Source code for

"""File formats.

This module implements the read(), iread() and write() functions in
For each file format there is an IOFormat object.

There is a dict, ioformats, which stores the objects.


The xyz format is implemented in the ase/io/ file which has a
read_xyz() generator and a write_xyz() function.  This and other
information can be obtained from ioformats['xyz'].

import functools
import inspect
import io
import numbers
import os
import re
import sys
import warnings
from importlib import import_module
from importlib.metadata import entry_points
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import (

from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.parallel import parallel_function, parallel_generator
from ase.utils import string2index
from ase.utils.plugins import ExternalIOFormat

PEEK_BYTES = 50000

class UnknownFileTypeError(Exception):

class IOFormat:
    def __init__(self, name: str, desc: str, code: str, module_name: str,
                 encoding: str = None) -> None: = name
        self.description = desc
        assert len(code) == 2
        assert code[0] in list('+1')
        assert code[1] in list('BFS')
        self.code = code
        self.module_name = module_name
        self.encoding = encoding

        # (To be set by define_io_format())
        self.extensions: List[str] = []
        self.globs: List[str] = []
        self.magic: List[str] = []
        self.magic_regex: Optional[bytes] = None

    def open(self, fname, mode: str = 'r') -> IO:
        # We might want append mode, too
        # We can allow more flags as needed (buffering etc.)
        if mode not in list('rwa'):
            raise ValueError("Only modes allowed are 'r', 'w', and 'a'")
        if mode == 'r' and not self.can_read:
            raise NotImplementedError('No reader implemented for {} format'
        if mode == 'w' and not self.can_write:
            raise NotImplementedError('No writer implemented for {} format'
        if mode == 'a' and not self.can_append:
            raise NotImplementedError('Appending not supported by {} format'

        if self.isbinary:
            mode += 'b'

        path = Path(fname)
        return, encoding=self.encoding)

    def _buf_as_filelike(self, data: Union[str, bytes]) -> IO:
        encoding = self.encoding
        if encoding is None:
            encoding = 'utf-8'  # Best hacky guess.

        if self.isbinary:
            if isinstance(data, str):
                data = data.encode(encoding)
            if isinstance(data, bytes):
                data = data.decode(encoding)

        return self._ioclass(data)

    def _ioclass(self):
        if self.isbinary:
            return io.BytesIO
            return io.StringIO

    def parse_images(self, data: Union[str, bytes],
                     **kwargs) -> Sequence[Atoms]:
        with self._buf_as_filelike(data) as fd:
            outputs =, **kwargs)
            if self.single:
                assert isinstance(outputs, Atoms)
                return [outputs]
                return list(, **kwargs))

    def parse_atoms(self, data: Union[str, bytes], **kwargs) -> Atoms:
        images = self.parse_images(data, **kwargs)
        return images[-1]

    def can_read(self) -> bool:
        return self._readfunc() is not None

    def can_write(self) -> bool:
        return self._writefunc() is not None

    def can_append(self) -> bool:
        writefunc = self._writefunc()
        return self.can_write and 'append' in writefunc.__code__.co_varnames

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        tokens = [f'{name}={value!r}'
                  for name, value in vars(self).items()]
        return 'IOFormat({})'.format(', '.join(tokens))

    def __getitem__(self, i):
        # For compatibility.
        # Historically, the ioformats were listed as tuples
        # with (description, code).  We look like such a tuple.
        return (self.description, self.code)[i]

    def single(self) -> bool:
        """Whether this format is for a single Atoms object."""
        return self.code[0] == '1'

    def _formatname(self) -> str:
        return'-', '_')

    def _readfunc(self):
        return getattr(self.module, 'read_' + self._formatname, None)

    def _writefunc(self):
        return getattr(self.module, 'write_' + self._formatname, None)

    def read(self):
        if not self.can_read:
            return None

        return self._read_wrapper

    def _read_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        function = self._readfunc()
        if function is None:
            return None
        if not inspect.isgeneratorfunction(function):
            function = functools.partial(wrap_read_function, function)
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    def _warn_none(self, action):
        msg = ('Accessing the IOFormat.{action} property on a format '
               'without {action} support will change behaviour in the '
               'future and return a callable instead of None.  '
               'Use IOFormat.can_{action} to check whether {action} '
               'is supported.')
        warnings.warn(msg.format(action=action), FutureWarning)

    def write(self):
        if not self.can_write:
            return None

        return self._write_wrapper

    def _write_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
        function = self._writefunc()
        if function is None:
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot write to {}-format')
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    def modes(self) -> str:
        modes = ''
        if self.can_read:
            modes += 'r'
        if self.can_write:
            modes += 'w'
        return modes

    def full_description(self) -> str:
        lines = [f'Name:        {}',
                 f'Description: {self.description}',
                 f'Modes:       {self.modes}',
                 f'Encoding:    {self.encoding}',
                 f'Module:      {self.module_name}',
                 f'Code:        {self.code}',
                 f'Extensions:  {self.extensions}',
                 f'Globs:       {self.globs}',
                 f'Magic:       {self.magic}']
        return '\n'.join(lines)

    def acceptsfd(self) -> bool:
        return self.code[1] != 'S'

    def isbinary(self) -> bool:
        return self.code[1] == 'B'

    def module(self):
            return import_module(self.module_name)
        except ImportError as err:
            raise UnknownFileTypeError(
                f'File format not recognized: {}.  Error: {err}')

    def match_name(self, basename: str) -> bool:
        from fnmatch import fnmatch
        return any(fnmatch(basename, pattern)
                   for pattern in self.globs)

    def match_magic(self, data: bytes) -> bool:
        if self.magic_regex:
            assert not self.magic, 'Define only one of magic and magic_regex'
            match = re.match(self.magic_regex, data, re.M | re.S)
            return match is not None

        from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
        return any(
            fnmatchcase(data, magic + b'*')  # type: ignore[operator, type-var]
            for magic in self.magic

ioformats: Dict[str, IOFormat] = {}  # These will be filled at run-time.
extension2format = {}

all_formats = ioformats  # Aliased for compatibility only.  Please do not use.
format2modulename = {}  # Left for compatibility only.

def define_io_format(name, desc, code, *, module=None, ext=None,
                     glob=None, magic=None, encoding=None,
                     magic_regex=None, external=False):
    if module is None:
        module = name.replace('-', '_')
        format2modulename[name] = module

    if not external:
        module = '' + module

    def normalize_patterns(strings):
        if strings is None:
            strings = []
        elif isinstance(strings, (str, bytes)):
            strings = [strings]
            strings = list(strings)
        return strings

    fmt = IOFormat(name, desc, code, module_name=module,
    fmt.extensions = normalize_patterns(ext)
    fmt.globs = normalize_patterns(glob)
    fmt.magic = normalize_patterns(magic)

    if magic_regex is not None:
        fmt.magic_regex = magic_regex

    for ext in fmt.extensions:
        if ext in extension2format:
            raise ValueError(f'extension "{ext}" already registered')
        extension2format[ext] = fmt

    ioformats[name] = fmt
    return fmt

def get_ioformat(name: str) -> IOFormat:
    """Return ioformat object or raise appropriate error."""
    if name not in ioformats:
        raise UnknownFileTypeError(name)
    fmt = ioformats[name]
    # Make sure module is importable, since this could also raise an error.
    return ioformats[name]

def register_external_io_formats(group):
    if hasattr(entry_points(), 'select'):
        fmt_entry_points = entry_points().select(group=group)
        fmt_entry_points = entry_points().get(group, ())

    for entry_point in fmt_entry_points:
        except Exception as exc:
                'Failed to register external '
                f'IO format {}: {exc}'

def define_external_io_format(entry_point):

    fmt = entry_point.load()
    if in ioformats:
        raise ValueError(f'Format {} already defined')
    if not isinstance(fmt, ExternalIOFormat):
        raise TypeError('Wrong type for registering external IO formats '
                        f'in format {}, expected '
    F(, **fmt._asdict(), external=True)

# We define all the IO formats below.  Each IO format has a code,
# such as '1F', which defines some of the format's properties:
# 1=single atoms object
# +=multiple atoms objects
# F=accepts a file-descriptor
# S=needs a file-name str
# B=like F, but opens in binary mode

F = define_io_format
F('abinit-gsr', 'ABINIT GSR file', '1S',
  module='abinit', glob='*')
F('abinit-in', 'ABINIT input file', '1F',
  module='abinit', magic=b'*znucl *')
F('abinit-out', 'ABINIT output file', '1F',
  module='abinit', magic=b'*.Version * of ABINIT')
F('aims', 'FHI-aims geometry file', '1S', ext='in')
F('aims-output', 'FHI-aims output', '+S',
  module='aims', magic=b'*Invoking FHI-aims ...')
F('bundletrajectory', 'ASE bundle trajectory', '+S')
F('castep-castep', 'CASTEP output file', '+F',
  module='castep', ext='castep')
F('castep-cell', 'CASTEP geom file', '1F',
  module='castep', ext='cell')
F('castep-geom', 'CASTEP trajectory file', '+F',
  module='castep', ext='geom')
F('castep-md', 'CASTEP molecular dynamics file', '+F',
  module='castep', ext='md')
F('castep-phonon', 'CASTEP phonon file', '1F',
  module='castep', ext='phonon')
F('cfg', 'AtomEye configuration', '1F')
F('cif', 'CIF-file', '+B', ext='cif')
F('cmdft', 'CMDFT-file', '1F', glob='*I_info')
F('cjson', 'Chemical json file', '1F', ext='cjson')
F('cp2k-dcd', 'CP2K DCD file', '+B',
  module='cp2k', ext='dcd')
F('cp2k-restart', 'CP2K restart file', '1F',
  module='cp2k', ext='restart')
F('crystal', 'Crystal fort.34 format', '1F',
  ext=['f34', '34'], glob=['f34', '34'])
F('cube', 'CUBE file', '1F', ext='cube')
F('dacapo-text', 'Dacapo text output', '1F',
  module='dacapo', magic=b'*&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&\n')
F('db', 'ASE SQLite database file', '+S')
F('dftb', 'DftbPlus input file', '1S', magic=b'Geometry')
F('dlp4', 'DL_POLY_4 CONFIG file', '1F',
  module='dlp4', ext='config', glob=['*CONFIG*'])
F('dlp-history', 'DL_POLY HISTORY file', '+F',
  module='dlp4', glob='HISTORY')
F('dmol-arc', 'DMol3 arc file', '+S',
  module='dmol', ext='arc')
F('dmol-car', 'DMol3 structure file', '1S',
  module='dmol', ext='car')
F('dmol-incoor', 'DMol3 structure file', '1S',
F('elk', 'ELK atoms definition from GEOMETRY.OUT', '1F',
F('elk-in', 'ELK input file', '1F', module='elk')
F('eon', 'EON CON file', '+F',
F('eps', 'Encapsulated Postscript', '1S')
F('espresso-in', 'Quantum espresso in file', '1F',
  module='espresso', ext='pwi', magic=[b'*\n&system', b'*\n&SYSTEM'])
F('espresso-out', 'Quantum espresso out file', '+F',
  module='espresso', ext=['pwo', 'out'], magic=b'*Program PWSCF')
F('exciting', 'exciting input', '1F', module='exciting', glob='input.xml')
F('exciting', 'exciting output', '1F', module='exciting', glob='INFO.out')
F('extxyz', 'Extended XYZ file', '+F', ext='xyz')
F('findsym', 'FINDSYM-format', '+F')
F('gamess-us-out', 'GAMESS-US output file', '1F',
  module='gamess_us', magic=b'*GAMESS')
F('gamess-us-in', 'GAMESS-US input file', '1F',
F('gamess-us-punch', 'GAMESS-US punchcard file', '1F',
  module='gamess_us', magic=b' $DATA', ext='dat')
F('gaussian-in', 'Gaussian com (input) file', '1F',
  module='gaussian', ext=['com', 'gjf'])
F('gaussian-out', 'Gaussian output file', '+F',
  module='gaussian', ext='log', magic=b'*Entering Gaussian System')
F('acemolecule-out', 'ACE output file', '1S',
F('acemolecule-input', 'ACE input file', '1S',
F('gen', 'DFTBPlus GEN format', '1F')
F('gif', 'Graphics interchange format', '+S',
F('gpaw-out', 'GPAW text output', '+F',
  magic=b'*  ___ ___ ___ _ _ _')
F('gpumd', 'GPUMD input file', '1F', glob='')
F('gpw', 'GPAW restart-file', '1S',
  magic=[b'- of UlmGPAW', b'AFFormatGPAW'])
F('gromacs', 'Gromacs coordinates', '1F',
F('gromos', 'Gromos96 geometry file', '1F', ext='g96')
F('html', 'X3DOM HTML', '1F', module='x3d')
F('json', 'ASE JSON database file', '+F', ext='json', module='db')
F('jsv', 'JSV file format', '1F')
F('lammps-dump-text', 'LAMMPS text dump file', '+F',
  module='lammpsrun', magic_regex=b'.*?^ITEM: TIMESTEP$')
F('lammps-dump-binary', 'LAMMPS binary dump file', '+B',
F('lammps-data', 'LAMMPS data file', '1F', module='lammpsdata',
F('magres', 'MAGRES ab initio NMR data file', '1F')
F('mol', 'MDL Molfile', '1F')
F('mp4', 'MP4 animation', '+S',
F('mustem', 'muSTEM xtl file', '1F',
F('mysql', 'ASE MySQL database file', '+S',
F('netcdftrajectory', 'AMBER NetCDF trajectory file', '+S',
F('nomad-json', 'JSON from Nomad archive', '+F',
F('nwchem-in', 'NWChem input file', '1F',
  module='nwchem', ext='nwi')
F('nwchem-out', 'NWChem output file', '+F',
  module='nwchem', ext='nwo',
  magic=b'*Northwest Computational Chemistry Package')
F('octopus-in', 'Octopus input file', '1F',
  module='octopus', glob='inp')
F('onetep-out', 'ONETEP output file', '+F',
  magic=b'*Linear-Scaling Ab Initio Total Energy Program*')
F('onetep-in', 'ONETEP input file', '1F',
  magic=[b'*lock species ',
         b'*LOCK SPECIES ',
         b'*--- INPUT FILE ---*'])
F('proteindatabank', 'Protein Data Bank', '+F',
F('png', 'Portable Network Graphics', '1B')
F('postgresql', 'ASE PostgreSQL database file', '+S', module='db')
F('pov', 'Persistance of Vision', '1S')
# prismatic: Should have ext='xyz' if/when multiple formats can have the same
# extension
F('prismatic', 'prismatic and computem XYZ-file', '1F')
F('py', 'Python file', '+F')
F('sys', 'qball sys file', '1F')
F('qbox', 'QBOX output file', '+F',
  magic=b'*:simulation xmlns:')
F('res', 'SHELX format', '1S', ext='shelx')
F('rmc6f', 'RMCProfile', '1S', ext='rmc6f')
F('sdf', 'SDF format', '1F')
F('siesta-xv', 'Siesta .XV file', '1F',
  glob='*.XV', module='siesta')
F('struct', 'WIEN2k structure file', '1S', module='wien2k')
F('struct_out', 'SIESTA STRUCT file', '1F', module='siesta')
F('traj', 'ASE trajectory', '+B', module='trajectory', ext='traj',
  magic=[b'- of UlmASE-Trajectory', b'AFFormatASE-Trajectory'])
F('turbomole', 'TURBOMOLE coord file', '1F', glob='coord',
F('turbomole-gradient', 'TURBOMOLE gradient file', '+F',
  module='turbomole', glob='gradient', magic=b'$grad')
F('v-sim', 'V_Sim ascii file', '1F', ext='ascii')
F('vasp', 'VASP POSCAR/CONTCAR', '1F',
  ext='poscar', glob=['*POSCAR*', '*CONTCAR*', '*CENTCAR*'])
F('vasp-out', 'VASP OUTCAR file', '+F',
  module='vasp', glob='*OUTCAR*')
F('vasp-xdatcar', 'VASP XDATCAR file', '+F',
  module='vasp', glob='*XDATCAR*')
F('vasp-xml', 'VASP vasprun.xml file', '+F',
  module='vasp', glob='*vasp*.xml')
F('vti', 'VTK XML Image Data', '1F', module='vtkxml')
F('vtu', 'VTK XML Unstructured Grid', '1F', module='vtkxml', ext='vtu')
F('wout', 'Wannier90 output', '1F', module='wannier90')
F('x3d', 'X3D', '1S')
F('xsd', 'Materials Studio file', '1F')
F('xsf', 'XCrySDen Structure File', '+F',
  magic=[b'*\nANIMSTEPS', b'*\nCRYSTAL', b'*\nSLAB', b'*\nPOLYMER',
         b'*\nMOLECULE', b'*\nATOMS'])
F('xtd', 'Materials Studio file', '+F')
# xyz: No `ext='xyz'` in the definition below.
#      The .xyz files are handled by the extxyz module by default.
F('xyz', 'XYZ-file', '+F')

# Register IO formats exposed through the ase.ioformats entry point

def get_compression(filename: str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]]:
    Parse any expected file compression from the extension of a filename.
    Return the filename without the extension, and the extension. Recognises
    ``.gz``, ``.bz2``, ``.xz``.

    >>> get_compression('H2O.pdb.gz')
    ('H2O.pdb', 'gz')
    >>> get_compression('crystal.cif')
    ('crystal.cif', None)

    filename: str
        Full filename including extension.

    (root, extension): (str, str or None)
        Filename split into root without extension, and the extension
        indicating compression format. Will not split if compression
        is not recognised.
    # Update if anything is added
    valid_compression = ['gz', 'bz2', 'xz']

    # Use stdlib as it handles most edge cases
    root, compression = os.path.splitext(filename)

    # extension keeps the '.' so remember to remove it
    if compression.strip('.') in valid_compression:
        return root, compression.strip('.')
        return filename, None

def open_with_compression(filename: str, mode: str = 'r') -> IO:
    Wrapper around builtin `open` that will guess compression of a file
    from the filename and open it for reading or writing as if it were
    a standard file.

    Implemented for ``gz``(gzip), ``bz2``(bzip2) and ``xz``(lzma).

    Supported modes are:
       * 'r', 'rt', 'w', 'wt' for text mode read and write.
       * 'rb, 'wb' for binary read and write.

    filename: str
        Path to the file to open, including any extensions that indicate
        the compression used.
    mode: str
        Mode to open the file, same as for builtin ``open``, e.g 'r', 'w'.

    fd: file
        File-like object open with the specified mode.

    # Compressed formats sometimes default to binary, so force text mode.
    if mode == 'r':
        mode = 'rt'
    elif mode == 'w':
        mode = 'wt'
    elif mode == 'a':
        mode = 'at'

    _root, compression = get_compression(filename)

    if compression == 'gz':
        import gzip
        return, mode=mode)  # type: ignore[return-value]
    elif compression == 'bz2':
        import bz2
        return, mode=mode)
    elif compression == 'xz':
        import lzma
        return, mode)
        # Either None or unknown string
        return open(filename, mode)

def is_compressed(fd: io.BufferedIOBase) -> bool:
    """Check if the file object is in a compressed format."""
    compressed = False

    # We'd like to avoid triggering imports unless already imported.
    # Also, Python can be compiled without e.g. lzma so we need to
    # protect against that:
    if 'gzip' in sys.modules:
        import gzip
        compressed = compressed or isinstance(fd, gzip.GzipFile)
    if 'bz2' in sys.modules:
        import bz2
        compressed = compressed or isinstance(fd, bz2.BZ2File)
    if 'lzma' in sys.modules:
        import lzma
        compressed = compressed or isinstance(fd, lzma.LZMAFile)
    return compressed

def wrap_read_function(read, filename, index=None, **kwargs):
    """Convert read-function to generator."""
    if index is None:
        yield read(filename, **kwargs)
        yield from read(filename, index, **kwargs)

NameOrFile = Union[str, PurePath, IO]

[docs] def write( filename: NameOrFile, images: Union[Atoms, Sequence[Atoms]], format: str = None, parallel: bool = True, append: bool = False, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: """Write Atoms object(s) to file. filename: str or file Name of the file to write to or a file descriptor. The name '-' means standard output. images: Atoms object or list of Atoms objects A single Atoms object or a list of Atoms objects. format: str Used to specify the file-format. If not given, the file-format will be taken from suffix of the filename. parallel: bool Default is to write on master only. Use parallel=False to write from all slaves. append: bool Default is to open files in 'w' or 'wb' mode, overwriting existing files. In some cases opening the file in 'a' or 'ab' mode (appending) is useful, e.g. writing trajectories or saving multiple Atoms objects in one file. WARNING: If the file format does not support multiple entries without additional keywords/headers, files created using 'append=True' might not be readable by any program! They will nevertheless be written without error message. The use of additional keywords is format specific. write() may return an object after writing certain formats, but this behaviour may change in the future. """ if isinstance(filename, PurePath): filename = str(filename) if isinstance(filename, str): fd = None if filename == '-': fd = sys.stdout filename = None # type: ignore[assignment] elif format is None: format = filetype(filename, read=False) assert isinstance(format, str) else: fd = filename # type: ignore[assignment] if format is None: try: format = filetype(filename, read=False) assert isinstance(format, str) except UnknownFileTypeError: format = None filename = None # type: ignore[assignment] format = format or 'json' # default is json io = get_ioformat(format) return _write(filename, fd, format, io, images, parallel=parallel, append=append, **kwargs)
@parallel_function def _write(filename, fd, format, io, images, parallel=None, append=False, **kwargs): if isinstance(images, Atoms): images = [images] if io.single: if len(images) > 1: raise ValueError('{}-format can only store 1 Atoms object.' .format(format)) images = images[0] if not io.can_write: raise ValueError(f"Can't write to {format}-format") # Special case for json-format: if format == 'json' and (len(images) > 1 or append): if filename is not None: return io.write(filename, images, append=append, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Can't write more than one image to file-descriptor " 'using json-format.') if io.acceptsfd: open_new = (fd is None) try: if open_new: mode = 'wb' if io.isbinary else 'w' if append: mode = mode.replace('w', 'a') fd = open_with_compression(filename, mode) # XXX remember to re-enable compressed open # fd =, mode) return io.write(fd, images, **kwargs) finally: if open_new and fd is not None: fd.close() else: if fd is not None: raise ValueError("Can't write {}-format to file-descriptor" .format(format)) if io.can_append: return io.write(filename, images, append=append, **kwargs) elif append: raise ValueError("Cannot append to {}-format, write-function " "does not support the append keyword." .format(format)) else: return io.write(filename, images, **kwargs)
[docs] def read( filename: NameOrFile, index: Any = None, format: Optional[str] = None, parallel: bool = True, do_not_split_by_at_sign: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Union[Atoms, List[Atoms]]: """Read Atoms object(s) from file. filename: str or file Name of the file to read from or a file descriptor. index: int, slice or str The last configuration will be returned by default. Examples: * ``index=0``: first configuration * ``index=-2``: second to last * ``index=':'`` or ``index=slice(None)``: all * ``index='-3:'`` or ``index=slice(-3, None)``: three last * ``index='::2'`` or ``index=slice(0, None, 2)``: even * ``index='1::2'`` or ``index=slice(1, None, 2)``: odd format: str Used to specify the file-format. If not given, the file-format will be guessed by the *filetype* function. parallel: bool Default is to read on master and broadcast to slaves. Use parallel=False to read on all slaves. do_not_split_by_at_sign: bool If False (default) ``filename`` is splitted by at sign ``@`` Many formats allow on open file-like object to be passed instead of ``filename``. In this case the format cannot be auto-detected, so the ``format`` argument should be explicitly given.""" if isinstance(filename, PurePath): filename = str(filename) if filename == '-': filename = sys.stdin if isinstance(index, str): try: index = string2index(index) except ValueError: pass filename, index = parse_filename(filename, index, do_not_split_by_at_sign) if index is None: index = -1 format = format or filetype(filename, read=isinstance(filename, str)) io = get_ioformat(format) if isinstance(index, (slice, str)): return list(_iread(filename, index, format, io, parallel=parallel, **kwargs)) else: return next(_iread(filename, slice(index, None), format, io, parallel=parallel, **kwargs))
[docs] def iread( filename: NameOrFile, index: Any = None, format: str = None, parallel: bool = True, do_not_split_by_at_sign: bool = False, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[Atoms]: """Iterator for reading Atoms objects from file. Works as the `read` function, but yields one Atoms object at a time instead of all at once.""" if isinstance(filename, PurePath): filename = str(filename) if isinstance(index, str): index = string2index(index) filename, index = parse_filename(filename, index, do_not_split_by_at_sign) if index is None or index == ':': index = slice(None, None, None) if not isinstance(index, (slice, str)): index = slice(index, (index + 1) or None) format = format or filetype(filename, read=isinstance(filename, str)) io = get_ioformat(format) yield from _iread(filename, index, format, io, parallel=parallel, **kwargs)
@parallel_generator def _iread(filename, index, format, io, parallel=None, full_output=False, **kwargs): if not io.can_read: raise ValueError(f"Can't read from {format}-format") if io.single: start = index.start assert start is None or start == 0 or start == -1 args = () else: args = (index,) must_close_fd = False if isinstance(filename, str): if io.acceptsfd: mode = 'rb' if io.isbinary else 'r' fd = open_with_compression(filename, mode) must_close_fd = True else: fd = filename else: assert io.acceptsfd fd = filename # Make sure fd is closed in case loop doesn't finish: try: for dct in, *args, **kwargs): if not isinstance(dct, dict): dct = {'atoms': dct} if full_output: yield dct else: yield dct['atoms'] finally: if must_close_fd: fd.close() def parse_filename(filename, index=None, do_not_split_by_at_sign=False): if not isinstance(filename, str): return filename, index basename = os.path.basename(filename) if do_not_split_by_at_sign or '@' not in basename: return filename, index newindex = None newfilename, newindex = filename.rsplit('@', 1) if isinstance(index, slice): return newfilename, index try: newindex = string2index(newindex) except ValueError: warnings.warn('Can not parse index for path \n' ' "%s" \nConsider set ' 'do_not_split_by_at_sign=True \nif ' 'there is no index.' % filename) return newfilename, newindex def match_magic(data: bytes) -> IOFormat: data = data[:PEEK_BYTES] for ioformat in ioformats.values(): if ioformat.match_magic(data): return ioformat raise UnknownFileTypeError('Cannot guess file type from contents') def filetype( filename: NameOrFile, read: bool = True, guess: bool = True, ) -> str: """Try to guess the type of the file. First, special signatures in the filename will be checked for. If that does not identify the file type, then the first 2000 bytes of the file will be read and analysed. Turn off this second part by using read=False. Can be used from the command-line also:: $ ase info filename ... """ orig_filename = filename if hasattr(filename, 'name'): filename = ext = None if isinstance(filename, str): if os.path.isdir(filename): if os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(filename)) == 'states': return 'eon' return 'bundletrajectory' if filename.startswith('postgres'): return 'postgresql' if filename.startswith('mysql') or filename.startswith('mariadb'): return 'mysql' # strip any compression extensions that can be read root, _compression = get_compression(filename) basename = os.path.basename(root) if '.' in basename: ext = os.path.splitext(basename)[1].strip('.').lower() for fmt in ioformats.values(): if fmt.match_name(basename): return if not read: if ext is None: raise UnknownFileTypeError('Could not guess file type') ioformat = extension2format.get(ext) if ioformat: return # askhl: This is strange, we don't know if ext is a format: return ext if orig_filename == filename: fd = open_with_compression(filename, 'rb') else: fd = orig_filename # type: ignore[assignment] else: fd = filename if fd is sys.stdin: return 'json' data = if fd is not filename: fd.close() else: if len(data) == 0: raise UnknownFileTypeError('Empty file: ' + filename) try: return match_magic(data).name except UnknownFileTypeError: pass format = None if ext in extension2format: format = extension2format[ext].name if format is None and guess: format = ext if format is None: # Do quick xyz check: lines = data.splitlines() if lines and lines[0].strip().isdigit(): return extension2format['xyz'].name raise UnknownFileTypeError('Could not guess file type') assert isinstance(format, str) return format def index2range(index, length): """Convert slice or integer to range. If index is an integer, range will contain only that integer.""" obj = range(length)[index] if isinstance(obj, numbers.Integral): obj = range(obj, obj + 1) return obj