Slurm installation and upgrading
Jump to our top-level Slurm page: Slurm batch queueing system
To get started with Slurm see the Slurm_Quick_Start Administrator Guide. See also CECI Slurm Quick Start Tutorial.
Hardware optimization for the slurmctld master server
SchedMD recommends that the slurmctld server should have only a few, but very fast CPU cores, in order to ensure the best responsiveness.
The file system for /var/spool/slurmctld/
should be mounted on the fastest possible disks (SSD or NVMe if possible).
Create global user accounts
There must be a uniform user and group name space (including UIDs and GIDs) across the cluster, see the Slurm_Quick_Start Administrator Guide.
It is not necessary to permit user logins to the control hosts (ControlMachine or BackupController),
but the users and groups must be configured on those hosts.
To restrict user login by SSH, use the AllowUsers
parameter in sshd_config.
Slurm and Munge require consistent UID and GID across all servers and nodes in the cluster,
including the slurm
and munge
Very important: Avoid UID and GID values below 1000,
as defined in the standard configuration file /etc/login.defs
by the parameters UID_MIN, UID_MAX, GID_MIN, GID_MAX
see also the User_identifier page.
Create the users/groups for slurm
and munge
, for example:
export MUNGEUSER=1005
groupadd -g $MUNGEUSER munge
useradd -m -c "MUNGE Uid 'N' Gid Emporium" -d /var/lib/munge -u $MUNGEUSER -g munge -s /sbin/nologin munge
export SlurmUSER=1001
groupadd -g $SlurmUSER slurm
useradd -m -c "Slurm workload manager" -d /var/lib/slurm -u $SlurmUSER -g slurm -s /bin/bash slurm
Important: Make sure that these same users are created identically on all nodes. User/group creation must be done prior to installing RPMs (which would create random UID/GID pairs if these users don’t exist).
Please note that UIDs and GIDs up to 1000 are currently reserved for EL Linux system users,
see this article
and the file /etc/login.defs
Slurm authentication plugins
For an overview of authentication see the Authentication_Plugins page. The authentication method for communications between Slurm components is defined in slurm.conf by the AuthType parameter which can take one of these mutually exclusive values:
(Slurm’s default plugin)auth/slurm
(A new plugin from 23.11)
All Slurm daemons, jobs and commands must be terminated in the entire cluster prior to changing the value of AuthType!!
Changes to the AuthType value will interrupt outstanding job steps and prevent them from completing.
Munge authentication service
Munge is the default plugin used since the early days of Slurm (2003 and before). The Munge authentication plugin identifies and authenticates the user originating a message within Slurm. It is recommended to read the Munge_installation guide and the Munge_wiki.
On busy servers such as the slurmctld server, the munged daemon could become a bottleneck, see the presentation Field Notes 5: From The Frontlines of Slurm Support in the Slurm_publications page. It is therefore recommended to increase the number of threads, see the munged manual page, however, this is the default in the latest Munge_release. The issue is discussed in excessive logging of: “Suspended new connections while processing backlog”.
Install the latest Munge version
We recommend to install the latest Munge_release RPMs (currently 0.5.16) due to new features and bug fixes. Munge prior to version 0.5.15 has an issue_94 excessive logging of: “Suspended new connections while processing backlog” which might cause the munged.log file to fill up the system disk.
See also the page Configure maximum number of open files
where it is highly recommended to increase the fs.file-max
limit in /etc/sysctl.conf
significantly on all Slurm compute nodes.
Build Munge RPM packages by:
rpmbuild -ta munge-0.5.16.tar.xz
and install them from the directory ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
With Munge 0.5.16 a new configuration file /etc/sysconfig/munge
is used by the munged service.
It is a good idea to increase the number of threads from 2 to 10 by:
OPTIONS="--key-file=/etc/munge/munge.key --num-threads=10"
Install in-distro version of Munge
The EL8 and EL9 distributions contain Munge RPM packages version 0.5.13, but it is preferred to install the latest version as discussed above. The in-distro packages may be installed by:
dnf install munge munge-libs munge-devel
Only in case you have decided to use the default EL8/EL9 Munge version 0.5.13, note that this version does have an options file, see Let systemd unit file use /etc/sysconfig/munge for munge options.
You may want to increase the number of threads in munged as follows. Copy the Systemd unit file:
cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/munge.service /etc/systemd/system/munge.service
See Modify systemd unit file without altering upstream unit file. Then edit this line in the copied unit file:
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/munged --num-threads 10
and restart the munge service:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart munge
Munge configuration and testing
By default Munge uses an AES AES-128 cipher and SHA-256 HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code). Display these encryption options by:
munge -C
munge -M
Generate the Munge key
On the Head node (only) create a global secret key file /etc/munge/munge.key
with the mungekey command
(see the Munge_installation guide) to be used on every node in the cluster:
mungekey --create --verbose
Alternatively use this command:
dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=1024 > /etc/munge/munge.key
chown munge: /etc/munge/munge.key
chmod 400 /etc/munge/munge.key
NOTE: For a discussion of using /dev/random
in stead of /dev/urandom
(pseudo-random) as recommended in the Munge_installation guide,
see Myths about /dev/urandom.
Securely propagate /etc/munge/munge.key
(e.g., via SSH) to all other hosts within the same security realm:
scp -p /etc/munge/munge.key hostXXX:/etc/munge/munge.key
For multiple destination hosts use the clush command:
clush -w <node-list> --copy /etc/munge/munge.key --dest /etc/munge/munge.key
Make sure to set the correct ownership and mode on all nodes:
chown -R munge: /etc/munge/ /var/log/munge/
chmod 0700 /etc/munge/ /var/log/munge/
Test the Munge service
Enable and start the Munge service on all nodes:
systemctl enable munge
systemctl start munge
Run some tests as described in the Munge_installation guide:
munge -n
munge -n | unmunge # Displays information about the Munge key
munge -n | ssh somehost unmunge
You may check the Munge log file /var/log/munge/munged.log
for any warnings or errors.
The new auth/slurm authentication plugin
For an overview of authentication see the Authentication_Plugins page.
Beginning with version 23.11, Slurm has its own auth/slurm
authentication plugin
(as an alternative to the Munge plugin) that can create and validate credentials.
It validates that the requests come from legitimate UIDs and GIDs on other hosts with matching users and groups.
WARNING: All Slurm daemons, jobs and commands must be terminated in the entire cluster prior to changing the value of AuthType in slurm.conf!!
For the auth/slurm
authentication you must have a shared key file /etc/slurm/slurm.key
but beginning with version 24.05 you may alternatively create a /etc/slurm/slurm.jwks
file with multiple keys as shown below.
Note: The key file(s) must be distributed securely to all nodes in the cluster (for example using clush).
The ticket bug_21683 discusses How to get started with auth/slurm?
Single slurm.key setup
For the authentication to happen correctly you must have a shared key file /etc/slurm/slurm.key
on the servers running slurmctld, slurmdbd, as well as slurmd on the nodes.
You can create a /etc/slurm/slurm.key
file by entering your own text or by generating random data:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/etc/slurm/slurm.key bs=1024 count=1
The key file must be owned by SlurmUser
and must not be readable or writable by other users:
chown slurm:slurm /etc/slurm/slurm.key
chmod 600 /etc/slurm/slurm.key
Distribute the /etc/slurm/slurm.key
file to all nodes in the cluster (the clush command may be used).
The key file needs to be on the machines running slurmctld, slurmdbd, slurmd and sackd.
Define these authentication type parameters in slurm.conf:
AuthType = auth/slurm
CredType = cred/slurm
and in slurmdbd.conf:
AuthType = auth/slurm
Multiple key setup
Beginning with version 24.05, you may alternatively create a /etc/slurm/slurm.jwks
file with multiple keys defined,
see the Authentication_Plugins page.
The slurm.jwks
file aids with key rotation, as the cluster does not need to be restarted at once when a key is rotated.
Instead, an scontrol reconfigure
is sufficient.
There are no slurm.conf parameters required to use the slurm.jwks file, instead, the presence of the slurm.jwks file enables this functionality.
If the slurm.jwks is not present or cannot be read, the cluster defaults to the slurm.key file.
The structure of /etc/slurm/slurm.jwks
is documented as:
"keys": [
"alg": "HS256",
"kty": "oct",
"kid": "key-identifier-2",
"k": "Substitute me!!",
"use": "default"
Protect the file:
chown slurm:slurm /etc/slurm/slurm.jwks
chmod 600 /etc/slurm/slurm.jwks
To generate a random secret key “k” string this command may be helpful:
dd if=/dev/urandom count=1 bs=1024 | base64 -w 0
Build Slurm RPMs
Read the Slurm_Quick_Start Administrator Guide, especially the section below this text:
Optional Slurm plugins will be built automatically when the configure script detects that the required build requirements are present.
Build dependencies for various plugins and commands are denoted below:
You must decide which Slurm plugins to activate in the RPM packages which you build, especially items such as:
cgroup Task Affinity
cgroup_v2 plugin (requires dbus-devel and libbpf libraries)
Munge support
Lua Support
PAM support
NUMA Affinity
Install prerequisites
You will need to enable the repositories PowerTools
(EL8) or CRB
see the discussion of Rocky_Linux_Repositories, and then enable also the EPEL repository:
dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools # EL8
dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb # EL9
dnf install epel-release
dnf clean all
Slurm can be built with a number of optional plugins, each of which has some prerequisite library. The Slurm_Quick_Start guide lists these in the section Building and Installing Slurm.
Install required Slurm prerequisite packages, as well as several optional packages that enable the desired Slurm plugins:
dnf install mariadb-server mariadb-devel
dnf install rpm-build gcc python3 openssl openssl-devel pam-devel numactl numactl-devel hwloc hwloc-devel lua lua-devel readline-devel rrdtool-devel ncurses-devel gtk2-devel libibmad libibumad perl-Switch perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker xorg-x11-xauth dbus-devel libbpf bash-completion
We recommend to install_the_latest_munge_version (currently 0.5.16) because of bug fixes improving the EL8/EL9 version:
dnf install munge munge-libs munge-devel
Install the following packages from EPEL:
dnf install libssh2-devel man2html
Optional prerequisites
Certain Slurm tools and plugins require additional prerequisites before building Slurm RPM packages:
IPMI library: If you want to implement power saving as described in the Power_Saving_Guide then you must install the FreeIPMI development library prerequisite:
dnf install freeipmi-devel
See the presentation Saving Power with Slurm by Ole Nielsen in the Slurm_publications page, and the section on Building IPMI power monitoring into Slurm.
To build your own EL8/EL9 RPMs with Systemd support from the source tar-ball:
rpmbuild -ta --with systemd freeipmi-1.6.15.tar.gz
If you want to build the Slurm REST API daemon named slurmrestd, then you must install these prerequisites also:
dnf install http-parser-devel json-c-devel libjwt-devel
Notice: The minimum version requirements are listed in the rest_quickstart guide:
HTTP Parser (>= v2.6.0),
LibYAML (optional, >= v0.2.5),
JSON-C (>= v1.12.0).
See the presentation Slurm’s REST API by Nathan Rini, SchedMD in the Slurm_publications page. You may like to install the jq - Command-line JSON processor also:
dnf install jq
For EL9 only: Enable YAML command output (for example,
sinfo --yaml
) by installing thelibyaml-devel
library:Important: The libyaml must be version >= 0.2.5, see bug_17673, and EL9 provides this version. The libyaml provided by EL8 is version 0.1.X and should not be used!
Install MariaDB database
First install the MariaDB database version 10.3:
dnf install mariadb-server mariadb-devel
NOTICE: Do not forget to configure the database as described in the Slurm database page!
If you plan to use Ansible to manage the database, it will require this Python package:
dnf install python3-mysql (EL8)
dnf install python3-PyMySQL (EL9)
Build Slurm packages
Get the Slurm source code from the Slurm_download page.
Set the version (for example, 24.11.3 and build Slurm RPM packages by:
export VER=24.11.3
rpmbuild -ta slurm-$VER.tar.bz2 --with mysql
Notes about the --with mysql
--with mysql
option is not strictly necessary because theslurm-slurmdbd
package will be built by default, but using this option will catch the scenario where your forgot to install themariadb-devel
packages as described above, see also bug_8882 and this mailing list posting.From Slurm 23.11 the
--with mysql
option has been removed, see the NEWS file. The default behavior now is to always require one of the sql development libraries.
The RPM packages will typically be found in $HOME/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/
and should be installed on all relevant nodes.
Build Slurm with optional features
You may build Slurm packages including optional features:
If you want to implement power saving as described in the Power_Saving_Guide then you can ensure that FreeIPMI gets built in by adding:
rpmbuild <...> --with freeipmi
This will be available from Slurm 23.11 where the presense of the
package gets verified, see bug_17900.If you want to build the Slurm REST API daemon named slurmrestd you must add:
rpmbuild <...> --with slurmrestd
For EL9 only: Enable YAML command output (for example,
sinfo --yaml
):rpmbuild <...> --with yaml
Notice that libyaml version 0.2.5 or later is required (see above), and this is only available starting with EL9, so the
--with yaml
option should not be used on EL8 and older releases!
Installing RPMs
Study the configuration information in the Quick Start Administrator_Guide. The RPMs to be installed on the head node, compute nodes, and slurmdbd node can vary by configuration, but here is a suggested starting point:
Head node where the slurmctld daemon runs:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf install slurm-$VER*rpm slurm-devel-$VER*rpm slurm-perlapi-$VER*rpm slurm-torque-$VER*rpm slurm-example-configs-$VER*rpm systemctl enable slurmctld
The following must be done on the Head node because the RPM installation does not include this. Create the spool and log directories and make them owned by the slurm user:
mkdir /var/spool/slurmctld /var/log/slurm chown slurm: /var/spool/slurmctld /var/log/slurm chmod 755 /var/spool/slurmctld /var/log/slurm
Create log files:
touch /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log chown slurm: /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log
Servers which should offer slurmrestd should install also this package:
dnf install slurm-slurmrestd-$VER*rpm
The slurm-torque package could perhaps be omitted, but it does contain a useful
wrapper script.On Compute nodes install slurmd and possibly also the slurm-pam_slurm RPM package to prevent rogue users from logging in:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf install slurm-slurmd-$VER*rpm slurm-pam_slurm-$VER*rpm systemctl enable slurmd
The following must be done on each compute node because the RPM installation does not include this. Create the slurmd spool and log directories and make the correct ownership:
mkdir /var/spool/slurmd /var/log/slurm chown slurm: /var/spool/slurmd /var/log/slurm chmod 755 /var/spool/slurmd /var/log/slurm
Create log files:
touch /var/log/slurm/slurmd.log chown slurm: /var/log/slurm/slurmd.log
You may consider this RPM as well with special PMIx libraries:
dnf install slurm-libpmi-$VER*rpm
Database (slurmdbd service) node:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf install slurm-$VER*rpm slurm-devel-$VER*rpm slurm-slurmdbd-$VER*rpm
Create the slurmdbd log directory and log file, and make the correct ownership and permissions:
mkdir /var/log/slurm touch /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log chown slurm: /var/log/slurm /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log chmod 750 /var/log/slurm chmod 640 /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log
Explicitly enable the slurmdbd service:
systemctl enable slurmdbd
On Login nodes install these packages:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf install slurm-$VER*rpm slurm-devel-$VER*rpm slurm-contribs-$VER*rpm slurm-perlapi-$VER*rpm
Configure Slurm logging
The Slurm logfile directory is undefined in the RPMs since you have to define it in slurm.conf. See SlurmdLogFile and SlurmctldLogFile in the slurm.conf page, and LogFile in the slurmdbd.conf page.
Check your logging configuration with:
# grep -i logfile /etc/slurm/slurm.conf SlurmctldLogFile=/var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log SlurmdLogFile=/var/log/slurm/slurmd.log # scontrol show config | grep -i logfile SlurmctldLogFile = /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log SlurmdLogFile = /var/log/slurm/slurmd.log SlurmSchedLogFile = /var/log/slurm/slurmsched.logIf log files are configured, you have to create the log file directory manually:
mkdir /var/log/slurm chown slurm.slurm /var/log/slurmSee the more general description in Bug_8272.
Upgrading Slurm
New Slurm updates are released about every 6 months (the interval was 9 months prior to Slurm 24.05). Follow the Upgrade_Guide instructions in the Slurm_Quick_Start page, see also presentations by Tim Wickberg in the Slurm_publications page. Pay attention to these statements:
You may upgrade at most by 2 major versions (3 versions starting from 24.11), see the Upgrade_Guide page.
When changing the version to a higher release number (e.g from 22.05.x to 23.02.x) always upgrade the slurmdbd daemon first.
Be mindful of your configured
values: Increase/decrease them as needed.The recommended upgrade order is that versions may be mixed as follows:
slurmdbd >= slurmctld >= slurmd >= commands
Actually, the term “commands” here primarily refers to the login nodes, because all Slurm commands (sinfo , squeue etc.) are not interoperable with an older slurmctld version, as explained in bug_17418, due to RPC changes! It is OK to upgrade Slurm on login nodes after slurmctld has been upgraded. The slurmd on compute nodes can be upgraded over a period of time, and older slurmd versions will continue to work with an upgraded slurmctld, although it is recommended to upgrade as soon as possible.
The following command can report current jobs that have been orphaned on the local cluster and are now runaway:
sacctmgr show runawayjobs
Regarding the Slurm database, also make sure to:
Make a database dump (see Slurm database) prior to the slurmdbd upgrade.
Start the slurmdbd service manually after the upgrade in order to avoid timeouts (see bug_4450). In stead of starting the slurmdbd Systemd service, it strongly recommended to start the slurmdbd daemon manually. If you use the
command, it is very likely to exceed a system time limit and kill slurmdbd before the database conversion has been completed!The recommended way to perform the slurmdbd database upgrade is therefore:
time slurmdbd -D -vvv
See further info below.
Upgrade of MySQL/MariaDB
If you restore a database dump (see Slurm database) onto a different server running a newer MySQL/MariaDB version, there are some extra steps.
See Upgrading from MySQL to MariaDB about running the mysql_upgrade command:
whenever major (or even minor) version upgrades are made, or when migrating from MySQL to MariaDB.
It may be necessary to restart the mysqld
service or reboot the server after this upgrade (??).
Make a dry run database upgrade
Optional but strongly recommended: You can test the database upgrade procedure before doing the real upgrade.
In order to verify and time the slurmdbd database upgrade you may make a dry_run upgrade for testing before actual deployment.
Here is a suggested procedure:
Drain a compute node running the current Slurm version and use it for testing the database.
Install the database RPM packages and configure the database EXACTLY as described in the Slurm database page:
dnf install mariadb-server mariadb-devel
Configure the MySQL/MariaDB database as described in the Slurm database page.
Copy the latest database dump file (
, see Slurm database) from the main server to the compute node. Load the dump file into the testing database:time mysql -u root -p < /root/mysql_dump
If the dump file is in some compressed format:
time zcat mysql_dump.gz | mysql -u root -p time bzcat mysql_dump.bz2 | mysql -u root -p
The MariaDB/MySQL password will be asked for. Reading in the database dump may take many minutes depending on the size of the dump file, the storage system speed, and the CPU performance. The
command will report the time usage.Verify the database contents on the compute node by making a new database dump and compare it to the original dump.
Select a suitable slurm user’s database password. Now follow the Slurm accounting page instructions (using -p to enter the database password):
# mysql -p grant all on slurm_acct_db.* TO 'slurm'@'localhost' identified by 'some_pass' with grant option; ### WARNING: change the some_pass SHOW GRANTS; SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'have_innodb'; create database slurm_acct_db; quit;
WARNING: Use the slurm database user’s password in stead of
.The following actions must be performed on the drained compute node.
First stop the regular slurmd daemons on the compute node:
systemctl stop slurmd
Install the OLD (the cluster’s current version, say, NN.NN) additional slurmdbd database RPMs as described above:
VER=NN.NN dnf install slurm-slurmdbd-$VER*rpm
Information about building RPMs is in the Slurm installation and upgrading page.
Make sure that the
directory exists (it is not needed in configless Slurm clusters):$ ls -lad /etc/slurm drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root 4096 Feb 22 10:12 /etc/slurm
Copy the configuration files from the main server to the compute node:
/etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf /etc/slurm/slurm.conf
Important: Edit these files to replace the database server name by
so that all further actions take place on the compute node, not the real database server.Configure this in
:DbdHost=localhost StorageHost=localhost StoragePass=<slurm database user password> # See above
and configure this in
Set up files and permissions:
chown slurm: /etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf chmod 600 /etc/slurm/slurmdbd.conf touch /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log chown slurm: /var/log/slurm/slurmdbd.log
Make sure that slurmdbd is running, and start it if necessary:
systemctl status slurmdbd systemctl start slurmdbd
Make some query to test slurmdbd:
sacctmgr show user -s
If all is well, stop the slurmdbd before the upgrade below:
systemctl stop slurmdbd
At this point you have a Slurm database server running an exact copy of your main Slurm database!
Now it is time to do some testing. Update all Slurm RPMs to the new version (say, 24.11.3 built as shown above):
export VER=24.11.3 dnf update slurm*$VER*.rpm
Optional: In case you use the auto_tmpdir RPM package, you have to remove it first because it will block the Slurm upgrade, see also Temporary job directories.
Perform and time the actual database upgrade:
time slurmdbd -D -vvv
and wait for the output:
slurmdbd: debug2: accounting_storage/as_mysql: as_mysql_roll_usage: Everything rolled upand do a Control-C. Please note that the database table conversions may take several minutes or longer, depending on the size of the tables.
Write down the timing information from the
command, since this will be the expected approximate time when you later perform the real upgrade. However, the storage system performance is important for all database operations, so timings may vary substantially between servers.Now start the service as usual:
systemctl start slurmdbd
Make some query to test slurmdbd:
sacctmgr show user -s
and make some other tests to verify that slurmdbd is responding correctly.
When all tests have been completed successfully, reinstall the compute node to its default installation.
Upgrading on EL8 and EL9
Let’s assume that you have built the updated RPM packages for EL8 or EL9
and copied them to the current directory so you can use dnf
commands on the files directly.
Upgrade slurmdbd
The upgrading steps for the slurmdbd host are:
Stop the slurmdbd service:
systemctl stop slurmdbd
Make a dump of the MySQL/Mariadb database (see Slurm database).
Update all RPMs:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf update slurm*$VER*.rpm
Start the slurmdbd service manually after the upgrade in order to avoid Systemd timeouts (see bug_4450). In stead of starting the slurmdbd service with
, it is most likely necessary to start the daemon manually. If you were to use thesystemctl
command, it is very likely to exceed a system time limit and kill slurmdbd before the database conversion has been completed.Perform and time the actual database upgrade:
time slurmdbd -D -vvv
The completion of the database conversion may be printed with text like:
slurmdbd: debug2: accounting_storage/as_mysql: as_mysql_roll_usage: Everything rolled up
Then stop slurmdbd with a Control-C. Please note that the database table conversions may take a number of minutes or longer, depending on the size of the database tables.
Now start the slurmdbd service normally:
systemctl start slurmdbd
Make some database query to test slurmdbd:
sacctmgr show user -s
WARNING: Newer versions of user commands like sinfo
, squeue
etc. are not interoperable with an older
slurmctld version, as explained in bug_17418, due to RPC changes!
Upgrade slurmctld
The upgrading steps for the slurmctld host are:
Change the timeout values in slurm.conf to:
SlurmctldTimeout=3600 SlurmdTimeout=3600
and copy
to all nodes (not needed in configless Slurm clusters). Then reconfigure the running daemons and test the timeout andStateSaveLocation
values:scontrol reconfigure scontrol show config | grep Timeout scontrol show config | grep StateSaveLocation
Stop the slurmctld service:
systemctl stop slurmctld
Make a backup copy of the
(check your configuration first)/var/spool/slurmctld
directory:Check the size of the
and the backup destination to ensure there is sufficient disk space:du -sm /var/spool/slurmctld/ df -h $HOME
Then make a tar-ball backup file:
tar cf $HOME/var.spool.slurmctld.tar /var/spool/slurmctld/*
Make sure the contents of the tar-ball file look correct:
less $HOME/var.spool.slurmctld.tar
Upgrade the RPMs, for example:
export VER=24.11.3 dnf update slurm*$VER-*.rpm
Enable and restart the slurmctld service:
systemctl enable slurmctld systemctl restart slurmctld
Check the cluster nodes’ health using
and check for anyNodes ... not responding
errors inslurmctld.log
. It may be necessary to restart all theslurmd
on all nodes, for example, using the clush command (see the Slurm batch queueing system page about ClusterShell):clush -ba systemctl restart slurmd
Restore the previous timeout values in slurm.conf (item 1.).
Note: The compute nodes should be upgraded at your earliest convenience.
Install slurm-libpmi
On the compute nodes, only, you may consider this RPM as well with special PMIx libraries:
dnf install slurm-libpmi-$VER*rpm
Upgrade MPI applications
MPI applications such as OpenMPI may be linked against the /usr/lib64/
In this context you must understand the remark in the Upgrade_Guide:
The version is increased every major release.
So things like MPI libraries with Slurm integration should be recompiled.
Sometimes it works to just symlink the old .so name(s) to the new one, but this has no guarantee of working.
In the thread Need for recompiling openmpi built with –with-pmi? it has been found that:
It looks like it is the presence of lib64/ and lib64/ that is the "culprit". They are installed by the slurm-devel RPM.
Openmpi uses GNU libtool for linking, which finds these files, and follow their "dependency_libs" specification, thus linking directly to
Slurm version 16.05 and later no longer installs the libpmi*.la files. This should mean that if your OpenMPI was built against Slurm 16.05 or later, there should be no problem (we think), but otherwise you probably must rebuild your MPI applications and install them again at the same time that you upgrade the slurmd on the compute nodes.
To check for the presence of the “bad” files, go to your software build host and search:
TODO: Find a way to read relevant MPI libraries like this example:
readelf -d
Upgrade slurmd on nodes
First determine which Slurm version the nodes are running, for example, using the clush command (see the Slurm batch queueing system page about ClusterShell):
clush -bg <partition> slurmd -V
The quick and usually OK procedure would be to simply update the RPMs (here: version 24.11.3 on all nodes:
clush -bw <nodelist> 'dnf -y update /some/path/slurm*24.11.3*.rpm'
This would automatically restart and enable slurmd on the nodes without any loss of running batch jobs.
For the compute nodes running slurmd the safe procedure could be:
Drain all desired compute nodes in a <nodelist>:
scontrol update NodeName=<nodelist> State=draining Reason="Upgrading slurmd"
Nodes will change from the DRAINING to the DRAINED state as the jobs are completed. Check which nodes have become DRAINED:
sinfo -t drained
Stop the slurmd daemons on compute nodes:
clush -bw <nodelist> systemctl stop slurmd
Update the RPMs (here: version 24.11.3 on nodes:
clush -bw <nodelist> 'dnf -y update /some/path/slurm*24.11.3*.rpm'
and make sure to install also the new
packages.Now enable the slurmd service:
clush -bw <nodelist> systemctl enable slurmd
For restarting slurmd there are two alternatives:
Restart slurmd or simply reboot the nodes in the DRAINED state:
clush -bw <nodelist> systemctl daemon-reload clush -bw <nodelist> systemctl restart slurmd or simply reboot: clush -bw <nodelist> shutdown -r now
Reboot the nodes automatically as they become idle using the RebootProgram as configured in slurm.conf, see the scontrol reboot option and explanation in the man-page:
scontrol reboot [ASAP] [NodeList]
Return upgraded nodes to the IDLE state:
scontrol update NodeName=<nodelist> State=resume
Finally, double-check the timeout values in slurm.conf, for example:
and copy /etc/slurm/slurm.conf
to all nodes (not needed in configless Slurm clusters).
Make a scontrol reconfigure
if any changes were made.
Upgrade the login nodes
As the final step (or at least after the slurmctld
has been upgraded),
your cluster’s login nodes must be upgraded, for example:
export VER=24.11.3
dnf update slurm*$VER-*.rpm
Login nodes should have the RPMs described in the Installing_RPMs section above.
Migrate the slurmctld service to another server
It may be required to migrate the slurmctld service to another server, for example, when a major OS version update is needed, or when the server must be migrated to another hardware.
From Slurm 23.11 and later, migrating the slurmctld service is quite easy, and does not require to stop all running jobs, since a major improvement is stated in the Release notes:
Update slurmstepd processes with current SlurmctldHost settings, allowing for controller changes without draining all compute jobs.
This change allows slurmstepd to receive an updated SlurmctldHost
setting so that running jobs will report back to the new controller when they finish.
See the Slurm_publications presentation Slurm 23.02, 23.11, and Beyond
by Tim Wickberg, SchedMD.
Notice, however, that slurmd ignores any changes in slurm.conf or the DNS SRV_record (i.e., when running a Configless Slurm setup):
When slurmd is started, it caches its configuration files as is discussed in bug_20462.
Therefore it is required to restart slurmd on all compute notes after modifying slurm.conf and the DNS SRV_record (if applicable).
The slurmctld migration process for Slurm 23.11 and later does not require to stop all running jobs, and the details are discussed in bug_20070 .
We have successfully performed a slurmctld migration following this procedure:
On the old
server change the timeout values in slurm.conf to a high value:SlurmctldTimeout=3600 SlurmdTimeout=3600
and make an
scontrol reconfigure
.Stop and disable the slurmctld service on the old
server:<old-server>: systemctl stop slurmctld <old-server>: systemctl disable slurmctld
Copy all Slurm configuration files
from the old server to the newSlurmctldHost
server. Also make sure the Slurm logfile directory exists and has correct ownership (see Configure Slurm logging):mkdir -pv /var/log/slurm touch /var/log/slurm/slurmctld.log chown -R slurm.slurm /var/log/slurm
In configless Slurm clusters update the DNS SRV_record, see Configless Slurm setup
Migrate slurmctld to new machine: Make a tar-ball copy or rsync the
directory (typically/var/spool/slurmctld
) to the new server, for example:<old-server>: $ rsync -aq /var/spool/slurmctld/ <new-server>:/var/spool/slurmctld/
Make sure the permissions allow the SlurmUser to read and write the folder!
Remember to update slurm.conf with the new
name, and remember to update the login nodes as well!Start and enable the slurmctld service on the new server:
systemctl start slurmctld systemctl enable slurmctld
As discussed in bug_20462 it is necessary to restart slurmd on all compute nodes so they can pick up the new
value in slurm.conf. For example, use the clush command (see the Slurm batch queueing system page about ClusterShell):clush -ba systemctl restart slurmd
When everything is working correctly, restore the timeout values in slurm.conf to their defaults, for example:
SlurmctldTimeout=600 SlurmdTimeout=300
and make a
scontrol reconfigure
If not using Configless Slurm setup you must distribute slurm.conf manually to all nodes in step 4.
Migrate slurmctld version <= 23.02
In Slurm 23.02 and older, changes to SlurmctldHost
are not possible while jobs are running on the system.
Therefore you have to stop all running jobs, for example by making a Resource Reservation.
Read the FAQ How should I relocate the primary or backup controller? with the procedure:
Stop all Slurm daemons.
Modify the
values in the slurm.conf file.Distribute the updated slurm.conf file to all nodes. When using Configless Slurm setup see the section above.
Copy the
directory to the new host and make sure the permissions allow the SlurmUser to read and write it.Restart all Slurm daemons.
Log file rotation
The Slurm log files may be stored in the /var/log/slurm
directory, and they may grow rapidly on a busy system.
Especially the slurmctld.log
file on the controller machine may grow very large.
Therefore you probably want to configure logrotate to administer your log files.
On RHEL Linux and clones the logrotate configuration files are in the /etc/logrotate.d/
Manual configuration of logging is required because the SchedMD RPM files do not contain the logrotate setup, see bug_3904, bug_2215, and bug_4393. See also the section LOGGING at the end of the slurm.conf page with an example logrotate script.
First install the relevant RPM:
dnf install logrotate
Create the following script /etc/logrotate.d/slurm
which will rotate and compress the slurmctld log file on a weekly basis:
/var/log/slurm/*.log {
rotate 5
create 640 slurm root
pkill -x --signal SIGUSR2 slurmctld
pkill -x --signal SIGUSR2 slurmd
pkill -x --signal SIGUSR2 slurmdbd
exit 0
Warning: Do not run scontrol reconfig
or restart slurmctld to rotate the log files, since this will incur a huge overhead.
See the NEWS file for changes related to SIGUSR2 in Slurm 17.11.0pre2:
Modify all daemons to re-open log files on receipt of SIGUSR2 signal. This is much than using SIGHUP to re-read the configuration file and rebuild various tables.