Source code for gpaw.lrtddft2

"""Module for linear response TDDFT class with indexed K-matrix storage."""

import os
import datetime
import glob

import numpy as np

from ase.units import Hartree
from ase.utils import IOContext

from gpaw.xc import XC

# a KS determinant with a single occ-uncc excitation
# from gpaw.lrtddft2.ks_singles import KohnShamSingleExcitation

# a list of KS determinants with single occ-uncc excitations
from gpaw.lrtddft2.ks_singles import KohnShamSingles

# Matrix Kip,jq <ia|f_Hxc|jq>
from gpaw.lrtddft2.k_matrix import Kmatrix

# a set of linear combinations of KS single determinants
from gpaw.lrtddft2.lr_transitions import LrtddftTransitions

# a linear combination of KS single determinants
# for a CW laser with Lorentzian width (in energy)
from gpaw.lrtddft2.lr_response import LrResponse

# communicators
from gpaw.lrtddft2.lr_communicators import LrCommunicators

[docs]class LrTDDFT2: """Linear response TDDFT (Casida) class with indexed K-matrix storage.""" def __init__(self, basefilename, gs_calc, fxc=None, min_occ=None, max_occ=None, min_unocc=None, max_unocc=None, max_energy_diff=None, recalculate=None, lr_communicators=None, txt='-'): """Initialize linear response TDDFT without calculating anything. Note ---- Does NOT support spin polarized calculations yet. Tip --- If K_matrix file is too large and you keep running out of memory when trying to calculate spectrum or response wavefunction, you can try ``split -l 100000 xxx.K_matrix.ddddddofDDDDDD xxx.K_matrix.ddddddofDDDDDD``. Parameters ---------- basefilename All files associated with this calculation are stored as *<basefilename>.<extension>* gs_calc Ground state calculator (if you are using eh_communicator, you need to take care that calc has suitable dd_communicator.) fxc Name of the exchange-correlation kernel (fxc) used in calculation. (optional) min_occ Index of the first occupied state to be included in the calculation. (optional) max_occ Index of the last occupied state (inclusive) to be included in the calculation. (optional) min_unocc Index of the first unoccupied state to be included in the calculation. (optional) max_unocc Index of the last unoccupied state (inclusive) to be included in the calculation. (optional) max_energy_diff Noninteracting Kohn-Sham excitations above this value are not included in the calculation. Units: eV (optional) recalculate | Force recalculation. | 'eigen' : recalculate only eigensystem (useful for on-the-fly | spectrum calculations and convergence checking) | 'matrix' : recalculate matrix without solving the eigensystem | 'all' : recalculate everything | None : do not recalculate anything if not needed (default) lr_communicators Communicators for parallelizing over electron-hole pairs (i.e., rows of K-matrix) and domain. Note that ground state calculator must have a matching (domain decomposition) communicator, which can be assured by using lr_communicators to create both communicators. txt Filename for text output """ # Save input params self.basefilename = basefilename self.fxc_name = fxc self.xc = XC(self.fxc_name) self.min_occ = min_occ self.max_occ = max_occ self.min_unocc = min_unocc self.max_unocc = max_unocc if max_energy_diff is not None: self.max_energy_diff = max_energy_diff / Hartree else: self.max_energy_diff = None self.recalculate = recalculate # Don't init calculator yet if it's not needed (to save memory) self.calc = gs_calc self.calc_ready = False # FIXME: SUPPORT ALSO SPIN POLARIZED self.kpt_ind = 0 # Input paramers? self.deriv_scale = 1e-5 # fxc finite difference step # ignore transition if population difference is below this value: self.min_pop_diff = 1e-3 # set up communicators self.lr_comms = lr_communicators if self.lr_comms is None: self.lr_comms = LrCommunicators(None, None) self.lr_comms.initialize(gs_calc) # Init text output self.iocontext = IOContext() self.txt = self.iocontext.openfile(txt, self.lr_comms.parent_comm) # Check and set unset params kpt = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[self.kpt_ind] nbands = len(kpt.f_n) # If min/max_occ/unocc were not given, but max_energy_diff was, # check that calc has enough states for max_energy_diff # (i.e., KS eigenvalue difference between HOMO and highest # state is below max_energy_diff) if ((self.min_occ is None or self.min_unocc is None or self.max_occ is None or self.max_unocc is None) and self.max_energy_diff is not None): n_homo = np.sum(kpt.f_n > self.min_pop_diff) - 1 n_highest = nbands - 1 # XXX use highest converged state instead eps_n = kpt.eps_n eps_diff = eps_n[n_highest] - eps_n[n_homo] if eps_diff <= self.max_energy_diff: msg = ('Error in LrTDDFT2: not enough states in ' 'the calculator for the requested max_energy_diff=' f'{self.max_energy_diff * Hartree:.4f} eV. ' f'Max eigenvalue difference from HOMO (n={n_homo}) is ' f'{eps_diff * Hartree:.4f} eV.') raise RuntimeError(msg) # If min/max_occ/unocc were not given, initialized them to include # everything: min_occ/unocc => 0, max_occ/unocc to nubmer of wfs, # energy diff to numerical infinity if self.min_occ is None: self.min_occ = 0 if self.min_unocc is None: self.min_unocc = self.min_occ if self.max_occ is None: self.max_occ = nbands - 1 if self.max_unocc is None: self.max_unocc = self.max_occ if self.max_energy_diff is None: self.max_energy_diff = np.inf self.min_occ = max(self.min_occ, 0) self.min_unocc = max(self.min_unocc, 0) if self.max_occ >= nbands: raise RuntimeError('Error in LrTDDFT2: max_occ >= nbands') if self.max_unocc >= nbands: raise RuntimeError('Error in LrTDDFT2: max_unocc >= nbands') # Only spin unpolarized calculations are supported atm # > FIXME assert len(self.calc.wfs.kpt_u) == 1, \ 'LrTDDFT2 does not support more than one k-point/spin.' self.kpt_ind = 0 # < # Internal classes # list of singly excited Kohn-Sham Slater determinants # (ascending KS energy difference) self.ks_singles = KohnShamSingles(self.basefilename, self.calc, self.kpt_ind, self.min_occ, self.max_occ, self.min_unocc, self.max_unocc, self.max_energy_diff, self.min_pop_diff, self.lr_comms, self.txt) # Response kernel matrix K = <ip|f_Hxc|jq> # Note: this is not the Casida matrix self.K_matrix = Kmatrix(self.ks_singles, self.xc, self.deriv_scale) self.sl_lrtddft = self.calc.parallel['sl_lrtddft'] # LR-TDDFT transitions self.lr_transitions = LrtddftTransitions(self.ks_singles, self.K_matrix, self.sl_lrtddft) # Response wavefunction self.lr_response_wf = None # Pair density self.pair_density = None # pair density class # Timer self.timer = self.calc.timer self.timer.start('LrTDDFT') # If a previous calculation exist, read info file # # Write info file # self.parent_comm.barrier() # if self.parent_comm.rank == 0: # self.write_info(self.basefilename) # self.custom_axes = None # self.K_matrix_scaling_factor = 1.0 self.K_matrix_values_ready = False
[docs] def get_transitions(self, filename=None, min_energy=0.0, max_energy=30.0, units='eVcgs'): """Get transitions: energy, dipole strength and rotatory strength. Returns transitions as (w,S,R, Sx,Sy,Sz) where w is an array of frequencies, S is an array of corresponding dipole strengths, and R is an array of corresponding rotatory strengths. Parameters ---------- min_energy Minimum energy min_energy Maximum energy units Units for spectrum: 'au' or 'eVcgs' """ self.calculate() self.txt.write('Calculating transitions (%s).\n' % str( trans = self.lr_transitions.get_transitions(filename, min_energy, max_energy, units) self.txt.write('Transitions calculated (%s).\n' % str( return trans
[docs] def get_spectrum(self, filename=None, min_energy=0.0, max_energy=30.0, energy_step=0.01, width=0.1, units='eVcgs'): """Get spectrum for dipole and rotatory strength. Returns folded spectrum as (w,S,R) where w is an array of frequencies, S is an array of corresponding dipole strengths, and R is an array of corresponding rotatory strengths. Parameters ---------- min_energy Minimum energy min_energy Maximum energy energy_step Spacing between calculated energies width Width of the Gaussian units Units for spectrum: 'au' or 'eVcgs' """ self.calculate() self.txt.write('Calculating spectrum (%s).\n' % str( spec = self.lr_transitions.get_spectrum(filename, min_energy, max_energy, energy_step, width, units) self.txt.write('Spectrum calculated (%s).\n' % str( return spec
[docs] def get_transition_contributions(self, index_of_transition): """Get contributions of Kohn-Sham singles to a given transition as number of electrons contributing. Includes population difference. This method is meant to be used for small number of transitions. It is not suitable for analysing densely packed transitions of large systems. Use transition contribution map (TCM) or similar approach for this. Parameters ---------- index_of_transition: index of transition starting from zero """ self.calculate() return self.lr_transitions.get_transition_contributions( index_of_transition)
[docs] def calculate_response(self, excitation_energy, excitation_direction, lorentzian_width, units='eVang'): """Calculates and returns response using TD-DFPT. Parameters ---------- excitation_energy Energy of the laser in given units excitation_direction Vector for direction (will be normalized) lorentzian_width Life time or width parameter. Larger width results in wider energy envelope around excitation energy. """ # S_z(omega) = 2 * omega sum_ip n_ip C^(im)_ip(omega) * mu^(z)_ip self.calculate() omega_au = excitation_energy width_au = lorentzian_width # always unit field in au !!! direction_au = np.array(excitation_direction) direction_au = direction_au / np.sqrt( np.vdot(direction_au, direction_au)) if units == 'au': pass elif units == 'eVang': omega_au /= Hartree width_au /= Hartree else: raise RuntimeError( 'Error in calculate_response_wavefunction: Invalid units.') lr_response = LrResponse(self, omega_au, direction_au, width_au, self.sl_lrtddft) lr_response.solve() return lr_response
[docs] def calculate(self): """Calculates linear response matrix and properties of KS electron-hole pairs. This is called implicitly by get_spectrum, get_transitions, etc. but there is no harm for calling this explicitly. """ if not self.calc_ready: # Initialize wfs, paw corrections and xc, if not done yet # FIXME: CHECK THIS STUFF, DOES GLLB WORK??? if not self.calc_ready: mode = self.calc.wfs.mode C_nM = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[self.kpt_ind].C_nM psit_nG = self.calc.wfs.kpt_u[self.kpt_ind].psit_nG if ((mode == 'lcao' and C_nM is None) or (mode == 'fd' and psit_nG is None)): raise RuntimeError('Use ground state calculator ' + 'containing the wave functions.') if not self.calc.scf.converged: # Do not allow new scf cycles, it could change # the wave function signs after every restart. raise RuntimeError('Converge wave functions first.') spos_ac = self.calc.initialize_positions() self.calc.wfs.calculate_occupation_numbers() self.calc.wfs.initialize(self.calc.density, self.calc.hamiltonian, spos_ac) self.xc.initialize(self.calc.density, self.calc.hamiltonian, self.calc.wfs) if mode == 'lcao': self.calc.wfs.initialize_wave_functions_from_lcao() self.calc_ready = True # Singles logic if self.recalculate == 'all' or self.recalculate == 'matrix': self.ks_singles.update_list() self.ks_singles.calculate() elif self.recalculate == 'eigen': self.ks_singles.kss_list_ready = True self.ks_singles.kss_prop_ready = True elif ((not self.ks_singles.kss_list_ready) or (not self.ks_singles.kss_prop_ready)): self.ks_singles.update_list() self.ks_singles.calculate() else: pass # K-matrix logic if self.recalculate == 'all' or self.recalculate == 'matrix': # delete files if self.lr_comms.parent_comm.rank == 0: for ready_file in glob.glob(self.basefilename + '.ready_rows.*'): os.remove(ready_file) for K_file in glob.glob(self.basefilename + '.K_matrix.*'): os.remove(K_file) self.K_matrix.calculate() elif self.recalculate == 'eigen': self.K_matrix.read_indices() self.K_matrix.K_matrix_ready = True elif not self.K_matrix.K_matrix_ready: self.K_matrix.read_indices() self.K_matrix.calculate() else: pass # Wait... we don't want to read incomplete files self.lr_comms.parent_comm.barrier() if not self.K_matrix_values_ready: self.K_matrix.read_values() # lr_transitions logic if not self.lr_transitions.trans_prop_ready: trans_file = self.basefilename + '.transitions' if os.path.exists(trans_file) and os.path.isfile(trans_file): os.remove(trans_file) self.lr_transitions.calculate() # recalculate only once self.recalculate = None
[docs] def read(self, basename): """Does not do much at the moment.""" info_file = open(basename + '.lr_info') for line in info_file: if line[0] == '#': continue if len(line.split()) <= 2: continue # key = line.split('=')[0] # value = line.split('=')[1] # ..... # FIXME: do something, like warn if changed # ... info_file.close()
[docs] def write_info(self, basename): """Writes used parameters to a file.""" f = open(basename + '.lr_info', 'a+') f.write('# LrTDDFTindexed\n') f.write('%20s = %s\n' % ('xc_name', self.xc_name)) f.write('%20s = %d\n' % ('min_occ', self.min_occ)) f.write('%20s = %d\n' % ('min_unocc', self.min_unocc)) f.write('%20s = %d\n' % ('max_occ', self.max_occ)) f.write('%20s = %d\n' % ('max_unocc', self.max_unocc)) f.write('%20s = %18.12lf\n' % ('max_energy_diff', self.max_energy_diff)) f.write('%20s = %18.12lf\n' % ('deriv_scale', self.deriv_scale)) f.write('%20s = %18.12lf\n' % ('min_pop_diff', self.min_pop_diff)) f.close()
def __del__(self): try: self.iocontext.close() self.timer.stop('LrTDDFT') except AttributeError: pass