Source code for

"""Defines class/functions to write input and parse output for FHI-aims."""
import os
import re
import time
import warnings
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np

from ase import Atom, Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2mp
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointDFTCalculator
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms, FixCartesian
from import atomic_numbers
from import ParseError
from ase.units import Ang, fs
from ase.utils import deprecated, reader, writer

v_unit = Ang / (1000.0 * fs)

LINE_NOT_FOUND = object()

class AimsParseError(Exception):
    """Exception raised if an error occurs when parsing an Aims output file"""

    def __init__(self, message):
        self.message = message

# Read aims geometry files
[docs] @reader def read_aims(fd, apply_constraints=True): """Import FHI-aims geometry type files. Reads unitcell, atom positions and constraints from a file. If geometric constraint (symmetry parameters) are in the file include that information in["symmetry_block"] """ lines = fd.readlines() return parse_geometry_lines(lines, apply_constraints=apply_constraints)
def parse_geometry_lines(lines, apply_constraints=True): from ase import Atoms from ase.constraints import ( FixAtoms, FixCartesian, FixCartesianParametricRelations, FixScaledParametricRelations, ) atoms = Atoms() positions = [] cell = [] symbols = [] velocities = [] magmoms = [] symmetry_block = [] charges = [] fix = [] fix_cart = [] xyz = np.array([0, 0, 0]) i = -1 n_periodic = -1 periodic = np.array([False, False, False]) cart_positions, scaled_positions = False, False for line in lines: inp = line.split() if inp == []: continue if inp[0] in ["atom", "atom_frac"]: if inp[0] == "atom": cart_positions = True else: scaled_positions = True if xyz.all(): fix.append(i) elif xyz.any(): fix_cart.append(FixCartesian(i, xyz)) floatvect = float(inp[1]), float(inp[2]), float(inp[3]) positions.append(floatvect) symbols.append(inp[4]) magmoms.append(0.0) charges.append(0.0) xyz = np.array([0, 0, 0]) i += 1 elif inp[0] == "lattice_vector": floatvect = float(inp[1]), float(inp[2]), float(inp[3]) cell.append(floatvect) n_periodic = n_periodic + 1 periodic[n_periodic] = True elif inp[0] == "initial_moment": magmoms[-1] = float(inp[1]) elif inp[0] == "initial_charge": charges[-1] = float(inp[1]) elif inp[0] == "constrain_relaxation": if inp[1] == ".true.": fix.append(i) elif inp[1] == "x": xyz[0] = 1 elif inp[1] == "y": xyz[1] = 1 elif inp[1] == "z": xyz[2] = 1 elif inp[0] == "velocity": floatvect = [v_unit * float(line) for line in inp[1:4]] velocities.append(floatvect) elif inp[0] in [ "symmetry_n_params", "symmetry_params", "symmetry_lv", "symmetry_frac", ]: symmetry_block.append(" ".join(inp)) if xyz.all(): fix.append(i) elif xyz.any(): fix_cart.append(FixCartesian(i, xyz)) if cart_positions and scaled_positions: raise Exception( "Can't specify atom positions with mixture of " "Cartesian and fractional coordinates" ) elif scaled_positions and periodic.any(): atoms = Atoms( symbols, scaled_positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=periodic) else: atoms = Atoms(symbols, positions) if len(velocities) > 0: if len(velocities) != len(positions): raise Exception( "Number of positions and velocities have to coincide.") atoms.set_velocities(velocities) fix_params = [] if len(symmetry_block) > 5: params = symmetry_block[1].split()[1:] lattice_expressions = [] lattice_params = [] atomic_expressions = [] atomic_params = [] n_lat_param = int(symmetry_block[0].split(" ")[2]) lattice_params = params[:n_lat_param] atomic_params = params[n_lat_param:] for ll, line in enumerate(symmetry_block[2:]): expression = " ".join(line.split(" ")[1:]) if ll < 3: lattice_expressions += expression.split(",") else: atomic_expressions += expression.split(",") fix_params.append( FixCartesianParametricRelations.from_expressions( list(range(3)), lattice_params, lattice_expressions, use_cell=True, ) ) fix_params.append( FixScaledParametricRelations.from_expressions( list(range(len(atoms))), atomic_params, atomic_expressions ) ) if any(magmoms): atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms) if any(charges): atoms.set_initial_charges(charges) if periodic.any(): atoms.set_cell(cell) atoms.set_pbc(periodic) if len(fix): atoms.set_constraint([FixAtoms(indices=fix)] + fix_cart + fix_params) else: atoms.set_constraint(fix_cart + fix_params) if fix_params and apply_constraints: atoms.set_positions(atoms.get_positions()) return atoms def get_aims_header(): """Returns the header for aims input files""" lines = ["#" + "=" * 79] for line in [ "Created using the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)", time.asctime(), ]: lines.append("# " + line + "\n") return lines def _write_velocities_alias(args: List, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool: arg_position = 5 if len(args) > arg_position and args[arg_position]: args[arg_position - 1] = True elif kwargs.get("velocities", False): if len(args) < arg_position: kwargs["write_velocities"] = True else: args[arg_position - 1] = True else: return False return True # Write aims geometry files
[docs] @deprecated( "Use of `velocities` is deprecated, please use `write_velocities`", category=FutureWarning, callback=_write_velocities_alias, ) @writer def write_aims( fd, atoms, scaled=False, geo_constrain=False, write_velocities=False, velocities=False, ghosts=None, info_str=None, wrap=False, ): """Method to write FHI-aims geometry files. Writes the atoms positions and constraints (only FixAtoms is supported at the moment). Args: fd: file object File to output structure to atoms: ase.atoms.Atoms structure to output to the file scaled: bool If True use fractional coordinates instead of Cartesian coordinates symmetry_block: list of str List of geometric constraints as defined in: :arxiv:`1908.01610` write_velocities: bool If True add the atomic velocity vectors to the file velocities: bool NOT AN ARRAY OF VELOCITIES, but the legacy version of `write_velocities` ghosts: list of Atoms A list of ghost atoms for the system info_str: str A string to be added to the header of the file wrap: bool Wrap atom positions to cell before writing .. deprecated:: 3.23.0 Use of ``velocities`` is deprecated, please use ``write_velocities``. """ if scaled and not np.all(atoms.pbc): raise ValueError( "Requesting scaled for a calculation where scaled=True, but " "the system is not periodic") if geo_constrain: if not scaled and np.all(atoms.pbc): warnings.warn( "Setting scaled to True because a symmetry_block is detected." ) scaled = True elif not np.all(atoms.pbc): warnings.warn( "Parameteric constraints can only be used in periodic systems." ) geo_constrain = False for line in get_aims_header(): fd.write(line + "\n") # If writing additional information is requested via info_str: if info_str is not None: fd.write("\n# Additional information:\n") if isinstance(info_str, list): fd.write("\n".join([f"# {s}" for s in info_str])) else: fd.write(f"# {info_str}") fd.write("\n") fd.write("#=======================================================\n") i = 0 if atoms.get_pbc().any(): for n, vector in enumerate(atoms.get_cell()): fd.write("lattice_vector ") for i in range(3): fd.write(f"{vector[i]:16.16f} ") fd.write("\n") fix_cart = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3), dtype=bool) for constr in atoms.constraints: if isinstance(constr, FixAtoms): fix_cart[constr.index] = (True, True, True) elif isinstance(constr, FixCartesian): fix_cart[constr.index] = constr.mask if ghosts is None: ghosts = np.zeros(len(atoms)) else: assert len(ghosts) == len(atoms) wrap = wrap and not geo_constrain scaled_positions = atoms.get_scaled_positions(wrap=wrap) for i, atom in enumerate(atoms): if ghosts[i] == 1: atomstring = "empty " elif scaled: atomstring = "atom_frac " else: atomstring = "atom " fd.write(atomstring) if scaled: for pos in scaled_positions[i]: fd.write(f"{pos:16.16f} ") else: for pos in atom.position: fd.write(f"{pos:16.16f} ") fd.write(atom.symbol) fd.write("\n") # (1) all coords are constrained: if fix_cart[i].all(): fd.write(" constrain_relaxation .true.\n") # (2) some coords are constrained: elif fix_cart[i].any(): xyz = fix_cart[i] for n in range(3): if xyz[n]: fd.write(f" constrain_relaxation {'xyz'[n]}\n") if atom.charge: fd.write(f" initial_charge {atom.charge:16.6f}\n") if atom.magmom: fd.write(f" initial_moment {atom.magmom:16.6f}\n") if write_velocities and atoms.get_velocities() is not None: v = atoms.get_velocities()[i] / v_unit fd.write(f" velocity {v[0]:.16f} {v[1]:.16f} {v[2]:.16f}\n") if geo_constrain: for line in get_sym_block(atoms): fd.write(line)
def get_sym_block(atoms): """Get symmetry block for Parametric constraints in atoms.constraints""" from ase.constraints import ( FixCartesianParametricRelations, FixScaledParametricRelations, ) # Initialize param/expressions lists atomic_sym_params = [] lv_sym_params = [] atomic_param_constr = np.zeros((len(atoms),), dtype="<U100") lv_param_constr = np.zeros((3,), dtype="<U100") # Populate param/expressions list for constr in atoms.constraints: if isinstance(constr, FixScaledParametricRelations): atomic_sym_params += constr.params if np.any(atomic_param_constr[constr.indices] != ""): warnings.warn( "multiple parametric constraints defined for the same " "atom, using the last one defined" ) atomic_param_constr[constr.indices] = [ ", ".join(expression) for expression in constr.expressions ] elif isinstance(constr, FixCartesianParametricRelations): lv_sym_params += constr.params if np.any(lv_param_constr[constr.indices] != ""): warnings.warn( "multiple parametric constraints defined for the same " "lattice vector, using the last one defined" ) lv_param_constr[constr.indices] = [ ", ".join(expression) for expression in constr.expressions ] if np.all(atomic_param_constr == "") and np.all(lv_param_constr == ""): return [] # Check Constraint Parameters if len(atomic_sym_params) != len(np.unique(atomic_sym_params)): warnings.warn( "Some parameters were used across constraints, they will be " "combined in the aims calculations" ) atomic_sym_params = np.unique(atomic_sym_params) if len(lv_sym_params) != len(np.unique(lv_sym_params)): warnings.warn( "Some parameters were used across constraints, they will be " "combined in the aims calculations" ) lv_sym_params = np.unique(lv_sym_params) if np.any(atomic_param_constr == ""): raise OSError( "FHI-aims input files require all atoms have defined parametric " "constraints" ) cell_inds = np.where(lv_param_constr == "")[0] for ind in cell_inds: lv_param_constr[ind] = "{:.16f}, {:.16f}, {:.16f}".format( *atoms.cell[ind]) n_atomic_params = len(atomic_sym_params) n_lv_params = len(lv_sym_params) n_total_params = n_atomic_params + n_lv_params sym_block = [] if n_total_params > 0: sym_block.append("#" + "=" * 55 + "\n") sym_block.append("# Parametric constraints\n") sym_block.append("#" + "=" * 55 + "\n") sym_block.append( "symmetry_n_params {:d} {:d} {:d}\n".format( n_total_params, n_lv_params, n_atomic_params ) ) sym_block.append( "symmetry_params %s\n" % " ".join(lv_sym_params + atomic_sym_params) ) for constr in lv_param_constr: sym_block.append(f"symmetry_lv {constr:s}\n") for constr in atomic_param_constr: sym_block.append(f"symmetry_frac {constr:s}\n") return sym_block def format_aims_control_parameter(key, value, format="%s"): """Format a line for the aims Parameter --------- key: str Name of the paramteter to format value: Object The value to pass to the parameter format: str string to format the the text as Returns ------- str The properly formatted line for the aims """ return f"{key:35s}" + (format % value) + "\n" # Write aims files @writer def write_control(fd, atoms, parameters, verbose_header=False): """Write the file for FHI-aims Parameters ---------- fd: str The file object to write to atoms: atoms.Atoms The Atoms object for the requested calculation parameters: dict The dictionary of all paramters for the calculation verbose_header: bool If True then explcitly list the paramters used to generate the file inside the header """ parameters = dict(parameters) lim = "#" + "=" * 79 if parameters["xc"] == "LDA": parameters["xc"] = "pw-lda" cubes = parameters.pop("cubes", None) for line in get_aims_header(): fd.write(line + "\n") if verbose_header: fd.write("# \n# List of parameters used to initialize the calculator:") for p, v in parameters.items(): s = f"# {p}:{v}\n" fd.write(s) fd.write(lim + "\n") assert "kpts" not in parameters or "k_grid" not in parameters assert "smearing" not in parameters or "occupation_type" not in parameters for key, value in parameters.items(): if key == "kpts": mp = kpts2mp(atoms, parameters["kpts"]) dk = 0.5 - 0.5 / np.array(mp) fd.write( format_aims_control_parameter( "k_grid", tuple(mp), "%d %d %d")) fd.write( format_aims_control_parameter( "k_offset", tuple(dk), "%f %f %f")) elif key in ("species_dir", "tier"): continue elif key == "aims_command": continue elif key == "plus_u": continue elif key == "smearing": name = parameters["smearing"][0].lower() if name == "fermi-dirac": name = "fermi" width = parameters["smearing"][1] if name == "methfessel-paxton": order = parameters["smearing"][2] order = " %d" % order else: order = "" fd.write( format_aims_control_parameter( "occupation_type", (name, width, order), "%s %f%s" ) ) elif key == "output": for output_type in value: fd.write(format_aims_control_parameter(key, output_type, "%s")) elif key == "vdw_correction_hirshfeld" and value: fd.write(format_aims_control_parameter(key, "", "%s")) elif isinstance(value, bool): fd.write( format_aims_control_parameter( key, str(value).lower(), ".%s.")) elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): fd.write( format_aims_control_parameter( key, " ".join([str(x) for x in value]), "%s" ) ) elif isinstance(value, str): fd.write(format_aims_control_parameter(key, value, "%s")) else: fd.write(format_aims_control_parameter(key, value, "%r")) if cubes: cubes.write(fd) fd.write(lim + "\n\n") # Get the species directory species_dir = get_species_directory # dicts are ordered as of python 3.7 species_array = np.array(list(dict.fromkeys(atoms.symbols))) # Grab the tier specification from the parameters. THis may either # be None, meaning the default should be used for all species, or a # list of integers/None values giving a specific basis set size # for each species in the calculation. tier = parameters.pop("tier", None) tier_array = np.full(len(species_array), tier) # Path to species files for FHI-aims. In this files are specifications # for the basis set sizes depending on which basis set tier is used. species_dir = get_species_directory(parameters.get("species_dir")) # Parse the species files for each species present in the calculation # according to the tier of each species. species_basis_dict = parse_species_path( species_array=species_array, tier_array=tier_array, species_dir=species_dir) # Write the basis functions to be included for each species in the # calculation into the file (fd). write_species(fd, species_basis_dict, parameters) def get_species_directory(species_dir=None): """Get the directory where the basis set information is stored If the requested directory does not exist then raise an Error Parameters ---------- species_dir: str Requested directory to find the basis set info from. E.g. `~/aims2022/FHIaims/species_defaults/defaults_2020/light`. Returns ------- Path The Path to the requested or default species directory. Raises ------ RuntimeError If both the requested directory and the default one is not defined or does not exit. """ if species_dir is None: species_dir = os.environ.get("AIMS_SPECIES_DIR") if species_dir is None: raise RuntimeError( "Missing species directory! Use species_dir " + "parameter or set $AIMS_SPECIES_DIR environment variable." ) species_path = Path(species_dir) if not species_path.exists(): raise RuntimeError( f"The requested species_dir {species_dir} does not exist") return species_path def write_species(control_file_descriptor, species_basis_dict, parameters): """Write species for the calculation depending on basis set size. The calculation should include certain basis set size function depending on the numerical settings (light, tight, really tight) and the basis set size (minimal, tier1, tier2, tier3, tier4). If the basis set size is not given then a 'standard' basis set size is used for each numerical setting. The species files are defined according to these standard basis set sizes for the numerical settings in the FHI-aims repository. Note, for FHI-aims in ASE, we don't explicitly give the numerical setting. Instead we include the numerical setting in the species path: e.g. `~/aims2022/FHIaims/species_defaults/defaults_2020/light` this path has `light`, the numerical setting, as the last folder in the path. Example - a basis function might be commented in the standard basis set size such as "# hydro 4 f 7.4" and this basis function should be uncommented for another basis set size such as tier4. Args: control_file_descriptor: File descriptor for the file into which we need to write relevant basis functions to be included for the calculation. species_basis_dict: Dictionary where keys as the species symbols and each value is a single string containing all the basis functions to be included in the caclculation. parameters: Calculation parameters as a dict. """ # Now for every species (key) in the species_basis_dict, save the # relevant basis functions (values) from the species_basis_dict, by # writing to the file handle (species_file_descriptor) given to this # function. for species_symbol, basis_set_text in species_basis_dict.items(): control_file_descriptor.write(basis_set_text) if parameters.get("plus_u") is not None: if species_symbol in parameters.plus_u: control_file_descriptor.write( f"plus_u {parameters.plus_u[species_symbol]} \n") def parse_species_path(species_array, tier_array, species_dir): """Parse the species files for each species according to the tier given. Args: species_array: An array of species/element symbols present in the unit cell (e.g. ['C', 'H'].) tier_array: An array of None/integer values which define which basis set size to use for each species/element in the calcualtion. species_dir: Directory containing FHI-aims species files. Returns: Dictionary containing species as keys and the basis set specification for each species as text as the value for the key. """ if len(species_array) != len(tier_array): raise ValueError( f"The species array length: {len(species_array)}, " f"is not the same as the tier_array length: {len(tier_array)}") species_basis_dict = {} for symbol, tier in zip(species_array, tier_array): path = species_dir / f"{atomic_numbers[symbol]:02}_{symbol}_default" # Open the species file: with open(path, encoding="utf8") as species_file_handle: # Read the species file into a string. species_file_str = species_basis_dict[symbol] = manipulate_tiers( species_file_str, tier) return species_basis_dict def manipulate_tiers(species_string: str, tier: Union[None, int] = 1): """Adds basis set functions based on the tier value. This function takes in the species file as a string, it then searches for relevant basis functions based on the tier value to include in a new string that is returned. Args: species_string: species file (default) for a given numerical setting (light, tight, really tight) given as a string. tier: The basis set size. This will dictate which basis set functions are included in the returned string. Returns: Basis set functions defined by the tier as a string. """ if tier is None: # Then we use the default species file untouched. return species_string tier_pattern = r"(# \".* tier\" .*|# +Further.*)" top, *tiers = re.split(tier_pattern, species_string) tier_comments = tiers[::2] tier_basis = tiers[1::2] assert len( tier_comments) == len(tier_basis), "Something wrong with splitting" n_tiers = len(tier_comments) assert tier <= n_tiers, f"Only {n_tiers} tiers available, you choose {tier}" string_new = top for i, (c, b) in enumerate(zip(tier_comments, tier_basis)): b = re.sub(r"\n( *for_aux| *hydro| *ionic| *confined)", r"\n#\g<1>", b) if i < tier: b = re.sub( r"\n#( *for_aux| *hydro| *ionic| *confined)", r"\n\g<1>", b) string_new += c + b return string_new # Read aims.out files scalar_property_to_line_key = { "free_energy": ["| Electronic free energy"], "number_of_iterations": ["| Number of self-consistency cycles"], "magnetic_moment": ["N_up - N_down"], "n_atoms": ["| Number of atoms"], "n_bands": [ "Number of Kohn-Sham states", "Reducing total number of Kohn-Sham states", "Reducing total number of Kohn-Sham states", ], "n_electrons": ["The structure contains"], "n_kpts": ["| Number of k-points"], "n_spins": ["| Number of spin channels"], "electronic_temp": ["Occupation type:"], "fermi_energy": ["| Chemical potential (Fermi level)"], } class AimsOutChunk: """Base class for AimsOutChunks""" def __init__(self, lines): """Constructor Parameters ---------- lines: list of str The set of lines from the output file the encompasses either a single structure within a trajectory or general information about the calculation (header) """ self.lines = lines def reverse_search_for(self, keys, line_start=0): """Find the last time one of the keys appears in self.lines Parameters ---------- keys: list of str The key strings to search for in self.lines line_start: int The lowest index to search for in self.lines Returns ------- int The last time one of the keys appears in self.lines """ for ll, line in enumerate(self.lines[line_start:][::-1]): if any(key in line for key in keys): return len(self.lines) - ll - 1 return LINE_NOT_FOUND def search_for_all(self, key, line_start=0, line_end=-1): """Find the all times the key appears in self.lines Parameters ---------- key: str The key string to search for in self.lines line_start: int The first line to start the search from line_end: int The last line to end the search at Returns ------- list of ints All times the key appears in the lines """ line_index = [] for ll, line in enumerate(self.lines[line_start:line_end]): if key in line: line_index.append(ll + line_start) return line_index def parse_scalar(self, property): """Parse a scalar property from the chunk Parameters ---------- property: str The property key to parse Returns ------- float The scalar value of the property """ line_start = self.reverse_search_for( scalar_property_to_line_key[property]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None line = self.lines[line_start] return float(line.split(":")[-1].strip().split()[0]) class AimsOutHeaderChunk(AimsOutChunk): """The header of the aims.out file containint general information""" def __init__(self, lines): """Constructor Parameters ---------- lines: list of str The lines inside the aims.out header """ super().__init__(lines) @cached_property def constraints(self): """Parse the constraints from the aims.out file Constraints for the lattice vectors are not supported. """ line_inds = self.search_for_all("Found relaxation constraint for atom") if len(line_inds) == 0: return [] fix = [] fix_cart = [] for ll in line_inds: line = self.lines[ll] xyz = [0, 0, 0] ind = int(line.split()[5][:-1]) - 1 if "All coordinates fixed" in line: if ind not in fix: fix.append(ind) if "coordinate fixed" in line: coord = line.split()[6] if coord == "x": xyz[0] = 1 elif coord == "y": xyz[1] = 1 elif coord == "z": xyz[2] = 1 keep = True for n, c in enumerate(fix_cart): if ind == c.index: keep = False break if keep: fix_cart.append(FixCartesian(ind, xyz)) else: fix_cart[n].mask[xyz.index(1)] = 1 if len(fix) > 0: fix_cart.append(FixAtoms(indices=fix)) return fix_cart @cached_property def initial_cell(self): """Parse the initial cell from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["| Unit cell:"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None return [ [float(inp) for inp in line.split()[-3:]] for line in self.lines[line_start + 1:line_start + 4] ] @cached_property def initial_atoms(self): """Create an atoms object for the initial structure from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["Atomic structure:"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: raise AimsParseError( "No information about the structure in the chunk.") line_start += 2 cell = self.initial_cell positions = np.zeros((self.n_atoms, 3)) symbols = [""] * self.n_atoms for ll, line in enumerate( self.lines[line_start:line_start + self.n_atoms]): inp = line.split() positions[ll, :] = [float(pos) for pos in inp[4:7]] symbols[ll] = inp[3] atoms = Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=positions) if cell: atoms.set_cell(cell) atoms.set_pbc([True, True, True]) atoms.set_constraint(self.constraints) return atoms @cached_property def is_md(self): """Determine if calculation is a molecular dynamics calculation""" return LINE_NOT_FOUND != self.reverse_search_for( ["Complete information for previous time-step:"] ) @cached_property def is_relaxation(self): """Determine if the calculation is a geometry optimization or not""" return LINE_NOT_FOUND != self.reverse_search_for( ["Geometry relaxation:"]) @cached_property def _k_points(self): """Get the list of k-points used in the calculation""" n_kpts = self.parse_scalar("n_kpts") if n_kpts is None: return { "k_points": None, "k_point_weights": None, } n_kpts = int(n_kpts) line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["| K-points in task"]) line_end = self.reverse_search_for(["| k-point:"]) if ( (line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND) or (line_end == LINE_NOT_FOUND) or (line_end - line_start != n_kpts) ): return { "k_points": None, "k_point_weights": None, } k_points = np.zeros((n_kpts, 3)) k_point_weights = np.zeros(n_kpts) for kk, line in enumerate(self.lines[line_start + 1:line_end + 1]): k_points[kk] = [float(inp) for inp in line.split()[4:7]] k_point_weights[kk] = float(line.split()[-1]) return { "k_points": k_points, "k_point_weights": k_point_weights, } @cached_property def n_atoms(self): """The number of atoms for the material""" n_atoms = self.parse_scalar("n_atoms") if n_atoms is None: raise AimsParseError( "No information about the number of atoms in the header." ) return int(n_atoms) @cached_property def n_bands(self): """The number of Kohn-Sham states for the chunk""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( scalar_property_to_line_key["n_bands"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: raise AimsParseError( "No information about the number of Kohn-Sham states " "in the header.") line = self.lines[line_start] if "| Number of Kohn-Sham states" in line: return int(line.split(":")[-1].strip().split()[0]) return int(line.split()[-1].strip()[:-1]) @cached_property def n_electrons(self): """The number of electrons for the chunk""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( scalar_property_to_line_key["n_electrons"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: raise AimsParseError( "No information about the number of electrons in the header." ) line = self.lines[line_start] return int(float(line.split()[-2])) @cached_property def n_k_points(self): """The number of k_ppoints for the calculation""" n_kpts = self.parse_scalar("n_kpts") if n_kpts is None: return None return int(n_kpts) @cached_property def n_spins(self): """The number of spin channels for the chunk""" n_spins = self.parse_scalar("n_spins") if n_spins is None: raise AimsParseError( "No information about the number of spin " "channels in the header.") return int(n_spins) @cached_property def electronic_temperature(self): """The electronic temperature for the chunk""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( scalar_property_to_line_key["electronic_temp"] ) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return 0.10 line = self.lines[line_start] return float(line.split("=")[-1].strip().split()[0]) @property def k_points(self): """All k-points listed in the calculation""" return self._k_points["k_points"] @property def k_point_weights(self): """The k-point weights for the calculation""" return self._k_points["k_point_weights"] @cached_property def header_summary(self): """Dictionary summarizing the information inside the header""" return { "initial_atoms": self.initial_atoms, "initial_cell": self.initial_cell, "constraints": self.constraints, "is_relaxation": self.is_relaxation, "is_md": self.is_md, "n_atoms": self.n_atoms, "n_bands": self.n_bands, "n_electrons": self.n_electrons, "n_spins": self.n_spins, "electronic_temperature": self.electronic_temperature, "n_k_points": self.n_k_points, "k_points": self.k_points, "k_point_weights": self.k_point_weights, } class AimsOutCalcChunk(AimsOutChunk): """A part of the aims.out file correponding to a single structure""" def __init__(self, lines, header): """Constructor Parameters ---------- lines: list of str The lines used for the structure header: dict A summary of the relevant information from the aims.out header """ super().__init__(lines) self._header = header.header_summary @cached_property def _atoms(self): """Create an atoms object for the subsequent structures calculated in the aims.out file""" start_keys = [ "Atomic structure (and velocities) as used in the preceding " "time step", "Updated atomic structure", "Atomic structure that was used in the preceding time step of " "the wrapper", ] line_start = self.reverse_search_for(start_keys) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return self.initial_atoms line_start += 1 line_end = self.reverse_search_for( [ 'Next atomic structure:', 'Writing the current geometry to file ""' ], line_start ) if line_end == LINE_NOT_FOUND: line_end = len(self.lines) cell = [] velocities = [] atoms = Atoms() for line in self.lines[line_start:line_end]: if "lattice_vector " in line: cell.append([float(inp) for inp in line.split()[1:]]) elif "atom " in line: line_split = line.split() atoms.append(Atom(line_split[4], tuple( float(inp) for inp in line_split[1:4]))) elif "velocity " in line: velocities.append([float(inp) for inp in line.split()[1:]]) assert len(atoms) == self.n_atoms assert (len(velocities) == self.n_atoms) or (len(velocities) == 0) if len(cell) == 3: atoms.set_cell(np.array(cell)) atoms.set_pbc([True, True, True]) elif len(cell) != 0: raise AimsParseError( "Parsed geometry has incorrect number of lattice vectors." ) if len(velocities) > 0: atoms.set_velocities(np.array(velocities)) atoms.set_constraint(self.constraints) return atoms @cached_property def forces(self): """Parse the forces from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["Total atomic forces"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None line_start += 1 return np.array( [ [float(inp) for inp in line.split()[-3:]] for line in self.lines[line_start:line_start + self.n_atoms] ] ) @cached_property def stresses(self): """Parse the stresses from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( ["Per atom stress (eV) used for heat flux calculation"] ) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None line_start += 3 stresses = [] for line in self.lines[line_start:line_start + self.n_atoms]: xx, yy, zz, xy, xz, yz = (float(d) for d in line.split()[2:8]) stresses.append([xx, yy, zz, yz, xz, xy]) return np.array(stresses) @cached_property def stress(self): """Parse the stress from the aims.out file""" from ase.stress import full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress line_start = self.reverse_search_for( [ "Analytical stress tensor - Symmetrized", "Numerical stress tensor", ] ) # Offest to relevant lines if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None stress = [ [float(inp) for inp in line.split()[2:5]] for line in self.lines[line_start + 5:line_start + 8] ] return full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(stress) @cached_property def is_metallic(self): """Checks the outputfile to see if the chunk corresponds to a metallic system""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( ["material is metallic within the approximate finite " "broadening function (occupation_type)"]) return line_start != LINE_NOT_FOUND @cached_property def total_energy(self): """Parse the energy from the aims.out file""" if np.all(self._atoms.pbc) and self.is_metallic: line_ind = self.reverse_search_for(["Total energy corrected"]) else: line_ind = self.reverse_search_for(["Total energy uncorrected"]) if line_ind == LINE_NOT_FOUND: raise AimsParseError("No energy is associated with the structure.") return float(self.lines[line_ind].split()[5]) @cached_property def dipole(self): """Parse the electric dipole moment from the aims.out file.""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["Total dipole moment [eAng]"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None line = self.lines[line_start] return np.array([float(inp) for inp in line.split()[6:9]]) @cached_property def dielectric_tensor(self): """Parse the dielectric tensor from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( ["DFPT for dielectric_constant:--->", "PARSE DFPT_dielectric_tensor"], ) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None # we should find the tensor in the next three lines: lines = self.lines[line_start + 1:line_start + 4] # make ndarray and return return np.array([np.fromstring(line, sep=' ') for line in lines]) @cached_property def polarization(self): """ Parse the polarization vector from the aims.out file""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["| Cartesian Polarization"]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return None line = self.lines[line_start] return np.array([float(s) for s in line.split()[-3:]]) @cached_property def _hirshfeld(self): """Parse the Hirshfled charges volumes, and dipole moments from the ouput""" line_start = self.reverse_search_for( ["Performing Hirshfeld analysis of fragment charges and moments."] ) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return { "charges": None, "volumes": None, "atomic_dipoles": None, "dipole": None, } line_inds = self.search_for_all("Hirshfeld charge", line_start, -1) hirshfeld_charges = np.array( [float(self.lines[ind].split(":")[1]) for ind in line_inds] ) line_inds = self.search_for_all("Hirshfeld volume", line_start, -1) hirshfeld_volumes = np.array( [float(self.lines[ind].split(":")[1]) for ind in line_inds] ) line_inds = self.search_for_all( "Hirshfeld dipole vector", line_start, -1) hirshfeld_atomic_dipoles = np.array( [ [float(inp) for inp in self.lines[ind].split(":")[1].split()] for ind in line_inds ] ) if not np.any(self._atoms.pbc): positions = self._atoms.get_positions() hirshfeld_dipole = np.sum( hirshfeld_charges.reshape((-1, 1)) * positions, axis=1, ) else: hirshfeld_dipole = None return { "charges": hirshfeld_charges, "volumes": hirshfeld_volumes, "atomic_dipoles": hirshfeld_atomic_dipoles, "dipole": hirshfeld_dipole, } @cached_property def _eigenvalues(self): """Parse the eigenvalues and occupancies of the system. If eigenvalue for a particular k-point is not present in the output file then set it to np.nan """ line_start = self.reverse_search_for(["Writing Kohn-Sham eigenvalues."]) if line_start == LINE_NOT_FOUND: return {"eigenvalues": None, "occupancies": None} line_end_1 = self.reverse_search_for( ["Self-consistency cycle converged."], line_start ) line_end_2 = self.reverse_search_for( [ "What follows are estimated values for band gap, " "HOMO, LUMO, etc.", "Current spin moment of the entire structure :", "Highest occupied state (VBM)" ], line_start, ) if line_end_1 == LINE_NOT_FOUND: line_end = line_end_2 elif line_end_2 == LINE_NOT_FOUND: line_end = line_end_1 else: line_end = min(line_end_1, line_end_2) n_kpts = self.n_k_points if np.all(self._atoms.pbc) else 1 if n_kpts is None: return {"eigenvalues": None, "occupancies": None} eigenvalues = np.full((n_kpts, self.n_bands, self.n_spins), np.nan) occupancies = np.full((n_kpts, self.n_bands, self.n_spins), np.nan) occupation_block_start = self.search_for_all( "State Occupation Eigenvalue [Ha] Eigenvalue [eV]", line_start, line_end, ) kpt_def = self.search_for_all("K-point: ", line_start, line_end) if len(kpt_def) > 0: kpt_inds = [int(self.lines[ll].split()[1]) - 1 for ll in kpt_def] elif (self.n_k_points is None) or (self.n_k_points == 1): kpt_inds = [0] else: raise ParseError("Cannot find k-point definitions") assert len(kpt_inds) == len(occupation_block_start) spins = [0] * len(occupation_block_start) if self.n_spins == 2: spin_def = self.search_for_all("Spin-", line_start, line_end) assert len(spin_def) == len(occupation_block_start) spins = [int("Spin-down eigenvalues:" in self.lines[ll]) for ll in spin_def] for occ_start, kpt_ind, spin in zip( occupation_block_start, kpt_inds, spins): for ll, line in enumerate( self.lines[occ_start + 1:occ_start + self.n_bands + 1] ): if "***" in line: warn_msg = f"The {ll + 1}th eigenvalue for the " "{kpt_ind+1}th k-point and {spin}th channels could " "not be read (likely too large to be printed " "in the output file)" warnings.warn(warn_msg) continue split_line = line.split() eigenvalues[kpt_ind, ll, spin] = float(split_line[3]) occupancies[kpt_ind, ll, spin] = float(split_line[1]) return {"eigenvalues": eigenvalues, "occupancies": occupancies} @cached_property def atoms(self): """Convert AimsOutChunk to Atoms object and add all non-standard outputs to""" atoms = self._atoms atoms.calc = SinglePointDFTCalculator( atoms, energy=self.free_energy, free_energy=self.free_energy, forces=self.forces, stress=self.stress, stresses=self.stresses, magmom=self.magmom, dipole=self.dipole, dielectric_tensor=self.dielectric_tensor, polarization=self.polarization, ) return atoms @property def results(self): """Convert an AimsOutChunk to a Results Dictionary""" results = { "energy": self.free_energy, "free_energy": self.free_energy, "total_energy": self.total_energy, "forces": self.forces, "stress": self.stress, "stresses": self.stresses, "magmom": self.magmom, "dipole": self.dipole, "fermi_energy": self.E_f, "n_iter": self.n_iter, "hirshfeld_charges": self.hirshfeld_charges, "hirshfeld_dipole": self.hirshfeld_dipole, "hirshfeld_volumes": self.hirshfeld_volumes, "hirshfeld_atomic_dipoles": self.hirshfeld_atomic_dipoles, "eigenvalues": self.eigenvalues, "occupancies": self.occupancies, "dielectric_tensor": self.dielectric_tensor, "polarization": self.polarization, } return { key: value for key, value in results.items() if value is not None} @property def initial_atoms(self): """The initial structure defined in the file""" return self._header["initial_atoms"] @property def initial_cell(self): """The initial lattice vectors defined in the file""" return self._header["initial_cell"] @property def constraints(self): """The relaxation constraints for the calculation""" return self._header["constraints"] @property def n_atoms(self): """The number of atoms for the material""" return self._header["n_atoms"] @property def n_bands(self): """The number of Kohn-Sham states for the chunk""" return self._header["n_bands"] @property def n_electrons(self): """The number of electrons for the chunk""" return self._header["n_electrons"] @property def n_spins(self): """The number of spin channels for the chunk""" return self._header["n_spins"] @property def electronic_temperature(self): """The electronic temperature for the chunk""" return self._header["electronic_temperature"] @property def n_k_points(self): """The number of electrons for the chunk""" return self._header["n_k_points"] @property def k_points(self): """The number of spin channels for the chunk""" return self._header["k_points"] @property def k_point_weights(self): """k_point_weights electronic temperature for the chunk""" return self._header["k_point_weights"] @cached_property def free_energy(self): """The free energy for the chunk""" return self.parse_scalar("free_energy") @cached_property def n_iter(self): """The number of SCF iterations needed to converge the SCF cycle for the chunk""" return self.parse_scalar("number_of_iterations") @cached_property def magmom(self): """The magnetic moment for the chunk""" return self.parse_scalar("magnetic_moment") @cached_property def E_f(self): """The Fermi energy for the chunk""" return self.parse_scalar("fermi_energy") @cached_property def converged(self): """True if the chunk is a fully converged final structure""" return (len(self.lines) > 0) and ("Have a nice day." in self.lines[-5:]) @property def hirshfeld_charges(self): """The Hirshfeld charges for the chunk""" return self._hirshfeld["charges"] @property def hirshfeld_atomic_dipoles(self): """The Hirshfeld atomic dipole moments for the chunk""" return self._hirshfeld["atomic_dipoles"] @property def hirshfeld_volumes(self): """The Hirshfeld volume for the chunk""" return self._hirshfeld["volumes"] @property def hirshfeld_dipole(self): """The Hirshfeld systematic dipole moment for the chunk""" if not np.any(self._atoms.pbc): return self._hirshfeld["dipole"] return None @property def eigenvalues(self): """All outputted eigenvalues for the system""" return self._eigenvalues["eigenvalues"] @property def occupancies(self): """All outputted occupancies for the system""" return self._eigenvalues["occupancies"] def get_header_chunk(fd): """Returns the header information from the aims.out file""" header = [] line = "" # Stop the header once the first SCF cycle begins while ( "Convergence: q app. | density | eigen (eV) | Etot (eV)" not in line and "Convergence: q app. | density, spin | eigen (eV) |" not in line and "Begin self-consistency iteration #" not in line ): try: line = next(fd).strip() # Raises StopIteration on empty file except StopIteration: raise ParseError( "No SCF steps present, calculation failed at setup." ) header.append(line) return AimsOutHeaderChunk(header) def get_aims_out_chunks(fd, header_chunk): """Yield unprocessed chunks (header, lines) for each AimsOutChunk image.""" try: line = next(fd).strip() # Raises StopIteration on empty file except StopIteration: return # If the calculation is relaxation the updated structural information # occurs before the re-initialization if header_chunk.is_relaxation: chunk_end_line = ( "Geometry optimization: Attempting to predict improved coordinates." ) else: chunk_end_line = "Begin self-consistency loop: Re-initialization" # If SCF is not converged then do not treat the next chunk_end_line as a # new chunk until after the SCF is re-initialized ignore_chunk_end_line = False while True: try: line = next(fd).strip() # Raises StopIteration on empty file except StopIteration: break lines = [] while chunk_end_line not in line or ignore_chunk_end_line: lines.append(line) # If SCF cycle not converged or numerical stresses are requested, # don't end chunk on next Re-initialization patterns = [ ( "Self-consistency cycle not yet converged -" " restarting mixer to attempt better convergence." ), ( "Components of the stress tensor (for mathematical " "background see comments in numerical_stress.f90)." ), "Calculation of numerical stress completed", ] if any(pattern in line for pattern in patterns): ignore_chunk_end_line = True elif "Begin self-consistency loop: Re-initialization" in line: ignore_chunk_end_line = False try: line = next(fd).strip() except StopIteration: break yield AimsOutCalcChunk(lines, header_chunk) def check_convergence(chunks, non_convergence_ok=False): """Check if the aims output file is for a converged calculation Parameters ---------- chunks: list of AimsOutChunks The list of chunks for the aims calculations non_convergence_ok: bool True if it is okay for the calculation to not be converged Returns ------- bool True if the calculation is converged """ if not non_convergence_ok and not chunks[-1].converged: raise ParseError("The calculation did not complete successfully") return True
[docs] @reader def read_aims_output(fd, index=-1, non_convergence_ok=False): """Import FHI-aims output files with all data available, i.e. relaxations, MD information, force information etc etc etc.""" header_chunk = get_header_chunk(fd) chunks = list(get_aims_out_chunks(fd, header_chunk)) check_convergence(chunks, non_convergence_ok) # Relaxations have an additional footer chunk due to how it is split if header_chunk.is_relaxation: images = [chunk.atoms for chunk in chunks[:-1]] else: images = [chunk.atoms for chunk in chunks] return images[index]
@reader def read_aims_results(fd, index=-1, non_convergence_ok=False): """Import FHI-aims output files and summarize all relevant information into a dictionary""" header_chunk = get_header_chunk(fd) chunks = list(get_aims_out_chunks(fd, header_chunk)) check_convergence(chunks, non_convergence_ok) # Relaxations have an additional footer chunk due to how it is split if header_chunk.is_relaxation and (index == -1): return chunks[-2].results return chunks[index].results