Source code for gpaw.unfold

import numpy as np
import pickle

from ase.units import Hartree

from gpaw import GPAW
from gpaw.kpt_descriptor import to1bz
from gpaw.spinorbit import soc_eigenstates
from import PWDescriptor
import gpaw.mpi as mpi

[docs]class Unfold: """This Class is used to Unfold the Bands of a supercell (SC) calculations into a the primitive cell (PC). As a convention (when possible) capital letters variables are related to the SC while lowercase ones to the PC """ def __init__(self, name=None, calc=None, M=None, spinorbit=None): = name self.calc = GPAW(calc, txt=None, communicator=mpi.serial_comm) self.M = np.array(M, dtype=float) self.spinorbit = spinorbit = self.kd = self.calc.wfs.kd if self.calc.wfs.mode == 'pw': self.pd = self.calc.wfs.pd else: self.pd = PWDescriptor(ecut=None,, kd=self.kd, dtype=complex) self.acell_cv = self.bcell_cv = 2 * np.pi * self.nb = self.calc.get_number_of_bands() self.v_Kmsn = None if spinorbit: if == 0: print('Calculating spinorbit Corrections') self.nb = 2 * self.calc.get_number_of_bands() soc = soc_eigenstates(self.calc) self.e_mK = soc.eigenvalues().T self.v_Kmsn = soc.eigenvectors() if == 0: print('Done with the spinorbit Corrections') def get_K_index(self, K): """Find the index of a given K.""" K = np.array([K]) bzKG = to1bz(K, self.acell_cv)[0] iK = self.kd.where_is_q(bzKG, self.kd.bzk_kc) return iK def get_g(self, iK): """Not all the G vectors are relevant for the bands unfolding, but only the ones that match the PC reciprocal vectors. This function finds the relevant ones.""" G_Gv_temp = self.pd.get_reciprocal_vectors(q=iK, add_q=False) G_Gc_temp =, np.linalg.inv(self.bcell_cv)) iG_list = [] g_list = [] for iG, G in enumerate(G_Gc_temp): a =, np.linalg.inv(self.M).T) check = np.abs(a) % 1 < 1e-5 check2 = np.abs((np.abs(a[np.where(~check)]) % 1) - 1) < 1e-5 if all(check) or all(check2): iG_list.append(iG) g_list.append(G) return np.array(iG_list), np.array(g_list) def get_G_index(self, iK, G, G_list): """Find the index of a given G.""" G_list -= G sumG = np.sum(abs(G_list), axis=1) iG = np.where(sumG < 1e-5)[0] return iG def get_eigenvalues(self, iK): """Get the list of eigenvalues for a given iK.""" if not self.spinorbit: e_m = self.calc.get_eigenvalues(kpt=iK, spin=0) / Hartree else: e_m = self.e_mK[:, iK] / Hartree return np.array(e_m) def get_pw_wavefunctions_k(self, iK): """Get the list of Fourier coefficients of the WaveFunction for a given iK. For spinors the number of bands is doubled and a spin dimension is added.""" psi_mgrid = get_rs_wavefunctions_k(self.calc, iK, self.spinorbit, self.v_Kmsn) if not self.spinorbit: psi_list_mG = [] for i in range(len(psi_mgrid)): psi_list_mG.append(self.pd.fft(psi_mgrid[i], iK)) psi_mG = np.array(psi_list_mG) return psi_mG else: u0_list_mG = [] u1_list_mG = [] for i in range(psi_mgrid.shape[0]): u0_list_mG.append(self.pd.fft(psi_mgrid[i, 0], iK)) u1_list_mG.append(self.pd.fft(psi_mgrid[i, 1], iK)) u0_mG = np.array(u0_list_mG) u1_mG = np.array(u1_list_mG) u_mG = np.zeros((len(u0_mG), 2, u0_mG.shape[1]), complex) u_mG[:, 0] = u0_mG u_mG[:, 1] = u1_mG return u_mG def get_spectral_weights_k(self, k_t): r"""Returns the spectral weights for a given k in the PC: P_mK(k_t) = \sum_n |<Km|k_t n>|**2 which can be shown to be equivalent to: P_mK(k_t) = \sum_g |C_Km(g+k_t-K)|**2 """ K_c, G_t = find_K_from_k(k_t, self.M) iK = self.get_K_index(K_c) iG_list, g_list = self.get_g(iK) gG_t_list = g_list + G_t G_Gv = self.pd.get_reciprocal_vectors(q=iK, add_q=False) G_Gc =, np.linalg.inv(self.bcell_cv)) igG_t_list = [] for g in gG_t_list: igG_t_list.append(self.get_G_index(iK, g.copy(), G_Gc.copy())) C_mG = self.get_pw_wavefunctions_k(iK) P_m = [] if not self.spinorbit: for m in range(self.nb): P = 0. norm = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, :])**2) for iG in igG_t_list: P += np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, iG])**2 P_m.append(P / norm) else: for m in range(self.nb): P = 0. norm = np.sum(np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, 0, :])**2 + np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, 1, :])**2) for iG in igG_t_list: P += (np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, 0, iG])**2 + np.linalg.norm(C_mG[m, 1, iG])**2) P_m.append(P / norm) return np.array(P_m) def get_spectral_weights(self, kpoints, filename=None): """Collect the spectral weights for the k points in the kpoints list. This function is parallelized over k's.""" Nk = len(kpoints) Nb = self.nb world = if filename is None: try: e_mK, P_mK = pickle.load(open('weights_' + + '.pckl', 'rb')) except OSError: e_Km = [] P_Km = [] if world.rank == 0: print('Getting EigenValues and Weights') e_Km = np.zeros((Nk, Nb)) P_Km = np.zeros((Nk, Nb)) myk = range(0, Nk)[world.rank::world.size] for ik in myk: k = kpoints[ik] print('kpoint: %s' % k) K_c, G_c = find_K_from_k(k, self.M) iK = self.get_K_index(K_c) e_Km[ik] = self.get_eigenvalues(iK) P_Km[ik] = self.get_spectral_weights_k(k) world.barrier() world.sum(e_Km) world.sum(P_Km) e_mK = np.array(e_Km).T P_mK = np.array(P_Km).T if world.rank == 0: pickle.dump((e_mK, P_mK), open('weights_' + + '.pckl', 'wb')) else: e_mK, P_mK = pickle.load(open(filename, 'rb')) return e_mK, P_mK def spectral_function(self, kpts, x, X, points_name, width=0.002, npts=10000, filename=None): r"""Returns the spectral function for all the ks in kpoints: eta / pi A_k(e) = \sum_m P_mK(k) x --------------------- (e - e_mk)**2 + eta**2 at each k-points defined on npts energy points in the range [emin, emax]. The width keyword is FWHM = 2 * eta.""" Nk = len(kpts) A_ke = np.zeros((Nk, npts), float) world = e_mK, P_mK = self.get_spectral_weights(kpts, filename) if world.rank == 0: print('Calculating the Spectral Function') emin = np.min(e_mK) - 5 * width emax = np.max(e_mK) + 5 * width e = np.linspace(emin, emax, npts) for ik in range(Nk): for ie in range(len(e_mK[:, ik])): e0 = e_mK[ie, ik] D = (width / 2 / np.pi) / ((e - e0)**2 + (width / 2)**2) A_ke[ik] += P_mK[ie, ik] * D if world.rank == 0: pickle.dump((e * Hartree, A_ke, x, X, points_name), open('sf_' + + '.pckl', 'wb')) print('Spectral Function calculation completed!') return
def find_K_from_k(k, M): """Gets a k vector in scaled coordinates and returns a K vector and the unfolding G in scaled Coordinates.""" KG =, k) G = np.zeros(3, dtype=int) for i in range(3): if KG[i] > 0.5000001: G[i] = int(np.round(KG[i])) KG[i] -= np.round(KG[i]) elif KG[i] < -0.4999999: G[i] = int(np.round(KG[i])) KG[i] += abs(np.round(KG[i])) return KG, G def get_rs_wavefunctions_k(calc, iK, spinorbit=False, v_Kmsn=None): """Get the list of WaveFunction for a given iK. For spinors the number of bands is doubled and a spin dimension is added.""" N_c = k_c = calc.wfs.kd.ibzk_kc[iK] Nb = Ns = calc.wfs.nspins eikr_R = np.exp(-2j * np.pi *, k_c / N_c).T) if calc.wfs.mode == 'lcao' and not calc.wfs.positions_set: calc.initialize_positions() if not spinorbit: psit_mgrid = np.array([calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(m, iK, 0) * eikr_R for m in range(Nb)]) return psit_mgrid else: v_msn = v_Kmsn[iK] v0_mn = v_msn[:, 0] v1_mn = v_msn[:, 1] u0_ngrid = np.array( [calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, iK, 0) * eikr_R for n in range(Nb)]) u1_ngrid = np.array( [calc.wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, iK, (Ns - 1)) * eikr_R for n in range(Nb)]) u0_mG = np.swapaxes(, np.swapaxes(u0_ngrid, 0, 2)), 1, 2) u1_mG = np.swapaxes(, np.swapaxes(u1_ngrid, 0, 2)), 1, 2) ut_mgrid = np.zeros((len(u0_mG), 2, len(u0_mG[0]), len(u0_mG[0, 0]), len(u0_mG[0, 0, 0])), complex) ut_mgrid[:, 0] = u0_mG ut_mgrid[:, 1] = u1_mG return ut_mgrid
[docs]def plot_spectral_function(filename, color='blue', eref=None, emin=None, emax=None): """Function to plot spectral function corresponding to the bandstructure along the kpoints path.""" try: e, A_ke, x, X, points_name = pickle.load(open(filename + '.pckl', 'rb')) except OSError: print('You Need to Calculate the SF first!') raise SystemExit() import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print('Plotting Spectral Function') if eref is not None: e -= eref if emin is None: emin = e.min() if emax is None: emax = e.max() A_ke /= np.max(A_ke) A_ek = A_ke.T A_ekc = np.reshape(A_ek, (A_ek.shape[0], A_ek.shape[1])) mycmap = make_colormap(color) plt.figure() plt.plot([0, x[-1]], 2 * [0.0], '--', c='0.5') plt.imshow(A_ekc + 0.23, cmap=mycmap, aspect='auto', origin='lower', vmin=0., vmax=1, extent=[0, x[-1], e.min(), e.max()]) for k in X[1:-1]: plt.plot([k, k], [emin, emax], lw=0.5, c='0.5') plt.xticks(X, points_name, size=20) plt.yticks(size=20) plt.ylabel('E(eV)', size=20) plt.axis([0, x[-1], emin, emax]) plt.savefig(filename + '_spec.png')
def plot_band_structure(e_mK, P_mK, x, X, points_name, weights_mK=None, color='red', fit=True, nfit=200): """Function to plot the bandstructure using the P_mK weights directly. each point is represented with a filled circle, whose size and color vary with as a function of P_mK.""" import matplotlib.pyplot as plt print('Plotting Bands Structure') emin = e_mK.min() emax = e_mK.max() new_cmap = make_colormap(color) if weights_mK is None: weights_mK = P_mK.copy() else: weights_mK *= P_mK.copy() plt.figure() plt.plot([0, x[-1]], 2 * [0.0], '--', c='0.5') plt.scatter(np.tile(x, len(e_mK)), e_mK.reshape(-1), c=P_mK.reshape(-1), cmap=new_cmap, vmin=0., vmax=1., s=20. * weights_mK.reshape(-1), marker='o', edgecolor='none') for k in X[1:-1]: plt.plot([k, k], [emin, emax], lw=0.5, c='0.5') plt.xticks(X, points_name, size=20) plt.yticks(size=20) plt.ylabel('E(eV)', size=20) plt.axis([0, x[-1], emin, emax]) def make_colormap(main_color): """Custom colormaps used in plot_spectral function and plot_band_structure.""" from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap if main_color == 'blue': cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.75, 0.75))} elif main_color == 'red': cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.75, 0.75)), 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0))} elif main_color == 'green': cdict = {'red': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'green': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.75, 0.75)), 'blue': ((0.0, 1.0, 1.0), (0.25, 1.0, 1.0), (0.5, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)), 'alpha': ((0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.25, 0.1, 0.1), (0.5, 1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0, 1.0))} cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap('mymap', cdict) return cmap def get_vacuum_level(calc, plot_pot=False): """Get the vacuum energy level from a given calculator.""" calc.restore_state() if calc.wfs.mode == 'pw': vHt_g = calc.hamiltonian.pd3.ifft(calc.hamiltonian.vHt_q) * Hartree else: vHt_g = calc.hamiltonian.vHt_g * Hartree vHt_z = np.mean(np.mean(vHt_g, axis=0), axis=0) if plot_pot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.plot(vHt_z) return vHt_z[0]