Source code for

A module for reading and writing crystal structures from JSV

By Jesper Friis, Jan. 2012

import re

import numpy as np

import ase
from ase.geometry import cell_to_cellpar, cellpar_to_cell
from ase.spacegroup import Spacegroup, crystal

[docs] def read_jsv(f): """Reads a JSV file.""" natom = nbond = npoly = 0 symbols = [] labels = [] cellpar = basis = title = bonds = poly = origin = shell_numbers = None spacegroup = 1 headline = f.readline().strip() while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() m = re.match(r'^\[([^]]+)\]\s*(.*)', line) if m is None or not line: continue tag = m.groups()[0].lower() if len(m.groups()) > 1: args = m.groups()[1].split() else: args = [] if tag == 'cell': cellpar = [float(x) for x in args] elif tag == 'natom': natom = int(args[0]) elif tag == 'nbond': nbond = int(args[0]) # optional margin of the bondlengths elif tag == 'npoly': npoly = int(args[0]) elif tag == 'space_group': spacegroup = Spacegroup(*tuple(int(x) for x in args)) elif tag == 'title': title = m.groups()[1] elif tag == 'atoms': symbols = [] basis = np.zeros((natom, 3), dtype=float) shell_numbers = -np.ones((natom, ), dtype=int) # float? for i in range(natom): tokens = f.readline().strip().split() labels.append(tokens[0]) symbols.append([int(tokens[1])]) basis[i] = [float(x) for x in tokens[2:5]] if len(tokens) > 5: shell_numbers[i] = float(tokens[5]) # float? elif tag == 'bonds': for _ in range(nbond): f.readline() bonds = NotImplemented elif tag == 'poly': for _ in range(npoly): f.readline() poly = NotImplemented elif tag == 'origin': origin = NotImplemented else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown tag: "{tag}"') if headline == 'asymmetric_unit_cell': atoms = crystal(symbols=symbols, basis=basis, spacegroup=spacegroup, cellpar=cellpar, ) elif headline == 'full_unit_cell': atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols, scaled_positions=basis, cell=cellpar_to_cell(cellpar), )['spacegroup'] = Spacegroup(spacegroup) elif headline == 'cartesian_cell': atoms = ase.Atoms(symbols=symbols, positions=basis, cell=cellpar_to_cell(cellpar), )['spacegroup'] = Spacegroup(spacegroup) else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid JSV file type: "{headline}"')['title'] = title['labels'] = labels if bonds is not None:['bonds'] = bonds if poly is not None:['poly'] = poly if origin is not None:['origin'] = origin if shell_numbers is not None:['shell_numbers'] = shell_numbers return atoms
[docs] def write_jsv(fd, atoms): """Writes JSV file.""" fd.write('asymmetric_unit_cell\n') fd.write('[cell]') for v in cell_to_cellpar(atoms.cell): fd.write(' %g' % v) fd.write('\n') fd.write('[natom] %d\n' % len(atoms)) fd.write('[nbond] 0\n') # FIXME fd.write('[npoly] 0\n') # FIXME if 'spacegroup' in sg = Spacegroup(['spacegroup']) fd.write('[space_group] %d %d\n' % (, sg.setting)) else: fd.write('[space_group] 1 1\n') fd.write('[title] %s\n' %'title', 'untitled')) fd.write('\n') fd.write('[atoms]\n') if 'labels' in labels =['labels'] else: labels = ['%s%d' % (s, i + 1) for i, s in enumerate(atoms.get_chemical_symbols())] numbers = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() scaled = atoms.get_scaled_positions() for label, n, p in zip(labels, numbers, scaled): fd.write('%-4s %2d %9.6f %9.6f %9.6f\n' % (label, n, p[0], p[1], p[2])) fd.write('Label AtomicNumber x y z (repeat natom times)\n') fd.write('\n') fd.write('[bonds]\n') fd.write('\n') fd.write('[poly]\n') fd.write('\n')