Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import importlib
import os
from functools import cached_property
from types import ModuleType, SimpleNamespace
from typing import Any, Union

import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.calculator import kpts2sizeandoffsets
from ase.units import Bohr

from gpaw.core import UGDesc
from gpaw.core.atom_arrays import (AtomArrays, AtomArraysLayout,
from gpaw.core.domain import Domain
from gpaw.gpu.mpi import CuPyMPI
from gpaw.mixer import MixerWrapper, get_mixer_from_keywords
from gpaw.mpi import (MPIComm, Parallelization, serial_comm, synchronize_atoms,
from import prod
from import create_basis
from import BZPoints, MonkhorstPackKPoints
from import Density
from import IBZWaveFunctions
from import InputParameters
from import SCFLoop
from import OccupationNumberCalculator
from import create_symmetries_object
from import create_functional
from gpaw.setup import Setups
from gpaw.typing import Array2D, ArrayLike1D, ArrayLike2D, DTypeLike
from gpaw.utilities.gpts import get_number_of_grid_points
from gpaw.xc import XC
from import GPU_AWARE_MPI

[docs]def builder(atoms: Atoms, params: dict[str, Any] | InputParameters, comm=None) -> DFTComponentsBuilder: """Create DFT-components builder. * pw * lcao * fd * tb * atom """ if isinstance(params, dict): params = InputParameters(params) mode = params.mode.copy() name = mode.pop('name') mode.pop('force_complex_dtype', False) assert name in {'pw', 'lcao', 'fd', 'tb', 'atom'} mod = importlib.import_module(f'{name}.builder') name = name.title() if name == 'atom' else name.upper() return getattr(mod, f'{name}DFTComponentsBuilder')( atoms, params, comm=comm or world, **mode)
class DFTComponentsBuilder: def __init__(self, atoms: Atoms, params: InputParameters, *, comm): self.atoms = atoms.copy() self.mode = params.mode['name'] self.params = params parallel = params.parallel synchronize_atoms(atoms, comm) self.check_cell(atoms.cell) self.initial_magmom_av, self.ncomponents = normalize_initial_magmoms( atoms, params.magmoms, params.spinpol or params.hund) self.soc = params.soc self.nspins = self.ncomponents % 3 self.spin_degeneracy = self.ncomponents % 2 + 1 if isinstance(params.xc, (dict, str)): self._xc = XC(params.xc, collinear=(self.ncomponents < 4), xp=self.xp) else: self._xc = params.xc self.setups = Setups(atoms.numbers, params.setups, params.basis, self._xc.get_setup_name(), world=comm) if params.hund: c = params.charge / len(atoms) for a, setup in enumerate(self.setups): self.initial_magmom_av[a, 2] = setup.get_hunds_rule_moment(c) symmetries = create_symmetries_object(atoms, self.setups.id_a, self.initial_magmom_av, params.symmetry) if self.ncomponents == 4: assert (len(symmetries) == 1 and not symmetries.symmetry.time_reversal) bz = create_kpts(params.kpts, atoms) self.ibz = symmetries.reduce(bz, strict=False) d = parallel.get('domain', None) k = parallel.get('kpt', None) b = parallel.get('band', None) if self.gpu: # only parallelization over k-points: assert d is None or d == 1 assert b is None or b == 1 d = 1 b = 1 self.communicators = create_communicators(comm, len(self.ibz), d, k, b, self.xp) if self.mode == 'fd': pass # filter = create_fourier_filter(grid) # setups = setups.filter(filter) self.nelectrons = self.setups.nvalence - params.charge self.nbands = calculate_number_of_bands(params.nbands, self.setups, params.charge, self.initial_magmom_av, self.mode == 'lcao') if self.ncomponents == 4: self.nbands *= 2 self.dtype: DTypeLike if self.params.mode.get('force_complex_dtype', False): self.dtype = complex else: if and self.ncomponents < 4: self.dtype = float else: self.dtype = complex self.grid, self.fine_grid = self.create_uniform_grids() self.fracpos_ac = self.atoms.get_scaled_positions() self.fracpos_ac %= 1 self.fracpos_ac %= 1 self.xc = self.create_xc_functional() self.interpolation_desc: Domain self.electrostatic_potential_desc: Domain def __repr__(self): return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.atoms}, {self.params})' @cached_property def atomdist(self) -> AtomDistribution: return AtomDistribution( self.grid.ranks_from_fractional_positions(self.fracpos_ac), self.grid.comm) def create_uniform_grids(self): raise NotImplementedError def create_xc_functional(self): return create_functional(self._xc, self.fine_grid, self.xp) def check_cell(self, cell): number_of_lattice_vectors = cell.rank if number_of_lattice_vectors < 3: raise ValueError( 'GPAW requires 3 lattice vectors. ' f'Your system has {number_of_lattice_vectors}.') @cached_property def wf_desc(self) -> Domain: return self.create_wf_description() @cached_property def gpu(self) -> bool: """Are we running on a GPU?.""" if self.params.parallel['gpu']: from gpaw.gpu import cupy_is_fake assert not cupy_is_fake or os.environ.get('GPAW_CPUPY') return True return False @cached_property def xp(self) -> ModuleType: """Array module: Numpy or Cupy.""" if self.gpu: from gpaw.gpu import cupy return cupy return np def create_wf_description(self) -> Domain: raise NotImplementedError def get_pseudo_core_densities(self): raise NotImplementedError def get_pseudo_core_ked(self): raise NotImplementedError def create_basis_set(self): return create_basis(self.ibz, self.ncomponents % 3, self.atoms.pbc, self.grid, self.setups, self.dtype, self.fracpos_ac, self.communicators['w'], self.communicators['k'], self.communicators['b']) def density_from_superposition(self, basis_set): return Density.from_superposition( grid=self.grid, nct_aX=self.get_pseudo_core_densities(), tauct_aX=self.get_pseudo_core_ked(), atomdist=self.atomdist, setups=self.setups, basis_set=basis_set, magmom_av=self.initial_magmom_av, ncomponents=self.ncomponents, charge=self.params.charge, hund=self.params.hund, mgga=self.xc.type == 'MGGA') def create_occupation_number_calculator(self): return OccupationNumberCalculator( self.params.occupations, self.atoms.pbc, self.ibz, self.nbands, self.communicators, self.initial_magmom_av.sum(0), self.ncomponents, np.linalg.inv(self.atoms.cell.complete()).T) def create_hamiltonian_operator(self): raise NotImplementedError def create_eigensolver(self, hamiltonian): raise NotImplementedError def create_scf_loop(self): hamiltonian = self.create_hamiltonian_operator() occ_calc = self.create_occupation_number_calculator() eigensolver = self.create_eigensolver(hamiltonian) mixer = MixerWrapper( get_mixer_from_keywords(self.atoms.pbc.any(), self.ncomponents, **self.params.mixer), self.ncomponents, self.grid._gd, world=self.communicators['w']) return SCFLoop(hamiltonian, occ_calc, eigensolver, mixer, self.communicators['w'], {key: value for key, value in self.params.convergence.items() if key != 'bands'}, self.params.maxiter) def read_ibz_wave_functions(self, reader): raise NotImplementedError def create_potential_calculator(self): raise NotImplementedError def read_wavefunction_values(self, reader, ibzwfs: IBZWaveFunctions) -> None: """Read eigenvalues, occuptions and projections and fermi levels. The values are read using reader and set as the appropriate properties of (the already instantiated) wavefunctions contained in ibzwfs """ ha = reader.ha domain_comm = self.communicators['d'] band_comm = self.communicators['b'] eig_skn = reader.wave_functions.eigenvalues occ_skn = reader.wave_functions.occupations for wfs in ibzwfs: wfs._eig_n = eig_skn[wfs.spin, wfs.k] / ha wfs._occ_n = occ_skn[wfs.spin, wfs.k] layout = AtomArraysLayout([(,) for setup in self.setups], atomdist=self.atomdist, dtype=self.dtype) if self.ncomponents < 4: dims = [self.nbands] index = [wfs.spin, wfs.k] else: dims = [self.nbands, 2] index = [wfs.k] P_ani = AtomArrays(layout, dims=dims, comm=band_comm) if domain_comm.rank == 0: P_nI = reader.wave_functions.proxy('projections', *index) b1, b2 = P_ani.my_slice() # my bands data = P_nI[b1:b2].astype(ibzwfs.dtype) # read from file else: data = None P_ani.scatter_from(data) # distribute over atoms wfs._P_ani = P_ani try: ibzwfs.fermi_levels = reader.wave_functions.fermi_levels / ha except AttributeError: # old gpw-file ibzwfs.fermi_levels = np.array( [reader.occupations.fermilevel / ha]) def create_communicators(comm: MPIComm = None, nibzkpts: int = 1, domain: Union[int, tuple[int, int, int]] = None, kpt: int = None, band: int = None, xp: ModuleType = np) -> dict[str, MPIComm]: parallelization = Parallelization(comm or world, nibzkpts) if domain is not None and not isinstance(domain, int): domain = prod(domain) parallelization.set(kpt=kpt, domain=domain, band=band) comms = parallelization.build_communicators() comms['w'] = comm # We replace size=1 MPI communications with serial_comm so that # serial_comm.sum(<cupy-array>) works: XXX comms = {key: comm if comm.size > 1 else serial_comm for key, comm in comms.items()} if xp is not np and not GPU_AWARE_MPI: comms = {key: CuPyMPI(comm) for key, comm in comms.items()} return comms def create_fourier_filter(grid): gamma = 1.6 h = ((grid.icell**2).sum(1)**-0.5 / grid.size).max() def filter(rgd, rcut, f_r, l=0): gcut = np.pi / h - 2 / rcut / gamma ftmp = rgd.filter(f_r, rcut * gamma, gcut, l) f_r[:] = ftmp[:len(f_r)] return filter def normalize_initial_magmoms( atoms: Atoms, magmoms: ArrayLike2D | ArrayLike1D | float | None = None, force_spinpol_calculation: bool = False) -> tuple[Array2D, int]: """Convert magnetic moments to (natoms, 3)-shaped array. Also return number of wave function components (1, 2 or 4). >>> h = Atoms('H', magmoms=[1]) >>> normalize_initial_magmoms(h) (array([[0., 0., 1.]]), 2) >>> normalize_initial_magmoms(h, [[1, 0, 0]]) (array([[1., 0., 0.]]), 4) """ magmom_av = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3)) ncomponents = 2 if magmoms is None: magmom_av[:, 2] = atoms.get_initial_magnetic_moments() elif isinstance(magmoms, float): magmom_av[:, 2] = magmoms else: magmoms = np.asarray(magmoms) if magmoms.ndim == 1: magmom_av[:, 2] = magmoms else: magmom_av[:] = magmoms ncomponents = 4 if (ncomponents == 2 and not force_spinpol_calculation and not magmom_av[:, 2].any()): ncomponents = 1 return magmom_av, ncomponents def create_kpts(kpts: dict[str, Any], atoms: Atoms) -> BZPoints: if 'kpts' in kpts: assert len(kpts) == 1, kpts return BZPoints(kpts['kpts']) if 'path' in kpts: path = atoms.cell.bandpath(pbc=atoms.pbc, **kpts) return BZPoints(path.kpts) size, offset = kpts2sizeandoffsets(**kpts, atoms=atoms) return MonkhorstPackKPoints(size, offset) def calculate_number_of_bands(nbands: int | str | None, setups: Setups, charge: float, initial_magmom_av: Array2D, is_lcao: bool) -> int: nao = setups.nao nvalence = setups.nvalence - charge M = np.linalg.norm(initial_magmom_av.sum(0)) orbital_free = any(setup.orbital_free for setup in setups) if orbital_free: return 1 if isinstance(nbands, str): if nbands == 'nao': N = nao elif nbands[-1] == '%': cfgbands = (nvalence + M) / 2 N = int(np.ceil(float(nbands[:-1]) / 100 * cfgbands)) else: raise ValueError('Integer expected: Only use a string ' 'if giving a percentage of occupied bands') elif nbands is None: # Number of bound partial waves: nbandsmax = sum(setup.get_default_nbands() for setup in setups) N = int(np.ceil(1.2 * (nvalence + M) / 2)) + 4 N = min(N, nbandsmax) if is_lcao and N > nao: N = nao elif nbands <= 0: N = max(1, int(nvalence + M + 0.5) // 2 + (-nbands)) else: N = nbands if N > nao and is_lcao: raise ValueError('Too many bands for LCAO calculation: ' f'{nbands}%d bands and only {nao} atomic orbitals!') if nvalence < 0: raise ValueError( f'Charge {charge} is not possible - not enough valence electrons') if nvalence > 2 * N: raise ValueError( f'Too few bands! Electrons: {nvalence}, bands: {nbands}') return N def create_uniform_grid(mode: str, gpts, cell, pbc, symmetry, h: float = None, interpolation: str = None, ecut: float = None, comm: MPIComm = serial_comm) -> UGDesc: """Create grid in a backwards compatible way.""" cell = cell / Bohr if h is not None: h /= Bohr realspace = (mode != 'pw' and interpolation != 'fft') if realspace: zerobc = [not periodic for periodic in pbc] else: zerobc = [False] * 3 if gpts is not None: size = gpts else: modeobj = SimpleNamespace(name=mode, ecut=ecut) size = get_number_of_grid_points(cell, h, modeobj, realspace, symmetry.symmetry) return UGDesc(cell=cell, pbc=pbc, zerobc=zerobc, size=size, comm=comm)