Source code for

import re
from typing import List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import (

def index_startswith(lines: List[str], string: str) -> int:
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if line.strip().startswith(string):
            return i
    raise ValueError

def index_pattern(lines: List[str], pattern: str) -> int:
    repat = re.compile(pattern)
    for i, line in enumerate(lines):
        if repat.match(line):
            return i
    raise ValueError

def read_forces(lines: List[str],
                ii: int,
                atoms: Atoms) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[float, float, float]], int]:
    f = []
    for i in range(ii + 1, ii + 1 + len(atoms)):
            x, y, z = lines[i].split()[-3:]
            f.append((float(x), float(y), float(z)))
        except (ValueError, IndexError) as m:
            raise OSError(f'Malformed GPAW log file: {m}')
    return f, i

def read_stresses(lines: List[str],
                  ii: int,) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[float, float, float]], int]:
    s = []
    for i in range(ii + 1, ii + 4):
            x, y, z = lines[i].split()[-3:]
            s.append((float(x), float(y), float(z)))
        except (ValueError, IndexError) as m:
            raise OSError(f'Malformed GPAW log file: {m}')
    return s, i

[docs] def read_gpaw_out(fileobj, index): # -> Union[Atoms, List[Atoms]]: """Read text output from GPAW calculation.""" lines = [line.lower() for line in fileobj.readlines()] # read charge try: ii = index_startswith(lines, 'total charge:') except ValueError: q = None else: q = float(lines[ii].split()[2]) blocks = [] i1 = 0 for i2, line in enumerate(lines): if line == 'positions:\n': if i1 > 0: blocks.append(lines[i1:i2]) i1 = i2 blocks.append(lines[i1:]) images: List[Atoms] = [] for lines in blocks: try: i = lines.index('unit cell:\n') except ValueError: pass else: if lines[i + 2].startswith(' -'): del lines[i + 2] # old format cell: List[Union[float, List[float]]] = [] pbc = [] for line in lines[i + 2:i + 5]: words = line.split() if len(words) == 5: # old format cell.append(float(words[2])) pbc.append(words[1] == 'yes') else: # new format with GUC cell.append([float(word) for word in words[3:6]]) pbc.append(words[2] == 'yes') symbols = [] positions = [] magmoms = [] for line in lines[1:]: words = line.split() if len(words) < 5: break n, symbol, x, y, z = words[:5] symbols.append(symbol.split('.')[0].title()) positions.append([float(x), float(y), float(z)]) if len(words) > 5: mom = float(words[-1].rstrip(')')) magmoms.append(mom) if len(symbols): atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=pbc) else: atoms = Atoms(cell=cell, pbc=pbc) try: ii = index_pattern(lines, '\\d+ k-point') word = lines[ii].split() kx = int(word[2]) ky = int(word[4]) kz = int(word[6]) bz_kpts = (kx, ky, kz) ibz_kpts = int(lines[ii + 1].split()[0]) except (ValueError, TypeError, IndexError): bz_kpts = None ibz_kpts = None try: i = index_startswith(lines, 'energy contributions relative to') except ValueError: e = energy_contributions = None else: energy_contributions = {} for line in lines[i + 2:i + 13]: fields = line.split(':') if len(fields) == 2: name = fields[0] energy = float(fields[1]) energy_contributions[name] = energy if name in ['zero kelvin', 'extrapolated']: e = energy break else: # no break raise ValueError try: ii = index_pattern(lines, '(fixed )?fermi level(s)?:') except ValueError: eFermi = None else: fields = lines[ii].split() try: def strip(string): for rubbish in '[],': string = string.replace(rubbish, '') return string eFermi = [float(strip(fields[-2])), float(strip(fields[-1]))] except ValueError: eFermi = float(fields[-1]) # read Eigenvalues and occupations ii1 = ii2 = 1e32 try: ii1 = index_startswith(lines, 'band eigenvalues occupancy') except ValueError: pass try: ii2 = index_startswith(lines, 'band eigenvalues occupancy') except ValueError: pass ii = min(ii1, ii2) if ii == 1e32: kpts = None else: ii += 1 words = lines[ii].split() vals = [] while len(words) > 2: vals.append([float(w) for w in words]) ii += 1 words = lines[ii].split() vals = np.array(vals).transpose() kpts = [SinglePointKPoint(1, 0, 0)] kpts[0].eps_n = vals[1] kpts[0].f_n = vals[2] if vals.shape[0] > 3: kpts.append(SinglePointKPoint(1, 1, 0)) kpts[1].eps_n = vals[3] kpts[1].f_n = vals[4] # read dipole moment try: ii = index_startswith(lines, 'dipole moment:') except ValueError: dipole = None else: line = lines[ii] for x in '()[],': line = line.replace(x, '') dipole = np.array([float(c) for c in line.split()[2:5]]) try: ii = index_startswith(lines, 'local magnetic moments') except ValueError: pass else: magmoms = [] for j in range(ii + 1, ii + 1 + len(atoms)): line = lines[j] if '#' in line: # new GPAW format magmom = line.split()[-4].split(']')[0] else: magmom = line.split()[-1].rstrip(')') magmoms.append(float(magmom)) try: ii = lines.index('forces in ev/ang:\n') except ValueError: f = None else: f, i = read_forces(lines, ii, atoms) try: ii = lines.index('stress tensor:\n') except ValueError: stress_tensor = None else: stress_tensor, i = read_stresses(lines, ii) try: parameters = {} ii = index_startswith(lines, 'vdw correction:') except ValueError: name = 'gpaw' else: name = lines[ii - 1].strip() # save uncorrected values parameters.update({ 'calculator': 'gpaw', 'uncorrected_energy': e, }) line = lines[ii + 1] assert line.startswith('energy:') e = float(line.split()[-1]) f, i = read_forces(lines, ii + 3, atoms) if len(images) > 0 and e is None: break if q is not None and len(atoms) > 0: n = len(atoms) atoms.set_initial_charges([q / n] * n) if magmoms: atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms) else: magmoms = None if e is not None or f is not None: calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator(atoms, energy=e, forces=f, dipole=dipole, magmoms=magmoms, efermi=eFermi, bzkpts=bz_kpts, ibzkpts=ibz_kpts, stress=stress_tensor) = name calc.parameters = parameters if energy_contributions is not None: calc.energy_contributions = energy_contributions if kpts is not None: calc.kpts = kpts atoms.calc = calc images.append(atoms) if len(images) == 0: raise OSError('Corrupted GPAW-text file!') return images[index]