Source code for gpaw.nlopt.shg

import numpy as np
from ase.units import Bohr, _hbar, _e, _me, _eps0
from ase.utils.timing import Timer
from ase.parallel import parprint
from gpaw.mpi import world
from gpaw.nlopt.matrixel import get_rml, get_derivative
from gpaw.utilities.progressbar import ProgressBar

[docs]def get_shg( nlodata, freqs=[1.0], eta=0.05, pol='yyy', eshift=0.0, gauge='lg', ftol=1e-4, Etol=1e-6, band_n=None, out_name='shg.npy'): """ Calculate SHG spectrum within the independent particle approximation (IPA) for nonmagnetic semiconductors. Output: shg.npy file with numpy array containing the spectrum and frequencies. Parameters ---------- nlodata Data object of class NLOData. Contains energies, occupancies and momentum matrix elements. freqs Excitation frequency array (a numpy array or list). eta Broadening, a number or an array (default 0.05 eV). pol Tensor element (default 'yyy'). gauge Choose the gauge ('lg' or 'vg'). Etol, ftol Tol. in energy and fermi to consider degeneracy. band_n List of bands in the sum (default 0 to nb). out_name Output filename (default 'shg.npy'). """ # Start a timer timer = Timer() parprint(f'Calculating SHG spectrum (in {world.size:d} cores).') # Useful variables pol_v = ['xyz'.index(ii) for ii in pol] freqs = np.array(freqs) nw = len(freqs) w_lc = freqs + 1e-12 + 1j * eta # Add small value to avoid 0 # Use the TRS to reduce calculation time w_l = np.hstack((-w_lc[-1::-1], w_lc)) nw = 2 * nw parprint(f'Calculation in the {gauge} gauge for element {pol}.') # Load the required data with timer('Load and distribute the data'): k_info = nlodata.distribute() if k_info: tmp = list(k_info.values())[0] nb = len(tmp[1]) nk = len(k_info) * world.size # Approximately if band_n is None: band_n = list(range(nb)) mem = 6 * 3 * nk * nb**2 * 16 / 2**20 parprint(f'At least {mem:.2f} MB of memory is required.') # Initial call to print 0% progress count = 0 ncount = len(k_info) if world.rank == 0: pb = ProgressBar() # Initialize the outputs sum2_l = np.zeros((nw), complex) sum3_l = np.zeros((nw), complex) # Do the calculations for _, (we, f_n, E_n, p_vnn) in k_info.items(): # Which gauge if gauge == 'vg': with timer('Sum over bands'): tmp = shg_velocity_gauge( w_l, f_n, E_n, p_vnn, pol_v, band_n, ftol, Etol, eshift) elif gauge == 'lg': with timer('Position matrix elements calculation'): r_vnn, D_vnn = get_rml(E_n, p_vnn, pol_v, Etol=Etol) with timer('Compute generalized derivative'): rd_vvnn = get_derivative(E_n, r_vnn, D_vnn, pol_v, Etol=Etol) with timer('Sum over bands'): tmp = shg_length_gauge( w_l, f_n, E_n, r_vnn, rd_vvnn, D_vnn, pol_v, band_n, ftol, Etol, eshift) else: parprint('Gauge ' + gauge + ' not implemented.') raise NotImplementedError # Add it to previous with a weight sum2_l += tmp[0] * we sum3_l += tmp[1] * we # Print the progress if world.rank == 0: pb.update(count / ncount) count += 1 if world.rank == 0: pb.finish() with timer('Gather data from cores'): world.sum(sum2_l) world.sum(sum3_l) # Make the output in SI unit chi_l = make_output(gauge, sum2_l, sum3_l) # A multi-col output nw = len(freqs) chi_l = chi_l[nw:] + chi_l[nw - 1::-1] shg = np.vstack((freqs, chi_l)) # Save it to the file if world.rank == 0:, shg) # Print the timing timer.write() return shg
def shg_velocity_gauge( w_l, f_n, E_n, p_vnn, pol_v, band_n=None, ftol=1e-4, Etol=1e-6, eshift=0): """ Loop over bands for computing in velocity gauge Input: w_l Complex frequency array f_n Fermi levels E_n Energies p_vnn Momentum matrix elements pol_v Tensor element band_n Band list Etol, ftol Tol. in energy and fermi to consider degeneracy eshift Bandgap correction Output: sum2_l, sum3_l Output 2 and 3 bands terms """ # Initialize variables nb = len(f_n) if band_n is None: band_n = list(range(nb)) sum2_l = np.zeros(w_l.size, complex) sum3_l = np.zeros(w_l.size, complex) # Loop over bands for nni in band_n: for mmi in band_n: # Remove non important term using TRS if mmi <= nni: continue # Useful variables fnm = f_n[nni] - f_n[mmi] Emn = E_n[mmi] - E_n[nni] + fnm * eshift # Comute the 2-band term if np.abs(Emn) > Etol and np.abs(fnm) > ftol: pnml = (p_vnn[pol_v[0], nni, mmi] * (p_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, nni] * (p_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, mmi] - p_vnn[pol_v[2], nni, nni]) + p_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, nni] * (p_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, mmi] - p_vnn[pol_v[1], nni, nni])) / 2) sum2_l += 1j * fnm * np.imag(pnml) * \ (1 / (Emn**4 * (w_l - Emn)) - 16 / (Emn**4 * (2 * w_l - Emn))) # Loop over the last band index for lli in band_n: fnl = f_n[nni] - f_n[lli] fml = f_n[mmi] - f_n[lli] # Do not do zero calculations if np.abs(fnl) < ftol and np.abs(fml) < ftol: continue # Compute the susceptibility with 1/w form Eln = E_n[lli] - E_n[nni] + fnl * eshift Eml = E_n[mmi] - E_n[lli] - fml * eshift pnml = (p_vnn[pol_v[0], nni, mmi] * (p_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, lli] * p_vnn[pol_v[2], lli, nni] + p_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, lli] * p_vnn[pol_v[1], lli, nni])) pnml = 1j * np.imag(pnml) / 2 # Compute the divergence-free terms if np.abs(Emn) > Etol and np.abs( Eml) > Etol and np.abs(Eln) > Etol: ftermD = (16 / (Emn**3 * (2 * w_l - Emn)) * (fnl / (Emn - 2 * Eln) + fml / (Emn - 2 * Eml))) \ + fnl / (Eln**3 * (2 * Eln - Emn) * (w_l - Eln)) \ + fml / (Eml**3 * (2 * Eml - Emn) * (w_l - Eml)) sum3_l += pnml * ftermD return sum2_l, sum3_l def shg_length_gauge( w_l, f_n, E_n, r_vnn, rd_vvnn, D_vnn, pol_v, band_n=None, ftol=1e-4, Etol=1e-6, eshift=0): """ Loop over bands for computing in length gauge Input: w_l Complex frequency array f_n Fermi levels E_n Energies r_vnn Momentum matrix elements rd_vvnn Generalized derivative of position D_vnn Velocity difference pol_v Tensor element band_n Band list Etol, ftol Tol. in energy and fermi to consider degeneracy eshift Bandgap correction Output: sum2_l, sum3_l Output 2 and 3 bands terms """ # Initialize variables nb = len(f_n) if band_n is None: band_n = list(range(nb)) sum2_l = np.zeros(w_l.size, complex) sum3_l = np.zeros(w_l.size, complex) # Loop over bands for nni in band_n: for mmi in band_n: # Remove the non important term using TRS if mmi <= nni: continue fnm = f_n[nni] - f_n[mmi] Emn = E_n[mmi] - E_n[nni] + fnm * eshift # Two band part if np.abs(fnm) > ftol: tmp = 2 * np.imag( r_vnn[pol_v[0], nni, mmi] * (rd_vvnn[pol_v[1], pol_v[2], mmi, nni] + rd_vvnn[pol_v[2], pol_v[1], mmi, nni])) \ / (Emn * (2 * w_l - Emn)) tmp += np.imag( r_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, nni] * rd_vvnn[pol_v[2], pol_v[0], nni, mmi] + r_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, nni] * rd_vvnn[pol_v[1], pol_v[0], nni, mmi]) \ / (Emn * (w_l - Emn)) tmp += np.imag( r_vnn[pol_v[0], nni, mmi] * (r_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, nni] * D_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, nni] + r_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, nni] * D_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, nni])) \ * (1 / (w_l - Emn) - 4 / (2 * w_l - Emn)) / Emn**2 tmp -= np.imag( r_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, nni] * rd_vvnn[pol_v[0], pol_v[2], nni, mmi] + r_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, nni] * rd_vvnn[pol_v[0], pol_v[1], nni, mmi]) \ / (2 * Emn * (w_l - Emn)) sum2_l += 1j * fnm * tmp / 2 # 1j imag # Three band term for lli in band_n: fnl = f_n[nni] - f_n[lli] fml = f_n[mmi] - f_n[lli] Eml = E_n[mmi] - E_n[lli] - fml * eshift Eln = E_n[lli] - E_n[nni] + fnl * eshift # Do not do zero calculations if (np.abs(fnm) < ftol and np.abs(fnl) < ftol and np.abs(fml) < ftol): continue if np.abs(Eln - Eml) < Etol: continue rnml = np.real( r_vnn[pol_v[0], nni, mmi] * (r_vnn[pol_v[1], mmi, lli] * r_vnn[pol_v[2], lli, nni] + r_vnn[pol_v[2], mmi, lli] * r_vnn[pol_v[1], lli, nni])) / (2 * (Eln - Eml)) if np.abs(fnm) > ftol: sum3_l += 2 * fnm / (2 * w_l - Emn) * rnml if np.abs(fnl) > ftol: sum3_l += -fnl / (w_l - Eln) * rnml if np.abs(fml) > ftol: sum3_l += fml / (w_l - Eml) * rnml return sum2_l, sum3_l def make_output(gauge, sum2_l, sum3_l): """ Make the output in SI unit and return chi Input: gauge Chosen gauge sum2_l 2-bands term sum3_l 3-bands term Output: chi_l Output chi as an array """ # Make the output in SI unit if gauge == 'lg': dim_ee = _e**3 / (_eps0 * (2.0 * np.pi)**3) dim_sum = (_hbar / (Bohr * 1e-10))**3 / \ (_e**5 * (Bohr * 1e-10)**3) * (_hbar / _me)**3 dim_SI = dim_ee * dim_sum chi_l = dim_SI * (1j * sum2_l + sum3_l) elif gauge == 'vg': # Make the output in SI unit dim_vg = _e**3 * _hbar**2 / (_me**3 * (2.0 * np.pi)**3) dim_chi = 1j * _hbar / (_eps0 * 2.0 * _e) # 2 beacuse of frequecny dim_sum = (_hbar / (Bohr * 1e-10))**3 / \ (_e**4 * (Bohr * 1e-10)**3) dim_SI = dim_chi * dim_vg * dim_sum chi_l = dim_SI * (sum2_l + sum3_l) else: parprint('Gauge ' + gauge + ' not implemented.') raise NotImplementedError return chi_l