IO support for the Gaussian cube format.
See the format specifications on:
import time
import numpy as np
from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.io import read
from ase.units import Bohr
ATOMS = 'atoms'
CASTEP = 'castep'
DATA = 'data'
def write_cube(file_obj, atoms, data=None, origin=None, comment=None):
"""Function to write a cube file.
file_obj: str or file object
File to which output is written.
atoms: Atoms
The Atoms object specifying the atomic configuration.
data : 3-dim numpy array, optional (default = None)
Array containing volumetric data as e.g. electronic density
origin : 3-tuple
Origin of the volumetric data (units: Angstrom)
comment : str, optional (default = None)
Comment for the first line of the cube file.
if data is None:
data = np.ones((2, 2, 2))
data = np.asarray(data)
if data.dtype == complex:
data = np.abs(data)
if comment is None:
comment = "Cube file from ASE, written on " + time.strftime("%c")
comment = comment.strip()
file_obj.write("\nOUTER LOOP: X, MIDDLE LOOP: Y, INNER LOOP: Z\n")
if origin is None:
origin = np.zeros(3)
origin = np.asarray(origin) / Bohr
len(atoms), *origin))
for i in range(3):
n = data.shape[i]
d = atoms.cell[i] / n / Bohr
file_obj.write("{:5}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}\n".format(n, *d))
positions = atoms.positions / Bohr
numbers = atoms.numbers
for Z, (x, y, z) in zip(numbers, positions):
Z, 0.0, x, y, z)
data.tofile(file_obj, sep="\n", format="%e")
def read_cube(file_obj, read_data=True, program=None, verbose=False):
"""Read atoms and data from CUBE file.
file_obj : str or file
Location to the cube file.
read_data : boolean
If set true, the actual cube file content, i.e. an array
containing the electronic density (or something else )on a grid
and the dimensions of the corresponding voxels are read.
program: str
Use program='castep' to follow the PBC convention that first and
last voxel along a direction are mirror images, thus the last
voxel is to be removed. If program=None, the routine will try
to catch castep files from the comment lines.
verbose : bool
Print some more information to stdout.
Returns a dict with the following keys:
* 'atoms': Atoms object
* 'data' : (Nx, Ny, Nz) ndarray
* 'origin': (3,) ndarray, specifying the cube_data origin.
* 'spacing': (3, 3) ndarray, representing voxel size
readline = file_obj.readline
line = readline() # the first comment line
line = readline() # the second comment line
# The second comment line *CAN* contain information on the axes
# But this is by far not the case for all programs
axes = []
if "OUTER LOOP" in line.upper():
axes = ["XYZ".index(s[0]) for s in line.upper().split()[2::3]]
if not axes:
axes = [0, 1, 2]
# castep2cube files have a specific comment in the second line ...
if "castep2cube" in line:
program = CASTEP
if verbose:
print("read_cube identified program: castep")
# Third line contains actual system information:
line = readline().split()
num_atoms = int(line[0])
# num_atoms can be negative.
# Negative num_atoms indicates we have extra data to parse after
# the coordinate information.
has_labels = num_atoms < 0
num_atoms = abs(num_atoms)
# There is an optional last field on this line which indicates
# the number of values at each point. It is typically 1 (the default)
# in which case it can be omitted, but it may also be > 1,
# for example if there are multiple orbitals stored in the same cube.
num_val = int(line[4]) if len(line) == 5 else 1
# Origin around which the volumetric data is centered
# (at least in FHI aims):
origin = np.array([float(x) * Bohr for x in line[1:4:]])
cell = np.empty((3, 3))
shape = []
spacing = np.empty((3, 3))
# The upcoming three lines contain the cell information
for i in range(3):
n, x, y, z = (float(s) for s in readline().split())
# different PBC treatment in castep, basically the last voxel row is
# identical to the first one
if program == CASTEP:
n -= 1
cell[i] = n * Bohr * np.array([x, y, z])
spacing[i] = np.array([x, y, z]) * Bohr
pbc = [(v != 0).any() for v in cell]
numbers = np.empty(num_atoms, int)
positions = np.empty((num_atoms, 3))
for i in range(num_atoms):
line = readline().split()
numbers[i] = int(line[0])
positions[i] = [float(s) for s in line[2:]]
positions *= Bohr
atoms = Atoms(numbers=numbers, positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=pbc)
# CASTEP will always have PBC, although the cube format does not
# contain this kind of information
if program == CASTEP:
atoms.pbc = True
dct = {ATOMS: atoms}
labels = []
# If we originally had a negative num_atoms, parse the extra fields now.
# The first field of the first line tells us how many other fields there
# are to parse, but we have to guess how many rows this information is
# split over.
if has_labels:
# Can't think of a more elegant way of doing this...
fields = readline().split()
nfields = int(fields[0])
while len(labels) < nfields:
fields = readline().split()
labels = [int(x) for x in labels]
if read_data:
# Cube files can contain more than one density,
# so we need to be a little bit careful about where one ends
# and the next begins.
raw_volume = [float(s) for s in file_obj.read().split()]
# Split each value at each point into a separate list.
raw_volumes = [np.array(raw_volume[offset::num_val])
for offset in range(num_val)]
datas = []
# Adjust each volume in turn.
for data in raw_volumes:
data = data.reshape(shape)
if axes != [0, 1, 2]:
data = data.transpose(axes).copy()
if program == CASTEP:
# Due to the PBC applied in castep2cube, the last entry
# along each dimension equals the very first one.
data = data[:-1, :-1, :-1]
datas = np.array(datas)
dct[DATA] = datas[0]
dct["origin"] = origin
dct["spacing"] = spacing
dct["labels"] = labels
dct["datas"] = datas
return dct
def read_cube_data(filename):
"""Wrapper function to read not only the atoms information from a cube file
but also the contained volumetric data.
dct = read(filename, format="cube", read_data=True, full_output=True)
return dct[DATA], dct[ATOMS]