Source code for

import time

from import PlottingVariables, make_patch_list
from ase.utils import writer

class EPS(PlottingVariables):
    def __init__(self, atoms,
                 rotation='', radii=None,
                 bbox=None, colors=None, scale=20, maxwidth=500,
        """Encapsulated PostScript writer.

        show_unit_cell: int
            0: Don't show unit cell (default).  1: Show unit cell.
            2: Show unit cell and make sure all of it is visible.
            self, atoms, rotation=rotation,
            radii=radii, bbox=bbox, colors=colors, scale=scale,

    def write(self, fd):
        renderer = self._renderer(fd)
        self.write_body(fd, renderer)
        self.write_trailer(fd, renderer)

    def write_header(self, fd):
        fd.write('%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n')
        fd.write('%%Creator: G2\n')
        fd.write('%%CreationDate: %s\n' % time.ctime(time.time()))
        fd.write('%%Orientation: portrait\n')
        bbox = (0, 0, self.w, self.h)
        fd.write('%%%%BoundingBox: %d %d %d %d\n' % bbox)

        Ndict = len(psDefs)
        fd.write('/mpldict %d dict def\n' % Ndict)
        fd.write('mpldict begin\n')
        for d in psDefs:
            d = d.strip()
            for line in d.split('\n'):
                fd.write(line.strip() + '\n')

        fd.write('mpldict begin\n')
        fd.write('%d %d 0 0 clipbox\n' % (self.w, self.h))

    def _renderer(self, fd):
        # Subclass can override
        from matplotlib.backends.backend_ps import RendererPS
        return RendererPS(self.w, self.h, fd)

    def write_body(self, fd, renderer):
        patch_list = make_patch_list(self)
        for patch in patch_list:

    def write_trailer(self, fd, renderer):

[docs] @writer def write_eps(fd, atoms, **parameters): EPS(atoms, **parameters).write(fd)
# Adapted from Matplotlib 3.7.3 # The following Python dictionary psDefs contains the entries for the # PostScript dictionary mpldict. This dictionary implements most of # the matplotlib primitives and some abbreviations. # # References: # # # # # The usage comments use the notation of the operator summary # in the PostScript Language reference manual. psDefs = [ # name proc *_d* - # Note that this cannot be bound to /d, because when embedding a Type3 font # we may want to define a "d" glyph using "/d{...} d" which would locally # overwrite the definition. "/_d { bind def } bind def", # x y *m* - "/m { moveto } _d", # x y *l* - "/l { lineto } _d", # x y *r* - "/r { rlineto } _d", # x1 y1 x2 y2 x y *c* - "/c { curveto } _d", # *cl* - "/cl { closepath } _d", # *ce* - "/ce { closepath eofill } _d", # w h x y *box* - """/box { m 1 index 0 r 0 exch r neg 0 r cl } _d""", # w h x y *clipbox* - """/clipbox { box clip newpath } _d""", # wx wy llx lly urx ury *setcachedevice* - "/sc { setcachedevice } _d", ]