Source code for gpaw.core.uniform_grid

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cached_property
from math import pi
from typing import Sequence, Literal
import numpy as np

import gpaw.fftw as fftw
from gpaw.core.arrays import DistributedArrays
from gpaw.core.atom_centered_functions import UGAtomCenteredFunctions
from gpaw.core.domain import Domain
from gpaw.gpu import as_np, cupy_is_fake
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.mpi import MPIComm, serial_comm
from import zips
from gpaw.typing import (Array1D, Array2D, Array3D, Array4D, ArrayLike1D,
                         ArrayLike2D, Vector)
from import add_to_density, add_to_density_gpu, symmetrize_ft
from gpaw.fd_operators import Gradient

[docs]class UGDesc(Domain): def __init__(self, *, cell: ArrayLike1D | ArrayLike2D, # bohr size: ArrayLike1D, pbc=(True, True, True), zerobc=(False, False, False), kpt: Vector | None = None, # in units of reciprocal cell comm: MPIComm = serial_comm, decomp: Sequence[Sequence[int]] | None = None, dtype=None): """Description of 3D uniform grid. parameters ---------- cell: Unit cell given as three floats (orthorhombic grid), six floats (three lengths and the angles in degrees) or a 3x3 matrix (units: bohr). size: Number of grid points along axes. pbc: Periodic boundary conditions flag(s). zerobc: Zero-boundary conditions flag(s). Skip first grid-point (assumed to be zero). comm: Communicator for domain-decomposition. kpt: K-point for Block-boundary conditions specified in units of the reciprocal cell. decomp: Decomposition of the domain. dtype: Data-type (float or complex). """ self.size_c = np.array(size, int) if isinstance(zerobc, int): zerobc = (zerobc,) * 3 self.zerobc_c = np.array(zerobc, bool) if decomp is None: gd = GridDescriptor(size, pbc_c=~self.zerobc_c, comm=comm) decomp = gd.n_cp self.decomp_cp = [np.asarray(d) for d in decomp] self.parsize_c = np.array([len(d_p) - 1 for d_p in self.decomp_cp]) self.mypos_c = np.unravel_index(comm.rank, self.parsize_c) self.start_c = np.array([d_p[p] for d_p, p in zips(self.decomp_cp, self.mypos_c)]) self.end_c = np.array([d_p[p + 1] for d_p, p in zips(self.decomp_cp, self.mypos_c)]) self.mysize_c = self.end_c - self.start_c Domain.__init__(self, cell, pbc, kpt, comm, dtype) self.myshape = tuple(self.mysize_c) self.dv = self.volume / self.itemsize = 8 if self.dtype == float else 16 if (self.zerobc_c & self.pbc_c).any(): raise ValueError('Bad boundary conditions') @property def size(self): """Size of uniform grid.""" return self.size_c.copy()
[docs] def global_shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...]: """Actual size of uniform grid.""" return tuple(self.size_c - self.zerobc_c)
def __repr__(self): return Domain.__repr__(self).replace( 'Domain(', f'UGDesc(size={self.size_c.tolist()}, ') def _short_string(self, global_shape): return f'uniform wave function grid shape: {global_shape}' @cached_property def phase_factor_cd(self): """Phase factor for block-boundary conditions.""" delta_d = np.array([-1, 1]) disp_cd = np.empty((3, 2)) for pos, pbc, size, disp_d in zips(self.mypos_c, self.pbc_c, self.parsize_c, disp_cd): disp_d[:] = -((pos + delta_d) // size) return np.exp(2j * np.pi * disp_cd * self.kpt_c[:, np.newaxis])
[docs] def new(self, *, kpt=None, dtype=None, comm: MPIComm | Literal['inherit'] | None = 'inherit', size=None, pbc=None, zerobc=None, decomp=None) -> UGDesc: """Create new uniform grid description.""" reuse_decomp = (decomp is None and comm == 'inherit' and size is None and pbc is None and zerobc is None) if reuse_decomp: decomp = self.decomp_cp comm = self.comm if comm == 'inherit' else comm return UGDesc(cell=self.cell_cv, size=self.size_c if size is None else size, pbc=self.pbc_c if pbc is None else pbc, zerobc=self.zerobc_c if zerobc is None else zerobc, kpt=(self.kpt_c if self.kpt_c.any() else None) if kpt is None else kpt, comm=comm or serial_comm, decomp=decomp, dtype=self.dtype if dtype is None else dtype)
[docs] def empty(self, dims: int | tuple[int, ...] = (), comm: MPIComm = serial_comm, xp=np) -> UGArray: """Create new UGArray object. parameters ---------- dims: Extra dimensions. comm: Distribute dimensions along this communicator. """ return UGArray(self, dims, comm, xp=xp)
[docs] def from_data(self, data): return UGArray(self, data.shape[:-3], data=data)
[docs] def blocks(self, data: np.ndarray): """Yield views of blocks of data.""" s0, s1, s2 = self.parsize_c d0_p, d1_p, d2_p = (d_p - d_p[0] for d_p in self.decomp_cp) for p0 in range(s0): b0, e0 = d0_p[p0:p0 + 2] for p1 in range(s1): b1, e1 = d1_p[p1:p1 + 2] for p2 in range(s2): b2, e2 = d2_p[p2:p2 + 2] yield data[..., b0:e0, b1:e1, b2:e2]
[docs] def xyz(self) -> Array4D: """Create array of (x, y, z) coordinates.""" indices_Rc = np.indices(self.mysize_c).transpose((1, 2, 3, 0)) indices_Rc += self.start_c return indices_Rc @ (self.cell_cv.T / self.size_c).T
[docs] def atom_centered_functions(self, functions, positions, *, qspiral_v=None, atomdist=None, integral=None, cut=False, xp=None): """Create UGAtomCenteredFunctions object.""" assert qspiral_v is None return UGAtomCenteredFunctions(functions, positions, self, atomdist=atomdist, integral=integral, cut=cut, xp=xp)
[docs] def transformer(self, other: UGDesc, stencil_range=3, xp=np): """Create transformer from one grid to another. (for interpolation and restriction). """ from gpaw.transformers import Transformer apply = Transformer(self._gd, other._gd, nn=stencil_range, xp=xp).apply def transform(functions, out=None): if out is None: out = other.empty(functions.dims, functions.comm, xp=xp) for input, output in zips(functions._arrays(), out._arrays()): apply(input, output) return out return transform
[docs] def eikr(self, kpt_c: Vector | None = None) -> Array3D: """Plane wave. ::: _ _ ik.r e Parameters ---------- kpt_c: k-point in units of the reciprocal cell. Defaults to the UGDesc objects own k-point. """ if kpt_c is None: kpt_c = self.kpt_c index_Rc = np.indices(self.mysize_c).T + self.start_c return np.exp(2j * pi * (index_Rc @ (kpt_c / self.size_c))).T
@property def _gd(self): # Make sure gd can be pickled (in serial): comm = self.comm if self.comm.size > 1 else serial_comm return GridDescriptor(self.size_c, cell_cv=self.cell_cv, pbc_c=~self.zerobc_c, comm=comm, parsize_c=[len(d_p) - 1 for d_p in self.decomp_cp])
[docs] @classmethod def from_cell_and_grid_spacing(cls, cell: ArrayLike1D | ArrayLike2D, grid_spacing: float, pbc=(True, True, True), kpt: Vector | None = None, comm: MPIComm = serial_comm, dtype=None) -> UGDesc: """Create UGDesc from grid-spacing.""" domain = Domain(cell, pbc, kpt, comm, dtype) return domain.uniform_grid_with_grid_spacing(grid_spacing)
[docs] def fft_plans(self, flags: int = fftw.MEASURE, xp=np, dtype=None) -> fftw.FFTPlans: """Create FFTW-plans.""" if dtype is None: dtype = self.dtype if self.comm.rank == 0: return fftw.create_plans(self.size_c, dtype, flags, xp) else: return fftw.create_plans([0, 0, 0], dtype)
[docs] def ranks_from_fractional_positions(self, fracpos_ac: Array2D) -> Array1D: rank_ac = np.floor(fracpos_ac * self.parsize_c).astype(int) if (rank_ac < 0).any() or (rank_ac >= self.parsize_c).any(): raise ValueError('Positions outside cell!') return np.ravel_multi_index(rank_ac.T, self.parsize_c) # type: ignore
[docs] def ekin_max(self) -> float: """Maximum value of ekin so that all 0.5 * G^2 < ekin. In 1D, this will be 0.5*(pi/h)^2 where h is the grid-spacing. """ # Height of reciprocal cell (squared): b2_c = np.pi**2 / (self.cell_cv**2).sum(1) return 0.5 * (self.size_c**2 * b2_c).min()
[docs]class UGArray(DistributedArrays[UGDesc]): def __init__(self, grid: UGDesc, dims: int | tuple[int, ...] = (), comm: MPIComm = serial_comm, data: np.ndarray | None = None, xp=None): """Object for storing function(s) on a uniform grid. parameters ---------- grid: Description of uniform grid. dims: Extra dimensions. comm: Distribute dimensions along this communicator. data: Data array for storage. """ DistributedArrays. __init__(self, dims, grid.myshape, comm, grid.comm, data, grid.dv, grid.dtype, xp) self.desc = grid def __repr__(self): txt = f'UGArray(grid={self.desc}, dims={self.dims}' if self.comm.size > 1: txt += f', comm={self.comm.rank}/{self.comm.size}' if self.xp is not np: txt += ', xp=cp' return txt + ')'
[docs] def new(self, data=None, zeroed=False): """Create new UniforGridFunctions object of same kind. Parameters ---------- data: Array to use for storage. """ if data is None: data = self.xp.empty_like( f_xR = UGArray(self.desc, self.dims, self.comm, data) if zeroed:[:] = 0.0 return f_xR
def __getitem__(self, index): data =[index] return UGArray(data=data, dims=data.shape[:-3], grid=self.desc) def __imul__(self, other: float | np.ndarray | UGArray ) -> UGArray: if isinstance(other, float): *= other return self if isinstance(other, UGArray): other = assert other.shape[-3:] ==[-3:] *= other return self def __mul__(self, other: float | np.ndarray | UGArray ) -> UGArray: result = result *= other return result def _arrays(self): return,) +[-3:])
[docs] def xy(self, *axes: int | None) -> tuple[Array1D, Array1D]: """Extract x, y values along line. Useful for plotting:: x, y = grid.xy(0, ..., 0) plt.plot(x, y) """ assert len(axes) == 3 + len(self.dims) index = tuple([slice(0, None) if axis is None else axis for axis in axes]) y =[index] # type: ignore c = axes[-3:].index(...) grid = self.desc dx = (grid.cell_cv[c]**2).sum()**0.5 / grid.size_c[c] x = np.arange(grid.start_c[c], grid.end_c[c]) * dx return x, as_np(y)
[docs] def to_complex(self) -> UGArray: """Return a copy with dtype=complex.""" c =[:] = return c
[docs] def scatter_from(self, data=None): """Scatter data from rank-0 to all ranks.""" if isinstance(data, UGArray): data = comm = self.desc.comm if comm.size == 1:[:] = data return if comm.rank != 0: comm.receive(, 0, 42) return requests = [] for rank, block in enumerate(self.desc.blocks(data)): if rank != 0: block = block.copy() request = comm.send(block, rank, 42, False) # Remember to store a reference to the # send buffer (block) so that is isn't # deallocated: requests.append((request, block)) else:[:] = block for request, _ in requests: comm.wait(request)
[docs] def gather(self, out=None, broadcast=False): """Gather data from all ranks to rank-0.""" assert out is None comm = self.desc.comm if comm.size == 1: return self if broadcast or comm.rank == 0: grid = out = grid.empty(self.dims, comm=self.comm, xp=self.xp) if comm.rank != 0: # There can be several sends before the corresponding receives # are posted, so use synchronous send here comm.ssend(, 0, 301) if broadcast: comm.broadcast(, 0) return out return # Put the subdomains from the slaves into the big array # for the whole domain: for rank, block in enumerate(self.desc.blocks( if rank != 0: buf = self.xp.empty_like(block) comm.receive(buf, rank, 301) block[:] = buf else: block[:] = if broadcast: comm.broadcast(, 0) return out
[docs] def fft(self, plan=None, pw=None, out=None): """Do FFT. ::: _ _ / _ iG.r _ |dr e f(r) / """ assert self.dims == () if out is None: assert pw is not None out = pw.empty(xp=self.xp) if pw is None: pw = out.desc if pw.dtype != self.desc.dtype: raise TypeError( f'Type mismatch: {self.desc.dtype} -> {pw.dtype}') input = self if self.desc.comm.size > 1: input = input.gather() if self.desc.comm.rank == 0: plan = plan or self.desc.fft_plans(xp=self.xp) coefs = plan.fft_sphere(, pw) else: coefs = None out.scatter_from(coefs) return out
[docs] def norm2(self): """Calculate integral over cell of absolute value squared. ::: / _ 2 _ ||a(r)| dr / """ norm_x = [] arrays_xR = self._arrays() for a_R in arrays_xR: norm_x.append(self.xp.vdot(a_R, a_R).real * self.desc.dv) result = self.xp.array(norm_x).reshape(self.mydims) self.desc.comm.sum(result) return result
[docs] def integrate(self, other=None, skip_sum=False): """Integral of self or self times cc(other).""" if other is not None: assert self.desc.dtype == other.desc.dtype a_xR = self._arrays() b_yR = other._arrays() a_xR = a_xR.reshape((len(a_xR), -1)) b_yR = b_yR.reshape((len(b_yR), -1)) result = (a_xR @ b_yR.T.conj()).reshape(self.dims + other.dims) else: # Make sure we have an array and not a scalar! result = self.xp.asarray(, -2, -1))) if not skip_sum: self.desc.comm.sum(result) if result.ndim == 0: result = result.item() # convert to scalar return result * self.desc.dv
[docs] def to_pbc_grid(self): """Convert to UniformGrid with ``pbc=(True, True, True)``.""" if not self.desc.zerobc_c.any(): return self grid = new = grid.empty(self.dims)[:] = 0.0 *_, i, j, k =[..., -i:, -j:, -k:] = return new
[docs] def multiply_by_eikr(self, kpt_c: Vector | None = None) -> None: """Multiply by `exp(ik.r)`.""" if kpt_c is None: kpt_c = self.desc.kpt_c else: kpt_c = np.asarray(kpt_c) if kpt_c.any(): *= self.desc.eikr(kpt_c)
[docs] def interpolate(self, plan1: fftw.FFTPlans | None = None, plan2: fftw.FFTPlans | None = None, grid: UGDesc | None = None, out: UGArray | None = None) -> UGArray: """Interpolate to finer grid. Parameters ---------- plan1: Plan for FFT (course grid). plan2: Plan for inverse FFT (fine grid). grid: Target grid. out: Target UGArray object. """ if out is None: if grid is None: raise ValueError('Please specify "grid" or "out".') out = grid.empty(self.dims, xp=self.xp) if out.desc.zerobc_c.any() or self.desc.zerobc_c.any(): raise ValueError('Grids must have zerobc=False!') if self.desc.comm.size > 1: input = self.gather() if input is not None: output = input.interpolate(plan1, plan2, out.scatter_from( else: out.scatter_from() return out size1_c = self.desc.size_c size2_c = out.desc.size_c if (size2_c <= size1_c).any(): raise ValueError('Too few points in target grid!') plan1 = plan1 or self.desc.fft_plans(xp=self.xp) plan2 = plan2 or out.desc.fft_plans(xp=self.xp) if self.dims: for input, output in zips(self.flat(), out.flat()): input.interpolate(plan1, plan2, grid, output) return out plan1.tmp_R[:] = kpt_c = self.desc.kpt_c if kpt_c.any(): plan1.tmp_R *= self.desc.eikr(-kpt_c) plan1.fft() a_Q = plan1.tmp_Q b_Q = plan2.tmp_Q e0, e1, e2 = 1 - size1_c % 2 # even or odd size a0, a1, a2 = size2_c // 2 - size1_c // 2 b0, b1, b2 = size1_c + (a0, a1, a2) if self.desc.dtype == float: b2 = (b2 - a2) // 2 + 1 a2 = 0 axes = [0, 1] else: axes = [0, 1, 2] b_Q[:] = 0.0 b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2:b2] = self.xp.fft.fftshift(a_Q, axes=axes) if e0: b_Q[a0, a1:b1, a2:b2] *= 0.5 b_Q[b0, a1:b1, a2:b2] = b_Q[a0, a1:b1, a2:b2] b0 += 1 if e1: b_Q[a0:b0, a1, a2:b2] *= 0.5 b_Q[a0:b0, b1, a2:b2] = b_Q[a0:b0, a1, a2:b2] b1 += 1 if self.desc.dtype == complex: if e2: b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2] *= 0.5 b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, b2] = b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2] else: if e2: b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, b2 - 1] *= 0.5 b_Q[:] = self.xp.fft.ifftshift(b_Q, axes=axes) plan2.ifft()[:] = plan2.tmp_R *= (1.0 / out.multiply_by_eikr() return out
[docs] def fft_restrict(self, plan1: fftw.FFTPlans | None = None, plan2: fftw.FFTPlans | None = None, grid: UGDesc | None = None, out: UGArray | None = None) -> UGArray: """Restrict to coarser grid. Parameters ---------- plan1: Plan for FFT. plan2: Plan for inverse FFT. grid: Target grid. out: Target UGArray object. """ if out is None: if grid is None: raise ValueError('Please specify "grid" or "out".') out = grid.empty(self.dims, xp=self.xp) if out.desc.zerobc_c.any() or self.desc.zerobc_c.any(): raise ValueError('Grids must have zerobc=False!') if self.desc.comm.size > 1: input = self.gather() if input is not None: output = input.fft_restrict(plan1, plan2, out.scatter_from( else: out.scatter_from() return out size1_c = self.desc.size_c size2_c = out.desc.size_c plan1 = plan1 or self.desc.fft_plans() plan2 = plan2 or out.desc.fft_plans() if self.dims: for input, output in zips(self.flat(), out.flat()): input.fft_restrict(plan1, plan2, grid, output) return out plan1.tmp_R[:] = a_Q = plan2.tmp_Q b_Q = plan1.tmp_Q e0, e1, e2 = 1 - size2_c % 2 # even or odd size a0, a1, a2 = size1_c // 2 - size2_c // 2 b0, b1, b2 = size2_c // 2 + size1_c // 2 + 1 if self.desc.dtype == float: b2 = size2_c[2] // 2 + 1 a2 = 0 axes = [0, 1] else: axes = [0, 1, 2] plan1.fft() b_Q[:] = self.xp.fft.fftshift(b_Q, axes=axes) if e0: b_Q[a0, a1:b1, a2:b2] += b_Q[b0 - 1, a1:b1, a2:b2] b_Q[a0, a1:b1, a2:b2] *= 0.5 b0 -= 1 if e1: b_Q[a0:b0, a1, a2:b2] += b_Q[a0:b0, b1 - 1, a2:b2] b_Q[a0:b0, a1, a2:b2] *= 0.5 b1 -= 1 if self.desc.dtype == complex and e2: b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2] += b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, b2 - 1] b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2] *= 0.5 b2 -= 1 a_Q[:] = b_Q[a0:b0, a1:b1, a2:b2] a_Q[:] = self.xp.fft.ifftshift(a_Q, axes=axes) plan2.ifft()[:] = plan2.tmp_R *= (1.0 / return out
[docs] def abs_square(self, weights: Array1D, out: UGArray | None = None) -> None: """Add weighted absolute square of data to output array.""" assert out is not None if self.xp is np: for f, psit_R in zips(weights, add_to_density(f, psit_R, elif cupy_is_fake: for f, psit_R in zips(weights, add_to_density(f, psit_R._data, # type: ignore else: add_to_density_gpu(self.xp.asarray(weights),,
[docs] def symmetrize(self, rotation_scc, translation_sc): """Make data symmetric.""" if len(rotation_scc) == 1: return a_xR = self.gather() if a_xR is None: b_xR = None else: if self.xp is not np: a_xR = a_xR.to_xp(np) b_xR = t_sc = (translation_sc * self.desc.size_c).round().astype(int) offset_c = np.array(self.desc.zerobc_c, dtype=int) for a_R, b_R in zips(a_xR._arrays(), b_xR._arrays()): b_R[:] = 0.0 for r_cc, t_c in zips(rotation_scc, t_sc): symmetrize_ft(a_R, b_R, r_cc, t_c, offset_c) if self.xp is not np: b_xR = b_xR.to_xp(self.xp) self.scatter_from(b_xR) *= 1.0 / len(rotation_scc)
[docs] def randomize(self, seed: int | None = None) -> None: """Insert random numbers between -0.5 and 0.5 into data.""" if seed is None: seed = self.comm.rank + self.desc.comm.rank * self.comm.size rng = self.xp.random.default_rng(seed) a = rng.random(a.shape, out=a) a -= 0.5
[docs] def moment(self): """Calculate moment of data.""" assert self.dims == () ug = self.desc index_cr = [np.arange(ug.start_c[c], ug.end_c[c], dtype=float) for c in range(3)] for index_r, size in zip(index_cr, ug.size_c): if index_r[0] == 0: # We have periodic bc's, so index 0 is the same as index # size (= last + 1). Include both points with 0.5 weight: index_r[0] = 0.5 * size rho_ijk = rho_ij = rho_ijk.sum(axis=2) rho_ik = rho_ijk.sum(axis=1) rho_cr = [rho_ij.sum(axis=1), rho_ij.sum(axis=0), rho_ik.sum(axis=0)] if self.xp is not np: rho_cr = [rho_r.get() for rho_r in rho_cr] d_c = [index_r @ rho_r for index_r, rho_r in zips(index_cr, rho_cr)] d_v = (d_c / ug.size_c) @ ug.cell_cv * self.dv self.desc.comm.sum(d_v) return d_v
[docs] def scaled(self, s: float, v: float = 1.0): """Create new scaled UGArray object. Unit cell axes are multiplied by `s` and data by `v`. """ grid = self.desc grid = UGDesc(cell=grid.cell_cv * s, size=grid.size_c, pbc=grid.pbc_c, zerobc=grid.zerobc_c, kpt=(grid.kpt_c if grid.kpt_c.any() else None), dtype=grid.dtype, comm=grid.comm) return UGArray(grid, self.dims, self.comm, * v)
[docs] def add_ked(self, occ_n: Array1D, taut_R: UGArray) -> None: grad_v = [ Gradient(self.desc._gd, v, n=3, dtype=self.desc.dtype) for v in range(3)] tmp_R = self.desc.empty() for f, psit_R in zips(occ_n, self): for grad in grad_v: grad(psit_R, tmp_R) add_to_density(0.5 * f,,
[docs] def redist(self, domain: UGDesc, comm1: MPIComm, comm2: MPIComm) -> UGArray: a = super().redist(domain, comm1, comm2) assert isinstance(a, UGArray) return a