Source code for ase.calculators.morse

import numpy as np

from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator, all_changes
from ase.neighborlist import neighbor_list
from ase.stress import full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress

def fcut(r: np.ndarray, r0: float, r1: float) -> np.ndarray:
    """Piecewise quintic C^{2,1} regular polynomial for use as a smooth cutoff.

    Ported from JuLIP.jl.

    r : np.ndarray
        Distances between atoms.
    r0 : float
        Inner cutoff radius.
    r1 : float
        Outder cutoff radius.

        Sigmoid-like function smoothly interpolating (r0, 1) and (r1, 0).

    s = 1.0 - (r - r0) / (r1 - r0)
    return (s >= 1.0) + ((s > 0.0) & (s < 1.0)) * (
        6.0 * s**5 - 15.0 * s**4 + 10.0 * s**3

def fcut_d(r: np.ndarray, r0: float, r1: float) -> np.ndarray:
    """Derivative of fcut() function defined above."""
    s = 1.0 - (r - r0) / (r1 - r0)
    return -(
        ((s > 0.0) & (s < 1.0))
        * (30.0 * s**4 - 60.0 * s**3 + 30.0 * s**2)
        / (r1 - r0)

[docs] class MorsePotential(Calculator): """Morse potential.""" implemented_properties = [ 'energy', 'energies', 'free_energy', 'forces', 'stress', ] default_parameters = {'epsilon': 1.0, 'rho0': 6.0, 'r0': 1.0, 'rcut1': 1.9, 'rcut2': 2.7} nolabel = True def __init__(self, **kwargs): r""" The pairwise energy between atoms *i* and *j* is given by .. math:: V_{ij} = \epsilon \left( \mathrm{e}^{-2 \rho_0 (r_{ij} / r_0 - 1)} - 2 \mathrm{e}^{- \rho_0 (r_{ij} / r_0 - 1)} \right) Parameters ---------- epsilon : float, default 1.0 Absolute minimum depth. r0 : float, default 1.0 Minimum distance. rho0 : float, default 6.0 Exponential prefactor. The force constant in the potential minimum is given by .. math:: k = 2 \epsilon \left(\frac{\rho_0}{r_0}\right)^2. rcut1 : float, default 1.9 Distance starting a smooth cutoff normalized by ``r0``. rcut2 : float, default 2.7 Distance ending a smooth cutoff normalized by ``r0``. Notes ----- The default values are chosen to be similar as Lennard-Jones. """ Calculator.__init__(self, **kwargs) def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=['energy'], system_changes=all_changes): Calculator.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) epsilon = self.parameters['epsilon'] rho0 = self.parameters['rho0'] r0 = self.parameters['r0'] rcut1 = self.parameters['rcut1'] * r0 rcut2 = self.parameters['rcut2'] * r0 number_of_atoms = len(self.atoms) forces = np.zeros((number_of_atoms, 3)) i, _j, d, D = neighbor_list('ijdD', atoms, rcut2) dhat = (D / d[:, None]).T expf = np.exp(rho0 * (1.0 - d / r0)) cutoff_fn = fcut(d, rcut1, rcut2) d_cutoff_fn = fcut_d(d, rcut1, rcut2) pairwise_energies = epsilon * expf * (expf - 2.0) self.results['energies'] = np.bincount( i, weights=0.5 * (pairwise_energies * cutoff_fn), minlength=number_of_atoms, ) self.results['energy'] = self.results['energies'].sum() self.results['free_energy'] = self.results['energy'] # derivatives of `pair_energies` with respect to `d` de = (-2.0 * epsilon * rho0 / r0) * expf * (expf - 1.0) # smoothened `de` de = de * cutoff_fn + pairwise_energies * d_cutoff_fn de_vec = (de * dhat).T for dim in range(3): forces[:, dim] = np.bincount( i, weights=de_vec[:, dim], minlength=number_of_atoms, ) self.results['forces'] = forces if self.atoms.cell.rank == 3: stress = 0.5 * (D.T @ de_vec) / self.atoms.get_volume() self.results['stress'] = full_3x3_to_voigt_6_stress(stress)