Introduction to PAW

A simple example

We look at the \(2\sigma\)* orbital of a CO molecule: ts

The main quantity in the PAW method is the pseudo wave-function (blue crosses) defined in all of the simulation box:

\[\tilde{\psi}(\mathbf{r}) = \tilde{\psi}(ih, jh, kh),\]

where \(h\) is the grid spacing and \((i, j, k)\) are the indices of the grid points.


In order to get the all-electron wave function, we add and subtract one-center expansions of the all-electron (thick lines) and pseudo wave-functions (thin lines):

\[\tilde{\psi}^a(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i C_i^a \tilde{\phi}_i^a(\mathbf{r})\]
\[\psi^a(\mathbf{r}) = \sum_i C_i^a \phi_i^a(\mathbf{r}),\]

where \(a\) is C or O and \(\phi_i\) and \(\tilde{\phi}_i\) are atom centered basis functions formed as radial functions on logarithmic radial grid multiplied by spherical harmonics.

The expansion coefficients are given as:

\[C_i^a = \int d\mathbf{r} \tilde{p}^a_i(\mathbf{r} - \mathbf{R}^a) \tilde{\psi}(\mathbf{r}).\]


  • Frozen core orbitals.

  • Truncated angular momentum expansion of compensation charges.

  • Finite number of basis functions and projector functions.

More information on PAW

You can find additional information on the reports presentations and theses page, or by reading the paw note.


# creates: 2sigma.png, co_wavefunctions.png
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import Bohr

from gpaw import GPAW
from gpaw.spherical_harmonics import Y

L = 6.0
d = 1.13
co = Atoms('CO',
           cell=[L, L, L],
           positions=[(0, 0, 0), (d, 0, 0)])
co.calc = GPAW(mode='lcao',
e = co.get_potential_energy()
print(co.positions[:, 0] - L / 2)

dpi = 100
C = 'g'
N = 100
for a, pp in enumerate(co.calc.wfs.setups):
    rc = max(pp.rcut_j)
    x = np.linspace(-rc, rc, 2 * N + 1)
    P_i = co.calc.wfs.kpt_qs[0][0].projections[a][1] / Bohr**1.5
    phi_i = np.empty((len(P_i), len(x)))
    phit_i = np.empty((len(P_i), len(x)))
    i = 0
    for l, phi_g, phit_g in zip(pp.l_j,,
        f = pp.rgd.spline(phi_g, rc + 0.3, l).map(x[N:]) * x[N:]**l
        ft = pp.rgd.spline(phit_g, rc + 0.3, l).map(x[N:]) * x[N:]**l
        for m in range(2 * l + 1):
            ll = l**2 + m
            phi_i[i, N:] = f * Y(ll, 1, 0, 0)
            phi_i[i, N::-1] = f * Y(ll, -1, 0, 0)
            phit_i[i, N:] = ft * Y(ll, 1, 0, 0)
            phit_i[i, N::-1] = ft * Y(ll, -1, 0, 0)
            i += 1
    x0 = co.positions[a, 0] - L / 2
    symbol = co.symbols[a]
    print(symbol, x0, rc)
    plt.plot([x0], [0], 'o', ms=dpi * rc * 2 / 2.33 * 1.3 * Bohr,
             mfc='None', label='_nolegend_')
    plt.plot(x * Bohr + x0,, C + '-', lw=1,
             label=r'$\tilde{\psi}^%s$' % symbol)
    plt.plot(x * Bohr + x0,, C + '-', lw=2,
             label=r'$\psi^%s$' % symbol)
    C = 'r'

psit = co.calc.get_pseudo_wave_function(band=1)
n = len(psit)
psit2 = psit[:, :, n // 2]
psit1 = psit2[:, n // 2]

x = np.linspace(-L / 2, L / 2, n, endpoint=False)
plt.plot(x, psit1, 'bx', mew=2, label=r'$\tilde{\psi}$')

plt.xlabel('x [Å]')
plt.ylim(ymin=-2, ymax=2)
plt.savefig('co_wavefunctions.png', dpi=dpi)

fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
m = abs(psit2).max() * 1.1
cax = ax.contour(x, x, psit2.T, np.linspace(-m, m, 31))
ax.text(-d / 2, 0, 'C', ha='center', va='center')
ax.text(d / 2, 0, 'O', ha='center', va='center')
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)
ax.set_xlabel('x (Angstrom)')
ax.set_ylabel('y (Angstrom)')