Source code for gpaw.response.mft

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import abstractmethod

import numpy as np

from gpaw.response import (ResponseGroundStateAdapter, ResponseContext,
                           GPWFilename, TXTFilename,
                           ensure_gs, ensure_gs_and_context)
from gpaw.response.frequencies import ComplexFrequencyDescriptor
from gpaw.response.chiks import ChiKSCalculator, smat
from gpaw.response.localft import LocalFTCalculator, add_LSDA_Wxc
from gpaw.response.site_kernels import SiteKernels
from gpaw.response.site_data import AtomicSites, AtomicSiteData
from gpaw.response.pair_functions import SingleQPWDescriptor, PairFunction
from gpaw.response.pair_integrator import PairFunctionIntegrator
from gpaw.response.pair_transitions import PairTransitions
from gpaw.response.matrix_elements import (SitePairDensityCalculator,

from ase.units import Hartree

class IsotropicExchangeCalculator:
    r"""Calculator class for the Heisenberg exchange constants

    _           2
    J^ab(q) = - ‾‾ B^(xc†) K^(a†)(q) χ_KS^('+-)(q) K^b(q) B^(xc)            (1)

    calculated for an isotropic system in a plane wave representation using
    the magnetic force theorem within second order perturbation theory, see
    [J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 35 (2023) 105802].

    Entering the formula for the isotropic exchange constant at wave vector q
    between sublattice a and b is the unit cell volume V0, the functional
    derivative of the (LDA) exchange-correlation energy with respect to the
    magnitude of the magnetization B^(xc), the sublattice site kernels K^a(q)
    and K^b(q) as well as the reactive part of the static transverse magnetic
    susceptibility of the Kohn-Sham system χ_KS^('+-)(q).

    NB: To achieve numerical stability of the plane-wave implementation, we
    use instead the following expression to calculate exchange parameters:

    ˷           2
    J^ab(q) = - ‾‾ W_xc^(z†) K^(a†)(q) χ_KS^('+-)(q) K^b(q) W_xc^z          (2)

    We do this since B^(xc)(r) = -|W_xc^z(r)| is nonanalytic in points of space
    where the spin-polarization changes sign, why it is problematic to evaluate
    Eq. (1) numerically within a plane-wave representation.
    If the site partitionings only include spin-polarization of the same sign,
    Eqs. (1) and (2) should yield identical exchange parameters, but for
    antiferromagnetically aligned sites, the coupling constants differ by a

    The site kernels encode the partitioning of real space into sites of the
    Heisenberg model. This is not a uniquely defined procedure, why the user
    has to define them externally through the SiteKernels interface."""

    def __init__(self,
                 chiks_calc: ChiKSCalculator,
                 localft_calc: LocalFTCalculator):
        """Construct the IsotropicExchangeCalculator object."""
        # Check that chiks has the assumed properties
        assumed_props = dict(
        for key, item in assumed_props.items():
            assert getattr(chiks_calc, key) == item, \
                f'Expected chiks.{key} == {item}. '\
                f'Got: {getattr(chiks_calc, key)}'

        self.chiks_calc = chiks_calc
        self.context = chiks_calc.context

        # Check assumed properties of the LocalFTCalculator
        assert localft_calc.context is self.context
        assert is
        self.localft_calc = localft_calc

        # W_xc^z buffer
        self._Wxc_G = None

        # χ_KS^('+-) buffer
        self._chiksr = None

    def __call__(self, q_c, site_kernels: SiteKernels, txt=None):
        """Calculate the isotropic exchange constants for a given wavevector.

        q_c : nd.array
            Wave vector q in relative coordinates
        site_kernels : SiteKernels
            Site kernels instance defining the magnetic sites of the crystal
        txt : str
            Separate file to store the chiks calculation output in (optional).
            If not supplied, the output will be written to the standard text
            output location specified when initializing chiks.

        J_abp : nd.array (dtype=complex)
            Isotropic Heisenberg exchange constants between magnetic sites a
            and b for all the site partitions p given by the site_kernels.
        # Get ingredients
        Wxc_G = self.get_Wxc()
        chiksr = self.get_chiksr(q_c, txt=txt)
        qpd, chiksr_GG = chiksr.qpd, chiksr.array[0]  # array = chiksr_zGG
        V0 =

        # Allocate an array for the exchange constants
        nsites = site_kernels.nsites
        J_pab = np.empty(site_kernels.shape + (nsites,), dtype=complex)

        # Compute exchange coupling
        for J_ab, K_aGG in zip(J_pab, site_kernels.calculate(qpd)):
            for a in range(nsites):
                for b in range(nsites):
                    J = np.conj(Wxc_G) @ np.conj(K_aGG[a]).T @ chiksr_GG \
                        @ K_aGG[b] @ Wxc_G
                    J_ab[a, b] = - 2. * J / V0

        # Transpose to have the partitions index last
        J_abp = np.transpose(J_pab, (1, 2, 0))

        return J_abp * Hartree  # Convert from Hartree to eV

    def get_Wxc(self):
        """Get B^(xc)_G from buffer."""
        if self._Wxc_G is None:  # Calculate if buffer is empty
            self._Wxc_G = self._calculate_Wxc()

        return self._Wxc_G

    def _calculate_Wxc(self):
        """Calculate the Fourier transform W_xc^z(G)."""
        # Create a plane wave descriptor encoding the plane wave basis. Input
        # q_c is arbitrary, since we are assuming that chiks.gammacentered == 1
        qpd0 = self.chiks_calc.get_pw_descriptor([0., 0., 0.])

        return self.localft_calc(qpd0, add_LSDA_Wxc)

    def get_chiksr(self, q_c, txt=None):
        """Get χ_KS^('+-)(q) from buffer."""
        q_c = np.asarray(q_c)

        # Calculate if buffer is empty or a new q-point is given
        if self._chiksr is None or not np.allclose(q_c, self._chiksr.q_c):
            self._chiksr = self._calculate_chiksr(q_c, txt=txt)

        return self._chiksr

    def _calculate_chiksr(self, q_c, txt=None):
        r"""Use the ChiKSCalculator to calculate the reactive part of the
        static Kohn-Sham susceptibility χ_KS^('+-)(q).

        First, the dynamic Kohn-Sham susceptibility

                                 __  __
                              1  \   \        f_nk↑ - f_mk+q↓
        χ_KS,GG'^+-(q,ω+iη) = ‾  /   /  ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾
                              V  ‾‾  ‾‾ ħω - (ε_mk+q↓ - ε_nk↑) + iħη
                                 k  n,m
                                        x n_nk↑,mk+q↓(G+q) n_mk+q↓,nk↑(-G'-q)

        is calculated in the static limit ω=0 and without broadening η=0. Then,
        the reactive part (see [PRB 103, 245110 (2021)]) is extracted:

        χ_KS,GG'^(+-')(q,z) = ‾ [χ_KS,GG'^+-(q,z) + χ_KS,-G'-G^-+(-q,-z*)].
        # Initiate new output file, if supplied
        if txt is not None:

        zd = ComplexFrequencyDescriptor.from_array([0. + 0.j])
        chiks = self.chiks_calc.calculate('+-', q_c, zd)
        if np.allclose(q_c, 0.):

        # Take the reactive part
        chiksr = chiks.copy_reactive_part()

        return chiksr

[docs]def calculate_site_magnetization( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites): """Calculate the site magnetization. Returns ------- magmom_ap : np.ndarray Magnetic moment in μB of site a under partitioning p, calculated directly from the ground state density. """ gs = ensure_gs(gs) site_data = AtomicSiteData(gs, sites) return site_data.calculate_magnetic_moments()
[docs]def calculate_site_zeeman_energy( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites): """Calculate the site Zeeman energy. Returns ------- EZ_ap : np.ndarray Local Zeeman energy in eV of site a under partitioning p, calculated directly from the ground state density. """ gs = ensure_gs(gs) site_data = AtomicSiteData(gs, sites) return site_data.calculate_zeeman_energies() * Hartree # Ha -> eV
[docs]def calculate_single_particle_site_magnetization( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites, context: ResponseContext | TXTFilename = '-'): """Calculate the single-particle site magnetization. Returns ------- sp_magmom_ap : np.ndarray Magnetic moment in μB of site a under partitioning p, calculated based on a single-particle sum rule. """ gs, context = ensure_gs_and_context(gs, context=context) single_particle_calc = SingleParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator( gs, sites, context=context) site_magnetization = single_particle_calc() return site_magnetization.array
[docs]def calculate_single_particle_site_zeeman_energy( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites, context: ResponseContext | TXTFilename = '-'): """Calculate the single-particle site Zeeman energy. Returns ------- sp_EZ_ap : np.ndarray Local Zeeman energy in eV of site a under partitioning p, calculated based on a single-particle sum rule. """ gs, context = ensure_gs_and_context(gs, context=context) single_particle_calc = SingleParticleSiteZeemanEnergyCalculator( gs, sites, context=context) site_zeeman_energy = single_particle_calc() return site_zeeman_energy.array * Hartree # Ha -> eV
[docs]def calculate_pair_site_magnetization( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites, context: ResponseContext | TXTFilename = '-', q_c=[0., 0., 0.], nbands: int | None = None): """Calculate the pair site magnetization. Parameters ---------- q_c : Vector q-vector to evaluate the pair site magnetization for. nbands : int or None Number of bands to include in the band summation of the pair site magnetization. If nbands is None, it includes all bands. Returns ------- magmom_abp : np.ndarray Pair magnetization in μB of site a and b under partitioning p, calculated based on a two-particle sum rule. """ gs, context = ensure_gs_and_context(gs, context=context) two_particle_calc = TwoParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator( gs, sites, context=context, nbands=nbands) pair_site_magnetization = two_particle_calc(q_c) return pair_site_magnetization.array
[docs]def calculate_pair_site_zeeman_energy( gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter | GPWFilename, sites: AtomicSites, context: ResponseContext | TXTFilename = '-', q_c=[0., 0., 0.], nbands: int | None = None): """Calculate the pair site Zeeman energy. Parameters ---------- q_c : Vector q-vector to evaluate the pair site Zeeman energy for. nbands : int or None Number of bands to include in the band summation of the pair site Zeeman energy. If nbands is None, it includes all bands. Returns ------- EZ_abp : np.ndarray Local pair Zeeman energy in eV of site a and b under partitioning p, calculated based on a two-particle sum rule. """ gs, context = ensure_gs_and_context(gs, context=context) two_particle_calc = TwoParticleSiteZeemanEnergyCalculator( gs, sites, context=context, nbands=nbands) pair_site_zeeman_energy = two_particle_calc(q_c) return pair_site_zeeman_energy.array * Hartree # Ha -> eV
class StaticSiteFunction(PairFunction): """Data object for static single-particle site functions.""" def __init__(self, qpd: SingleQPWDescriptor, sites: AtomicSites): self.qpd = qpd self.q_c = qpd.q_c self.sites = sites self.array = self.zeros() @property def shape(self): return self.sites.shape def zeros(self): return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=float) class SingleParticleSiteSumRuleCalculator(PairFunctionIntegrator): r"""Calculator for single-particle site sum rules. For any site matrix element f^a_(nks,n'k's'), one may define a single- particle site sum rule by considering only the diagonal of the matrix element: __ __ 1 \ \ f_a^μ = ‾‾‾ / / σ^μ_ss f_nks f^a_(nks,nks) N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ k n,s where μ∊{0,z}. """ def __init__(self, gs, sites, context): super().__init__(gs, context, disable_point_group=True, disable_time_reversal=True) # Set up calculator for the f^a matrix element self.sites = sites self.matrix_element_calc = self.create_matrix_element_calculator() @abstractmethod def create_matrix_element_calculator(self): """Create the desired site matrix element calculator.""" def __call__(self): # Set up transitions # Loop over bands, which are fully or partially occupied nocc2 = self.kptpair_extractor.nocc2 n_n = list(range(nocc2)) n_t = np.array(n_n + n_n) s_t = np.array([0] * nocc2 + [1] * nocc2) transitions = PairTransitions(n1_t=n_t, n2_t=n_t, s1_t=s_t, s2_t=s_t) # Set up data object with q=0 qpd = self.get_pw_descriptor([0., 0., 0.], ecut=1e-3) site_function = StaticSiteFunction(qpd, self.sites) # Perform actual calculation self._integrate(site_function, transitions) return site_function def add_integrand(self, kptpair, weight, site_function): r"""Add the integrand of the outer k-point integral. With __ 1 \ f_a^μ = ‾ / (...)_k V ‾‾ k the integrand has to be multiplied with the cell volume V0: __ \ (...)_k = V0 / σ^μ_ss f_nks f^a_(nks,nks) ‾‾ n,s """ # Calculate matrix elements site_matrix_element = self.matrix_element_calc( kptpair, site_function.qpd) assert site_matrix_element.tblocks.blockcomm.size == 1 f_tap = site_matrix_element.get_global_array() # Since we only use diagonal site matrix elements, corresponding # to the expectation value of the real functions Θ(r∊Ω_ap) and f(r), # f^a_(nks,nks) = <ψ_nks|Θ(r∊Ω_ap)f(r)|ψ_nks>, # the matrix elements are real assert np.allclose(f_tap.imag, 0.) f_tap = f_tap.real # Calculate Pauli matrix factors and multiply the occupations sigma = self.get_pauli_matrix() sigma_t = sigma[kptpair.transitions.s1_t, kptpair.transitions.s2_t] f_t = kptpair.get_all(kptpair.ikpt1.f_myt) sigmaf_t = sigma_t * f_t # Calculate and add integrand site_function.array[:] += * weight * np.einsum( 't, tap -> ap', sigmaf_t, f_tap) @abstractmethod def get_pauli_matrix(self): """Get the desired Pauli matrix σ^μ_ss.""" class SingleParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator( SingleParticleSiteSumRuleCalculator): r"""Calculator for the single-particle site magnetization sum rule. The site magnetization is calculated from the site pair density: __ __ 1 \ \ n_a^z = ‾‾‾ / / σ^z_ss f_nks n^a_(nks,nks) N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ k n,s """ def create_matrix_element_calculator(self): return SitePairDensityCalculator(, self.context, self.sites) def get_pauli_matrix(self): return smat('z') class SingleParticleSiteZeemanEnergyCalculator( SingleParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator): r"""Calculator for the single-particle site Zeeman energy sum rule. __ __ 1 \ \ E_a^Z = ‾‾‾ / / σ^z_ss f_nks E^(Z,a)_(nks,nks) N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ k n,s """ def create_matrix_element_calculator(self): return SiteZeemanPairEnergyCalculator(, self.context, self.sites, rshewmin=1e-8) class StaticSitePairFunction(StaticSiteFunction): """Data object for static pair site functions.""" @property def shape(self): nsites = len(self.sites) npartitions = self.sites.npartitions return nsites, nsites, npartitions def zeros(self): return np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=complex) class TwoParticleSiteSumRuleCalculator(PairFunctionIntegrator): r"""Calculator for two-particle site sum rules. For any set of site matrix elements f^a and g^b, one may define a two- particle site sum rule based on the lattice Fourier transformed quantity: __ __ __ 1 \ \ \ / ̄x_ab^z(q) = ‾‾‾ / / / | σ^j_ss' (f_nks - f_n'k+qs') N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ ‾‾ \ \ k n,n' s,s' × f^a_(nks,n'k+qs') g^b_(n'k+qs',nks) | / where σ^j is a Pauli matrix with j∊{0,+,-,z}. """ def __init__(self, gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter, sites: AtomicSites, context: ResponseContext | None = None, nbands: int | None = None): """Construct the two-particle site sum rule calculator.""" if context is None: context = ResponseContext() super().__init__(gs, context, disable_point_group=True, disable_time_reversal=True) self.nbands = nbands # Set up calculators for the f^a and g^b matrix elements self.sites = sites mecalc1, mecalc2 = self.create_matrix_element_calculators() self.matrix_element_calc1 = mecalc1 self.matrix_element_calc2 = mecalc2 @abstractmethod def create_matrix_element_calculators(self): """Create the desired site matrix element calculators.""" def __call__(self, q_c): """Calculate the site sum rule for a given wave vector q_c.""" spincomponent = self.get_spincomponent() transitions = self.get_band_and_spin_transitions( spincomponent, nbands=self.nbands, bandsummation='double') self.context.print(self.get_info_string( q_c, self.nbands, len(transitions))) # Set up data object (without a plane-wave representation, which is # irrelevant in this case) qpd = self.get_pw_descriptor(q_c, ecut=1e-3) site_pair_function = StaticSitePairFunction(qpd, self.sites) # Perform actual calculation self._integrate(site_pair_function, transitions) return site_pair_function @abstractmethod def get_spincomponent(self): """Define how to rotate the spins via the spin component (μν).""" def add_integrand(self, kptpair, weight, site_pair_function): r"""Add the site sum rule integrand of the outer k-point integral. With __ 1 \ ̄x_ab^z(q) = ‾ / (...)_k V ‾‾ k the integrand is given by __ __ \ \ / (...)_k = V0 / / | σ^j_ss' (f_nks - f_n'k+qs') ‾‾ ‾‾ \ \ n,n' s,s' × f^a_(nks,n'k+qs') g^b_(n'k+qs',nks) | / where V0 is the cell volume. """ # Calculate site matrix elements qpd = site_pair_function.qpd matrix_element1 = self.matrix_element_calc1(kptpair, qpd) if self.matrix_element_calc2 is self.matrix_element_calc1: matrix_element2 = matrix_element1 else: matrix_element2 = self.matrix_element_calc2(kptpair, qpd) # Calculate the product between the Pauli matrix and the occupational # differences sigma = self.get_pauli_matrix() s1_myt, s2_myt = kptpair.get_local_spin_indices() sigma_myt = sigma[s1_myt, s2_myt] df_myt = kptpair.ikpt1.f_myt - kptpair.ikpt2.f_myt sigmadf_myt = sigma_myt * df_myt # Calculate integrand f_mytap = matrix_element1.local_array_view g_mytap = matrix_element2.local_array_view fgcc_mytabp = f_mytap[:, :, np.newaxis] * g_mytap.conj()[:, np.newaxis] # Sum over local transitions integrand_abp = np.einsum('t, tabp -> abp', sigmadf_myt, fgcc_mytabp) # Sum over distributed transitions kptpair.tblocks.blockcomm.sum(integrand_abp) # Add integrand to output array site_pair_function.array[:] += * weight * integrand_abp @abstractmethod def get_pauli_matrix(self): """Get the desired Pauli matrix σ^j_ss'.""" def get_info_string(self, q_c, nbands, nt): """Get information about the calculation""" info_list = ['', 'Calculating two-particle site sum rule with:' f' q_c: [{q_c[0]}, {q_c[1]}, {q_c[2]}]', self.get_band_and_transitions_info_string(nbands, nt), '', self.get_basic_info_string()] return '\n'.join(info_list) class TwoParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator(TwoParticleSiteSumRuleCalculator): r"""Calculator for the two-particle site magnetization sum rule. The site magnetization can be calculated from the site pair densities via the following sum rule [publication in preparation]: __ __ 1 \ \ ̄n_ab^z(q) = ‾‾‾ / / (f_nk↑ - f_mk+q↓) n^a_(nk↑,mk+q↓) n^b_(mk+q↓,nk↑) N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ k n,m = δ_(a,b) n_a^z This is directly related to the sum rule of the χ^(+-) spin component of the four-component susceptibility tensor. """ def create_matrix_element_calculators(self): site_pair_density_calc = SitePairDensityCalculator(, self.context, self.sites) return site_pair_density_calc, site_pair_density_calc def get_spincomponent(self): return '+-' def get_pauli_matrix(self): return smat('+') class TwoParticleSiteZeemanEnergyCalculator( TwoParticleSiteMagnetizationCalculator): r"""Calculator for the two-particle site Zeeman energy sum rule. The site Zeeman energy can be calculated from the site pair density and site Zeeman pair energy via the following sum rule [publication in preparation]: __ __ ˍ 1 \ \ / E_ab^Z(q) = ‾‾‾ / / | (f_nk↑ - f_mk+q↓) N_k ‾‾ ‾‾ \ \ k n,m × E^(Z,a)_(nk↑,mk+q↓) n^b_(mk+q↓,nk↑) | / = δ_(a,b) E_a^Z """ def create_matrix_element_calculators(self): site_zeeman_pair_energy_calc = SiteZeemanPairEnergyCalculator(, self.context, self.sites, rshewmin=1e-8) site_pair_density_calc = SitePairDensityCalculator(, self.context, self.sites) return site_zeeman_pair_energy_calc, site_pair_density_calc