Source code for gpaw.nlopt.matrixel

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from ase.parallel import parprint
from ase.units import Ha
from ase.utils.timing import Timer
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np

from import ASECalculator
from gpaw.nlopt.basic import NLOData
from gpaw.utilities.progressbar import ProgressBar

    from gpaw.nlopt.adapters import CollinearGSInfo, NoncollinearGSInfo
    from gpaw.typing import ArrayND

def get_mml(gs: CollinearGSInfo | NoncollinearGSInfo,
            spin: int,
            ni: int,
            nf: int,
            timer: Timer | None = None) -> ArrayND:
    Compute momentum matrix elements.

        Ground state adapter.
        Spin channel index (for spin-polarized systems 0 or 1).
    ni, nf
        First and last band to compute the mml (0 to nb).
        Timer to keep track of time.

        Momentum matrix elements in atomic units gathered on master.

    # Start the timer
    if timer is None:
        timer = Timer()
    parprint(f'Calculating momentum matrix elements for spin channel {spin}.')

    # Specify desired range and number of bands in calculation
    bands = slice(ni, nf)
    nb = nf - ni

    # Spin input
    assert spin < gs.ns, 'Wrong spin input'

    # Parallelisation and memory estimate
    ibzwfs = gs.ibzwfs
    kpt_comm = ibzwfs.kpt_comm
    rank = kpt_comm.rank
    master = (rank == 0)

    nk = len(ibzwfs.rank_k)  # Total number of k-points
    k_q = np.array(list(ibzwfs.q_k.keys()), int)  # k-index for each q-index
    nq = len(k_q)  # Number of k-points (q-indices) for each core
    est_mem = 2 * 3 * nk * nb**2 * 16 / 2**20
    parprint(f'At least {est_mem:.2f} MB of memory is required on master.')

    # Allocate the matrix elements
    p_qvnn = np.empty((nq, 3, nb, nb), dtype=complex)

    # Initial call to print 0 % progress
    if master:
        pb = ProgressBar()

    # Calculate matrix elements in loop over k-points
    for wfs_s in ibzwfs.wfs_qs:
        wfs = gs.get_wfs(wfs_s, spin)

        with timer('Contribution from pseudo wave functions'):
            G_plus_k_Gv, u_nG = gs.get_plane_wave_coefficients(
                wfs, bands=bands, spin=spin)
            p_vnn = np.einsum('Gv,mG,nG->vmn',
                              G_plus_k_Gv, u_nG.conj(), u_nG) * gs.ucvol

        with timer('Contribution from PAW corrections'):
            P_ani = gs.get_wave_function_projections(
                wfs, bands=bands, spin=spin)
            for P_ni, nabla_iiv in zip(P_ani.values(), gs.nabla_aiiv):
                p_vnn -= 1j * np.einsum('mi,nj,ijv->vmn',
                                        P_ni.conj(), P_ni, nabla_iiv)

        p_qvnn[wfs.q] = p_vnn

        if master:
            pb.update(wfs.q / nq)

    if master:

    with timer('Gather the data to master'):
        if not master:
            kpt_comm.send(np.array(nq, int), 0)
            kpt_comm.send(k_q, 0)
            kpt_comm.send(p_qvnn, 0)
            p_kvnn = np.empty((nk, 3, nb, nb), complex)
            p_kvnn[k_q] = p_qvnn
            for gather_rank in range(1, kpt_comm.size):
                _nq = np.empty(1, int)  # We can only communicate numpy arrays
                kpt_comm.receive(_nq, gather_rank)
                nq = _nq[0]

                k_q = np.empty(nq, int)
                kpt_comm.receive(k_q, gather_rank)

                p_qvnn = np.empty((nq, 3, nb, nb), complex)
                kpt_comm.receive(p_qvnn, gather_rank)
                p_kvnn[k_q] = p_qvnn

    # Print the timing
    if master:

    if rank == 0:
        return p_kvnn
        return np.array([], dtype=complex)

[docs]def make_nlodata(calc: ASECalculator | str | Path, spin_string: str = 'all', ni: int | None = None, nf: int | None = None) -> NLOData: """ This function calculates and returns all required NLO data: w_sk, f_skn, E_skn, p_skvnn. Parameters ---------- calc Calculator or string/path pointing to a .gpw file. spin_string String denoting which spin channels to include ('all', 's0' , 's1'). ni First band to compute the mml. nf Last band to compute the mml (relative to number of bands for nf <= 0). Returns ------- NLOData Data object carrying required matrix elements for NLO calculations. """ if not isinstance(calc, ASECalculator): if not (isinstance(calc, str) or isinstance(calc, Path)): raise TypeError('Input must be a calculator or a string / path' 'pointing to a calculator.') from import GPAW calc = GPAW(calc, txt=None, parallel={'domain': 1, 'band': 1}) assert not calc.symmetry.point_group, \ 'Point group symmetry should be off.' gs: CollinearGSInfo | NoncollinearGSInfo if calc.dft.state.density.collinear: from gpaw.nlopt.adapters import CollinearGSInfo gs = CollinearGSInfo(calc) else: from gpaw.nlopt.adapters import NoncollinearGSInfo gs = NoncollinearGSInfo(calc) # Parse spin string ns = gs.ns if spin_string == 'all': spins = list(range(ns)) elif spin_string == 's0': spins = [0] elif spin_string == 's1': spins = [1] assert spins[0] < ns, 'Wrong spin input' else: raise NotImplementedError # Parse band input ibzwfs = gs.ibzwfs nb_full = ibzwfs.nbands ni = int(ni) if ni is not None else 0 nf = int(nf) if nf is not None else nb_full nf = nb_full + nf if (nf <= 0) else nf # Start the timer timer = Timer() # Get the energy and Fermi-Dirac occupations (data is only in master) with timer('Get energies and fermi levels'): E_skn, f_skn = ibzwfs.get_all_eigs_and_occs() # Energy is returned in Ha. For now we will change # it to eV avoid altering the module too much. E_skn *= Ha w_sk = np.array([ibzwfs.ibz.weight_k for _ in range(gs.ndensities)]) w_sk *= gs.bzvol * ibzwfs.spin_degeneracy # Compute the momentum matrix elements with timer('Compute the momentum matrix elements'): p_skvnn = [] for spin in spins: p_kvnn = get_mml(gs=gs, ni=ni, nf=nf, spin=spin, timer=timer) p_skvnn.append(p_kvnn) if not gs.collinear: p_skvnn = [p_skvnn[0] + p_skvnn[1]] # Save the output to the file return NLOData(w_sk=w_sk, f_skn=f_skn[:, :, ni:nf], E_skn=E_skn[:, :, ni:nf], p_skvnn=np.array(p_skvnn, complex), comm=ibzwfs.kpt_comm)
def get_rml(E_n, p_vnn, pol_v, Etol=1e-6): """ Compute the position matrix elements Parameters ---------- E_n Band energies. p_vnn Momentum matrix elements. pol_v Tensor element. Etol Tolerance in energy to consider degeneracy. Returns ------- r_vnn Position matrix elements. D_vnn Velocity difference matrix elements. """ # Useful variables nb = len(E_n) r_vnn = np.zeros((3, nb, nb), complex) D_vnn = np.zeros((3, nb, nb), complex) E_nn = np.tile(E_n[:, None], (1, nb)) - \ np.tile(E_n[None, :], (nb, 1)) zeroind = np.abs(E_nn) < Etol E_nn[zeroind] = 1 # Loop over components for v1 in set(pol_v): r_vnn[v1] = p_vnn[v1] / (1j * E_nn) r_vnn[v1, zeroind] = 0 p_n = np.diag(p_vnn[v1]) D_vnn[v1] = np.tile(p_n[:, None], (1, nb)) - \ np.tile(p_n[None, :], (nb, 1)) return r_vnn, D_vnn def get_derivative(E_n, r_vnn, D_vnn, pol_v, Etol=1e-6): """ Compute the generalised derivative of position matrix elements Parameters ---------- E_n Band energies. r_vnn Momentum matrix elements. D_vnn Velocity difference matrix elements. pol_v Tensor element. Etol Tolerance in energy to consider degeneracy. Returns ------- rd_vvnn Generalised derivative of position matrix elements. """ # Useful variables nb = len(E_n) rd_vvnn = np.zeros((3, 3, nb, nb), complex) E_nn = np.tile(E_n[:, None], (1, nb)) - \ np.tile(E_n[None, :], (nb, 1)) zeroind = np.abs(E_nn) < Etol E_nn[zeroind] = 1 for v1 in set(pol_v): for v2 in set(pol_v): tmp = (r_vnn[v1] * np.transpose(D_vnn[v2]) + r_vnn[v2] * np.transpose(D_vnn[v1]) + 1j *[v1], r_vnn[v2] * E_nn) - 1j *[v2] * E_nn, r_vnn[v1])) / E_nn tmp[zeroind] = 0 rd_vvnn[v1, v2] = tmp return rd_vvnn