"""This module defines I/O routines with CASTEP files.
The key idea is that all function accept or return atoms objects.
CASTEP specific parameters will be returned through the <atoms>.calc
import os
import re
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
import ase
# independent unit management included here:
# When high accuracy is required, this allows to easily pin down
# unit conversion factors from different "unit definition systems"
# (CODATA1986 for ase- vs CODATA2002 for CASTEP 5.01).
# ase.units in in ase- is based on CODATA1986
import ase.units
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixCartesian, FixedLine, FixedPlane
from ase.geometry.cell import cellpar_to_cell
from ase.io.castep.castep_reader import read_castep_castep
from ase.parallel import paropen
from ase.spacegroup import Spacegroup
from ase.utils import atoms_to_spglib_cell, reader, writer
units_ase = {
'hbar': ase.units._hbar * ase.units.J,
'Eh': ase.units.Hartree,
'kB': ase.units.kB,
'a0': ase.units.Bohr,
't0': ase.units._hbar * ase.units.J / ase.units.Hartree,
'c': ase.units._c,
'me': ase.units._me / ase.units._amu,
'Pascal': 1.0 / ase.units.Pascal}
# CODATA1986 (included herein for the sake of completeness)
# taken from
# http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Archive/1986RMP.pdf
units_CODATA1986 = {
'hbar': 6.5821220E-16, # eVs
'Eh': 27.2113961, # eV
'kB': 8.617385E-5, # eV/K
'a0': 0.529177249, # A
'c': 299792458, # m/s
'e': 1.60217733E-19, # C
'me': 5.485799110E-4} # u
# CODATA2002: default in CASTEP 5.01
# (-> check in more recent CASTEP in case of numerical discrepancies?!)
# taken from
# http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Document/all_2002.pdf
units_CODATA2002 = {
'hbar': 6.58211915E-16, # eVs
'Eh': 27.2113845, # eV
'kB': 8.617343E-5, # eV/K
'a0': 0.5291772108, # A
'c': 299792458, # m/s
'e': 1.60217653E-19, # C
'me': 5.4857990945E-4} # u
# (common) derived entries
for d in (units_CODATA1986, units_CODATA2002):
d['t0'] = d['hbar'] / d['Eh'] # s
d['Pascal'] = d['e'] * 1E30 # Pa
__all__ = [
# routines for the generic io function
# additional reads that still need to be wrapped
# write that is already wrapped
# param write - in principle only necessary in junction with the calculator
def write_freeform(fd, outputobj):
Prints out to a given file a CastepInputFile or derived class, such as
CastepCell or CastepParam.
options = outputobj._options
# Some keywords, if present, are printed in this order
preferred_order = ['lattice_cart', 'lattice_abc',
'positions_frac', 'positions_abs',
'species_pot', 'symmetry_ops', # CELL file
'task', 'cut_off_energy' # PARAM file
keys = outputobj.get_attr_dict().keys()
# This sorts only the ones in preferred_order and leaves the rest
# untouched
keys = sorted(keys, key=lambda x: preferred_order.index(x)
if x in preferred_order
else len(preferred_order))
for kw in keys:
opt = options[kw]
if opt.type.lower() == 'block':
fd.write('%BLOCK {0}\n{1}\n%ENDBLOCK {0}\n\n'.format(
fd.write(f'{kw.upper()}: {opt.value}\n')
def write_castep_cell(fd, atoms, positions_frac=False, force_write=False,
precision=6, magnetic_moments=None,
This CASTEP export function write minimal information to
a .cell file. If the atoms object is a trajectory, it will
take the last image.
Note that function has been altered in order to require a filedescriptor
rather than a filename. This allows to use the more generic write()
function from formats.py
Note that the "force_write" keywords has no effect currently.
positions_frac: boolean. If true, positions are printed as fractional
rather than absolute. Default is false.
castep_cell: if provided, overrides the existing CastepCell object in
the Atoms calculator
precision: number of digits to which lattice and positions are printed
magnetic_moments: if None, no SPIN values are initialised.
If 'initial', the values from
get_initial_magnetic_moments() are used.
If 'calculated', the values from
get_magnetic_moments() are used.
If an array of the same length as the atoms object,
its contents will be used as magnetic moments.
if isinstance(atoms, list):
if len(atoms) > 1:
atoms = atoms[-1]
# Header
fd.write('# written by ASE\n\n')
# To write this we simply use the existing Castep calculator, or create
# one
from ase.calculators.castep import Castep, CastepCell
has_cell = isinstance(atoms.calc.cell, CastepCell)
except AttributeError:
has_cell = False
if has_cell:
cell = deepcopy(atoms.calc.cell)
cell = Castep(keyword_tolerance=2).cell
# Write lattice
fformat = f'%{precision + 3}.{precision}f'
cell_block_format = ' '.join([fformat] * 3)
cell.lattice_cart = [cell_block_format % tuple(line)
for line in atoms.get_cell()]
if positions_frac:
pos_keyword = 'positions_frac'
positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions()
pos_keyword = 'positions_abs'
positions = atoms.get_positions()
if atoms.has('castep_custom_species'):
elems = atoms.get_array('castep_custom_species')
elems = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()
if atoms.has('masses'):
from ase.data import atomic_masses
masses = atoms.get_array('masses')
custom_masses = {}
for i, species in enumerate(elems):
custom_mass = masses[i]
# build record of different masses for each species
if species not in custom_masses:
# build dictionary of positions of all species with
# same name and mass value ideally there should only
# be one mass per species
custom_masses[species] = {custom_mass: [i]}
# if multiple masses found for a species
elif custom_mass not in custom_masses[species].keys():
# if custom species were already manually defined raise an error
if atoms.has('castep_custom_species'):
raise ValueError(
"Could not write custom mass block for {0}. \n"
"Custom mass was set ({1}), but an inconsistent set of "
"castep_custom_species already defines "
"({2}) for {0}. \n"
"If using both features, ensure that "
"each species type in "
"atoms.arrays['castep_custom_species'] "
"has consistent mass values and that each atom "
"with non-standard "
"mass belongs to a custom species type."
species, custom_mass, list(
# append mass to create custom species later
custom_masses[species][custom_mass] = [i]
# create species_mass block
mass_block = []
for el, mass_dict in custom_masses.items():
# ignore mass record that match defaults
default = mass_dict.pop(atomic_masses[atoms.get_array(
'numbers')[list(elems).index(el)]], None)
if mass_dict:
# no custom species need to be created
if len(mass_dict) == 1 and not default:
mass_block.append('{} {}'.format(
el, list(mass_dict.keys())[0]))
# for each custom mass, create new species and change names to
# match in 'elems' list
'Custom mass specified for '
'standard species {}, creating custom species'
for i, vals in enumerate(mass_dict.items()):
mass_val, idxs = vals
custom_species_name = f"{el}:{i}"
'Creating custom species {} with mass {}'.format(
custom_species_name, str(mass_dict)))
for idx in idxs:
elems[idx] = custom_species_name
mass_block.append('{} {}'.format(
custom_species_name, mass_val))
cell.species_mass = mass_block
if atoms.has('castep_labels'):
labels = atoms.get_array('castep_labels')
labels = ['NULL'] * len(elems)
if str(magnetic_moments).lower() == 'initial':
magmoms = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments()
elif str(magnetic_moments).lower() == 'calculated':
magmoms = atoms.get_magnetic_moments()
elif np.array(magnetic_moments).shape == (len(elems),):
magmoms = np.array(magnetic_moments)
magmoms = [0] * len(elems)
pos_block = []
pos_block_format = '%s ' + cell_block_format
for i, el in enumerate(elems):
xyz = positions[i]
line = pos_block_format % tuple([el] + list(xyz))
# ADD other keywords if necessary
if magmoms[i] != 0:
line += f' SPIN={magmoms[i]} '
if labels[i].strip() not in ('NULL', ''):
line += f' LABEL={labels[i]} '
setattr(cell, pos_keyword, pos_block)
constr_block = _make_block_ionic_constraints(atoms)
if constr_block:
cell.ionic_constraints = constr_block
write_freeform(fd, cell)
def _make_block_ionic_constraints(atoms: ase.Atoms) -> List[str]:
constr_block: List[str] = []
species_indices = atoms.symbols.species_indices()
for constr in atoms.constraints:
if not _is_constraint_valid(constr, len(atoms)):
for i in constr.index:
symbol = atoms.get_chemical_symbols()[i]
nis = species_indices[i] + 1
if isinstance(constr, FixAtoms):
for j in range(3): # constraint for all three directions
ic = len(constr_block) + 1
line = f'{ic:6d} {symbol:3s} {nis:3d} '
line += ['1 0 0', '0 1 0', '0 0 1'][j]
elif isinstance(constr, FixCartesian):
for j, m in enumerate(constr.mask):
if m == 0: # not constrained
ic = len(constr_block) + 1
line = f'{ic:6d} {symbol:3s} {nis:3d} '
line += ['1 0 0', '0 1 0', '0 0 1'][j]
elif isinstance(constr, FixedPlane):
ic = len(constr_block) + 1
line = f'{ic:6d} {symbol:3s} {nis:3d} '
line += ' '.join([str(d) for d in constr.dir])
elif isinstance(constr, FixedLine):
for direction in _calc_normal_vectors(constr):
ic = len(constr_block) + 1
line = f'{ic:6d} {symbol:3s} {nis:3d} '
line += ' '.join(str(_) for _ in direction)
return constr_block
def _is_constraint_valid(constraint, natoms: int) -> bool:
supported_constraints = (FixAtoms, FixedPlane, FixedLine, FixCartesian)
if not isinstance(constraint, supported_constraints):
warnings.warn(f'{constraint} is not supported by ASE CASTEP, skipped')
return False
if any(i < 0 or i >= natoms for i in constraint.index):
warnings.warn(f'{constraint} contains invalid indices, skipped')
return False
return True
def _calc_normal_vectors(constr: FixedLine) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
direction = constr.dir
i2, i1 = np.argsort(np.abs(direction))[1:]
v1 = direction[i1]
v2 = direction[i2]
n1 = np.zeros(3)
n1[i2] = v1
n1[i1] = -v2
n1 = n1 / np.linalg.norm(n1)
n2 = np.cross(direction, n1)
n2 = n2 / np.linalg.norm(n2)
return n1, n2
def read_freeform(fd):
Read a CASTEP freeform file (the basic format of .cell and .param files)
and return keyword-value pairs as a dict (values are strings for single
keywords and lists of strings for blocks).
from ase.io.castep.castep_input_file import CastepInputFile
inputobj = CastepInputFile(keyword_tolerance=2)
filelines = fd.readlines()
keyw = None
read_block = False
block_lines = None
for i, l in enumerate(filelines):
# Strip all comments, aka anything after a hash
L = re.split(r'[#!;]', l, 1)[0].strip()
if L == '':
# Empty line... skip
lsplit = re.split(r'\s*[:=]*\s+', L, 1)
if read_block:
if lsplit[0].lower() == '%endblock':
if len(lsplit) == 1 or lsplit[1].lower() != keyw:
raise ValueError('Out of place end of block at '
'line %i in freeform file' % i + 1)
read_block = False
inputobj.__setattr__(keyw, block_lines)
block_lines += [L]
# Check the first word
# Is it a block?
read_block = (lsplit[0].lower() == '%block')
if read_block:
if len(lsplit) == 1:
raise ValueError(('Unrecognizable block at line %i '
'in io freeform file') % i + 1)
keyw = lsplit[1].lower()
keyw = lsplit[0].lower()
# Now save the value
if read_block:
block_lines = []
inputobj.__setattr__(keyw, ' '.join(lsplit[1:]))
return inputobj.get_attr_dict(types=True)
def read_castep_cell(fd, index=None, calculator_args={}, find_spg=False,
"""Read a .cell file and return an atoms object.
Any value found that does not fit the atoms API
will be stored in the atoms.calc attribute.
By default, the Castep calculator will be tolerant and in the absence of a
castep_keywords.json file it will just accept all keywords that aren't
automatically parsed.
from ase.calculators.castep import Castep
cell_units = { # Units specifiers for CASTEP
'bohr': units_CODATA2002['a0'],
'ang': 1.0,
'm': 1e10,
'cm': 1e8,
'nm': 10,
'pm': 1e-2
calc = Castep(**calculator_args)
if calc.cell.castep_version == 0 and calc._kw_tol < 3:
# No valid castep_keywords.json was found
'read_cell: Warning - Was not able to validate CASTEP input. '
'This may be due to a non-existing '
'"castep_keywords.json" '
'file or a non-existing CASTEP installation. '
'Parsing will go on but keywords will not be '
'validated and may cause problems if incorrect during a CASTEP '
celldict = read_freeform(fd)
def parse_blockunit(line_tokens, blockname):
u = 1.0
if len(line_tokens[0]) == 1:
usymb = line_tokens[0][0].lower()
u = cell_units.get(usymb, 1)
if usymb not in cell_units:
warnings.warn('read_cell: Warning - ignoring invalid '
'unit specifier in %BLOCK {} '
'(assuming Angstrom instead)'.format(blockname))
line_tokens = line_tokens[1:]
return u, line_tokens
# Arguments to pass to the Atoms object at the end
aargs = {
'pbc': True
# Start by looking for the lattice
lat_keywords = [w in celldict for w in ('lattice_cart', 'lattice_abc')]
if all(lat_keywords):
warnings.warn('read_cell: Warning - two lattice blocks present in the'
' same file. LATTICE_ABC will be ignored')
elif not any(lat_keywords):
raise ValueError('Cell file must contain at least one between '
if 'lattice_abc' in celldict:
lines = celldict.pop('lattice_abc')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
u, line_tokens = parse_blockunit(line_tokens, 'lattice_abc')
if len(line_tokens) != 2:
warnings.warn('read_cell: Warning - ignoring additional '
'lines in invalid %BLOCK LATTICE_ABC')
abc = [float(p) * u for p in line_tokens[0][:3]]
angles = [float(phi) for phi in line_tokens[1][:3]]
aargs['cell'] = cellpar_to_cell(abc + angles)
if 'lattice_cart' in celldict:
lines = celldict.pop('lattice_cart')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
u, line_tokens = parse_blockunit(line_tokens, 'lattice_cart')
if len(line_tokens) != 3:
warnings.warn('read_cell: Warning - ignoring more than '
'three lattice vectors in invalid %BLOCK '
aargs['cell'] = [[float(x) * u for x in lt[:3]] for lt in line_tokens]
# Now move on to the positions
pos_keywords = [w in celldict
for w in ('positions_abs', 'positions_frac')]
if all(pos_keywords):
warnings.warn('read_cell: Warning - two lattice blocks present in the'
' same file. POSITIONS_FRAC will be ignored')
del celldict['positions_frac']
elif not any(pos_keywords):
raise ValueError('Cell file must contain at least one between '
aargs['symbols'] = []
pos_type = 'positions'
pos_block = celldict.pop('positions_abs', [None])[0]
if pos_block is None:
pos_type = 'scaled_positions'
pos_block = celldict.pop('positions_frac', [None])[0]
aargs[pos_type] = []
lines = pos_block.split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
if 'scaled' not in pos_type:
u, line_tokens = parse_blockunit(line_tokens, 'positions_abs')
u = 1.0
# Here we extract all the possible additional info
# These are marked by their type
add_info = {
'SPIN': (float, 0.0), # (type, default)
'MAGMOM': (float, 0.0),
'LABEL': (str, 'NULL')
add_info_arrays = {k: [] for k in add_info}
def parse_info(raw_info):
re_keys = (r'({0})\s*[=:\s]{{1}}\s'
# Capture all info groups
info = re.findall(re_keys, raw_info)
info = {g[0]: add_info[g[0]][0](g[1]) for g in info}
return info
# Array for custom species (a CASTEP special thing)
# Usually left unused
custom_species = None
for tokens in line_tokens:
# Now, process the whole 'species' thing
spec_custom = tokens[0].split(':', 1)
elem = spec_custom[0]
if len(spec_custom) > 1 and custom_species is None:
# Add it to the custom info!
custom_species = list(aargs['symbols'])
if custom_species is not None:
aargs[pos_type].append([float(p) * u for p in tokens[1:4]])
# Now for the additional information
info = ' '.join(tokens[4:])
info = parse_info(info)
for k in add_info:
add_info_arrays[k] += [info.get(k, add_info[k][1])]
# read in custom species mass
if 'species_mass' in celldict:
spec_list = custom_species if custom_species else aargs['symbols']
aargs['masses'] = [None for _ in spec_list]
lines = celldict.pop('species_mass')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
if len(line_tokens[0]) == 1:
if line_tokens[0][0].lower() not in ('amu', 'u'):
raise ValueError(
"unit specifier '{}' in %BLOCK SPECIES_MASS "
"not recognised".format(
line_tokens = line_tokens[1:]
for tokens in line_tokens:
token_pos_list = [i for i, x in enumerate(
spec_list) if x == tokens[0]]
if len(token_pos_list) == 0:
'read_cell: Warning - ignoring unused '
'species mass {} in %BLOCK SPECIES_MASS'.format(
for idx in token_pos_list:
aargs['masses'][idx] = tokens[1]
# Now on to the species potentials...
if 'species_pot' in celldict:
lines = celldict.pop('species_pot')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
for tokens in line_tokens:
if len(tokens) == 1:
# It's a library
all_spec = (set(custom_species) if custom_species is not None
else set(aargs['symbols']))
for s in all_spec:
calc.cell.species_pot = (s, tokens[0])
calc.cell.species_pot = tuple(tokens[:2])
# Ionic constraints
raw_constraints = {}
if 'ionic_constraints' in celldict:
lines = celldict.pop('ionic_constraints')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
for tokens in line_tokens:
if len(tokens) != 6:
_, species, nic, x, y, z = tokens
# convert xyz to floats
x = float(x)
y = float(y)
z = float(z)
nic = int(nic)
if (species, nic) not in raw_constraints:
raw_constraints[(species, nic)] = []
raw_constraints[(species, nic)].append(np.array(
[x, y, z]))
# Symmetry operations
if 'symmetry_ops' in celldict:
lines = celldict.pop('symmetry_ops')[0].split('\n')
line_tokens = [line.split() for line in lines]
# Read them in blocks of four
blocks = np.array(line_tokens).astype(float)
if (len(blocks.shape) != 2 or blocks.shape[1] != 3
or blocks.shape[0] % 4 != 0):
warnings.warn('Warning: could not parse SYMMETRY_OPS'
' block properly, skipping')
blocks = blocks.reshape((-1, 4, 3))
rotations = blocks[:, :3]
translations = blocks[:, 3]
# Regardless of whether we recognize them, store these
calc.cell.symmetry_ops = (rotations, translations)
# Anything else that remains, just add it to the cell object:
for k, (val, otype) in celldict.items():
if otype == 'block':
val = val.split('\n') # Avoids a bug for one-line blocks
calc.cell.__setattr__(k, val)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(
f'Problem setting calc.cell.{k} = {val}: {e}')
# Get the relevant additional info
aargs['magmoms'] = np.array(add_info_arrays['SPIN'])
# SPIN or MAGMOM are alternative keywords
aargs['magmoms'] = np.where(aargs['magmoms'] != 0,
labels = np.array(add_info_arrays['LABEL'])
aargs['calculator'] = calc
atoms = ase.Atoms(**aargs)
# Spacegroup...
if find_spg:
# Try importing spglib
import spglib
except ImportError:
warnings.warn('spglib not found installed on this system - '
'automatic spacegroup detection is not possible')
spglib = None
if spglib is not None:
symmd = spglib.get_symmetry_dataset(atoms_to_spglib_cell(atoms))
atoms_spg = Spacegroup(int(symmd['number']))
atoms.info['spacegroup'] = atoms_spg
atoms.new_array('castep_labels', labels)
if custom_species is not None:
atoms.new_array('castep_custom_species', np.array(custom_species))
fixed_atoms = []
constraints = []
index_dict = atoms.symbols.indices()
for (species, nic), value in raw_constraints.items():
absolute_nr = index_dict[species][nic - 1]
if len(value) == 3:
# Check if they are linearly independent
if np.linalg.det(value) == 0:
'Error: Found linearly dependent constraints attached '
'to atoms %s' %
elif len(value) == 2:
direction = np.cross(value[0], value[1])
# Check if they are linearly independent
if np.linalg.norm(direction) == 0:
'Error: Found linearly dependent constraints attached '
'to atoms %s' %
constraint = FixedLine(indices=absolute_nr, direction=direction)
elif len(value) == 1:
direction = np.array(value[0], dtype=float)
constraint = FixedPlane(indices=absolute_nr, direction=direction)
f'Error: Found {len(value)} statements attached to atoms '
# we need to sort the fixed atoms list in order not to raise an assertion
# error in FixAtoms
if fixed_atoms:
if constraints:
atoms.calc.atoms = atoms
return atoms
def read_geom(filename, index=':', units=units_CODATA2002):
Wrapper function for the more generic read() functionality.
Note that this is function is intended to maintain backwards-compatibility
only. Keyword arguments will be passed to read_castep_geom().
from ase.io import read
return read(filename, index=index, format='castep-geom', units=units)
def read_castep_geom(fd, index=None, units=units_CODATA2002):
"""Reads a .geom file produced by the CASTEP GeometryOptimization task and
returns an atoms object.
The information about total free energy and forces of each atom for every
relaxation step will be stored for further analysis especially in a
single-point calculator.
Note that everything in the .geom file is in atomic units, which has
been conversed to commonly used unit angstrom(length) and eV (energy).
Note that the index argument has no effect as of now.
Contribution by Wei-Bing Zhang. Thanks!
Routine now accepts a filedescriptor in order to out-source the gz and
bz2 handling to formats.py. Note that there is a fallback routine
read_geom() that behaves like previous versions did.
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
# fd is closed by embracing read() routine
txt = fd.readlines()
traj = []
Hartree = units['Eh']
Bohr = units['a0']
# Yeah, we know that...
# print('N.B.: Energy in .geom file is not 0K extrapolated.')
for i, line in enumerate(txt):
if line.find('<-- E') > 0:
start_found = True
energy = float(line.split()[0]) * Hartree
cell = [x.split()[0:3] for x in txt[i + 1:i + 4]]
cell = np.array([[float(col) * Bohr for col in row] for row in
if line.find('<-- R') > 0 and start_found:
start_found = False
geom_start = i
for i, line in enumerate(txt[geom_start:]):
if line.find('<-- F') > 0:
geom_stop = i + geom_start
species = [line.split()[0] for line in
geom = np.array([[float(col) * Bohr for col in
line.split()[2:5]] for line in
forces = np.array([[float(col) * Hartree / Bohr for col in
line.split()[2:5]] for line in
+ (geom_stop - geom_start)]])
image = ase.Atoms(species, geom, cell=cell, pbc=True)
image.calc = SinglePointCalculator(
atoms=image, energy=energy, forces=forces)
if index is None:
return traj
return traj[index]
def read_phonon(filename, index=None, read_vib_data=False,
gamma_only=True, frequency_factor=None,
Wrapper function for the more generic read() functionality.
Note that this is function is intended to maintain backwards-compatibility
only. For documentation see read_castep_phonon().
from ase.io import read
if read_vib_data:
full_output = True
full_output = False
return read(filename, index=index, format='castep-phonon',
full_output=full_output, read_vib_data=read_vib_data,
gamma_only=gamma_only, frequency_factor=frequency_factor,
def read_castep_phonon(fd, index=None, read_vib_data=False,
gamma_only=True, frequency_factor=None,
Reads a .phonon file written by a CASTEP Phonon task and returns an atoms
object, as well as the calculated vibrational data if requested.
Note that the index argument has no effect as of now.
# fd is closed by embracing read() routine
lines = fd.readlines()
atoms = None
cell = []
N = Nb = Nq = 0
scaled_positions = []
symbols = []
masses = []
# header
L = 0
while L < len(lines):
line = lines[L]
if 'Number of ions' in line:
N = int(line.split()[3])
elif 'Number of branches' in line:
Nb = int(line.split()[3])
elif 'Number of wavevectors' in line:
Nq = int(line.split()[3])
elif 'Unit cell vectors (A)' in line:
for _ in range(3):
L += 1
fields = lines[L].split()
cell.append([float(x) for x in fields[0:3]])
elif 'Fractional Co-ordinates' in line:
for _ in range(N):
L += 1
fields = lines[L].split()
scaled_positions.append([float(x) for x in fields[1:4]])
elif 'END header' in line:
L += 1
atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols,
L += 1
# Eigenmodes and -vectors
if frequency_factor is None:
Kayser_to_eV = 1E2 * 2 * np.pi * units['hbar'] * units['c']
# N.B. "fixed default" unit for frequencies in .phonon files is "cm-1"
# (i.e. the latter is unaffected by the internal unit conversion system of
# CASTEP!) set conversion factor to convert therefrom to eV by default for
# now
frequency_factor = Kayser_to_eV
qpoints = []
weights = []
frequencies = []
displacements = []
for _ in range(Nq):
fields = lines[L].split()
qpoints.append([float(x) for x in fields[2:5]])
freqs = []
for _ in range(Nb):
L += 1
fields = lines[L].split()
freqs.append(frequency_factor * float(fields[1]))
# skip the two Phonon Eigenvectors header lines
L += 2
# generate a list of displacements with a structure that is identical to
# what is stored internally in the Vibrations class (see in
# ase.vibrations.Vibrations.modes):
# np.array(displacements).shape == (Nb,3*N)
disps = []
for _ in range(Nb):
disp_coords = []
for _ in range(N):
L += 1
fields = lines[L].split()
disp_x = float(fields[2]) + float(fields[3]) * 1.0j
disp_y = float(fields[4]) + float(fields[5]) * 1.0j
disp_z = float(fields[6]) + float(fields[7]) * 1.0j
disp_coords.extend([disp_x, disp_y, disp_z])
if read_vib_data:
if gamma_only:
vibdata = [frequencies[0], displacements[0]]
vibdata = [qpoints, weights, frequencies, displacements]
return vibdata, atoms
return atoms
def read_md(filename, index=None, return_scalars=False,
"""Wrapper function for the more generic read() functionality.
Note that this function is intended to maintain backwards-compatibility
only. For documentation see read_castep_md()
if return_scalars:
full_output = True
full_output = False
from ase.io import read
return read(filename, index=index, format='castep-md',
full_output=full_output, return_scalars=return_scalars,
def read_castep_md(fd, index=None, return_scalars=False,
"""Reads a .md file written by a CASTEP MolecularDynamics task
and returns the trajectory stored therein as a list of atoms object.
Note that the index argument has no effect as of now."""
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
factors = {
't': units['t0'] * 1E15, # fs
'E': units['Eh'], # eV
'T': units['Eh'] / units['kB'],
'P': units['Eh'] / units['a0']**3 * units['Pascal'],
'h': units['a0'],
'hv': units['a0'] / units['t0'],
'S': units['Eh'] / units['a0']**3,
'R': units['a0'],
'V': np.sqrt(units['Eh'] / units['me']),
'F': units['Eh'] / units['a0']}
# fd is closed by embracing read() routine
lines = fd.readlines()
L = 0
while 'END header' not in lines[L]:
L += 1
l_end_header = L
lines = lines[l_end_header + 1:]
times = []
energies = []
temperatures = []
pressures = []
traj = []
# Initialization
time = None
Epot = None
Ekin = None
EH = None
temperature = None
pressure = None
symbols = None
positions = None
cell = None
velocities = None
symbols = []
positions = []
velocities = []
forces = []
cell = np.eye(3)
cell_velocities = []
stress = []
for (L, line) in enumerate(lines):
fields = line.split()
if len(fields) == 0:
if L != 0:
energies.append([Epot, EH, Ekin])
atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols,
if len(stress) == 0:
atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(
atoms=atoms, energy=Epot, forces=forces)
atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(
atoms=atoms, energy=Epot,
forces=forces, stress=stress)
symbols = []
positions = []
velocities = []
forces = []
cell = []
cell_velocities = []
stress = []
if len(fields) == 1:
time = factors['t'] * float(fields[0])
if fields[-1] == 'E':
E = [float(x) for x in fields[0:3]]
Epot, EH, Ekin = (factors['E'] * Ei for Ei in E)
if fields[-1] == 'T':
temperature = factors['T'] * float(fields[0])
# only printed in case of variable cell calculation or calculate_stress
# explicitly requested
if fields[-1] == 'P':
pressure = factors['P'] * float(fields[0])
if fields[-1] == 'h':
h = [float(x) for x in fields[0:3]]
cell.append([factors['h'] * hi for hi in h])
# only printed in case of variable cell calculation
if fields[-1] == 'hv':
hv = [float(x) for x in fields[0:3]]
cell_velocities.append([factors['hv'] * hvi for hvi in hv])
# only printed in case of variable cell calculation
if fields[-1] == 'S':
S = [float(x) for x in fields[0:3]]
stress.append([factors['S'] * Si for Si in S])
if fields[-1] == 'R':
R = [float(x) for x in fields[2:5]]
positions.append([factors['R'] * Ri for Ri in R])
if fields[-1] == 'V':
V = [float(x) for x in fields[2:5]]
velocities.append([factors['V'] * Vi for Vi in V])
if fields[-1] == 'F':
F = [float(x) for x in fields[2:5]]
forces.append([factors['F'] * Fi for Fi in F])
if index is None:
traj = traj[index]
if return_scalars:
data = [times, energies, temperatures, pressures]
return data, traj
return traj
# Routines that only the calculator requires
def read_param(filename='', calc=None, fd=None, get_interface_options=False):
if fd is None:
if filename == '':
raise ValueError('One between filename and fd must be provided')
fd = open(filename)
elif filename:
warnings.warn('Filestream used to read param, file name will be '
# If necessary, get the interface options
if get_interface_options:
int_opts = {}
optre = re.compile(r'# ASE_INTERFACE ([^\s]+) : ([^\s]+)')
lines = fd.readlines()
for line in lines:
m = optre.search(line)
if m:
int_opts[m.groups()[0]] = m.groups()[1]
data = read_freeform(fd)
if calc is None:
from ase.calculators.castep import Castep
calc = Castep(check_castep_version=False, keyword_tolerance=2)
for kw, (val, otype) in data.items():
if otype == 'block':
val = val.split('\n') # Avoids a bug for one-line blocks
calc.param.__setattr__(kw, val)
if not get_interface_options:
return calc
return calc, int_opts
def write_param(filename, param, check_checkfile=False,
"""Writes a CastepParam object to a CASTEP .param file
filename: the location of the file to write to. If it
exists it will be overwritten without warning. If it
doesn't it will be created.
param: a CastepParam instance
check_checkfile : if set to True, write_param will
only write continuation or reuse statement
if a restart file exists in the same directory
if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force_write:
warnings.warn('ase.io.castep.write_param: Set optional argument '
'force_write=True to overwrite %s.' % filename)
return False
out = paropen(filename, 'w')
out.write(f'#CASTEP param file: {filename}\n')
out.write('#Created using the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)#\n')
if interface_options is not None:
out.write('# Internal settings of the calculator\n')
out.write('# This can be switched off by settings\n')
out.write('# calc._export_settings = False\n')
out.write('# If stated, this will be automatically processed\n')
out.write('# by ase.io.castep.read_seed()\n')
for option, value in sorted(interface_options.items()):
out.write(f'# ASE_INTERFACE {option} : {value}\n')
if check_checkfile:
param = deepcopy(param) # To avoid modifying the parent one
for checktype in ['continuation', 'reuse']:
opt = getattr(param, checktype)
if opt and opt.value:
fname = opt.value
if fname == 'default':
fname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.check'
if not (os.path.exists(fname) or
# CASTEP also understands relative path names, hence
# also check relative to the param file directory
write_freeform(out, param)
def read_seed(seed, new_seed=None, ignore_internal_keys=False):
"""A wrapper around the CASTEP Calculator in conjunction with
read_cell and read_param. Basically this can be used to reuse
a previous calculation which results in a triple of
cell/param/castep file. The label of the calculation if pre-
fixed with `copy_of_` and everything else will be recycled as
much as possible from the addressed calculation.
Please note that this routine will return an atoms ordering as specified
in the cell file! It will thus undo the potential reordering internally
done by castep.
directory = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(seed))
seed = os.path.basename(seed)
paramfile = os.path.join(directory, f'{seed}.param')
cellfile = os.path.join(directory, f'{seed}.cell')
castepfile = os.path.join(directory, f'{seed}.castep')
checkfile = os.path.join(directory, f'{seed}.check')
atoms = read_castep_cell(cellfile)
atoms.calc._directory = directory
atoms.calc._rename_existing_dir = False
atoms.calc._castep_pp_path = directory
if new_seed is None:
atoms.calc._label = f'copy_of_{seed}'
atoms.calc._label = str(new_seed)
if os.path.isfile(castepfile):
# _set_atoms needs to be True here
# but we set it right back to False
# atoms.calc._set_atoms = False
# BUGFIX: I do not see a reason to do that!
# atoms.calc._set_atoms = False
# if here is a check file, we also want to re-use this information
if os.path.isfile(checkfile):
atoms.calc._check_file = os.path.basename(checkfile)
# sync the top-level object with the
# one attached to the calculator
atoms = atoms.calc.atoms
# There are cases where we only want to restore a calculator/atoms
# setting without a castep file...
# No print statement required in these cases
'Corresponding *.castep file not found. '
'Atoms object will be restored from *.cell and *.param only.')
return atoms
def read_bands(fd, units=units_CODATA2002):
"""Read Castep.bands file to kpoints, weights and eigenvalues.
fd : str | io.TextIOBase
Path to the `.bands` file or file descriptor for open `.bands` file.
units : dict
Conversion factors for atomic units.
kpts : np.ndarray
1d NumPy array for k-point coordinates.
weights : np.ndarray
1d NumPy array for k-point weights.
eigenvalues : np.ndarray
NumPy array for eigenvalues with shape (spin, kpts, nbands).
efermi : float
Fermi energy.
Hartree = units['Eh']
nkpts = int(fd.readline().split()[-1])
nspin = int(fd.readline().split()[-1])
_ = float(fd.readline().split()[-1])
nbands = int(fd.readline().split()[-1])
efermi = float(fd.readline().split()[-1])
kpts = np.zeros((nkpts, 3))
weights = np.zeros(nkpts)
eigenvalues = np.zeros((nspin, nkpts, nbands))
# Skip unit cell
for _ in range(4):
def _kptline_to_i_k_wt(line: str) -> Tuple[int, List[float], float]:
split_line = line.split()
i_kpt = int(split_line[1]) - 1
kpt = list(map(float, split_line[2:5]))
wt = float(split_line[5])
return i_kpt, kpt, wt
# CASTEP often writes these out-of-order, so check index and write directly
# to the correct row
for _ in range(nkpts):
i_kpt, kpt, wt = _kptline_to_i_k_wt(fd.readline())
kpts[i_kpt, :], weights[i_kpt] = kpt, wt
for spin in range(nspin):
fd.readline() # Skip 'Spin component N' line
eigenvalues[spin, i_kpt, :] = [float(fd.readline())
for _ in range(nbands)]
return (kpts, weights, eigenvalues * Hartree, efermi * Hartree)