Source code for

import re
import warnings
from collections import UserDict
from import MutableMapping
from pathlib import Path

from import ALL_KEYS

[docs]class Namelist(UserDict): """A case-insensitive dictionary for storing Quantum Espresso namelists. This class is a subclass of UserDict, which is a wrapper around a regular dictionary. This allows us to define custom behavior for the dictionary methods, while still having access to the full dictionary API. to_string() have been added to handle the conversion of the dictionary to a string for writing to a file or quick lookup using print(). to_nested() have been added to convert the dictionary to a nested dictionary with the correct structure for the specified binary. """ def __getitem__(self, key): return super().__getitem__(key.lower()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): super().__setitem__( key.lower(), Namelist(value) if isinstance( value, MutableMapping) else value) def __delitem__(self, key): super().__delitem__(key.lower()) @staticmethod def search_key(to_find, keys): """Search for a key in the namelist, case-insensitive. Returns the section and key if found, None otherwise. """ for section in keys: for key in keys[section]: if re.match(rf"({key})\b(\(+.*\)+)?$", to_find): return section def to_string(self, indent=0, list_form=False): """Format a Namelist object as a string for writing to a file. Assume sections are ordered (taken care of in namelist construction) and that repr converts to a QE readable representation (except bools) Parameters ---------- indent : int Number of spaces to indent each line list_form : bool If True, return a list of strings instead of a single string Returns ------- pwi : List[str] | str Input line for the namelist """ pwi = [] for key, value in self.items(): if isinstance(value, (Namelist, dict)): pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}&{key.upper()}\n") pwi.extend(Namelist.to_string(value, indent=indent + 3)) pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}/\n") else: if value is True: pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}{key:16} = .true.\n") elif value is False: pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}{key:16} = .false.\n") elif isinstance(value, Path): pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}{key:16} = '{value}'\n") else: pwi.append(f"{' '* indent}{key:16} = {value!r}\n") if list_form: return pwi else: return "".join(pwi) def to_nested(self, binary='pw', warn=False, **kwargs): keys = ALL_KEYS[binary] constructed_namelist = { section: self.pop(section, {}) for section in keys } constructed_namelist.update({ key: value for key, value in self.items() if isinstance(value, Namelist) }) unused_keys = [] for arg_key in list(self): section = Namelist.search_key(arg_key, keys) value = self.pop(arg_key) if section: constructed_namelist[section][arg_key] = value else: unused_keys.append(arg_key) for arg_key in list(kwargs): section = Namelist.search_key(arg_key, keys) value = kwargs.pop(arg_key) if section: warnings.warn( ("Use of kwarg(s) as keyword(s) is deprecated," "use input_data instead"), DeprecationWarning, ) constructed_namelist[section][arg_key] = value else: unused_keys.append(arg_key) if unused_keys and warn: warnings.warn( f"Unused keys: {', '.join(unused_keys)}", UserWarning, ) for section in constructed_namelist: sorted_section = {} def sorting_rule(item): return keys[section].index(item.split('(')[0]) if item.split( '(')[0] in keys.get(section, {}) else float('inf') for key in sorted(constructed_namelist[section], key=sorting_rule): sorted_section[key] = constructed_namelist[section][key] constructed_namelist[section] = sorted_section super().update(Namelist(constructed_namelist))