Source code for gpaw.symmetry

# Copyright (C) 2003  CAMP
# Copyright (C) 2014 R. Warmbier Materials for Energy Research Group,
# Wits University
# Please see the accompanying LICENSE file for further information.
from typing import Tuple

from ase.utils import gcd
import numpy as np

import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw
import gpaw.mpi as mpi

def frac(f: float,
         n: int = 2 * 3 * 4 * 5,
         tol: float = 1e-6) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    """Convert to fraction.

    >>> frac(0.5)
    (1, 2)
    if f == 0:
        return 0, 1
    x = n * f
    if abs(x - round(x)) > n * tol:
        raise ValueError
    x = int(round(x))
    d = gcd(x, n)
    return x // d, n // d

def sfrac(f: float) -> str:
    """Format as fraction.

    >>> sfrac(0.5)
    >>> sfrac(2 / 3)
    >>> sfrac(0)
    if f == 0:
        return '0'
    return '%d/%d' % frac(f)

[docs]class Symmetry: """Interface class for determination of symmetry, point and space groups. It also provides to apply symmetry operations to kpoint grids, wavefunctions and forces. """ def __init__(self, id_a, cell_cv, pbc_c=np.ones(3, bool), tolerance=1e-7, point_group=True, time_reversal=True, symmorphic=True, allow_invert_aperiodic_axes=True): """Construct symmetry object. Parameters: id_a: list of int Numbered atomic types cell_cv: array(3,3), float Cartesian lattice vectors pbc_c: array(3), bool Periodic boundary conditions. tolerance: float Tolerance for symmetry determination. symmorphic: bool Switch for the use of non-symmorphic symmetries aka: symmetries with fractional translations. Default is to use only symmorphic symmetries. point_group: bool Use point-group symmetries. time_reversal: bool Use time-reversal symmetry. tolerance: float Relative tolerance. Attributes: op_scc: Array of rotation matrices ft_sc: Array of fractional translation vectors a_sa: Array of atomic indices after symmetry operation has_inversion: (bool) Have inversion """ self.id_a = id_a self.cell_cv = np.array(cell_cv, float) assert self.cell_cv.shape == (3, 3) self.pbc_c = np.array(pbc_c, bool) self.tol = tolerance self.symmorphic = symmorphic self.point_group = point_group self.time_reversal = time_reversal self.op_scc = np.identity(3, int).reshape((1, 3, 3)) self.ft_sc = np.zeros((1, 3)) self.a_sa = np.arange(len(id_a)).reshape((1, -1)) self.has_inversion = False self.gcd_c = np.ones(3, int) # For reading old gpw-files: self.allow_invert_aperiodic_axes = allow_invert_aperiodic_axes
[docs] def analyze(self, spos_ac): """Determine list of symmetry operations. First determine all symmetry operations of the cell. Then call ``prune_symmetries`` to remove those symmetries that are not satisfied by the atoms. It is not mandatory to call this method. If not called, only time reversal symmetry may be used. """ if self.point_group: self.find_lattice_symmetry() self.prune_symmetries_atoms(spos_ac)
[docs] def find_lattice_symmetry(self): """Determine list of symmetry operations.""" # Symmetry operations as matrices in 123 basis. # Operation is a 3x3 matrix, with possible elements -1, 0, 1, thus # there are 3**9 = 19683 possible matrices: combinations = 1 - np.indices([3] * 9) U_scc = combinations.reshape((3, 3, 3**9)).transpose((2, 0, 1)) # The metric of the cell should be conserved after applying # the operation: metric_cc = metric_scc = np.einsum('sij, jk, slk -> sil', U_scc, metric_cc, U_scc, optimize=True) mask_s = abs(metric_scc - metric_cc).sum(2).sum(1) <= self.tol U_scc = U_scc[mask_s] # Operation must not swap axes that don't have same PBC: pbc_cc = np.logical_xor.outer(self.pbc_c, self.pbc_c) mask_s = ~U_scc[:, pbc_cc].any(axis=1) U_scc = U_scc[mask_s] if not self.allow_invert_aperiodic_axes: # Operation must not invert axes that are not periodic: mask_s = (U_scc[:, np.diag(~self.pbc_c)] == 1).all(axis=1) U_scc = U_scc[mask_s] self.op_scc = U_scc self.ft_sc = np.zeros((len(self.op_scc), 3))
[docs] def prune_symmetries_atoms(self, spos_ac): """Remove symmetries that are not satisfied by the atoms.""" if len(spos_ac) == 0: self.a_sa = np.zeros((len(self.op_scc), 0), int) return # Build lists of atom numbers for each type of atom - one # list for each combination of atomic number, setup type, # magnetic moment and basis set: a_ij = {} for a, id in enumerate(self.id_a): if id in a_ij: a_ij[id].append(a) else: a_ij[id] = [a] a_j = a_ij[self.id_a[0]] # just pick the first species # if supercell disable fractional translations: if not self.symmorphic: op_cc = np.identity(3, int) ftrans_sc = spos_ac[a_j[1:]] - spos_ac[a_j[0]] ftrans_sc -= np.rint(ftrans_sc) for ft_c in ftrans_sc: a_a = self.check_one_symmetry(spos_ac, op_cc, ft_c, a_ij) if a_a is not None: self.symmorphic = True break symmetries = [] ftsymmetries = [] # go through all possible symmetry operations for op_cc in self.op_scc: # first ignore fractional translations a_a = self.check_one_symmetry(spos_ac, op_cc, [0, 0, 0], a_ij) if a_a is not None: symmetries.append((op_cc, [0, 0, 0], a_a)) elif not self.symmorphic: # check fractional translations sposrot_ac =, op_cc) ftrans_jc = sposrot_ac[a_j] - spos_ac[a_j[0]] ftrans_jc -= np.rint(ftrans_jc) for ft_c in ftrans_jc: try: nom_c, denom_c = np.array([frac(ft, tol=self.tol) for ft in ft_c]).T except ValueError: continue ft_c = nom_c / denom_c a_a = self.check_one_symmetry(spos_ac, op_cc, ft_c, a_ij) if a_a is not None: ftsymmetries.append((op_cc, ft_c, a_a)) for c, d in enumerate(denom_c): if self.gcd_c[c] % d != 0: self.gcd_c[c] *= d # Add symmetry operations with fractional translations at the end: symmetries.extend(ftsymmetries) self.op_scc = np.array([sym[0] for sym in symmetries]) self.ft_sc = np.array([sym[1] for sym in symmetries]) self.a_sa = np.array([sym[2] for sym in symmetries]) inv_cc = -np.eye(3, dtype=int) self.has_inversion = (self.op_scc == inv_cc).all(2).all(1).any()
[docs] def check_one_symmetry(self, spos_ac, op_cc, ft_c, a_ij): """Checks whether atoms satisfy one given symmetry operation.""" a_a = np.zeros(len(spos_ac), int) for a_j in a_ij.values(): spos_jc = spos_ac[a_j] for a in a_j: spos_c =[a], op_cc) sdiff_jc = spos_c - spos_jc - ft_c sdiff_jc -= sdiff_jc.round() indices = np.where(abs(sdiff_jc).max(1) < self.tol)[0] if len(indices) == 1: j = indices[0] a_a[a] = a_j[j] else: assert len(indices) == 0 return return a_a
[docs] def check(self, spos_ac): """Check if positions satisfy symmetry operations.""" nsymold = len(self.op_scc) self.prune_symmetries_atoms(spos_ac) if len(self.op_scc) < nsymold: raise RuntimeError('Broken symmetry!')
[docs] def reduce(self, bzk_kc, comm=None): """Reduce k-points to irreducible part of the BZ. Returns the irreducible k-points and the weights and other stuff. """ nbzkpts = len(bzk_kc) U_scc = self.op_scc nsym = len(U_scc) time_reversal = self.time_reversal and not self.has_inversion bz2bz_ks = map_k_points_fast(bzk_kc, U_scc, time_reversal, comm, self.tol) bz2bz_k = -np.ones(nbzkpts + 1, int) ibz2bz_k = [] for k in range(nbzkpts - 1, -1, -1): # Reverse order looks more natural if bz2bz_k[k] == -1: bz2bz_k[bz2bz_ks[k]] = k ibz2bz_k.append(k) ibz2bz_k = np.array(ibz2bz_k[::-1]) bz2bz_k = bz2bz_k[:-1].copy() bz2ibz_k = np.empty(nbzkpts, int) bz2ibz_k[ibz2bz_k] = np.arange(len(ibz2bz_k)) bz2ibz_k = bz2ibz_k[bz2bz_k] weight_k = np.bincount(bz2ibz_k) * (1.0 / nbzkpts) # Symmetry operation mapping IBZ to BZ: sym_k = np.empty(nbzkpts, int) for k in range(nbzkpts): # We pick the first one found: try: sym_k[k] = np.where(bz2bz_ks[bz2bz_k[k]] == k)[0][0] except IndexError: print(nbzkpts) print(k) print(bz2bz_k) print(bz2bz_ks[bz2bz_k[k]]) print(np.shape(np.where(bz2bz_ks[bz2bz_k[k]] == k))) print(bz2bz_k[k]) print(bz2bz_ks[bz2bz_k[k]] == k) raise # Time-reversal symmetry used on top of the point group operation: if time_reversal: time_reversal_k = sym_k >= nsym sym_k %= nsym else: time_reversal_k = np.zeros(nbzkpts, bool) assert (ibz2bz_k[bz2ibz_k] == bz2bz_k).all() for k in range(nbzkpts): sign = 1 - 2 * time_reversal_k[k] dq_c = ([sym_k[k]], bzk_kc[bz2bz_k[k]]) - sign * bzk_kc[k]) dq_c -= dq_c.round() assert abs(dq_c).max() < 1e-10 return (bzk_kc[ibz2bz_k], weight_k, sym_k, time_reversal_k, bz2ibz_k, ibz2bz_k, bz2bz_ks)
[docs] def check_grid(self, N_c) -> bool: """Check that symmetries are commensurate with grid.""" for s, (U_cc, ft_c) in enumerate(zip(self.op_scc, self.ft_sc)): t_c = ft_c * N_c # Make sure all grid-points map onto another grid-point: if (((N_c * U_cc).T % N_c).any() or not np.allclose(t_c, t_c.round())): return False return True
[docs] def symmetrize(self, a, gd): """Symmetrize array.""" gd.symmetrize(a, self.op_scc, self.ft_sc)
[docs] def symmetrize_positions(self, spos_ac): """Symmetrizes the atomic positions.""" spos_tmp_ac = np.zeros_like(spos_ac) spos_new_ac = np.zeros_like(spos_ac) for i, op_cc in enumerate(self.op_scc): spos_tmp_ac[:] = 0. for a in range(len(spos_ac)): spos_c =[a], op_cc) - self.ft_sc[i] # Bring back the negative ones: spos_c = spos_c - np.floor(spos_c + 1e-5) spos_tmp_ac[self.a_sa[i][a]] += spos_c spos_new_ac += spos_tmp_ac spos_new_ac /= len(self.op_scc) return spos_new_ac
[docs] def symmetrize_wavefunction(self, a_g, kibz_c, kbz_c, op_cc, time_reversal): """Generate Bloch function from symmetry related function in the IBZ. a_g: ndarray Array with Bloch function from the irreducible BZ. kibz_c: ndarray Corresponding k-point coordinates. kbz_c: ndarray K-point coordinates of the symmetry related k-point. op_cc: ndarray Point group operation connecting the two k-points. time-reversal: bool Time-reversal symmetry required in addition to the point group symmetry to connect the two k-points. """ # Identity if (np.abs(op_cc - np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all(): if time_reversal: return a_g.conj() else: return a_g # Inversion symmetry elif (np.abs(op_cc + np.eye(3, dtype=int)) < 1e-10).all(): return a_g.conj() # General point group symmetry else: import gpaw.cgpaw as cgpaw b_g = np.zeros_like(a_g) if time_reversal: # assert abs(, kibz_c) - -kbz_c) < tol cgpaw.symmetrize_wavefunction(a_g, b_g, op_cc.T.copy(), kibz_c, -kbz_c) return b_g.conj() else: # assert abs(, kibz_c) - kbz_c) < tol cgpaw.symmetrize_wavefunction(a_g, b_g, op_cc.T.copy(), kibz_c, kbz_c) return b_g
[docs] def symmetrize_forces(self, F0_av): """Symmetrize forces.""" F_ac = np.zeros_like(F0_av) for map_a, op_cc in zip(self.a_sa, self.op_scc): op_vv =,, self.cell_cv)) for a1, a2 in enumerate(map_a): F_ac[a2] +=[a1], op_vv) return F_ac / len(self.op_scc)
def __str__(self): n = len(self.op_scc) nft = self.ft_sc.any(1).sum() lines = [f'Symmetries present (total): {n}'] if not self.symmorphic: lines.append( f'Symmetries with fractional translations: {nft}') # X-Y grid of symmetry matrices: lines.append('') nx = 6 if self.symmorphic else 3 ns = len(self.op_scc) y = 0 for y in range((ns + nx - 1) // nx): for c in range(3): line = '' for x in range(nx): s = x + y * nx if s == ns: break op_c = self.op_scc[s, c] ft = self.ft_sc[s, c] line += ' (%2d %2d %2d)' % tuple(op_c) if not self.symmorphic: line += ' + (%4s)' % sfrac(ft) lines.append(line) lines.append('') return '\n'.join(lines)
def map_k_points(bzk_kc, U_scc, time_reversal, comm=None, tol=1e-11): """Find symmetry relations between k-points. This is a Python-wrapper for a C-function that does the hard work which is distributed over comm. The map bz2bz_ks is returned. If there is a k2 for which:: = _ _ _ U q = q + N, s k1 k2 where N is a vector of integers, then bz2bz_ks[k1, s] = k2, otherwise if there is a k2 for which:: = _ _ _ U q = -q + N, s k1 k2 then bz2bz_ks[k1, s + nsym] = k2, where nsym = len(U_scc). Otherwise bz2bz_ks[k1, s] = -1. """ if comm is None or isinstance(comm, mpi.DryRunCommunicator): comm = mpi.serial_comm nbzkpts = len(bzk_kc) ka = nbzkpts * comm.rank // comm.size kb = nbzkpts * (comm.rank + 1) // comm.size assert comm.sum_scalar(kb - ka) == nbzkpts if time_reversal: U_scc = np.concatenate([U_scc, -U_scc]) bz2bz_ks = np.zeros((nbzkpts, len(U_scc)), int) bz2bz_ks[ka:kb] = -1 cgpaw.map_k_points(np.ascontiguousarray(bzk_kc), np.ascontiguousarray(U_scc), tol, bz2bz_ks, ka, kb) comm.sum(bz2bz_ks) return bz2bz_ks def map_k_points_fast(bzk_kc, U_scc, time_reversal, comm=None, tol=1e-7): """Find symmetry relations between k-points. Performs the same task as map_k_points(), but much faster. This is achieved by finding the symmetry related kpoints using lexical sorting instead of brute force searching. bzk_kc: ndarray kpoint coordinates. U_scc: ndarray Symmetry operations time_reversal: Bool Use time reversal symmetry in mapping. comm: Communicator tol: float When kpoint are closer than tol, they are considered to be identical. """ nbzkpts = len(bzk_kc) if time_reversal: U_scc = np.concatenate([U_scc, -U_scc]) bz2bz_ks = np.zeros((nbzkpts, len(U_scc)), int) bz2bz_ks[:] = -1 for s, U_cc in enumerate(U_scc): # Find mapped kpoints Ubzk_kc =, U_cc.T) # Do some work on the input k_kc = np.concatenate([bzk_kc, Ubzk_kc]) k_kc = np.mod(np.mod(k_kc, 1), 1) aglomerate_points(k_kc, tol) k_kc = k_kc.round(-np.log10(tol).astype(int)) k_kc = np.mod(k_kc, 1) # Find the lexicographical order order = np.lexsort(k_kc.T) k_kc = k_kc[order] diff_kc = np.diff(k_kc, axis=0) equivalentpairs_k = np.array((diff_kc == 0).all(1), bool) # Mapping array. orders = np.array([order[:-1][equivalentpairs_k], order[1:][equivalentpairs_k]]) # This has to be true. assert (orders[0] < nbzkpts).all() assert (orders[1] >= nbzkpts).all() bz2bz_ks[orders[1] - nbzkpts, s] = orders[0] return bz2bz_ks def aglomerate_points(k_kc, tol): nd = k_kc.shape[1] nbzkpts = len(k_kc) inds_kc = np.argsort(k_kc, axis=0) for c in range(nd): sk_k = k_kc[inds_kc[:, c], c] dk_k = np.diff(sk_k) # Partition the kpoints into groups pt_K = np.argwhere(dk_k > tol)[:, 0] pt_K = np.append(np.append(0, pt_K + 1), 2 * nbzkpts) for i in range(len(pt_K) - 1): k_kc[inds_kc[pt_K[i]:pt_K[i + 1], c], c] = k_kc[inds_kc[pt_K[i], c], c] def atoms2symmetry(atoms, id_a=None, tolerance=1e-7): """Create symmetry object from atoms object.""" if id_a is None: id_a = atoms.get_atomic_numbers() symmetry = Symmetry(id_a, atoms.cell, atoms.pbc, symmorphic=False, time_reversal=False, tolerance=tolerance) symmetry.analyze(atoms.get_scaled_positions()) return symmetry class CLICommand: """Analyse symmetry (and show IBZ k-points). Example: $ ase build -x bcc -a 3.5 Li | gpaw symmetry -k "{density:3,gamma:1}" symmetry: number of symmetries: 48 number of symmetries with translation: 0 bz sampling: number of bz points: 512 number of ibz points: 29 monkhorst-pack size: [8, 8, 8] monkhorst-pack shift: [0.0625, 0.0625, 0.0625] """ @staticmethod def add_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument('-t', '--tolerance', type=float, default=1e-7, help='Tolerance used for identifying symmetries.') parser.add_argument( '-k', '--k-points', help='Use symmetries to reduce number of k-points. ' 'Exapmples: "4,4,4", "{density:3.5,gamma:True}".') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Show symmetry operations (and k-points).') parser.add_argument('-s', '--symmorphic', action='store_true', help='Only find symmorphic symmetries.') parser.add_argument('filename', nargs='?', default='-', help='Filename to read structure from. ' 'Use "-" for reading from stdin. ' 'Default is "-".') @staticmethod def run(args): import sys from import create_symmetries_object from import create_kpts from import kpts from import str2dict from ase.db import connect from import read if args.filename == '-': atoms = next(connect(sys.stdin).select()).toatoms() else: atoms = read(args.filename) symmetries = create_symmetries_object( atoms, parameters={'tolerance': args.tolerance, 'symmorphic': args.symmorphic}) txt = str(symmetries) if not args.verbose: txt = txt.split(' rotations', 1)[0] print(txt) if args.k_points: k = str2dict('kpts=' + args.k_points)['kpts'] bz = create_kpts(kpts(k), atoms) ibz = symmetries.reduce(bz) txt = str(ibz) if not args.verbose: txt = txt.split(' points and weights:', 1)[0] print(txt)