Source code for

import os
import re
from glob import glob
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np

from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import all_properties
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
from import chemical_symbols
from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree, fs

[docs] def read_abinit_in(fd): """Import ABINIT input file. Reads cell, atom positions, etc. from abinit input file """ tokens = [] for line in fd: meat = line.split('#', 1)[0] tokens += meat.lower().split() # note that the file can not be scanned sequentially index = tokens.index("acell") unit = 1.0 if tokens[index + 4].lower()[:3] != 'ang': unit = Bohr acell = [unit * float(tokens[index + 1]), unit * float(tokens[index + 2]), unit * float(tokens[index + 3])] index = tokens.index("natom") natom = int(tokens[index + 1]) index = tokens.index("ntypat") ntypat = int(tokens[index + 1]) index = tokens.index("typat") typat = [] while len(typat) < natom: token = tokens[index + 1] if '*' in token: # e.g. typat 4*1 3*2 ... nrepeat, typenum = token.split('*') typat += [int(typenum)] * int(nrepeat) else: typat.append(int(token)) index += 1 assert natom == len(typat) index = tokens.index("znucl") znucl = [] for i in range(ntypat): znucl.append(int(tokens[index + 1 + i])) index = tokens.index("rprim") rprim = [] for i in range(3): rprim.append([acell[i] * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 1]), acell[i] * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 2]), acell[i] * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 3])]) # create a list with the atomic numbers numbers = [] for i in range(natom): ii = typat[i] - 1 numbers.append(znucl[ii]) # now the positions of the atoms if "xred" in tokens: index = tokens.index("xred") xred = [] for i in range(natom): xred.append([float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 1]), float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 2]), float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 3])]) atoms = Atoms(cell=rprim, scaled_positions=xred, numbers=numbers, pbc=True) else: if "xcart" in tokens: index = tokens.index("xcart") unit = Bohr elif "xangst" in tokens: unit = 1.0 index = tokens.index("xangst") else: raise OSError( "No xred, xcart, or xangs keyword in abinit input file") xangs = [] for i in range(natom): xangs.append([unit * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 1]), unit * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 2]), unit * float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 3])]) atoms = Atoms(cell=rprim, positions=xangs, numbers=numbers, pbc=True) try: ii = tokens.index('nsppol') except ValueError: nsppol = None else: nsppol = int(tokens[ii + 1]) if nsppol == 2: index = tokens.index('spinat') magmoms = [float(tokens[index + 3 * i + 3]) for i in range(natom)] atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments(magmoms) assert len(atoms) == natom return atoms
keys_with_units = { 'toldfe': 'eV', 'tsmear': 'eV', 'paoenergyshift': 'eV', 'zmunitslength': 'Bohr', 'zmunitsangle': 'rad', 'zmforcetollength': 'eV/Ang', 'zmforcetolangle': 'eV/rad', 'zmmaxdispllength': 'Ang', 'zmmaxdisplangle': 'rad', 'ecut': 'eV', 'pawecutdg': 'eV', 'dmenergytolerance': 'eV', 'electronictemperature': 'eV', 'oneta': 'eV', 'onetaalpha': 'eV', 'onetabeta': 'eV', 'onrclwf': 'Ang', 'onchemicalpotentialrc': 'Ang', 'onchemicalpotentialtemperature': 'eV', 'mdmaxcgdispl': 'Ang', 'mdmaxforcetol': 'eV/Ang', 'mdmaxstresstol': 'eV/Ang**3', 'mdlengthtimestep': 'fs', 'mdinitialtemperature': 'eV', 'mdtargettemperature': 'eV', 'mdtargetpressure': 'eV/Ang**3', 'mdnosemass': 'eV*fs**2', 'mdparrinellorahmanmass': 'eV*fs**2', 'mdtaurelax': 'fs', 'mdbulkmodulus': 'eV/Ang**3', 'mdfcdispl': 'Ang', 'warningminimumatomicdistance': 'Ang', 'rcspatial': 'Ang', 'kgridcutoff': 'Ang', 'latticeconstant': 'Ang'}
[docs] def write_abinit_in(fd, atoms, param=None, species=None, pseudos=None): from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2mp if param is None: param = {} if species is None: species = sorted(set(atoms.numbers)) inp = dict(param) xc = inp.pop('xc', 'LDA') for key in ['smearing', 'kpts', 'pps', 'raw']: inp.pop(key, None) smearing = param.get('smearing') if 'tsmear' in param or 'occopt' in param: assert smearing is None if smearing is not None: inp['occopt'] = {'fermi-dirac': 3, 'gaussian': 7}[smearing[0].lower()] inp['tsmear'] = smearing[1] inp['natom'] = len(atoms) if 'nbands' in param: inp['nband'] = param['nbands'] del inp['nbands'] # ixc is set from paw/xml file. Ignore 'xc' setting then. if param.get('pps') not in ['pawxml']: if 'ixc' not in param: inp['ixc'] = {'LDA': 7, 'PBE': 11, 'revPBE': 14, 'RPBE': 15, 'WC': 23}[xc] magmoms = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments() if magmoms.any(): inp['nsppol'] = 2 fd.write('spinat\n') for n, M in enumerate(magmoms): fd.write(f'{0:.14f} {0:.14f} {M:.14f}\n') else: inp['nsppol'] = 1 if param.get('kpts') is not None: mp = kpts2mp(atoms, param['kpts']) fd.write('kptopt 1\n') fd.write('ngkpt %d %d %d\n' % tuple(mp)) fd.write('nshiftk 1\n') fd.write('shiftk\n') fd.write('%.1f %.1f %.1f\n' % tuple((np.array(mp) + 1) % 2 * 0.5)) valid_lists = (list, np.ndarray) for key in sorted(inp): value = inp[key] unit = keys_with_units.get(key) if unit is not None: if 'fs**2' in unit: value /= fs**2 elif 'fs' in unit: value /= fs if isinstance(value, valid_lists): if isinstance(value[0], valid_lists): fd.write(f"{key}\n") for dim in value: write_list(fd, dim, unit) else: fd.write(f"{key}\n") write_list(fd, value, unit) else: if unit is None: fd.write(f"{key} {value}\n") else: fd.write(f"{key} {value} {unit}\n") if param.get('raw') is not None: if isinstance(param['raw'], str): raise TypeError('The raw parameter is a single string; expected ' 'a sequence of lines') for line in param['raw']: if isinstance(line, tuple): fd.write(' '.join([f'{x}' for x in line]) + '\n') else: fd.write(f'{line}\n') fd.write('#Definition of the unit cell\n') fd.write('acell\n') fd.write(f'{1.0:.14f} {1.0:.14f} {1.0:.14f} Angstrom\n') fd.write('rprim\n') if atoms.cell.rank != 3: raise RuntimeError('Abinit requires a 3D cell, but cell is {}' .format(atoms.cell)) for v in atoms.cell: fd.write('%.14f %.14f %.14f\n' % tuple(v)) fd.write('chkprim 0 # Allow non-primitive cells\n') fd.write('#Definition of the atom types\n') fd.write('ntypat %d\n' % (len(species))) fd.write('znucl {}\n'.format(' '.join(str(Z) for Z in species))) fd.write('#Enumerate different atomic species\n') fd.write('typat') fd.write('\n') types = [] for Z in atoms.numbers: for n, Zs in enumerate(species): if Z == Zs: types.append(n + 1) n_entries_int = 20 # integer entries per line for n, type in enumerate(types): fd.write(' %d' % (type)) if n > 1 and ((n % n_entries_int) == 1): fd.write('\n') fd.write('\n') if pseudos is not None: listing = ',\n'.join(pseudos) line = f'pseudos "{listing}"\n' fd.write(line) fd.write('#Definition of the atoms\n') fd.write('xcart\n') for pos in atoms.positions / Bohr: fd.write('%.14f %.14f %.14f\n' % tuple(pos)) fd.write('chkexit 1 # abinit.exit file in the running ' 'directory terminates after the current SCF\n')
def write_list(fd, value, unit): for element in value: fd.write(f"{element} ") if unit is not None: fd.write(f"{unit}") fd.write("\n") def read_stress(fd): # sigma(1 1)= 4.02063464E-04 sigma(3 2)= 0.00000000E+00 # sigma(2 2)= 4.02063464E-04 sigma(3 1)= 0.00000000E+00 # sigma(3 3)= 4.02063464E-04 sigma(2 1)= 0.00000000E+00 pat = re.compile(r'\s*sigma\(\d \d\)=\s*(\S+)\s*sigma\(\d \d\)=\s*(\S+)') stress = np.empty(6) for i in range(3): line = next(fd) m = pat.match(line) if m is None: # Not a real value error. What should we raise? raise ValueError('Line {!r} does not match stress pattern {!r}' .format(line, pat)) stress[i] = float( stress[i + 3] = float( unit = Hartree / Bohr**3 return stress * unit def consume_multiline(fd, headerline, nvalues, dtype): """Parse abinit-formatted "header + values" sections. Example: typat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 """ tokens = headerline.split() assert tokens[0].isalpha() values = tokens[1:] while len(values) < nvalues: line = next(fd) values.extend(line.split()) assert len(values) == nvalues return np.array(values).astype(dtype)
[docs] def read_abinit_out(fd): results = {} def skipto(string): for line in fd: if string in line: return line raise RuntimeError(f'Not found: {string}') line = skipto('Version') m = re.match(r'\.*?Version\s+(\S+)\s+of ABINIT', line) assert m is not None version = results['version'] = version use_v9_format = int(version.split('.', 1)[0]) >= 9 shape_vars = {} skipto('echo values of preprocessed input variables') for line in fd: if '===============' in line: break tokens = line.split() if not tokens: continue for key in ['natom', 'nkpt', 'nband', 'ntypat']: if tokens[0] == key: shape_vars[key] = int(tokens[1]) if line.lstrip().startswith('typat'): # Avoid matching ntypat types = consume_multiline(fd, line, shape_vars['natom'], int) if 'znucl' in line: znucl = consume_multiline(fd, line, shape_vars['ntypat'], float) if 'rprim' in line: cell = consume_multiline(fd, line, 9, float) cell = cell.reshape(3, 3) natoms = shape_vars['natom'] # Skip ahead to results: for line in fd: if 'was not enough scf cycles to converge' in line: raise RuntimeError(line) if 'iterations are completed or convergence reached' in line: break else: raise RuntimeError('Cannot find results section') def read_array(fd, nlines): arr = [] for i in range(nlines): line = next(fd) arr.append(line.split()[1:]) arr = np.array(arr).astype(float) return arr if use_v9_format: energy_header = '--- !EnergyTerms' total_energy_name = 'total_energy_eV' def parse_energy(line): return float(line.split(':')[1].strip()) else: energy_header = 'Components of total free energy (in Hartree) :' total_energy_name = '>>>>>>>>> Etotal' def parse_energy(line): return float(line.rsplit('=', 2)[1]) * Hartree for line in fd: if 'cartesian coordinates (angstrom) at end' in line: positions = read_array(fd, natoms) if 'cartesian forces (eV/Angstrom) at end' in line: results['forces'] = read_array(fd, natoms) if 'Cartesian components of stress tensor (hartree/bohr^3)' in line: results['stress'] = read_stress(fd) if line.strip() == energy_header: # Header not to be confused with EnergyTermsDC, # therefore we don't use .startswith() energy = None for line in fd: # Which of the listed energies should we include? if total_energy_name in line: energy = parse_energy(line) break if energy is None: raise RuntimeError('No energy found in output') results['energy'] = results['free_energy'] = energy if 'END DATASET(S)' in line: break znucl_int = znucl.astype(int) znucl_int[znucl_int != znucl] = 0 # (Fractional Z) numbers = znucl_int[types - 1] atoms = Atoms(numbers=numbers, positions=positions, cell=cell, pbc=True) calc_results = {name: results[name] for name in set(all_properties) & set(results)} atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **calc_results) = "abinit" results['atoms'] = atoms return results
def match_kpt_header(line): headerpattern = (r'\s*kpt#\s*\S+\s*' r'nband=\s*(\d+),\s*' r'wtk=\s*(\S+?),\s*' r'kpt=\s*(\S+)+\s*(\S+)\s*(\S+)') m = re.match(headerpattern, line) assert m is not None, line nbands = int( weight = float( kvector = np.array(, 4, 5)).astype(float) return nbands, weight, kvector def read_eigenvalues_for_one_spin(fd, nkpts): kpoint_weights = [] kpoint_coords = [] eig_kn = [] for _ in range(nkpts): header = next(fd) nbands, weight, kvector = match_kpt_header(header) kpoint_coords.append(kvector) kpoint_weights.append(weight) eig_n = [] while len(eig_n) < nbands: line = next(fd) tokens = line.split() values = np.array(tokens).astype(float) * Hartree eig_n.extend(values) assert len(eig_n) == nbands eig_kn.append(eig_n) assert nbands == len(eig_kn[0]) kpoint_weights = np.array(kpoint_weights) kpoint_coords = np.array(kpoint_coords) eig_kn = np.array(eig_kn) return kpoint_coords, kpoint_weights, eig_kn def read_eig(fd): line = next(fd) results = {} m = re.match(r'\s*Fermi \(or HOMO\) energy \(hartree\)\s*=\s*(\S+)', line) if m is not None: results['fermilevel'] = float( * Hartree line = next(fd) nspins = 1 m = re.match(r'\s*Magnetization \(Bohr magneton\)=\s*(\S+)', line) if m is not None: nspins = 2 magmom = float( results['magmom'] = magmom line = next(fd) if 'Total spin up' in line: assert nspins == 2 line = next(fd) m = re.match(r'\s*Eigenvalues \(hartree\) for nkpt\s*=' r'\s*(\S+)\s*k\s*points', line) if 'SPIN' in line or 'spin' in line: # If using spinpol with fixed magmoms, we don't get the magmoms # listed before now. nspins = 2 assert m is not None nkpts = int( eig_skn = [] kpts, weights, eig_kn = read_eigenvalues_for_one_spin(fd, nkpts) nbands = eig_kn.shape[1] eig_skn.append(eig_kn) if nspins == 2: line = next(fd) assert 'SPIN DOWN' in line _, _, eig_kn = read_eigenvalues_for_one_spin(fd, nkpts) assert eig_kn.shape == (nkpts, nbands) eig_skn.append(eig_kn) eig_skn = np.array(eig_skn) eigshape = (nspins, nkpts, nbands) assert eig_skn.shape == eigshape, (eig_skn.shape, eigshape) results['ibz_kpoints'] = kpts results['kpoint_weights'] = weights results['eigenvalues'] = eig_skn return results def get_default_abinit_pp_paths(): return os.environ.get('ABINIT_PP_PATH', '.').split(':') def prepare_abinit_input(directory, atoms, properties, parameters, pp_paths=None, raise_exception=True): directory = Path(directory) species = sorted(set(atoms.numbers)) if pp_paths is None: pp_paths = get_default_abinit_pp_paths() ppp = get_ppp_list(atoms, species, raise_exception=raise_exception, xc=parameters['xc'], pps=parameters['pps'], search_paths=pp_paths) inputfile = directory / '' # XXX inappropriate knowledge about choice of outputfile outputfile = directory / 'abinit.abo' # Abinit will write to label.txtA if label.txt already exists, # so we remove it if it's there: if outputfile.exists(): outputfile.unlink() with open(inputfile, 'w') as fd: write_abinit_in(fd, atoms, param=parameters, species=species, pseudos=ppp) def read_abinit_outputs(directory, label): directory = Path(directory) textfilename = directory / f'{label}.abo' results = {} with open(textfilename) as fd: dct = read_abinit_out(fd) results.update(dct) # The eigenvalues section in the main file is shortened to # a limited number of kpoints. We read the complete one from # the EIG file then: with open(directory / f'{label}o_EIG') as fd: dct = read_eig(fd) results.update(dct) return results
[docs] def read_abinit_gsr(filename): import netCDF4 data = netCDF4.Dataset(filename) data.set_auto_mask(False) version = data.abinit_version typat = data.variables['atom_species'][:] cell = data.variables['primitive_vectors'][:] * Bohr znucl = data.variables['atomic_numbers'][:] xred = data.variables['reduced_atom_positions'][:] znucl_int = znucl.astype(int) znucl_int[znucl_int != znucl] = 0 # (Fractional Z) numbers = znucl_int[typat - 1] atoms = Atoms(numbers=numbers, scaled_positions=xred, cell=cell, pbc=True) results = {} def addresult(name, abinit_name, unit=1): if abinit_name not in data.variables: return values = data.variables[abinit_name][:] # Within the netCDF4 dataset, the float variables return a array(float) # The tolist() is here to ensure that the result is of type float if not values.shape: values = values.tolist() results[name] = values * unit addresult('energy', 'etotal', Hartree) addresult('free_energy', 'etotal', Hartree) addresult('forces', 'cartesian_forces', Hartree / Bohr) addresult('stress', 'cartesian_stress_tensor', Hartree / Bohr**3) atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results) = 'abinit' results['atoms'] = atoms addresult('fermilevel', 'fermie', Hartree) addresult('ibz_kpoints', 'reduced_coordinates_of_kpoints') addresult('eigenvalues', 'eigenvalues', Hartree) addresult('occupations', 'occupations') addresult('kpoint_weights', 'kpoint_weights') results['version'] = version return results
def get_ppp_list(atoms, species, raise_exception, xc, pps, search_paths): ppp_list = [] xcname = 'GGA' if xc != 'LDA' else 'LDA' for Z in species: number = abs(Z) symbol = chemical_symbols[number] names = [] for s in [symbol, symbol.lower()]: for xcn in [xcname, xcname.lower()]: if pps in ['paw']: hghtemplate = '%s-%s-%s.paw' # E.g. "H-GGA-hard-uspp.paw" names.append(hghtemplate % (s, xcn, '*')) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.paw') elif pps in ['pawxml']: hghtemplate = '%s.%s%s.xml' # E.g. "H.GGA_PBE-JTH.xml" names.append(hghtemplate % (s, xcn, '*')) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.xml') elif pps in ['hgh.k']: hghtemplate = '%s-q%s.hgh.k' # E.g. "Co-q17.hgh.k" names.append(hghtemplate % (s, '*')) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.hgh.k') names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.hgh') elif pps in ['tm']: hghtemplate = '%d%s%s.pspnc' # E.g. "44ru.pspnc" names.append(hghtemplate % (number, s, '*')) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.pspnc') elif pps in ['psp8']: hghtemplate = '%s.psp8' # E.g. "Si.psp8" names.append(hghtemplate % (s)) elif pps in ['hgh', '']: hghtemplate = '%d%s.%s.hgh' # E.g. "42mo.6.hgh" # There might be multiple files with different valence # electron counts, so we must choose between # the ordinary and the semicore versions for some elements. # # Therefore we first use glob to get all relevant files, # then pick the correct one afterwards. names.append(hghtemplate % (number, s, '*')) names.append('%d%s%s.hgh' % (number, s, '*')) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.hgh') else: # default extension names.append('%02d-%s.%s.%s' % (number, s, xcn, pps)) names.append('%02d[.-_]%s*.%s' % (number, s, pps)) names.append('%02d%s*.%s' % (number, s, pps)) names.append(f'{s}[.-_]*.{pps}') found = False for name in names: # search for file names possibilities for path in search_paths: # in all available directories filenames = glob(join(path, name)) if not filenames: continue if pps == 'paw': # warning: see in # abinit-pseudopotentials*tar.gz for additional # information! # # XXXX This is probably buggy, max(filenames) uses # an lexicographic order so 14 < 8, and it's # untested so if I change it I'm sure things will # just be inconsistent. --askhl filenames[0] = max(filenames) # Semicore or hard elif pps == 'hgh': # Lowest valence electron count filenames[0] = min(filenames) elif pps == 'hgh.k': # Semicore - highest electron count filenames[0] = max(filenames) elif pps == 'tm': # Semicore - highest electron count filenames[0] = max(filenames) elif pps == '': # Semicore - highest electron count filenames[0] = max(filenames) if filenames: found = True ppp_list.append(filenames[0]) break if found: break if not found: ppp_list.append("Provide {}.{}.{}?".format(symbol, '*', pps)) if raise_exception: msg = ('Could not find {} pseudopotential {} for {} in {}' .format(xcname.lower(), pps, symbol, search_paths)) raise RuntimeError(msg) return ppp_list