Source code for ase.calculators.onetep

"""ONETEP interface for the Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE) package

T. Demeyere, (2023)"""

from os import environ

from ase.calculators.genericfileio import (BaseProfile, CalculatorTemplate,
from import read, write

class OnetepProfile(BaseProfile):
    ONETEP profile class, additional "old" parameter
    is automatically passed for now if the user uses the
    now deprecated "ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND".

    def __init__(self, binary, old=False, **kwargs):
        binary: str
            Path to the ONETEP binary.
        old: bool
            If True, will use the old ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND
        **kwargs: dict
            Additional kwargs are passed to the BaseProfile
        self.binary = binary
        self.old = old

    def version(self):
        lines = read_stdout(self.binary)
        return self.parse_version(lines)

    def parse_version(lines):
        return '1.0.0'

    def get_calculator_command(self, inputfile):
        if self.old:
            return self.binary.split() + [str(inputfile)]
            return [self.binary, str(inputfile)]

class OnetepTemplate(CalculatorTemplate):
    _label = 'onetep'

    def __init__(self, append):
        self.inputname = f'{self._label}.dat'
        self.outputname = f'{self._label}.out'
        self.errorname = f'{self._label}.err'
        self.append = append

    def execute(self, directory, profile):, self.inputname, self.outputname,
                    self.errorname, append=self.append)

    def read_results(self, directory):
        output_path = directory / self.outputname
        atoms = read(output_path, format='onetep-out')
        return dict(

    def write_input(self, profile, directory, atoms, parameters, properties):
        input_path = directory / self.inputname
        write(input_path, atoms, format='onetep-in',
              properties=properties, **parameters)

    def load_profile(self, cfg, **kwargs):
        return OnetepProfile.from_config(cfg,, **kwargs)

[docs]class Onetep(GenericFileIOCalculator): """ Class for the ONETEP calculator, uses ase/io/ Need the env variable "ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND" defined to properly work. All other options are passed in kwargs. Parameters ---------- autorestart : Bool When activated, manages restart keywords automatically. append: Bool Append to output instead of overwriting. directory: str Directory where to run the calculation(s). keywords: dict Dictionary with ONETEP keywords to write, keywords with lists as values will be treated like blocks, with each element of list being a different line. xc: str DFT xc to use e.g (PBE, RPBE, ...). ngwfs_count: int|list|dict Behaviour depends on the type: int: every species will have this amount of ngwfs. list: list of int, will be attributed alphabetically to species: dict: keys are species name(s), value are their number: ngwfs_radius: int|list|dict Behaviour depends on the type: float: every species will have this radius. list: list of float, will be attributed alphabetically to species: [10.0, 9.0] dict: keys are species name(s), value are their radius: {'Na': 9.0, 'Cl': 10.0} pseudopotentials: list|dict Behaviour depends on the type: list: list of string(s), will be attributed alphabetically to specie(s): ['Cl.usp', 'Na.usp'] dict: keys are species name(s) their value are the pseudopotential file to use: {'Na': 'Na.usp', 'Cl': 'Cl.usp'} pseudo_path: str Where to look for pseudopotential, correspond to the pseudo_path keyword of ONETEP. .. note:: write_forces is always turned on by default when using this interface. .. note:: Little to no check is performed on the keywords provided by the user via the keyword dictionary, it is the user responsibility that they are valid ONETEP keywords. """ def __init__( self, *, profile=None, directory='.', parallel_info=None, parallel=True, **kwargs): self.keywords = kwargs.get('keywords', None) self.template = OnetepTemplate( append=kwargs.pop('append', False) ) if 'ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND' in environ and profile is None: import warnings warnings.warn("using ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND env is \ deprecated, please use OnetepProfile", FutureWarning) profile = OnetepProfile(environ['ASE_ONETEP_COMMAND'], old=True) super().__init__(profile=profile, template=self.template, directory=directory, parameters=kwargs, parallel=parallel, parallel_info=parallel_info)