Excited State Calculations with Direct Optimization and Generalized Mode Following

The direct optimization generalized mode following (DO-GMF) method can be used to perform variational calculations of excited electronic states, where, contrary to linear response TDDFT, the orbitals are variationally optimized for the excited state.

The main challenge of variational density functional calculations of excited states is that excited states often correspond to saddle points on the surface describing the variation of the energy as a function of the electronic degrees of freedom (the orbital variations). Standard self-consistent field (SCF) algorithms typically perform well in ground state calculations, as the latter is a minimum of the energy, but face convergence issues in excited state calculations. As an alternative, direct optimization (DO) approaches can be used, which have been found to converge more robustly than the standard eigensolvers for excited states, especially in the vicinity of electronic degeneracies. One option is to use quasi-Newton algorithms that can converge to saddle points of arbitrary order in conjunction with the maximum overlap method (MOM), which can reduce the risk of converging to a minimum or lower-energy saddle point (variational collapse). This is the DO-MOM method implemented in GPAW and illustrated here. However, DO-MOM can still be affected by variational collapse in challenging cases. GPAW also implements an alternative DO approach using a generalized mode following (GMF) method. DO-GMF targets a stationary solution with a specific saddle point order and is more robust than both DO-MOM and the standard SCF algorithms, while being inherently free from variational collapse. On the other hand, DO-GMF has a bigger computational cost than DO-MOM, because it requires more energy/gradient evaluations per iteration due to the partial diagonalization of the Hessian.

Generalized mode following


The implementation of the DO-GMF method is presented in [1]. For the moment, the method can be used only in the LCAO mode.

GMF is a generalization of the minimum mode following method traditionally used to optimize first-order saddle points on the potential energy surface for atomic rearrangements. The method recasts the challenging saddle point search as a minimization by inverting the projection of the gradient on the lowest eigenmode of the Hessian. It is generalized to target an \(n\)-th-order saddle point on the electronic energy surface by inverting the projections on the eigenmodes, \(v_i\), of the electronic Hessian corresponding to the \(n\) lowest eigenvalues, yielding the modified gradient

\[g^{\mathrm{\,mod}} = g - 2\sum_{i = 1}^{n}v_{i}v_{i}^{\mathrm{T}}g\]

if the energy surface is concave along all target eigenvectors, or

\[g^{\mathrm{\,mod}} = -\sum_{i = 1, \lambda_{i} > 0}^{n}v_{i}v_{i}^{\mathrm{T}}g\]

if any target eigenvalue, \(\lambda_i\), is positive. Notice that in the latter case only the target eigenvectors along which the energy surface is convex are followed to increase stability of the method. The target eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the electronic Hessian matrix are obtained by using a finite difference generalized Davidson method [2]. This method can also be used for stability analysis of an electronic solution (see Example III: Stability analysis and breaking instability of ground state dihydrogen below).

How to use DO-GMF

To provide initial guess orbitals for an excited state DO-GMF calculation, a ground state calculation is typically performed first. Then, a DO-GMF calculation can be requested as follows:

from gpaw.directmin.lcao_etdm import LCAOETDM

         partial_diagonalizer={'name': 'Davidson', 'logfile': None},
         linesearch_algo={'name': 'max-step'},
         searchdir_algo={'name': 'l-bfgs-p_gmf'},
         occupations={'name': 'mom', 'numbers': f,
                      'use_fixed_occupations': True})

where a log file for the partial Hessian diagonalization can be specified and f contains the occupation numbers of the excited state (see Example I: Doubly excited state of ethylene and Example II: Charge transfer excited state of N-phenylpyrrole). Line search algorithms cannot be applied for saddle point searches, so a maximum step length is used. Any of the search direction algorithms implemented in GPAW (see Direct Minimization Methods) can be used by appending _gmf to the name keyword of the ETDM search direction algorithms (e.g. specify l-bfgs-p_gmf to use the l-bfgs-p search direction with GMF).

A helper function can be used to create the list of excited state occupation numbers:

from gpaw.directmin.tools import excite
f = excite(calc, i, a, spin=(si, sa))

which will promote an electron from occupied orbital i in spin channel si to unoccupied orbital a in spin channel sa (the index of HOMO and LUMO is 0). For example, excite(calc, -1, 2, spin=(0, 1)) will remove an electron from the HOMO-1 in spin channel 0 and add an electron to LUMO+2 in spin channel 1.

Estimating the saddle point order of the target excited state

The DO-GMF method requires an estimation of the saddle point order of the sought excited state ahead of the actual calculation. GPAW estimates the saddle point order at the initial guess using the following efficient diagonal approximation of the electronic Hessian:

(1)\[ \mathscr{H}_{ijij} \approx 2\left(f_{j} - f_{i}\right)\left(\epsilon_{i} - \epsilon_{j}\right)\]

where \(f_{i}\) and \(\epsilon_{i}\) are the orbital occupation numbers and energies of the initial guess orbitals, respectively. This approximation gives one negative eigenvalue for each pair of occupied-unoccupied orbitals where the unoccupied orbital has lower energy than the occupied one. For example, for a calculation initialized from an excitation from the ground state HOMO to the ground state LUMO + 1, there will be two unoccupied orbitals (ground state HOMO and LUMO) lower in energy than an occupied orbital (ground state LUMO + 1) and therefore the estimated saddle point order is 2. This is usually a good estimation for low-lying valence and Rydberg excitations.

For excitations involving significant charge transfer (see Example II: Charge transfer excited state of N-phenylpyrrole), the energy ordering of the orbitals of the converged solution can differ from the order of the initial guess orbitals. In such cases, the diagonal Hessian approximation at the initial guess does not provide a good enough estimation of the saddle point order. As shown in Example II: Charge transfer excited state of N-phenylpyrrole, a better estimation is given by first performing a constrained optimization with DO-MOM and then evaluating the saddle point order using either the diagonal approximation of the Hessian or partial diagonalization of the full Hessian (the latter is preferred). This can be done using:

from gpaw.directmin.derivatives import Davidson

davidson = Davidson(calc.wfs.eigensolver, eps=1e-2, seed=42)
appr_sp_order = davidson.estimate_sp_order(calc, method='full-hess', target_more=3)

The estimated saddle point order then needs to be specified when requesting a DO-GMF calculation:

from gpaw.directmin.lcao_etdm import LCAOETDM

         partial_diagonalizer={'name': 'Davidson',
                               'sp_order': appr_sp_order},

Example I: Doubly excited state of ethylene

In this example, the lowest doubly excited state of ethylene is obtained with the DO-GMF method. First, a ground state calculation is performed and then the DO-GMF calculation is initialized by promoting one electron from the HOMO to the LUMO in both spin channels simultaneously. According to the diagonal Hessian approximation, eq. (1), the excited state is targeted as a second-order saddle point on the electronic energy surface.

from ase.io import read
from gpaw import GPAW, LCAO
from gpaw.directmin.etdm_lcao import LCAOETDM
from gpaw.directmin.tools import excite

calc = GPAW(xc='PBE',
            occupations={'name': 'fixed-uniform'},
            mixer={'backend': 'no-mixing'},

atoms = read('ethylene.xyz')
atoms.calc = calc

# Ground state calculation
E_GS = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# Occupation numbers for double LUMO<-HOMO excitation in both spin channels
f0 = excite(calc, 0, 0, spin=(0, 0))
f1 = excite(calc, 0, 0, spin=(1, 1))
f = [f0[0], f1[1]]

# Direct approach using ground state orbitals with changed occupation numbers
calc.set(eigensolver=LCAOETDM(searchdir_algo={'name': 'l-bfgs-p_gmf'},
                              linesearch_algo={'name': 'max-step'},
                              'name': 'Davidson',
                              'logfile': 'davidson_ethylene.txt',
                              'seed': 42},
         occupations={'name': 'mom', 'numbers': f,
                      'use_fixed_occupations': True},

E_EX = atoms.get_potential_energy()

It is recommended to deactivate updates of the reference orbitals by setting the update_ref_orbs_counter keyword to a large value (e.g. 1000). The unitary invariant representation should be used (if the density functional is orbital density independent) because the redundant rotations among the occupied orbitals introduce many degenerate eigenvectors of the electronic Hessian with zero curvature, which can lead to convergence problems of the generalized Davidson method. The keyword use_fixed_occupations is set to True to deactivate the use of the maximum overlap method, which is not needed here because variational collapse is impossible with the DO-GMF method.

Example II: Charge transfer excited state of N-phenylpyrrole

In this example, a charge transfer excited state of the N-phenylpyrrole molecule is calculated using the DO-GMF method. Since the target state is open-shell, the calculation gives the energy of a mixed-spin solution. The energy of the mixed-spin solution can be purified as shown in Example I: Excitation energy Rydberg state of water, but this is not done in this example.

The excited state calculation is initialized by a single electron excitation from the HOMO to the LUMO in one spin channel using the ground state orbitals. This target saddle point order cannot be estimated using eq. (1) because the charge transfer excitation leads to a large energetic rearrangement of the orbitals. To take this energetic rearrangement into account and achieve a better estimation of the saddle point order, we first perform a constrained optimization with DO-MOM freezing the hole and excited electron and minimizing all other electronic degrees of freedom (see also Direct optimization). Then, the saddle point order is estimated from partial diagonalization of the full Hessian.

from ase.io import read
from gpaw import GPAW, LCAO
from gpaw.mom import prepare_mom_calculation
from gpaw.directmin.tools import excite
from gpaw.directmin.etdm_lcao import LCAOETDM
from gpaw.directmin.derivatives import Davidson

calc = GPAW(xc='PBE',
            eigensolver={'name': 'etdm-lcao', 'representation': 'u-invar'},
            occupations={'name': 'fixed-uniform'},
            mixer={'backend': 'no-mixing'},

atoms = read('N-Phenylpyrrole.xyz')
atoms.calc = calc

# Ground state calculation
E_GS = atoms.get_potential_energy()

h = 26  # Hole
p = 27  # Excited electron

# Constrained optimization freezing hole and excited electron
calc.set(eigensolver=LCAOETDM(constraints=[[[h], [p]], []],

# Spin-mixed open-shell occupation numbers
f = excite(calc, 0, 0, spin=(0, 0))

# Direct optimization maximum overlap method calculation
prepare_mom_calculation(calc, atoms, f)
E_EX_constrained = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# Stability analysis using the generalized Davidson method
davidson = Davidson(
    calc.wfs.eigensolver, 'davidson_tPP_constrained.txt', eps=1e-2, seed=42)
appr_sp_order = davidson.estimate_sp_order(
    calc, method='full-hess', target_more=3)

The saddle point order estimated by partial diagonalization of the Hessian is 9. However, closer inspection of the negative eigenvalues from the log file of the Davidson calculation reveals that two of them are significantly closer to 0 than the others, pointing towards a target saddle point order closer to 7 rather than 9. It is then recommended to perform three trial calculations targeting saddle points of order \(n-1\), \(n\) and \(n+1\), respectively, where \(n\) is the estimated approximate saddle point order (here 7). Finally, the wanted excited state solution needs to be identified by inspecting the character of each of the calculated solutions. Below we target with DO-GMF a sixth-order saddle point only, corresponding to the calculation with \(n-1\), because the wanted solution has been previously identified to be a sixth-order saddle point.

from ase.io import read
from gpaw import GPAW, LCAO
from gpaw.directmin.etdm_lcao import LCAOETDM
from gpaw.directmin.tools import excite

calc = GPAW(xc='PBE',
            occupations={'name': 'fixed-uniform'},
            mixer={'backend': 'no-mixing'},

atoms = read('N-Phenylpyrrole.xyz')
atoms.calc = calc

# Ground state calculation
E_GS = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# Spin-mixed open-shell occupation numbers
f = excite(calc, 0, 0, spin=(0, 0))

# Direct approach using ground state orbitals with changed occupation numbers
calc.set(eigensolver=LCAOETDM(searchdir_algo={'name': 'l-bfgs-p_gmf'},
                              linesearch_algo={'name': 'max-step'},
                                  'name': 'Davidson',
                                  'logfile': 'davidson_tPP.txt',
                                  'sp_order': 6,
                                  'seed': 42},
         occupations={'name': 'mom', 'numbers': f,
                      'use_fixed_occupations': True},

E_EX = atoms.get_potential_energy()

DO-GMF converges to a sixth-order saddle point with a dipole moment of -10.227 D consistent with the charge transfer character of the wanted excited state. Note that an unconstrained optimization of this excited state with DO-MOM starting form an initial guess made of ground state orbitals leads to variational collapse to a lower-energy saddle point with pronounced mixing between the HOMO and LUMO and a small dipole moment of -3.396 D [1].

Example III: Stability analysis and breaking instability of ground state dihydrogen

In this example, the generalized Davidson method is used for stability analysis of the ground state of the dihydrogen molecule. The molecule is stretched beyond the Coulson-Fischer point, at which both a ground state solution with conserved symmetry and two lower-energy degenerate ground state solutions with broken spin symmetry exist. First, a spin-polarized direct minimization is performed starting from the GPAW default initial guess for the orbitals. Stability analysis confirms that the obtained solution is a first-order saddle point on the electronic energy surface, meaning that the symmetry-conserving solution is obtained. Second, the electronic structure is displaced along the eigenvector of the electronic Hessian corresponding to its lowest, negative eigenvalue, and thereby, the instability is broken. This displaced electronic structure is reoptimized yielding a lower-energy solution with broken spin symmetry. Stability analysis is applied to this solution to confirm that it is a minimum on the electronic energy surface.

from gpaw import GPAW, LCAO
from gpaw.directmin.derivatives import Davidson
from ase import Atoms

calc = GPAW(xc='PBE',
            occupations={'name': 'fixed-uniform'},
            mixer={'backend': 'no-mixing'},

atoms = Atoms('H2', positions=[(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 2.0)])
atoms.calc = calc

# Ground state calculation
E_GS_spin_symmetric = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# Stability analysis using the generalized Davidson method
davidson = Davidson(calc.wfs.eigensolver, 'davidson_H2_S.txt', seed=42)
davidson.run(calc.wfs, calc.hamiltonian, calc.density)

# Break the instability by displacing along the eigenvector of the electronic
# Hessian corresponding to the negative eigenvalue
C_ref = [calc.wfs.kpt_u[x].C_nM.copy() for x in range(len(calc.wfs.kpt_u))]
davidson.break_instability(calc.wfs, n_dim=[10, 10], c_ref=C_ref, number=1)

# Reconverge the electronic structure
calc.calculate(properties=['energy'], system_changes=['positions'])
E_GS_broken_spin_symmetry = atoms.get_potential_energy()

# Repeat stability analysis to confirm that a minimum was found
davidson = Davidson(calc.wfs.eigensolver, 'davidson_H2_BS.txt', seed=42)
davidson.run(calc.wfs, calc.hamiltonian, calc.density)
