms, occupancies, 'occupancies') return occupancies def _get_RMS(self, DW): if DW is None: if 'debye_waller_factors' in self.atoms.arrays: DW = {element: self._parse_array_from_atoms( 'debye_waller_factors', element, True) / (8 * np.pi**2) for element in self.atom_types} elif np.isscalar(DW): if len(self.atom_types) > 1: raise ValueError('This cell contains more then one type of ' 'atoms and the Debye-Waller factor needs to ' 'be provided for each atom using a ' 'dictionary.') DW = {self.atom_types[0]: DW / (8 * np.pi**2)} elif isinstance(DW, dict): verify_dictionary(self.atoms, DW, 'debye_waller_factors') for key, value in DW.items(): DW[key] = value / (8 * np.pi**2) if DW is None: raise ValueError('Missing Debye-Waller factors. It can be ' 'provided as a dictionary with symbols as key or ' 'if the cell contains only a single type of ' 'element, the Debye-Waller factor can also be ' 'provided as float.') return DW def _parse_array_from_atoms(self, name, element, check_same_value): """ Return the array "name" for the given element. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the arrays. Can be any key of `atoms.arrays` element : str, int The element to be considered. check_same_value : bool Check if all values are the same in the array. Necessary for 'occupancies' and 'debye_waller_factors' arrays. Returns ------- array containing the values corresponding defined by "name" for the given element. If check_same_value, return a single element. """ if isinstance(element, str): element = symbols2numbers(element)[0] sliced_array = self.atoms.arrays[name][self.atoms.numbers == element] if check_same_value: # to write the occupancies and the Debye Waller factor of xtl file # all the value must be equal if np.unique(sliced_array).size > 1: raise ValueError( "All the '{}' values for element '{}' must be " "equal.".format(name, chemical_symbols[element]) ) sliced_array = sliced_array[0] return sliced_array def _get_position_array_single_atom_type(self, number): # Get the scaled (reduced) position for a single atom type return self.atoms.get_scaled_positions()[ self.atoms.numbers == number] def _get_file_header(self): # 1st line: comment line if self.comment is None: s = "{} atoms with chemical formula: {}\n".format( len(self.atoms), self.atoms.get_chemical_formula()) else: s = self.comment # 2nd line: lattice parameter s += "{} {} {} {} {} {}\n".format( *self.atoms.cell.cellpar().tolist()) # 3td line: acceleration voltage s += f"{self.keV}\n" # 4th line: number of different atom s += f"{len(self.atom_types)}\n" return s def _get_element_header(self, atom_type, number, atom_type_number, occupancy, RMS): return "{}\n{} {} {} {:.3g}\n".format(atom_type, number, atom_type_number, occupancy, RMS) def _get_file_end(self): return "Orientation\n 1 0 0\n 0 1 0\n 0 0 1\n" def write_to_file(self, fd): if isinstance(fd, str): fd = open(fd, 'w') fd.write(self._get_file_header()) for atom_type, number, occupancy in zip(self.atom_types, self.numbers, self.occupancies): positions = self._get_position_array_single_atom_type(number) atom_type_number = positions.shape[0] fd.write(self._get_element_header(atom_type, atom_type_number, number, self.occupancies[atom_type], self.RMS[atom_type])) np.savetxt(fname=fd, X=positions, fmt='%.6g', newline='\n') fd.write(self._get_file_end())
[docs] @writer def write_mustem(fd, *args, **kwargs): r"""Write muSTEM input file. Parameters: atoms: Atoms object keV: float Energy of the electron beam in keV required for the image simulation. debye_waller_factors: float or dictionary of float with atom type as key Debye-Waller factor of each atoms. Since the prismatic/computem software use root means square RMS) displacements, the Debye-Waller factors (B) needs to be provided in Ų and these values are converted to RMS displacement by: .. math:: RMS = \frac{B}{8\pi^2} occupancies: float or dictionary of float with atom type as key (optional) Occupancy of each atoms. Default value is `1.0`. comment: str (optional) Comments to be written in the first line of the file. If not provided, write the total number of atoms and the chemical formula. fit_cell_to_atoms: bool (optional) If `True`, fit the cell to the atoms positions. If negative coordinates are present in the cell, the atoms are translated, so that all positions are positive. If `False` (default), the atoms positions and the cell are unchanged. """ writer = XtlmuSTEMWriter(*args, **kwargs) writer.write_to_file(fd)