IO functions for DMol3 file formats.
read/write functionality for car, incoor and arc file formats
only car format is added to known ase file extensions
use format='dmol-arc' or 'dmol-incoor' for others
car structure file - Angstrom and cellpar description of cell.
incoor structure file - Bohr and cellvector describption of cell.
Note: incoor file not used if car file present.
arc multiple-structure file - Angstrom and cellpar description of cell.
The formats follow strict formatting
col: 1-5 atom name
col: 7-20 x Cartesian coordinate of atom in A
col: 22-35 y Cartesian coordinate of atom in A
col: 37-50 z Cartesian coordinate of atom in A
col: 52-55 type of residue containing atom
col: 57-63 residue sequence name relative to beginning of current molecule,
left justified
col: 64-70 potential type of atom left justified
col: 72-73 element symbol
col: 75-80 partial charge on atom
$cell vectors
37.83609647462165 0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 37.60366016124745 0.00000000000000
0.00000000000000 0.00000000000000 25.29020473078921
Si 15.94182672614820 1.85274838936809 16.01426481346124
Si 4.45559370448989 2.68957177851318 -0.05326937257442
multiple images of car format separated with $end
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.geometry.cell import cell_to_cellpar, cellpar_to_cell
from ase.units import Bohr
from ase.utils import reader, writer
def write_dmol_car(fd, atoms):
""" Write a dmol car-file from an Atoms object
The positions written to file are rotated as to align with the cell when
reading (due to cellpar information)
Can not handle multiple images.
Only allows for pbc 111 or 000.
fd.write('!BIOSYM archive 3\n')
dt = datetime.now()
symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
if np.all(atoms.pbc):
# Rotate positions so they will align with cellpar cell
cellpar = cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell)
new_cell = cellpar_to_cell(cellpar)
lstsq_fit = np.linalg.lstsq(atoms.cell, new_cell, rcond=-1)
# rcond=-1 silences FutureWarning in numpy 1.14
R = lstsq_fit[0]
positions = np.dot(atoms.positions, R)
fd.write('!DATE %s\n' % dt.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'))
fd.write('PBC %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n' % tuple(cellpar))
elif not np.any(atoms.pbc): # [False,False,False]
fd.write('!DATE %s\n' % dt.strftime('%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'))
positions = atoms.positions
raise ValueError('PBC must be all true or all false for .car format')
for i, (sym, pos) in enumerate(zip(symbols, positions)):
fd.write('%-6s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f XXXX 1 xx %-2s '
'0.000\n' % (sym + str(i + 1), pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], sym))
def read_dmol_car(fd):
""" Read a dmol car-file and return an Atoms object.
Cell is constructed from cellpar so orientation of cell might be off.
lines = fd.readlines()
atoms = Atoms()
start_line = 4
if lines[1][4:6] == 'ON':
start_line += 1
cell_dat = np.array([float(fld) for fld in lines[4].split()[1:7]])
cell = cellpar_to_cell(cell_dat)
pbc = [True, True, True]
cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
pbc = [False, False, False]
symbols = []
positions = []
for line in lines[start_line:]:
if line.startswith('end'):
flds = line.split()
atoms.append(Atom(flds[7], flds[1:4]))
atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=pbc)
return atoms
def write_dmol_incoor(fd, atoms, bohr=True):
""" Write a dmol incoor-file from an Atoms object
Only used for pbc 111.
Can not handle multiple images.
DMol3 expect data in .incoor files to be in bohr, if bohr is false however
the data is written in Angstroms.
if not np.all(atoms.pbc):
raise ValueError('PBC must be all true for .incoor format')
if bohr:
cell = atoms.cell / Bohr
positions = atoms.positions / Bohr
cell = atoms.cell
positions = atoms.positions
fd.write('$cell vectors\n')
fd.write(' {:18.14f} {:18.14f} {:18.14f}\n'.format(
cell[0, 0], cell[0, 1], cell[0, 2]))
fd.write(' {:18.14f} {:18.14f} {:18.14f}\n'.format(
cell[1, 0], cell[1, 1], cell[1, 2]))
fd.write(' {:18.14f} {:18.14f} {:18.14f}\n'.format(
cell[2, 0], cell[2, 1], cell[2, 2]))
for a, pos in zip(atoms, positions):
fd.write('%-12s%18.14f %18.14f %18.14f \n' % (
a.symbol, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]))
def read_dmol_incoor(fd, bohr=True):
""" Reads an incoor file and returns an atoms object.
If bohr is True then incoor is assumed to be in bohr and the data
is rescaled to Angstrom.
lines = fd.readlines()
symbols = []
positions = []
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if line.startswith('$cell vectors'):
cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
for j, line in enumerate(lines[i + 1:i + 4]):
cell[j, :] = [float(fld) for fld in line.split()]
if line.startswith('$coordinates'):
j = i + 1
while True:
if lines[j].startswith('$end'):
flds = lines[j].split()
j += 1
atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=True)
if bohr:
atoms.cell = atoms.cell * Bohr
atoms.positions = atoms.positions * Bohr
return atoms
def write_dmol_arc(fd, images):
""" Writes all images to file filename in arc format.
Similar to the .car format only pbc 111 or 000 is supported.
fd.write('!BIOSYM archive 3\n')
if np.all(images[0].pbc):
# Rotate positions so they will align with cellpar cell
elif not np.any(images[0].pbc):
raise ValueError('PBC must be all true or all false for .arc format')
for atoms in images:
dt = datetime.now()
symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
if np.all(atoms.pbc):
cellpar = cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell)
new_cell = cellpar_to_cell(cellpar)
lstsq_fit = np.linalg.lstsq(atoms.cell, new_cell, rcond=-1)
R = lstsq_fit[0]
fd.write('!DATE %s\n' % dt.strftime('%b %d %H:%m:%S %Y'))
fd.write('PBC %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n'
% tuple(cellpar))
positions = np.dot(atoms.positions, R)
elif not np.any(atoms.pbc): # [False,False,False]
fd.write('!DATE %s\n' % dt.strftime('%b %d %H:%m:%S %Y'))
positions = atoms.positions
raise ValueError(
'PBC must be all true or all false for .arc format')
for i, (sym, pos) in enumerate(zip(symbols, positions)):
'%-6s %12.8f %12.8f %12.8f XXXX 1 xx %-2s '
'0.000\n' % (sym + str(i + 1), pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], sym))
def read_dmol_arc(fd, index=-1):
""" Read a dmol arc-file and return a series of Atoms objects (images). """
lines = fd.readlines()
images = []
if lines[1].startswith('PBC=ON'):
pbc = True
elif lines[1].startswith('PBC=OFF'):
pbc = False
raise RuntimeError('Could not read pbc from second line in file')
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
symbols = []
positions = []
# parse single image
if lines[i].startswith('!DATE'):
# read cell
if pbc:
cell_dat = np.array([float(fld)
for fld in lines[i + 1].split()[1:7]])
cell = cellpar_to_cell(cell_dat)
i += 1
i += 1
# read atoms
while not lines[i].startswith('end'):
flds = lines[i].split()
i += 1
image = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions, cell=cell,
if len(images) == index:
return images[-1]
i += 1
# return requested images, code borrowed from ase/io/trajectory.py
if isinstance(index, int):
return images[index]
from ase.io.formats import index2range
indices = index2range(index, len(images))
return [images[j] for j in indices]