from random import randint
from typing import Any, Dict
import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import (
from ase.calculators.singlepoint import SinglePointCalculator
from import atomic_masses, chemical_symbols
from ase.formula import Formula
from ase.geometry import cell_to_cellpar
from import decode
class FancyDict(dict):
"""Dictionary with keys available as attributes also."""
def __getattr__(self, key):
if key not in self:
return dict.__getattribute__(self, key)
value = self[key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
return FancyDict(value)
return value
def __dir__(self):
return self.keys() # for tab-completion
def atoms2dict(atoms):
dct = {
'numbers': atoms.numbers,
'positions': atoms.positions,
'unique_id': '%x' % randint(16**31, 16**32 - 1)}
if atoms.pbc.any():
dct['pbc'] = atoms.pbc
if atoms.cell.any():
dct['cell'] = atoms.cell
if atoms.has('initial_magmoms'):
dct['initial_magmoms'] = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments()
if atoms.has('initial_charges'):
dct['initial_charges'] = atoms.get_initial_charges()
if atoms.has('masses'):
dct['masses'] = atoms.get_masses()
if atoms.has('tags'):
dct['tags'] = atoms.get_tags()
if atoms.has('momenta'):
dct['momenta'] = atoms.get_momenta()
if atoms.constraints:
dct['constraints'] = [c.todict() for c in atoms.constraints]
if atoms.calc is not None:
dct['calculator'] =
dct['calculator_parameters'] = atoms.calc.todict()
if len(atoms.calc.check_state(atoms)) == 0:
for prop in all_properties:
x = atoms.calc.get_property(prop, atoms, False)
except PropertyNotImplementedError:
if x is not None:
dct[prop] = x
return dct
class AtomsRow:
mtime: float
positions: np.ndarray
id: int
def __init__(self, dct):
if isinstance(dct, dict):
dct = dct.copy()
if 'calculator_parameters' in dct:
# Earlier version of ASE would encode the calculator
# parameter dict again and again and again ...
while isinstance(dct['calculator_parameters'], str):
dct['calculator_parameters'] = decode(
dct = atoms2dict(dct)
assert 'numbers' in dct
self._constraints = dct.pop('constraints', [])
self._constrained_forces = None
self._data = dct.pop('data', {})
kvp = dct.pop('key_value_pairs', {})
self._keys = list(kvp.keys())
if 'cell' not in dct:
self.cell = np.zeros((3, 3))
if 'pbc' not in dct:
self.pbc = np.zeros(3, bool)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.__dict__
def __iter__(self):
return (key for key in self.__dict__ if key[0] != '_')
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""Return value of key if present or default if not."""
return getattr(self, key, default)
def key_value_pairs(self):
"""Return dict of key-value pairs."""
return {key: self.get(key) for key in self._keys}
def count_atoms(self):
"""Count atoms.
Return dict mapping chemical symbol strings to number of atoms.
count = {}
for symbol in self.symbols:
count[symbol] = count.get(symbol, 0) + 1
return count
def __getitem__(self, key):
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
setattr(self, key, value)
def __str__(self):
return '<AtomsRow: formula={}, keys={}>'.format(
self.formula, ','.join(self._keys))
def constraints(self):
"""List of constraints."""
from ase.constraints import dict2constraint
if not isinstance(self._constraints, list):
# Lazy decoding:
cs = decode(self._constraints)
self._constraints = []
for c in cs:
# Convert to new format:
name = c.pop('__name__', None)
if name:
c = {'name': name, 'kwargs': c}
if c['name'].startswith('ase'):
c['name'] = c['name'].rsplit('.', 1)[1]
return [dict2constraint(d) for d in self._constraints]
def data(self):
"""Data dict."""
if isinstance(self._data, str):
self._data = decode(self._data) # lazy decoding
elif isinstance(self._data, bytes):
from ase.db.core import bytes_to_object
self._data = bytes_to_object(self._data) # lazy decoding
return FancyDict(self._data)
def natoms(self):
"""Number of atoms."""
return len(self.numbers)
def formula(self):
"""Chemical formula string."""
return Formula('', _tree=[(self.symbols, 1)]).format('metal')
def symbols(self):
"""List of chemical symbols."""
return [chemical_symbols[Z] for Z in self.numbers]
def fmax(self):
"""Maximum atomic force."""
forces = self.constrained_forces
return (forces**2).sum(1).max()**0.5
def constrained_forces(self):
"""Forces after applying constraints."""
if self._constrained_forces is not None:
return self._constrained_forces
forces = self.forces
constraints = self.constraints
if constraints:
forces = forces.copy()
atoms = self.toatoms()
for constraint in constraints:
constraint.adjust_forces(atoms, forces)
self._constrained_forces = forces
return forces
def smax(self):
"""Maximum stress tensor component."""
return (self.stress**2).max()**0.5
def mass(self):
"""Total mass."""
if 'masses' in self:
return self.masses.sum()
return atomic_masses[self.numbers].sum()
def volume(self):
"""Volume of unit cell."""
if self.cell is None:
return None
vol = abs(np.linalg.det(self.cell))
if vol == 0.0:
raise AttributeError
return vol
def charge(self):
"""Total charge."""
charges = self.get('initial_charges')
if charges is None:
return 0.0
return charges.sum()
def toatoms(self,
"""Create Atoms object."""
atoms = Atoms(self.numbers,
results = {prop: self[prop] for prop in all_properties if prop in self}
if results:
atoms.calc = SinglePointCalculator(atoms, **results) = self.get('calculator', 'unknown')
if add_additional_information: = {}['unique_id'] = self.unique_id
if self._keys:['key_value_pairs'] = self.key_value_pairs
data = self.get('data')
if data:['data'] = data
return atoms
def row2dct(row, key_descriptions) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Convert row to dict of things for printing or a web-page."""
from ase.db.core import float_to_time_string, now
dct = {}
atoms = Atoms(cell=row.cell, pbc=row.pbc)
dct['size'] = kptdensity2monkhorstpack(atoms,
dct['cell'] = [[f'{a:.3f}' for a in axis] for axis in row.cell]
par = [f'{x:.3f}' for x in cell_to_cellpar(row.cell)]
dct['lengths'] = par[:3]
dct['angles'] = par[3:]
stress = row.get('stress')
if stress is not None:
dct['stress'] = ', '.join(f'{s:.3f}' for s in stress)
dct['formula'] = Formula(row.formula).format('abc')
dipole = row.get('dipole')
if dipole is not None:
dct['dipole'] = ', '.join(f'{d:.3f}' for d in dipole)
data = row.get('data')
if data:
dct['data'] = ', '.join(data.keys())
constraints = row.get('constraints')
if constraints:
dct['constraints'] = ', '.join(c.__class__.__name__
for c in constraints)
keys = ({'id', 'energy', 'fmax', 'smax', 'mass', 'age'} |
set(key_descriptions) |
dct['table'] = []
from ase.db.project import KeyDescription
for key in keys:
if key == 'age':
age = float_to_time_string(now() - row.ctime, True)
dct['table'].append(('ctime', 'Age', age))
value = row.get(key)
if value is not None:
if isinstance(value, float):
value = f'{value:.3f}'
elif not isinstance(value, str):
value = str(value)
nokeydesc = KeyDescription(key, '', '', '')
keydesc = key_descriptions.get(key, nokeydesc)
unit = keydesc.unit
if unit:
value += ' ' + unit
dct['table'].append((key, keydesc.longdesc, value))
return dct