Source code for gpaw.wavefunctions.base

import numpy as np
from ase.units import Ha

from gpaw.projections import Projections
from gpaw.utilities import pack_density
from gpaw.utilities.blas import axpy, mmm
from gpaw.utilities.partition import AtomPartition

[docs]class WaveFunctions: """... setups: List of setup objects. symmetry: Symmetry object. kpt_u: List of **k**-point objects. nbands: int Number of bands. nspins: int Number of spins. dtype: dtype Data type of wave functions (float or complex). bzk_kc: ndarray Scaled **k**-points used for sampling the whole Brillouin zone - values scaled to [-0.5, 0.5). ibzk_kc: ndarray Scaled **k**-points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone. weight_k: ndarray Weights of the **k**-points in the irreducible part of the Brillouin zone (summing up to 1). kpt_comm: MPI-communicator for parallelization over **k**-points. """ def __init__(self, gd, nvalence, setups, bd, dtype, collinear, world, kd, kptband_comm, timer): = gd self.nspins = kd.nspins self.collinear = collinear self.nvalence = nvalence = bd self.dtype = dtype assert dtype == float or dtype == complex = world self.kd = kd self.kptband_comm = kptband_comm self.timer = timer self.atom_partition = None self.kpt_qs = kd.create_k_points(, collinear) self.kpt_u = [kpt for kpt_s in self.kpt_qs for kpt in kpt_s] self.occupations = None self.fermi_levels = None self.eigensolver = None self.positions_set = False self.spos_ac = None self.set_setups(setups) @property def fermi_level(self): assert len(self.fermi_levels) == 1 return self.fermi_levels[0] def summary(self, log): log(eigenvalue_string(self)) func = None if hasattr(self.eigensolver, 'dm_helper'): func = getattr(self.eigensolver.dm_helper.func, 'name', None) elif hasattr(self.eigensolver, 'odd'): func = getattr(self.eigensolver.odd, 'name', None) if func is None: pass elif 'SIC' in func: self.summary_func(log) if self.fermi_levels is None: return if len(self.fermi_levels) == 1: log(f'Fermi level: {self.fermi_levels[0] * Ha:.5f}\n') else: f1, f2 = (f * Ha for f in self.fermi_levels) log(f'Fermi levels: {f1:.5f}, {f2:.5f}\n') def set_setups(self, setups): self.setups = setups def set_eigensolver(self, eigensolver): self.eigensolver = eigensolver def add_realspace_orbital_to_density(self, nt_G, psit_G): if psit_G.dtype == float: axpy(1.0, psit_G**2, nt_G) else: assert psit_G.dtype == complex axpy(1.0, psit_G.real**2, nt_G) axpy(1.0, psit_G.imag**2, nt_G) def add_orbital_density(self, nt_G, kpt, n): self.add_realspace_orbital_to_density(nt_G, kpt.psit_nG[n]) def calculate_band_energy(self): e_band = 0.0 for kpt in self.kpt_u: e_band +=, kpt.eps_n) try: # DCSF needs this ... e_band += self.occupations.calculate_band_energy(self) except AttributeError: pass return self.kptband_comm.sum_scalar(e_band)
[docs] def calculate_density_contribution(self, nt_sG): """Calculate contribution to pseudo density from wave functions. Array entries are written to (not added to).""" nt_sG.fill(0.0) for kpt in self.kpt_u: self.add_to_density_from_k_point(nt_sG, kpt) self.kptband_comm.sum(nt_sG) self.timer.start('Symmetrize density') for nt_G in nt_sG: self.kd.symmetry.symmetrize(nt_G, self.timer.stop('Symmetrize density')
def add_to_density_from_k_point(self, nt_sG, kpt): self.add_to_density_from_k_point_with_occupation(nt_sG, kpt, kpt.f_n)
[docs] def get_orbital_density_matrix(self, a, kpt, n): """Add the nth band density from kpt to density matrix D_sp""" ni = self.setups[a].ni D_sii = np.zeros((self.nspins, ni, ni)) P_i = kpt.P_ani[a][n] D_sii[kpt.s] += np.outer(P_i.conj(), P_i).real D_sp = [pack_density(D_ii) for D_ii in D_sii] return D_sp
def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(self, D_sii, kpt, a, f_n): if kpt.rho_MM is not None: P_Mi = self.P_aqMi[a][kpt.q] rhoP_Mi = np.zeros_like(P_Mi) D_ii = np.zeros(D_sii[kpt.s].shape, kpt.rho_MM.dtype) mmm(1.0, kpt.rho_MM, 'N', P_Mi, 'N', 0.0, rhoP_Mi) mmm(1.0, P_Mi, 'C', rhoP_Mi, 'N', 0.0, D_ii) D_sii[kpt.s] += D_ii.real else: if self.collinear: P_ni = kpt.projections[a] D_sii[kpt.s] += * f_n, P_ni).real else: P_nsi = kpt.projections[a] D_ssii = np.einsum('nsi,n,nzj->szij', P_nsi.conj(), f_n, P_nsi) D_sii[0] += (D_ssii[0, 0] + D_ssii[1, 1]).real D_sii[1] += 2 * D_ssii[0, 1].real D_sii[2] += 2 * D_ssii[0, 1].imag D_sii[3] += (D_ssii[0, 0] - D_ssii[1, 1]).real if hasattr(kpt, 'c_on'): for ne, c_n in zip(kpt.ne_o, kpt.c_on): d_nn = ne * np.outer(c_n.conj(), c_n) D_sii[kpt.s] +=,, P_ni)).real
[docs] def calculate_atomic_density_matrices(self, D_asp): """Calculate atomic density matrices from projections.""" f_un = [kpt.f_n for kpt in self.kpt_u] self.calculate_atomic_density_matrices_with_occupation(D_asp, f_un)
[docs] def calculate_atomic_density_matrices_with_occupation(self, D_asp, f_un): """Calculate atomic density matrices from projections with custom occupation f_un.""" # Parameter check (if user accidentally passes f_n instead of f_un) if f_un[0] is not None: # special case for transport calculations... assert isinstance(f_un[0], np.ndarray) # Varying f_n used in calculation of response part of GLLB-potential for a, D_sp in D_asp.items(): ni = self.setups[a].ni D_sii = np.zeros((len(D_sp), ni, ni)) for f_n, kpt in zip(f_un, self.kpt_u): self.calculate_atomic_density_matrices_k_point(D_sii, kpt, a, f_n) D_sp[:] = [pack_density(D_ii) for D_ii in D_sii] self.kptband_comm.sum(D_sp) self.symmetrize_atomic_density_matrices(D_asp)
def symmetrize_atomic_density_matrices(self, D_asp): if len(self.kd.symmetry.op_scc) == 0: return D_asp.redistribute(self.atom_partition.as_serial()) self.setups.atomrotations.symmetrize_atomic_density_matrices( D_asp, a_sa=self.kd.symmetry.a_sa) D_asp.redistribute(self.atom_partition) def calculate_occupation_numbers(self, fixed_fermi_level=False): if self.collinear and self.nspins == 1: degeneracy = 2 else: degeneracy = 1 f_qn, fermi_levels, e_entropy = self.occupations.calculate( nelectrons=self.nvalence / degeneracy, eigenvalues=[kpt.eps_n * Ha for kpt in self.kpt_u], weights=[kpt.weightk for kpt in self.kpt_u], fermi_levels_guess=self.fermi_levels * Ha if self.fermi_levels is not None else None) if not fixed_fermi_level or self.fermi_levels is None: self.fermi_levels = np.array(fermi_levels) / Ha for f_n, kpt in zip(f_qn, self.kpt_u): kpt.f_n = f_n * (kpt.weightk * degeneracy) return e_entropy * degeneracy / Ha def set_positions(self, spos_ac, atom_partition=None): self.positions_set = False # rank_a = # atom_partition = AtomPartition(, rank_a) # XXX pass AtomPartition around instead of spos_ac? # All the classes passing around spos_ac end up needing the ranks # anyway. if atom_partition is None: rank_a = atom_partition = AtomPartition(, rank_a) if self.atom_partition is not None and self.kpt_u[0].P_ani is not None: with self.timer('Redistribute'): for kpt in self.kpt_u: P = kpt.projections assert self.atom_partition == P.atom_partition kpt.projections = P.redist(atom_partition) assert atom_partition == kpt.projections.atom_partition self.atom_partition = atom_partition self.kd.symmetry.check(spos_ac) self.spos_ac = spos_ac def allocate_arrays_for_projections(self, my_atom_indices): # XXX unused if not self.positions_set and self.kpt_u[0]._projections is not None: # Projections have been read from file - don't delete them! pass else: nproj_a = [ for setup in self.setups] for kpt in self.kpt_u: kpt.projections = Projections(, nproj_a, self.atom_partition,, collinear=self.collinear, spin=kpt.s, dtype=self.dtype) def collect_eigenvalues(self, k, s): return self.collect_array('eps_n', k, s) def collect_occupations(self, k, s): return self.collect_array('f_n', k, s)
[docs] def collect_array(self, name, k, s, subset=None): """Helper method for collect_eigenvalues and collect_occupations. For the parallel case find the rank in kpt_comm that contains the (k,s) pair, for this rank, collect on the corresponding domain a full array on the domain master and send this to the global master.""" kpt_qs = self.kpt_qs kpt_rank, q = self.kd.get_rank_and_index(k) if self.kd.comm.rank == kpt_rank: a_nx = getattr(kpt_qs[q][s], name) if subset is not None: a_nx = a_nx[subset] # Domain master send this to the global master if == 0: if == 1: if kpt_rank == 0: return a_nx else: self.kd.comm.ssend(a_nx, 0, 1301) else: b_nx = if == 0: if kpt_rank == 0: return b_nx else: self.kd.comm.ssend(b_nx, 0, 1301) elif == 0 and kpt_rank != 0: # Only used to determine shape and dtype of receiving buffer: a_nx = getattr(kpt_qs[0][0], name) if subset is not None: a_nx = a_nx[subset] b_nx = np.zeros((,) + a_nx.shape[1:], dtype=a_nx.dtype) self.kd.comm.receive(b_nx, kpt_rank, 1301) return b_nx return np.zeros(0) # see comment in get_wave_function_array() method
[docs] def collect_auxiliary(self, value, k, s, shape=1, dtype=float): """Helper method for collecting band-independent scalars/arrays. For the parallel case find the rank in kpt_comm that contains the (k,s) pair, for this rank, collect on the corresponding domain a full array on the domain master and send this to the global master.""" kpt_rank, q = self.kd.get_rank_and_index(k) if self.kd.comm.rank == kpt_rank: if isinstance(value, str): a_o = getattr(self.kpt_qs[q][s], value) else: u = q * self.nspins + s a_o = value[u] # assumed list # Make sure data is a mutable object a_o = np.asarray(a_o) if a_o.dtype is not dtype: a_o = a_o.astype(dtype) # Domain master send this to the global master if == 0: if kpt_rank == 0: return a_o else: self.kd.comm.send(a_o, 0, 1302) elif == 0 and kpt_rank != 0: b_o = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) self.kd.comm.receive(b_o, kpt_rank, 1302) return b_o
[docs] def collect_projections(self, k, s): """Helper method for collecting projector overlaps across domains. For the parallel case find the rank in kpt_comm that contains the (k,s) pair, for this rank, send to the global master.""" kpt_rank, q = self.kd.get_rank_and_index(k) if self.kd.comm.rank == kpt_rank: kpt = self.kpt_qs[q][s] P_nI = kpt.projections.collect() if == 0: return P_nI if P_nI is not None: self.kd.comm.send(np.ascontiguousarray(P_nI), 0, tag=117) if == 0: nproj = sum( for setup in self.setups) if not self.collinear: nproj *= 2 P_nI = np.empty((, nproj), self.dtype) self.kd.comm.receive(P_nI, kpt_rank, tag=117) return P_nI
[docs] def get_wave_function_array(self, n, k, s, realspace=True, periodic=False): """Return pseudo-wave-function array on master. n: int Global band index. k: int Global IBZ k-point index. s: int Spin index (0 or 1). realspace: bool Transform plane wave or LCAO expansion coefficients to real-space. For the parallel case find the ranks in kd.comm and bd.comm that contains to (n, k, s), and collect on the corresponding domain a full array on the domain master and send this to the global master.""" kpt_rank, q = self.kd.get_rank_and_index(k) band_rank, myn = rank = if (self.kd.comm.rank == kpt_rank and == band_rank): u = q * self.nspins + s psit_G = self._get_wave_function_array(u, myn, realspace, periodic) if realspace: psit_G = if rank == 0: return psit_G # Domain master send this to the global master if == 0: psit_G = np.ascontiguousarray(psit_G), 0, 1398) if rank == 0: # allocate full wave function and receive shape = () if self.collinear else (2,) psit_G = self.empty(shape, global_array=True, realspace=realspace) # XXX this will fail when using non-standard nesting # of communicators. world_rank = (kpt_rank * * + band_rank *, world_rank, 1398) return psit_G # We return a number instead of None on all the slaves. Most of # the time the return value will be ignored on the slaves, but # in some cases it will be multiplied by some other number and # then ignored. Allowing for this will simplify some code here # and there. return np.nan
[docs] def get_homo_lumo(self, spin=None): """Return HOMO and LUMO eigenvalues.""" if spin is None: if self.nspins == 1: return self.get_homo_lumo(0) h0, l0 = self.get_homo_lumo(0) h1, l1 = self.get_homo_lumo(1) return np.array([max(h0, h1), min(l0, l1)]) n = self.nvalence // 2 band_rank, myn = - 1) homo = -np.inf if == band_rank: for kpt in self.kpt_u: if kpt.s == spin: homo = max(kpt.eps_n[myn], homo) homo = lumo = np.inf if n < # there are not enough bands for LUMO band_rank, myn = if == band_rank: for kpt in self.kpt_u: if kpt.s == spin: lumo = min(kpt.eps_n[myn], lumo) lumo = return np.array([homo, lumo])
def write(self, writer): writer.write(version=2, ha=Ha) writer.write(fermi_levels=self.fermi_levels * Ha) writer.write(kpts=self.kd) self.write_projections(writer) self.write_eigenvalues(writer) self.write_occupations(writer) def write_projections(self, writer): nproj = sum( for setup in self.setups) if self.collinear: shape = (self.nspins, self.kd.nibzkpts,, nproj) else: shape = (self.kd.nibzkpts,, 2, nproj) writer.add_array('projections', shape, self.dtype) for s in range(self.nspins): for k in range(self.kd.nibzkpts): P_nI = self.collect_projections(k, s) if not self.collinear and P_nI is not None: P_nI.shape = (, 2, nproj) writer.fill(P_nI) def write_eigenvalues(self, writer): if self.collinear: shape = (self.nspins, self.kd.nibzkpts, else: shape = (self.kd.nibzkpts, writer.add_array('eigenvalues', shape) for s in range(self.nspins): for k in range(self.kd.nibzkpts): writer.fill(self.collect_eigenvalues(k, s) * Ha) def write_occupations(self, writer): if self.collinear: shape = (self.nspins, self.kd.nibzkpts, else: shape = (self.kd.nibzkpts, writer.add_array('occupations', shape) for s in range(self.nspins): for k in range(self.kd.nibzkpts): # Scale occupation numbers when writing: # XXX fix this in the code also ... weight = self.kd.weight_k[k] * 2 / self.nspins writer.fill(self.collect_occupations(k, s) / weight) def read(self, reader): r = reader.wave_functions # Backward compatibility: # Take parameters from main reader if 'ha' not in r: r.ha = reader.ha if 'version' not in r: r.version = reader.version if reader.version >= 3: self.fermi_levels = r.fermi_levels / r.ha else: o = reader.occupations self.fermi_levels = np.array( [o.fermilevel + o.split / 2, o.fermilevel - o.split / 2]) / r.ha if != 'fixmagmom': assert o.split == 0.0 self.fermi_levels = self.fermi_levels[:1] if reader.version >= 2: kpts = r.kpts assert np.allclose(kpts.ibzkpts, self.kd.ibzk_kc) assert np.allclose(kpts.bzkpts, self.kd.bzk_kc) assert (kpts.bz2ibz == self.kd.bz2ibz_k).all() assert np.allclose(kpts.weights, self.kd.weight_k) self.read_projections(r) self.read_eigenvalues(r, r.version <= 0) self.read_occupations(r, r.version <= 0) def read_projections(self, reader): nslice = nproj_a = [ for setup in self.setups] atom_partition = AtomPartition(, np.zeros(len(nproj_a), int)) for u, kpt in enumerate(self.kpt_u): if self.collinear: index = (kpt.s, kpt.k) else: index = (kpt.k,) kpt.projections = Projections(, nproj_a, atom_partition,, collinear=self.collinear, spin=kpt.s, dtype=self.dtype) if == 0: P_nI = reader.proxy('projections', *index)[nslice] if not self.collinear: P_nI.shape = (, -1) kpt.projections.matrix.array[:] = P_nI def read_eigenvalues(self, reader, old=False): nslice = for u, kpt in enumerate(self.kpt_u): if self.collinear: index = (kpt.s, kpt.k) else: index = (kpt.k,) eps_n = reader.proxy('eigenvalues', *index)[nslice] x = - len(eps_n) # missing bands? if x > 0: # Working on a real fix to this parallelization problem ... eps_n = np.pad(eps_n, (0, x), 'constant') if not old: # skip for old tar-files gpw's eps_n /= reader.ha kpt.eps_n = eps_n def read_occupations(self, reader, old=False): nslice = for u, kpt in enumerate(self.kpt_u): if self.collinear: index = (kpt.s, kpt.k) else: index = (kpt.k,) f_n = reader.proxy('occupations', *index)[nslice] x = - len(f_n) # missing bands? if x > 0: # Working on a real fix to this parallelization problem ... f_n = np.pad(f_n, (0, x), 'constant') if not old: # skip for old tar-files gpw's f_n *= kpt.weight kpt.f_n = f_n def summary_func(self, log): pot = None if hasattr(self.eigensolver, 'dm_helper'): pot = self.eigensolver.dm_helper.func elif hasattr(self.eigensolver, 'odd'): pot = self.eigensolver.odd f_sn = {} for kpt in self.kpt_u: u = kpt.s * self.kd.nibzkpts + kpt.q f_sn[u] = kpt.f_n log("For SIC calculations there are\n" "diagonal elements of Lagrange matrix and " "its eigenvalues.\n" "Eigenvalues are printed above. \n" "Labeling here corresponds " "to how optimal orbitals are sorted " "in array\n") if self.nspins == 1: header = " Band L_ii " \ "Occupancy" log(header) lagr_labeled = {} for c, x in enumerate(pot.lagr_diag_s[0]): lagr_labeled[str(round(x, 12))] = c lagr = sorted(pot.lagr_diag_s[0]) for x in lagr: i = lagr_labeled[str(round(x, 12))] log('%5d %11.5f %9.5f' % ( i, Ha * x, f_sn[0][i])) if self.nspins == 2: if self.kd.comm.size > 1: if self.kd.comm.rank == 0: # occupation numbers size = np.array([0]) self.kd.comm.receive(size, 1) f_2n = np.zeros(shape=(int(size[0]))) self.kd.comm.receive(f_2n, 1) f_sn[1] = f_2n # orbital energies size = np.array([0]) self.kd.comm.receive(size, 1) lagr_1 = np.zeros(shape=(int(size[0]))) self.kd.comm.receive(lagr_1, 1) else: # occupations size = np.array([f_sn[1].shape[0]]) self.kd.comm.send(size, 0) self.kd.comm.send(f_sn[1], 0) # orbital energies a = pot.lagr_diag_s[1].copy() size = np.array([a.shape[0]]) self.kd.comm.send(size, 0) self.kd.comm.send(a, 0) del a if self.kd.comm.rank == 0: log(' Up ' ' Down') log(' Band L_ii Occupancy ' ' Band L_ii Occupancy') lagr_0 = np.sort(pot.lagr_diag_s[0]) lagr_labeled_0 = {} for c, x in enumerate(pot.lagr_diag_s[0]): lagr_labeled_0[str(round(x, 12))] = c if self.kd.comm.size == 1: lagr_1 = np.sort(pot.lagr_diag_s[1]) lagr_labeled_1 = {} for c, x in enumerate( pot.lagr_diag_s[1]): lagr_labeled_1[str(round(x, 12))] = c else: lagr_labeled_1 = {} for c, x in enumerate(lagr_1): lagr_labeled_1[str(round(x, 12))] = c lagr_1 = np.sort(lagr_1) for x, y in zip(lagr_0, lagr_1): i0 = lagr_labeled_0[str(round(x, 12))] i1 = lagr_labeled_1[str(round(y, 12))] log('%5d %11.5f %9.5f' '%5d %11.5f %9.5f' % (i0, Ha * x, f_sn[0][i0], i1, Ha * y, f_sn[1][i1])) log("\n") log(flush=True) sic_n = pot.e_sic_by_orbitals if == 'PZ-SIC': log('Perdew-Zunger SIC') elif 'SPZ' in log('Self-Interaction Corrections:\n') sf = pot.scalingf else: raise NotImplementedError if self.nspins == 2 and self.kd.comm.size > 1: if self.kd.comm.rank == 0: size = np.array([0]) self.kd.comm.receive(size, 1) sic_n2 = np.zeros(shape=(int(size[0]), 2), dtype=float) self.kd.comm.receive(sic_n2, 1) sic_n[1] = sic_n2 if 'SPZ' in sf_2 = np.zeros(shape=(int(size[0]), 1), dtype=float) self.kd.comm.receive(sf_2, 1) sf[1] = sf_2 else: size = np.array([sic_n[1].shape[0]]) self.kd.comm.send(size, 0) self.kd.comm.send(sic_n[1], 0) if 'SPZ' in self.kd.comm.send(sf[1], 0) if self.kd.comm.rank == 0: for s in range(self.nspins): log('Spin: %3d ' % (s)) header = """\ Self-Har. Self-XC Hartree + XC Scaling energy: energy: energy: Factors:""" log(header) u_s = 0.0 xc_s = 0.0 for i in range(len(sic_n[s])): u = sic_n[s][i][0] xc = sic_n[s][i][1] if 'SPZ' in f = (sf[s][i], sf[s][i]) else: f = (pot.beta_c, pot.beta_x) log('band: %3d ' % (i), end='') log('%11.6f%11.6f%11.6f %8.3f%7.3f' % (-Ha * u / (f[0] * f_sn[s][i]), -Ha * xc / (f[1] * f_sn[s][i]), -Ha * (u / (f[0] * f_sn[s][i]) + xc / (f[1] * f_sn[s][i])), f[0], f[1]), end='') log(flush=True) u_s += u / (f[0] * f_sn[s][i]) xc_s += xc / (f[1] * f_sn[s][i]) log('--------------------------------' '-------------------------') log('Total ', end='') log('%11.6f%11.6f%11.6f' % (-Ha * u_s, -Ha * xc_s, -Ha * (u_s + xc_s) ), end='') log("\n") log(flush=True)
def eigenvalue_string(wfs, comment=' '): """Write eigenvalues and occupation numbers into a string. The parameter comment can be used to comment out non-numers, for example to escape it for gnuplot. """ tokens = [] def add(*line): for token in line: tokens.append(token) tokens.append('\n') def eigs(k, s): eps_n = wfs.collect_eigenvalues(k, s) return eps_n * Ha def occs(k, s): occ_n = wfs.collect_occupations(k, s) return occ_n / wfs.kd.weight_k[k] if len(wfs.kd.ibzk_kc) == 1: if wfs.nspins == 1: add(comment, 'Band Eigenvalues Occupancy') eps_n = eigs(0, 0) f_n = occs(0, 0) if == 0: for n in range( add('%5d %11.5f %9.5f' % (n, eps_n[n], f_n[n])) else: add(comment, ' Up Down') add(comment, 'Band Eigenvalues Occupancy Eigenvalues ' 'Occupancy') epsa_n = eigs(0, 0) epsb_n = eigs(0, 1) fa_n = occs(0, 0) fb_n = occs(0, 1) if == 0: for n in range( add('%5d %11.5f %9.5f %11.5f %9.5f' % (n, epsa_n[n], fa_n[n], epsb_n[n], fb_n[n])) return ''.join(tokens) if len(wfs.kd.ibzk_kc) > 2: add('Showing only first 2 kpts') print_range = 2 else: add('Showing all kpts') print_range = len(wfs.kd.ibzk_kc) if wfs.nvalence / 2. > 2: m = int(wfs.nvalence / 2. - 2) else: m = 0 if - wfs.nvalence / 2. > 2: j = int(wfs.nvalence / 2. + 2) else: j = int( if wfs.nspins == 1: add(comment, 'Kpt Band Eigenvalues Occupancy') for i in range(print_range): eps_n = eigs(i, 0) f_n = occs(i, 0) if == 0: for n in range(m, j): add('%3i %5d %11.5f %9.5f' % (i, n, eps_n[n], f_n[n])) add() else: add(comment, ' Up Down') add(comment, 'Kpt Band Eigenvalues Occupancy Eigenvalues ' 'Occupancy') for i in range(print_range): epsa_n = eigs(i, 0) epsb_n = eigs(i, 1) fa_n = occs(i, 0) fb_n = occs(i, 1) if == 0: for n in range(m, j): add('%3i %5d %11.5f %9.5f %11.5f %9.5f' % (i, n, epsa_n[n], fa_n[n], epsb_n[n], fb_n[n])) add() return ''.join(tokens)