EasyBuild software for environment modules
On the Niflheim cluster (based on EL7 and EL8 Linux) we use the Lmod and EasyBuild environment modules for software packages.
EasyBuild documentation
EasyBuild homepage.
Documentation page.
Paper: Modern Scientific Software Management Using EasyBuild and Lmod.
News on Twitter.
Slack: Contact the EasyBuild community via Slack: https://easybuild.slack.com, self-request an invite via https://easybuild-slack.herokuapp.com.
IRC: An IRC channel #easybuild has been set up on the FreeNode network. Just connect your IRC client to the chat.freenode.net server, and join the #easybuild channel.
Software provided by EasyBuild:
Some talks about EasyBuild:
EasyBuild works with older Tcl/C based module tools, but Lmod is recommended. From the Lmod homepage:
Lmod is a Lua based module system that easily handles the MODULEPATH Hierarchical problem. Environment Modules provide a convenient way to dynamically change the users’ environment through modulefiles. This includes easily adding or removing directories to the PATH environment variable. Modulefiles for Library packages provide environment variables that specify where the library and header files can be found.
Lmod documentation:
Lmod_User_Guide (PDF version lmod.pdf)
Install Lmod
You must install Lmod on every node in your cluster. It is most convenient to install an Lmod RPM package on all nodes.
If you don’t have root permissions on the system, you can install Lmod as described in Installing Lmod without root permissions.
There are no official Lmod RPM packages available from the authors, so for RHEL Linux and clones you need to install Lmod from the EPEL repository. On EL8 systems install EPEL and enable the Powertools:
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
dnf install epel-release
To download the Lmod and prerequisite Lua packages directly (for compute nodes) get them from https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/7/x86_64/l/. The Lua packages required are:
dnf install lua-bitop lua-filesystem lua-json lua-lpeg lua-posix lua-term
Then install Lmod and prerequisite Lua packages:
dnf install Lmod
Using Lmod
See the document How to Transition to Lmod (or how to test Lmod without installing it for all).
The Lmod RPM package installs several shell initialization scripts in /etc/profile.d/
For bash the shell initialization process involves some steps:
is called when the shell is started.This initializes module support by calling the script
.This defines a shell function
.The shell function
calls the main Lua program for Lmod:/usr/share/lmod/lmod/libexec/lmod
Now the module
“commands” (functions) can be used:
module list
To view the module
type module
To list all defined shell functions:
compgen -A function
Lmod spider cache
It is now very important that sites with large modulefile installations build system spider cache files.
There is a shell script called update_lmod_system_cache_files
that builds a system cache file.
See the Spider_cache page.
If you work on different CPU architectures, it may be convenient to turm off Lmod’s caching feature by:
Installing EasyBuild
EasyBuild itself should be used only by a dedicated account for building software modules.
We have a created a user+group named modules with a home-directory on a shared filesystem to be mounted by NFS on the compute nodes: /home/opt/modules
For example:
root# groupadd -g 983 modules
root# useradd -m -c "Modules user" -d /home/opt/modules -u 983 -g modules -s /bin/bash modules
EasyBuild prerequisites
Prerequisite modules are listed in Dependencies.
For EL8 these packages seem to suffice:
dnf install tar gzip bzip2 unzip xz make patch python3 python3-setuptools gcc-c++ Lmod
Modules such as UCX require some OS dependencies:
dnf install libibverbs-devel rdma-core-devel
Now you should login or do:
su - modules
to become the non-root user.
The steps required for a normal (non-root) user are:
Read the Installation page, especially the Bootstrapping procedure section.
IMPORTANT: You may want to use Installing EasyBuild with EasyBuild to build an EasyBuild module. This is assumed in the sections below. At our site we install modules into the
using this bootstrap command:eb --install-latest-eb-release --prefix /home/modules
If multiple module tools are available on the system, it may be necessary to configure the use of Lmod (see the Configuration page):
Define the top-level directory for your modules, for example:
export EASYBUILD_PREFIX=/home/opt/modules
If your environment is inhomogeneous with different OS versions and/or CPU architectures, you could create separate subdirectories for each, for example:
export EASYBUILD_PREFIX=/home/opt/modules/<os-type>/x86_64
Obviously, you would need to select somehow the appropriate top-level directory for each computer.
If you work on a PC, it is recommended to use a $EASYBUILD_PREFIX directory on the PC’s local hard disk for performance reasons. An SSD disk will obviously speed up the tasks.
Update $MODULEPATH and check the basic functionality:
module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all module list eb --version
You may run some tests (which take a long time):
export TEST_EASYBUILD_MODULES_TOOL=Lmod python -m test.framework.suite
Environment variables
All EasyBuild long option names can be passed as environment variables. Variable name is EASYBUILD_<LONGNAME> eg. –some-opt is same as setting EASYBUILD_SOME_OPT in the environment.
export EASYBUILD_TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER
To use the shared memory for building:
Updating EasyBuild
If a new version of EasyBuild should be installed, consult the Updating page.
The simplest way may be the new command in version 2.9.0 and later:
eb --install-latest-eb-release
The standard upgrading method is to download the bootstrap script and execute it as in the normal installation explained above. Then reload the EasyBuild module as shown above.
Using EasyBuild for module building
The following is only for module builders!
Add the following to the normal user’s .bashrc
# EasyBuild setup
export EASYBUILD_PREFIX=/home/opt/modules # Example directory
module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all
module load EasyBuild
Notice: Except for the last line, the modules environment can be set up for all users using /etc/profile.d/
files as shown below.
Read the Concepts_and_Terminology and command_line pages. See also the command help:
eb --help
To get verbose output from the eb
command set this variable:
export EB_VERBOSE=1
Of particular interest is:
The toolchains: EasyBuild employs so-called compiler toolchains or simply toolchains for short, which are a major concept in handling the build and installation processes. List available toolchains:
eb --list-toolchains
The easyblocks: The implementation of a particular software build and install procedure is done in a Python module, which is aptly referred to as an easyblock. A list of easyblocks can be obtained with:
eb --list-easyblocks
Searching_for_easyconfigs, for example:
eb -S ^GCC-4.6
Building in a RAM disk
Building may be a lot faster if the (temporary) software build directory is located in a RAM disk in stead of a hard disk or on a remote server.
Define this variable in your .bashrc
export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH=/dev/shm/$USER # Debian based
export EASYBUILD_BUILDPATH=/run/user/$UID/eb_build # RHEL
Beware of the file system sizes:
defaults to 50% of the system RAM memory. It can be changed by specifying an explicit size in the/etc/fstab
file (see tmpfs filesystems inman 8 mount
defaults to only 10% of the system RAM memory as defined in/etc/systemd/logind.conf
(seeman 5 logind.conf
You may also configure a larger directory for temporary files:
export EASYBUILD_TMPDIR=/scratch/$USER
See the Configuration page.
Maybe a larger stack size is needed also:
ulimit -s 2000240
Global setup of modules for all users
Notice: Normal users of the modules do not need to load the EasyBuild module - this is only for module builders.
If desired the system administrator can set up shell initialization scripts so that all users automatically have the EasyBuild modules set up, see:
Mailing list thread https://lists.ugent.be/wws/arc/easybuild/2016-10/msg00052.html
On RHEL based systems the shell initialization scripts are in /etc/profile.d/
The Lmod RPM has installed several scripts here.
See also the Lmod_User_Guide.
To set up the EasyBuild environment create in /etc/profile.d/
the file z01_EasyBuild.sh
if [ -z "$__Init_Default_Modules" ]; then
export __Init_Default_Modules=1
export EASYBUILD_PREFIX=/home/modules
module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all
module refresh
and for tcsh z01_EasyBuild.csh
if ( ! $?__Init_Default_Modules ) then
setenv __Init_Default_Modules 1
setenv EASYBUILD_PREFIX /home/modules
module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all
module refresh
Obviously, the EASYBUILD_PREFIX location of modules is just an example - every site will use a different location, so configure this variable accordingly.
Setting the CPU hardware architecture
By default, EasyBuild optimizes builds for the CPU architecture of the build host, by instructing the compiler to generate instructions for the highest instruction set supported by the process architecture of the build host processor. This is done by including specific compiler flags in $CFLAGS, $CXXFLAGS, $FFLAGS, $F90FLAGS, etc.
See Controlling compiler optimization flags.
Some compilers will generate code for the CPU hardware on which it is executed, and this code may not run on older CPUs. This leaves sysadmins and users with two choices:
Build modules on the oldest available CPU. This should run on newer CPUs, but performance will suffer because newer hardware isn’t utilized well.
Build separate module trees for each generation of CPUs, assuring that optimized code is generated. Centrally built modules can be NFS mounted so that only the CPU-specific module tree is made available.
More complicated setups are suggested in the mailing list thread https://lists.ugent.be/wws/arc/easybuild/2016-09/msg00052.html
Determining the current CPU architecture
It is surprisingly difficult to determine the CPU hardware architecture of any given system for selecting hardware-optimized modules. A useful list of CPU-architectures is in the Safe_CFLAGS page.
We have found the following solutions:
Recommended: Ask the GCC compiler for the native architecture, for example:
# module load GCC # gcc -march=native -Q --help=target | grep march | awk '{print $2}' haswell
GCC version 4.9 or newer should be used in order to reveal processor codenames, since older GCC versions will output less informative names such as core2. Intel’s Skylake processor is only recognized by GCC version 6 or newer.
The output may be the Intel CPU codenames such as broadwell, haswell etc. See the CPU-specific Safe_CFLAGS.
Use the command
to display the Model name (or look into/proc/cpuinfo
As a convenience to normal users, the sysadmin may provide in /etc/profile.d/
the scripts cpu_arch.sh
export CPU_ARCH="broadwell"
and cpu_arch.csh
setenv CPU_ARCH "broadwell"
(for the example of broadwell CPUs) where the current host CPU-architecture has been determined by any of the above methods. Obviously, this may have to be set differently for different types of compute nodes.
Using the $CPU_ARCH
variable users can easily select the correct CPU-architecture.
For example, users may choose to select CPU-specific module trees:
module use $EASYBUILD_PREFIX/modules/all
Automounting the CPU architecture dependent modules directory
If the modules file tree is located on a shared NFS server, NFS clients can automount different module trees for different CPU architectures.
We prefer to provide a /home/modules
NFS file system alongside with user home-directories such as /home/group1
This is configured in /etc/auto.master
with a line:
/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=60
The file /etc/auto.home
may then contain, along with user home directories, a CPU architecture specific NFS mount for /home/modules
, for example:
modules -rsize=8192,wsize=8192,tcp,vers=3 nfsserver:/u/modules/broadwell
When you have multiple CPU architectures it becomes complicated to maintain consistent /etc/auto.home
automount files across the different architectures.
In stead you can define a CPU architecture variable in the autofs configuration file /etc/sysconfig/autofs
and use that variable in /etc/auto.home
modules -rsize=8192,wsize=8192,tcp,vers=3 nfsserver:/u/modules/$CPU_ARCH
Restart the autofs service:
systemctl restart autofs
Now the /etc/auto.home
file is independent of CPU architecture, since this is in stead defined in /etc/sysconfig/autofs
Install common packages
See the List_of_supported_software.
Some examples:
Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE):
eb -S '^ASE*'
You can do a dry-run overview (typically combined with –robot, in the form of -Dr) using one of these flags:
eb –dry-run: Print build overview incl. dependencies (full paths) (def False)
eb -D, –dry-run-short: Print build overview incl. dependencies (short paths) (def False)
eb -x, –extended-dry-run: Print build environment and (expected) build procedure that will be performed (def False)
The ASE module requires the openssl-devel and libibverbs-devel (Infiniband) RPMs (to be installed by the root user):
root# dnf install openssl-devel libibverbs-devel libX11-devel
If you build the Tk package, there is a TK_bug requiring you to preinstall the libX11-devel library:
root# dnf install libX11-devel
Uninstall a module
There is no automatic way to uninstall a module. Please see the discussion of Uninstall software. The reason is that if you remove some modules, there is (currently) no way to find out if other modules depend upon it.
The unsafe way to remove a module may be to locate the module file in your $MODULEPATH. Examine the module’s root directory and remove the files belonging to the module. Finally remove the module file itself.
Probably the best approach to renew your module list is to generate a complete module tree from scratch. In this way you can select a new and smaller set of modules to build.
Marking a module as the Default version
When installing a new version of a module, it may be necessary to mark the previous module as the default module during a testing period.
This is achieved with Lmod by as described in https://lmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/060_locating.html#marking-a-version-as-default by going to the module directory and creating a soft-link named default
cd /home/modules/modules/all/<module>
ln -s <old-version>.lua default
Hiding modules
As the number of modules keep growing, the list from module avail
may become confusingly large for users.
Also, old and obsolete modules makes it difficult to find relevant modules.
As stated above, there is no safe way to uninstall a module.
During the module building process one may use:
eb xxx.eb --hide-deps=zlib,Szip
see https://docs.easybuild.io/manipulating-dependencies/#hide_deps
Hidden modules may also be defined in this (undocumented?) environment variable:
Hiding modules with Lmod
The Lmod command can be configured to hide modules from the module avail
Quoting https://github.com/TACC/Lmod/blob/master/Transition_to_Lmod7.txt:
In the MODULERC file you can now do:
hide-version mpich/3.2-dbg
You can hide a module by specifying its full name. From Lmod version 7 you can also set a default module.
The user file ~/.modulerc
takes precedence over the system modulerc
List the system-wide modulerc file by:
module --config 2>&1 | grep MODULERCFILE
For example, create a user ~/.modulerc
or a system file /usr/share/lmod/etc/rc
defining hidden modules:
hide-version zlib/1.2.8
We have written a convenient script make-modulerc
for generating the modulerc file from a simple list of modules that we want to be hidden.
Lmod isVisibleHook
It’s also possible to hide modules by configuring Lmod, see the isVisibleHook
function in https://lmod.readthedocs.io/en/latest/170_hooks.html
Using toolchains
A specific package may (should) be based upon on of the standard toolchains. Here we discuss the ones of interest to us.
To list all available toolchains:
eb --list-toolchains
foss toolchain
The foss toolchain provides GCC, OpenMPI, OpenBLAS/LAPACK, ScaLAPACK(/BLACS), FFTW.
The foss toolchain was introduced in an effort to promote some toolchains as common toolchains, where the hope was that several sites would pick up these toolchains so we could benefit from each others efforts even more (the same was done with the intel toolchain which was a renaming of ‘ictce’). We revisit these toolchains under the <year>(a|b) versioning scheme every 6 months. (Quote).
Search for available foss toolchains:
eb -S ^foss
To build one of the foss toolchains:
eb foss-2023b.eb -r
Toolchain step by step guide
The step_by_step guide will guide you through putting together a self-contained compiler toolchain, and using that toolchain to build a software package.
Modules of commercial software
When you have a licensed MATLAB software, EB files are available as shown by:
$ eb -S MATLAB
Instructions for creating a MATLAB
module are given in https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/tree/master/easybuild/easyconfigs/m/MATLAB:
Adjust the ‘license_server’, ‘license_server_port’ and ‘key’ values in the example easyconfig file.
Steps to produce a ‘source’ tarball that EasyBuild can handle (example for 2020b):
create a directory 2020b
copy matlab-2020b.tar.gz in 2020b
copy the ‘archives’ directory containing installation files for toolboxes into ‘2020b’
unzip the matlab-2020b.tar.gz in 2020b
remove matlab-2020b.tar.gz
run ‘chmod -R 755 *’ (overkill, yes, but it does the trick)
check whether bin/glnxa64/libstdc++.so.6 is correct, fix if required
tar the 2020b directory: ‘tar cfvz matlab-2020b.tar.gz 2020b’
Note that directories in the ISO are read-only, so you must do the chmod above!
When you have a licensed COMSOL software, EB files are contributed in the mailing list thread https://lists.ugent.be/wws/arc/easybuild/2020-09/msg00019.html
Prepare the tar-ball file just like for MATLAB above.
The EB file is very simple:
name = 'COMSOL'
version = ''
homepage = 'https://www.comsol.com'
description = """
COMSOL Multiphysics is a general-purpose software platform, based on
advanced numerical methods, for modeling and simulating physics-based
toolchain = {'name': 'dummy', 'version': ''}
sources = [
license_file = HOME + '/licenses/comsol/license.lic'
moduleclass = 'phys'
You can point to a license server for building the module:
env LMCOMSOL_LICENSE_FILE=port@lic-server-host eb COMSOL-xx.xx.eb
EasyBuild repositories
Third-party EasyBuild repositories:
Jülich Supercomputing Centre easyconfig repository: https://github.com/easybuilders/JSC
EasyBuild Pull Requests (PR)
The EasyBuild easyconfigs package provides a collection of well-tested example easyconfig files for EasyBuild. Easyconfig files are used to specify which software to build, which version of the software (and its dependencies), which build parameters to use (e.g., which compiler toolchain to use), etc.
The Pull Requests are in the easyconfigs-PRs page.
To build software from a PR:
eb --from-pr=NNN <some-file.eb>
where NNN is the number of the PR and the some-file.eb is an optional .eb file on the PR in case there are several in the PR.
Contributing back
If you develop easyconfig files you can contribute them back to the community, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild/wiki/Contributing-back.
Submitting pull requests (–new-pr)
See https://docs.easybuild.io/integration-with-github/#github_synergy_new_update_pr_dry_run
In its simplest form, you just provide the location of the file(s) that you want to include in the pull request:
$ eb --new-pr test.eb
But first you need to set up github integration!
Setting up github integration
To use eb --new-pr
you need to link EasyBuild with your github account. You only need to do this once.
Make an account on github.
Set the environment variable EASYBUILD_GITHUB_USER to your github user name.
On github go to your account Settings and then Developer settings:
Select Personal access tokens (classic).
Press the
Generate new token
button.Give the token a name (e.g. EasyBuild).
Select access to
.Then press the green
Generate token
button.Copy the token string.
Run the command:
$ eb --install-github-token
and paste in the token at the prompt (it is treated as a password, and not displayed).
Check that everything works with:
$ eb --check-github