Source code for

import collections
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
from ase.utils import reader, writer

elk_parameters = {'swidth': Hartree}

[docs] @reader def read_elk(fd): """Import ELK atoms definition. Reads unitcell, atom positions, magmoms from file. """ lines = fd.readlines() scale = np.ones(4) # unit cell scale positions = [] cell = [] symbols = [] magmoms = [] # find cell scale for n, line in enumerate(lines): if line.split() == []: continue if line.strip() == 'scale': scale[0] = float(lines[n + 1]) elif line.startswith('scale'): scale[int(line.strip()[-1])] = float(lines[n + 1]) for n, line in enumerate(lines): if line.split() == []: continue if line.startswith('avec'): cell = np.array( [[float(v) * scale[1] for v in lines[n + 1].split()], [float(v) * scale[2] for v in lines[n + 2].split()], [float(v) * scale[3] for v in lines[n + 3].split()]]) if line.startswith('atoms'): lines1 = lines[n + 1:] # start subsearch spfname = [] natoms = [] atpos = [] bfcmt = [] for n1, line1 in enumerate(lines1): if line1.split() == []: continue if 'spfname' in line1: spfnamenow = lines1[n1].split()[0] spfname.append(spfnamenow) natomsnow = int(lines1[n1 + 1].split()[0]) natoms.append(natomsnow) atposnow = [] bfcmtnow = [] for line in lines1[n1 + 2:n1 + 2 + natomsnow]: atposnow.append([float(v) for v in line.split()[0:3]]) if len(line.split()) == 6: # bfcmt present bfcmtnow.append( [float(v) for v in line.split()[3:]]) atpos.append(atposnow) bfcmt.append(bfcmtnow) # symbols, positions, magmoms based on ELK spfname, atpos, and bfcmt symbols = '' positions = [] magmoms = [] for n, s in enumerate(spfname): symbols += str(s[1:].split('.')[0]) * natoms[n] positions += atpos[n] # assumes fractional coordinates if len(bfcmt[n]) > 0: # how to handle cases of magmoms being one or three dim array? magmoms += [m[-1] for m in bfcmt[n]] atoms = Atoms(symbols, scaled_positions=positions, cell=[1, 1, 1]) if len(magmoms) > 0: atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms) # final cell scale cell = cell * scale[0] * Bohr atoms.set_cell(cell, scale_atoms=True) atoms.pbc = True return atoms
[docs] @writer def write_elk_in(fd, atoms, parameters=None): if parameters is None: parameters = {} parameters = dict(parameters) species_path = parameters.pop('species_dir', None) if parameters.get('spinpol') is None: if atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments().any(): parameters['spinpol'] = True if 'xctype' in parameters: if 'xc' in parameters: raise RuntimeError("You can't use both 'xctype' and 'xc'!") if parameters.get('autokpt'): if 'kpts' in parameters: raise RuntimeError("You can't use both 'autokpt' and 'kpts'!") if 'ngridk' in parameters: raise RuntimeError( "You can't use both 'autokpt' and 'ngridk'!") if 'ngridk' in parameters: if 'kpts' in parameters: raise RuntimeError("You can't use both 'ngridk' and 'kpts'!") if parameters.get('autoswidth'): if 'smearing' in parameters: raise RuntimeError( "You can't use both 'autoswidth' and 'smearing'!") if 'swidth' in parameters: raise RuntimeError( "You can't use both 'autoswidth' and 'swidth'!") inp = {} inp.update(parameters) if 'xc' in parameters: xctype = {'LDA': 3, # PW92 'PBE': 20, 'REVPBE': 21, 'PBESOL': 22, 'WC06': 26, 'AM05': 30, 'mBJLDA': (100, 208, 12)}[parameters['xc']] inp['xctype'] = xctype del inp['xc'] if 'kpts' in parameters: # XXX should generalize kpts handling. from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2mp mp = kpts2mp(atoms, parameters['kpts']) inp['ngridk'] = tuple(mp) vkloff = [] # is this below correct? for nk in mp: if nk % 2 == 0: # shift kpoint away from gamma point vkloff.append(0.5) else: vkloff.append(0) inp['vkloff'] = vkloff del inp['kpts'] if 'smearing' in parameters: name = parameters.smearing[0].lower() if name == 'methfessel-paxton': stype = parameters.smearing[2] else: stype = {'gaussian': 0, 'fermi-dirac': 3, }[name] inp['stype'] = stype inp['swidth'] = parameters.smearing[1] del inp['smearing'] # convert keys to ELK units for key, value in inp.items(): if key in elk_parameters: inp[key] /= elk_parameters[key] # write all keys for key, value in inp.items(): fd.write(f'{key}\n') if isinstance(value, bool): fd.write(f'.{("false", "true")[value]}.\n\n') elif isinstance(value, (int, float)): fd.write(f'{value}\n\n') else: fd.write('%s\n\n' % ' '.join([str(x) for x in value])) # cell fd.write('avec\n') for vec in atoms.cell: fd.write('%.14f %.14f %.14f\n' % tuple(vec / Bohr)) fd.write('\n') # atoms species = {} symbols = [] for a, (symbol, m) in enumerate( zip(atoms.get_chemical_symbols(), atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments())): if symbol in species: species[symbol].append((a, m)) else: species[symbol] = [(a, m)] symbols.append(symbol) fd.write('atoms\n%d\n' % len(species)) # scaled = atoms.get_scaled_positions(wrap=False) scaled = np.linalg.solve(atoms.cell.T, atoms.positions.T).T for symbol in symbols: fd.write(f"'{symbol}.in' : spfname\n") fd.write('%d\n' % len(species[symbol])) for a, m in species[symbol]: fd.write('%.14f %.14f %.14f 0.0 0.0 %.14f\n' % (tuple(scaled[a]) + (m,))) # if sppath is present in it overwrites species blocks! # Elk seems to concatenate path and filename in such a way # that we must put a / at the end: if species_path is not None: fd.write(f"sppath\n'{species_path}/'\n\n")
class ElkReader: def __init__(self, path): self.path = Path(path) def _read_everything(self): yield from self._read_energy() with (self.path / 'INFO.OUT').open() as fd: yield from parse_elk_info(fd) with (self.path / 'EIGVAL.OUT').open() as fd: yield from parse_elk_eigval(fd) with (self.path / 'KPOINTS.OUT').open() as fd: yield from parse_elk_kpoints(fd) def read_everything(self): dct = dict(self._read_everything()) # The eigenvalue/occupation tables do not say whether there are # two spins, so we have to reshape them from 1 x K x SB to S x K x B: spinpol = dct.pop('spinpol') if spinpol: for name in 'eigenvalues', 'occupations': array = dct[name] _, nkpts, nbands_double = array.shape assert _ == 1 assert nbands_double % 2 == 0 nbands = nbands_double // 2 newarray = np.empty((2, nkpts, nbands)) newarray[0, :, :] = array[0, :, :nbands] newarray[1, :, :] = array[0, :, nbands:] if name == 'eigenvalues': # Verify that eigenvalues are still sorted: diffs = np.diff(newarray, axis=2) assert all(diffs.flat[:] > 0) dct[name] = newarray return dct def _read_energy(self): txt = (self.path / 'TOTENERGY.OUT').read_text() tokens = txt.split() energy = float(tokens[-1]) * Hartree yield 'free_energy', energy yield 'energy', energy def parse_elk_kpoints(fd): header = next(fd) lhs, rhs = header.split(':', 1) assert 'k-point, vkl, wkpt' in rhs, header nkpts = int(lhs.strip()) kpts = np.empty((nkpts, 3)) weights = np.empty(nkpts) for ikpt in range(nkpts): line = next(fd) tokens = line.split() kpts[ikpt] = np.array(tokens[1:4]).astype(float) weights[ikpt] = float(tokens[4]) yield 'ibz_kpoints', kpts yield 'kpoint_weights', weights def parse_elk_info(fd): dct = collections.defaultdict(list) fd = iter(fd) spinpol = None converged = False actually_did_not_converge = False # Legacy code kept track of both these things, which is strange. # Why could a file both claim to converge *and* not converge? # We loop over all lines and extract also data that occurs # multiple times (e.g. in multiple SCF steps) for line in fd: # "name of quantity : 1 2 3" tokens = line.split(':', 1) if len(tokens) == 2: lhs, rhs = tokens dct[lhs.strip()].append(rhs.strip()) elif line.startswith('Convergence targets achieved'): converged = True elif 'reached self-consistent loops maximum' in line.lower(): actually_did_not_converge = True if 'Spin treatment' in line: # (Somewhat brittle doing multi-line stuff here.) line = next(fd) spinpol = line.strip() == 'spin-polarised' yield 'converged', converged and not actually_did_not_converge if spinpol is None: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine spin treatment') yield 'spinpol', spinpol if 'Fermi' in dct: yield 'fermi_level', float(dct['Fermi'][-1]) * Hartree if 'total force' in dct: forces = [] for line in dct['total force']: forces.append(line.split()) yield 'forces', np.array(forces, float) * (Hartree / Bohr) def parse_elk_eigval(fd): def match_int(line, word): number, colon, word1 = line.split() assert word1 == word assert colon == ':' return int(number) def skip_spaces(line=''): while not line.strip(): line = next(fd) return line line = skip_spaces() nkpts = match_int(line, 'nkpt') # 10 : nkpts line = next(fd) nbands = match_int(line, 'nstsv') # 15 : nstsv eigenvalues = np.empty((nkpts, nbands)) occupations = np.empty((nkpts, nbands)) kpts = np.empty((nkpts, 3)) for ikpt in range(nkpts): line = skip_spaces() tokens = line.split() assert tokens[-1] == 'vkl', tokens assert ikpt + 1 == int(tokens[0]) kpts[ikpt] = np.array(tokens[1:4]).astype(float) line = next(fd) # "(state, eigenvalue and occupancy below)" assert line.strip().startswith('(state,'), line for iband in range(nbands): line = next(fd) tokens = line.split() # (band number, eigenval, occ) assert iband + 1 == int(tokens[0]) eigenvalues[ikpt, iband] = float(tokens[1]) occupations[ikpt, iband] = float(tokens[2]) yield 'ibz_kpoints', kpts yield 'eigenvalues', eigenvalues[None] * Hartree yield 'occupations', occupations[None]