Source code for gpaw.convergence_criteria

from collections import deque
from inspect import signature

import numpy as np
from ase.calculators.calculator import InputError
from ase.units import Bohr, Ha

from gpaw.mpi import broadcast_float

def get_criterion(name):
    """Returns one of the pre-specified criteria by it's .name attribute,
    and raises sensible error if missing."""
    # All built-in criteria should be in this list.
    criteria = [Energy, Density, Eigenstates, Forces, WorkFunction,
                MinIter, MaxIter]
    criteria = { c for c in criteria}
        return criteria[name]
    except KeyError:
        known = ', '.join(f'{key!r}' for key in criteria)
        msg = (
            f'The convergence keyword "{name}" was supplied, which we do not '
            'know how to handle. If this is a typo, please correct '
            f'(known keywords are {known}). If this'
            ' is a user-written convergence criterion, it cannot be '
            'imported with this function; please see the GPAW manual for '
        raise InputError(msg)

def dict2criterion(dictionary):
    """Converts a dictionary to a convergence criterion.

    The dictionary can either be that generated from 'todict'; that is like
    {'name': 'energy', 'tol': 0.005, 'n_old': 3}. Or from user-specified
    shortcut like {'energy': 0.005} or {'energy': (0.005, 3)}, or a
    combination like {'energy': {'name': 'energy', 'tol': 0.005, 'n_old': 3}.
    d = dictionary.copy()
    if 'name' in d:  # from 'todict'
        name = d.pop('name')
        ThisCriterion = get_criterion(name)
        return ThisCriterion(**d)
    assert len(d) == 1
    name = list(d.keys())[0]
    if isinstance(d[name], dict) and 'name' in d[name]:
        return dict2criterion(d[name])
    ThisCriterion = get_criterion(name)
    return ThisCriterion(*[d[name]])

def check_convergence(criteria, ctx):
    entries = {}  # for log file, per criteria
    converged_items = {}  # True/False, per criteria
    override_others = False
    converged = True
    for name, criterion in criteria.items():
        if not criterion.calc_last:
            ok, entry = criterion(ctx)
            if criterion.override_others:
                if ok:
                    override_others = True
                converged = converged and ok
            converged_items[name] = ok
            entries[name] = entry

    for name, criterion in criteria.items():
        if criterion.calc_last:
            if converged:
                ok, entry = criterion(ctx)
                converged &= ok
                converged_items[name] = ok
                entries[name] = entry
                converged_items[name] = False
                entries[name] = ''

    # Converged?
    return converged or override_others, converged_items, entries

class Criterion:
    """Base class for convergence criteria.

    Automates the creation of the __repr__ and todict methods for generic
    classes. This will work for classes that save all arguments directly,
    like __init__(self, a, b):  --> self.a = a, self.b = b. The todict
    method requires the class have a attribute. All criteria
    (subclasses of Criterion) must define, self.tablename,
    self.description, self.__init__, and self.__call___. See the online
    documentation for details.
    # If calc_last is True, will only be checked after all other (non-last)
    # criteria have been met.
    calc_last = False
    override_others = False
    description: str

    def __repr__(self):
        parameters = signature(self.__class__).parameters
        s = ', '.join([str(getattr(self, p)) for p in parameters])
        return self.__class__.__name__ + '(' + s + ')'

    def todict(self):
        d = {'name':}
        parameters = signature(self.__class__).parameters
        for parameter in parameters:
            d[parameter] = getattr(self, parameter)
        return d

    def reset(self):

# Built-in criteria follow. Make sure that any new criteria added below
# are also added to to the list in get_criterion() so that it can import
# them correctly by name.

[docs]class Energy(Criterion): """A convergence criterion for the total energy. Parameters: tol: float Tolerance for conversion; that is the maximum variation among the last n_old values of the (extrapolated) total energy. n_old: int Number of energy values to compare. I.e., if n_old is 3, then this compares the peak-to-peak difference among the current total energy and the two previous. relative: bool Use total energy [eV] or total energy relative to number of valence electrons [eV/(valence electron)]. """ name = 'energy' tablename = 'energy' def __init__(self, tol: float, *, n_old: int = 3, relative: bool = True): self.tol = tol self.n_old = n_old self.relative = relative self.description = ( f'Maximum [total energy] change in last {self.n_old} cyles: ' f'{self.tol:g} eV') if relative: self.description += ' / valence electron' def reset(self): self._old = deque(maxlen=self.n_old) def __call__(self, context): """Should return (bool, entry), where bool is True if converged and False if not, and entry is a <=5 character string to be printed in the user log file.""" # Note the previous code was calculating the peak-to- # peak energy difference on e_total_free, while reporting # e_total_extrapolated in the SCF table (logfile). I changed it to # use e_total_extrapolated for both. (Should be a miniscule # difference, but more consistent.) total_energy = context.ham.e_total_extrapolated * Ha if context.wfs.nvalence == 0 or not self.relative: energy = total_energy else: energy = total_energy / context.wfs.nvalence self._old.append(energy) # Pops off >3! error = np.inf if len(self._old) == self._old.maxlen: error = np.ptp(self._old) converged = error < self.tol entry = '' if np.isfinite(energy): entry = f'{total_energy:11.6f}' return converged, entry
[docs]class Density(Criterion): """A convergence criterion for the electron density. Parameters: tol : float Tolerance for conversion; that is the maximum change in the electron density, calculated as the integrated absolute value of the density change, normalized per valence electron. [electrons/(valence electron)] """ name = 'density' tablename = 'dens' def __init__(self, tol): self.tol = tol self.description = ('Maximum integral of absolute [dens]ity change: ' '{:g} electrons / valence electron' .format(self.tol)) def __call__(self, context): """Should return (bool, entry), where bool is True if converged and False if not, and entry is a <=5 character string to be printed in the user log file.""" if context.dens.fixed: return True, '' nv = context.wfs.nvalence if nv == 0: return True, '' # Make sure all agree on the density error. error = broadcast_float(context.dens.error, / nv converged = (error < self.tol) if (error is None or np.isinf(error) or error == 0): entry = '' else: entry = f'{np.log10(error):+5.2f}' return converged, entry
[docs]class Eigenstates(Criterion): """A convergence criterion for the eigenstates. Parameters: tol : float Tolerance for conversion; that is the maximum change in the eigenstates, calculated as the integration of the square of the residuals of the Kohn--Sham equations, normalized per valence electron. [eV^2/(valence electron)] """ name = 'eigenstates' tablename = 'eigst' def __init__(self, tol): self.tol = tol self.description = ('Maximum integral of absolute [eigenst]ate ' 'change: {:g} eV^2 / valence electron' .format(self.tol)) def __call__(self, context): """Should return (bool, entry), where bool is True if converged and False if not, and entry is a <=5 character string to be printed in the user log file.""" if context.wfs.nvalence == 0: return True, '' error = self.get_error(context) converged = (error < self.tol) if (context.wfs.nvalence == 0 or error == 0 or np.isinf(error)): entry = '' else: entry = f'{np.log10(error):+6.2f}' return converged, entry def get_error(self, context): """Returns the raw error.""" return context.wfs.eigensolver.error * Ha**2 / context.wfs.nvalence
[docs]class Forces(Criterion): """A convergence criterion for the forces. Parameters: atol : float Absolute tolerance for convergence; that is, the force on each atom is compared with its force from the previous iteration, and the change in each atom's force is calculated as an l2-norm (Euclidean distance). The atom with the largest norm must be less than tol. [eV/Angstrom] rtol : float Relative tolerance for convergence. The difference in the l2-norm of force on each atom is calculated, and convergence is achieved when the largest difference between two iterations is rtol * max force. calc_last : bool If True, calculates forces last; that is, it waits until all other convergence criteria are satisfied before checking to see if the forces have converged. (This is more computationally efficient.) If False, checks forces at each SCF step. """ name = 'forces' tablename = 'force' def __init__(self, atol, rtol=np.inf, calc_last=True): self.atol = atol self.rtol = rtol self.description = ('Maximum change in the atomic [forces] across ' f'last 2 cycles: {self.atol} eV/Ang OR\n' 'Maximum error relative to the maximum ' f'force is below {self.rtol}') self.calc_last = calc_last self.reset() def __call__(self, context): """Should return (bool, entry), where bool is True if converged and False if not, and entry is a <=5 character string to be printed in the user log file.""" # criterion is off; backwards compatibility if np.isinf(self.atol) and np.isinf(self.rtol): return True, '' F_av = context.calculate_forces() F_av *= Ha / Bohr error = np.inf max_force = np.max(np.linalg.norm(F_av, axis=1)) if self.old_F_av is not None: error = ((F_av - self.old_F_av)**2).sum(1).max()**0.5 self.old_F_av = F_av if np.isfinite(self.rtol): error_threshold = min(self.atol, self.rtol * max_force) else: # Avoid possible inf * 0.0: error_threshold = self.atol converged = error < error_threshold entry = '' if np.isfinite(error): if error: entry = f'{np.log10(error):+5.2f}' else: entry = '-inf' return converged, entry def reset(self): self.old_F_av = None
[docs]class WorkFunction(Criterion): """A convergence criterion for the work function. Parameters: tol : float Tolerance for conversion; that is the maximum variation among the last n_old values of either work function. [eV] n_old : int Number of work functions to compare. I.e., if n_old is 3, then this compares the peak-to-peak difference among the current work function and the two previous. """ name = 'work function' tablename = 'wkfxn' def __init__(self, tol=0.005, n_old=3): self.tol = tol self.n_old = n_old self.description = ('Maximum change in the last {:d} ' 'work functions [wkfxn]: {:g} eV' .format(n_old, tol)) def reset(self): self._old = deque(maxlen=self.n_old) def __call__(self, context): """Should return (bool, entry), where bool is True if converged and False if not, and entry is a <=5 character string to be printed in the user log file.""" workfunctions = context.ham.get_workfunctions(context.wfs) workfunctions = Ha * np.array(workfunctions) self._old.append(workfunctions) # Pops off >3! if len(self._old) == self._old.maxlen: error = max(np.ptp(self._old, axis=0)) else: error = np.inf converged = (error < self.tol) if error < np.inf: entry = f'{np.log10(error):+5.2f}' else: entry = '' return converged, entry
[docs]class MinIter(Criterion): """A convergence criterion that enforces a minimum number of iterations. Parameters: n : int Minimum number of iterations that must be complete before the SCF cycle exits. """ calc_last = False name = 'minimum iterations' tablename = 'minit' def __init__(self, n): self.n = n self.description = f'Minimum number of iterations [minit]: {n}' def __call__(self, context): converged = context.niter >= self.n entry = f'{context.niter:d}' return converged, entry
[docs]class MaxIter(Criterion): """A convergence criterion that enforces a maximum number of iterations. Parameters: n : int Maximum number of iterations that must be complete before the SCF cycle exits. """ calc_last = False name = 'maximum iterations' tablename = 'maxit' override_others = True def __init__(self, n): self.n = n self.description = f'Maximum number of iterations [minit]: {n}' def __call__(self, context): converged = context.niter >= self.n entry = f'{context.niter:d}' return converged, entry