from ase.atoms import Atoms
from ase.utils import reader, writer
def write_crystal(fd, atoms):
"""Method to write atom structure in crystal format
(fort.34 format)
ispbc = atoms.get_pbc()
box = atoms.get_cell()
# here it is assumed that the non-periodic direction are z
# in 2D case, z and y in the 1D case.
if ispbc[2]:
fd.write('%2s %2s %2s %23s \n' %
('3', '1', '1', 'E -0.0E+0 DE 0.0E+0( 1)'))
elif ispbc[1]:
fd.write('%2s %2s %2s %23s \n' %
('2', '1', '1', 'E -0.0E+0 DE 0.0E+0( 1)'))
box[2, 2] = 500.
elif ispbc[0]:
fd.write('%2s %2s %2s %23s \n' %
('1', '1', '1', 'E -0.0E+0 DE 0.0E+0( 1)'))
box[2, 2] = 500.
box[1, 1] = 500.
fd.write('%2s %2s %2s %23s \n' %
('0', '1', '1', 'E -0.0E+0 DE 0.0E+0( 1)'))
box[2, 2] = 500.
box[1, 1] = 500.
box[0, 0] = 500.
# write box
# crystal dummy
fd.write(' %.17E %.17E %.17E \n'
% (box[0][0], box[0][1], box[0][2]))
fd.write(' %.17E %.17E %.17E \n'
% (box[1][0], box[1][1], box[1][2]))
fd.write(' %.17E %.17E %.17E \n'
% (box[2][0], box[2][1], box[2][2]))
# write symmetry operations (not implemented yet for
# higher symmetries than C1)
fd.write(' %2s \n' % (1))
fd.write(f' {1:.17E} {0:.17E} {0:.17E} \n')
fd.write(f' {0:.17E} {1:.17E} {0:.17E} \n')
fd.write(f' {0:.17E} {0:.17E} {1:.17E} \n')
fd.write(f' {0:.17E} {0:.17E} {0:.17E} \n')
# write coordinates
fd.write(' %8s \n' % (len(atoms)))
coords = atoms.get_positions()
tags = atoms.get_tags()
atomnum = atoms.get_atomic_numbers()
for iatom, coord in enumerate(coords):
fd.write('%5i %19.16f %19.16f %19.16f \n'
% (atomnum[iatom] + tags[iatom],
coords[iatom][0], coords[iatom][1], coords[iatom][2]))
def read_crystal(fd):
"""Method to read coordinates form 'fort.34' files
additionally read information about
periodic boundary condition
lines = fd.readlines()
atoms_pos = []
anumber_list = []
my_pbc = [False, False, False]
mycell = []
if float(lines[4]) != 1:
raise ValueError('High symmetry geometry is not allowed.')
if float(lines[1].split()[0]) < 500.0:
cell = [float(c) for c in lines[1].split()]
my_pbc[0] = True
mycell.append([1, 0, 0])
if float(lines[2].split()[1]) < 500.0:
cell = [float(c) for c in lines[2].split()]
my_pbc[1] = True
mycell.append([0, 1, 0])
if float(lines[3].split()[2]) < 500.0:
cell = [float(c) for c in lines[3].split()]
my_pbc[2] = True
mycell.append([0, 0, 1])
natoms = int(lines[9].split()[0])
for i in range(natoms):
index = 10 + i
anum = int(lines[index].split()[0]) % 100
position = [float(p) for p in lines[index].split()[1:]]
atoms = Atoms(positions=atoms_pos, numbers=anumber_list,
cell=mycell, pbc=my_pbc)
return atoms