Source code for gpaw.solvation.sjm

The solvated jellium method is contained in this module.
This enables electronically grand-canonical calculations to be calculated,
typically for simulating electrochemical interfaces.

import os
import copy
import textwrap

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import linregress
from ase.units import Bohr, Ha
from ase.calculators.calculator import (Parameters, equal, InputError,
from ase.dft.bandgap import bandgap
from ase.parallel import paropen

import gpaw.mpi
from gpaw import ConvergenceError
from gpaw.jellium import Jellium, JelliumSlab
from gpaw.hamiltonian import RealSpaceHamiltonian
from gpaw.fd_operators import Gradient
from gpaw.dipole_correction import DipoleCorrection
from gpaw.solvation.cavity import Power12Potential, get_pbc_positions
from gpaw.solvation.calculator import SolvationGPAW
from gpaw.solvation.hamiltonian import SolvationRealSpaceHamiltonian
from gpaw.solvation.poisson import WeightedFDPoissonSolver
from import indent

[docs]class SJM(SolvationGPAW): r"""Solvated Jellium method. (Implemented as a subclass of the SolvationGPAW class.) The method allows the simulation of an electrochemical environment, where the potential can be varied by changing the charging (that is, number of electrons) of the system. For this purpose, it allows the usagelof non- neutral periodic slab systems. Cell neutrality is achieved by adding a background charge in the solvent region above the slab Further details are given in If you use this method, we appreciate it if you cite that work. The method can be run in two modes: - Constant charge: The number of excess electrons in the simulation can be directly specified with the 'excess_electrons' keyword, leaving 'target_potential' set to None. - Constant potential: The target potential (expressed as a work function) can be specified with the 'target_potential' keyword. Optionally, the 'excess_electrons' keyword can be supplied to specify the initial guess of the number of electrons. By default, this method writes the grand-potential energy to the output; that is, the energy that has been adjusted with `- \mu N` (in this case, `\mu` is the work function and `N` is the excess electrons). This is the energy that is compatible with the forces in constant-potential mode and thus will behave well with optimizers, NEBs, etc. It is also frequently used in subsequent free-energy calculations. Within this method, the potential is expressed as the top-side work function of the slab. Therefore, a potential of 0 V_SHE corresponds to a work function of roughly 4.4 eV. (That is, the user should specify target_potential as 4.4 in this case.) Because this method is attempting to bring the work function to a target value, the work function itself needs to be well-converged. For this reason, the 'work function' keyword is automatically added to the SCF convergence dictionary with a value of 0.001. This can be overriden by the user. This method requires a dipole correction, and this is turned on automatically, but can be overridden with the poissonsolver keyword. The SJM class takes a single argument, the sj dictionary. All other arguments are fed to the parent SolvationGPAW (and therefore GPAW) calculator. Parameters: sj: dict Dictionary of parameters for the solvated jellium method, whose possible keys are given below. Parameters in sj dictionary: excess_electrons: float Number of electrons added in the atomic system and (with opposite sign) in the background charge region. If the 'target_potential' keyword is also supplied, 'excess_electrons' is taken as an initial guess for the needed number of electrons. target_potential: float The potential that should be reached or kept in the course of the calculation. If set to 'None' (default) a constant-charge calculation based on the value of 'excess_electrons' is performed. Expressed as a work function, on the top side of the slab; see note above. tol: float Tolerance for the deviation of the target potential. If the potential is outside the defined range 'ne' will be changed in order to get inside again. Default: 0.01 V. max_iters: int In constant-potential mode, the maximum number of iterations to try to equilibrate the potential (by varying ne). Default: 10. jelliumregion: dict Parameters regarding the shape of the counter charge region. Implemented keys: 'top': float or None Upper boundary of the counter charge region (z coordinate). A positive float is taken as the upper boundary coordiate. A negative float is taken as the distance below the uppper cell boundary. Default: -1. 'bottom': float or 'cavity_like' or None Lower boundary of the counter-charge region (z coordinate). A positive float is taken as the lower boundary coordinate. A negative float is interpreted as the distance above the highest z coordinate of any atom; this can be fixed by setting fix_bottom to True. If 'cavity_like' is given the counter charge will take the form of the cavity up to the 'top'. Default: -3. 'thickness': float or None Thickness of the counter charge region in Angstroms. Can only be used if start is not 'cavity_like'. Default: None 'fix_bottom': bool Do not allow the lower limit of the jellium region to adapt to a change in the atomic geometry during a relaxation. Omitted in a 'cavity_like' jelliumregion. Default: False grand_output: bool Write the grand-potential energy into output files such as trajectory files. Default: True always_adjust: bool Adjust ne again even when potential is within tolerance. This is useful to set to True along with a loose potential tolerance (tol) to allow the potential and structure to be simultaneously optimized in a geometry optimization, for example. Default: False. slope : float or None Initial guess of the slope, in volts per electron, of the relationship between the electrode potential and excess electrons, used to equilibrate the potential. This only applies to the first step, as the slope is calculated internally at subsequent steps. If None, will be guessed based on apparent capacitance of 10 uF/cm^2. max_step : float When equilibrating the potential, if a step results in the potential being further from the target and changing by more than 'max_step' V, then the step size is cut in half and we try again. This is to avoid leaving the linear region. You can set to np.inf to turn this off. Default: 2 V. mixer : float Damping for the slope estimate. Because estimating slopes can sometimes be noisy (particularly for small changes, or when positions have also changed), some fraction of the previous slope estimate can be "mixed" with the current slope estimate before the new slope is established. E.g., new_slope = mixer * old_slope + (1. - mixer) * current_slope_estimate. Set to 0 for no damping. Default: 0.5. Special SJM methods (in addition to those of GPAW/SolvationGPAW): get_electrode_potential Returns the potential of the simulated electrode, in V, relative to the vacuum. write_sjm_traces Write traces of quantities like electrostatic potential or cavity to disk. """ implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces', 'stress', 'dipole', 'magmom', 'magmoms', 'excess_electrons', 'electrode_potential'] _sj_default_parameters = Parameters( {'excess_electrons': 0., 'jelliumregion': {'top': -1., 'bottom': -3., 'thickness': None, 'fix_bottom': False}, 'target_potential': None, 'tol': 0.01, 'always_adjust': False, 'grand_output': True, 'max_iters': 10, 'max_step': 2., 'slope': None, 'mixer': 0.5}) default_parameters = copy.deepcopy(SolvationGPAW.default_parameters) default_parameters.update({'poissonsolver': {'dipolelayer': 'xy'}}) default_parameters['convergence'].update({'work function': 0.001}) default_parameters.update({'sj': _sj_default_parameters}) def __init__(self, restart=None, **kwargs): deprecated_keys = ['ne', 'potential', 'write_grandcanonical_energy', 'potential_equilibration_mode', 'dpot', 'max_pot_deviation', 'doublelayer', 'verbose'] msg = ('{:s} is no longer a supported keyword argument for the SJM ' 'class. All SJM arguments should be sent in via the "sj" ' 'dict.') for key in deprecated_keys: if key in kwargs: raise InputError(textwrap.fill(msg.format(key))) # Note the below line calls self.set(). SolvationGPAW.__init__(self, restart, **kwargs) def set(self, **kwargs): """Change parameters for calculator. It differs from the standard `set` function in two ways: - Keywords in the `sj` dictionary are handled. - It does not reinitialize and delete `self.wfs` if only the background charge is changed. """ p = self.parameters['sj'] # We handle 'sj' and 'background_charge' internally; passing to GPAW's # set function will trigger a deletion of the density, etc. sj_changes = kwargs.pop('sj', {}) try: sj_changes = {key: value for key, value in sj_changes.items() if not equal(value, p[key])} except KeyError: raise InputError( 'Unexpected key(s) provided to sj dict. ' 'Keys provided were "{}". ' 'Only keys allowed are "{}".' .format(', '.join(sj_changes), ', '.join(self.default_parameters['sj']))) p.update(sj_changes) background_charge = kwargs.pop('background_charge', None) SolvationGPAW.set(self, **kwargs) # parent_changed checks if GPAW needs to be reinitialized # The following key do not need reinitialization parent_changed = False for key in kwargs: if key not in ['mixer', 'verbose', 'txt', 'hund', 'random', 'eigensolver', 'convergence', 'fixdensity', 'maxiter']: parent_changed = True if len(sj_changes): if self.wfs is None: self.log('Non-default Solvated Jellium parameters:') else: self.log('Changed Solvated Jellium parameters:') self.log.print_dict({i: p[i] for i in sj_changes}) self.log() if 'target_potential' in sj_changes and p.target_potential is not None: # If target potential is changed by the user and the slope is # known, a step towards the new potential is taken right away. try: true_potential = self.get_electrode_potential() # TypeError is needed for the case of starting from a gpw # file and changing the target potential at the start. except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: if self.atoms and p.slope: p.excess_electrons += ((p.target_potential - true_potential) / p.slope) self.log('Number of electrons changed to {:.4f} based ' 'on slope of {:.4f} V/electron.' .format(p.excess_electrons, p.slope)) if (any(key in ['target_potential', 'excess_electrons', 'jelliumregion'] for key in sj_changes) and not parent_changed): self.results = {} # SolvationGPAW will not reinitialize anymore if only # 'sj' keywords are set. The lines below will reinitialize and # apply the changed charges. if self.atoms: self.set(background_charge=self._create_jellium()) if 'tol' in sj_changes: try: true_potential = self.get_electrode_potential() except (AttributeError, TypeError): pass else: msg = ('Potential tolerance changed to {:1.4f} V: ' .format(p.tol)) if abs(true_potential - p.target_potential) > p.tol: msg += 'new calculation required.' self.results = {} if self.atoms and p.slope is not None: p.excess_electrons += ((p.target_potential - true_potential) / p.slope) self.set(background_charge=self._create_jellium()) msg += ('\n Excess electrons changed to {:.4f} based ' 'on slope of {:.4f} V/electron.' .format(p.excess_electrons, p.slope)) else: msg += 'already within tolerance.' self.log(msg) if background_charge: # background_charge is a GPAW parameter that we handle internally, # as it contains the jellium countercharge. Note if a user tries to # specify an *additional* background charge this will probably # conflict, but we know of no such use cases. if self.wfs is None: kwargs.update({'background_charge': background_charge}) SolvationGPAW.set(self, **kwargs) else: if parent_changed: self.density = None else: if self.density.background_charge: self.density.background_charge = background_charge self.density.background_charge.set_grid_descriptor( self.density.finegd) self._quick_reinitialization() self.wfs.nvalence = self.setups.nvalence + p.excess_electrons self.log('Number of valence electrons is now {:.5f}' .format(self.wfs.nvalence)) def _quick_reinitialization(self): """Minimal reinitialization of electronic-structure stuff when only background charge changes.""" if self.density.nct_G is None: self.initialize_positions() self.density.reset() self._set_atoms(self.atoms) self.density.mixer.reset() self.wfs.initialize(self.density, self.hamiltonian, self.spos_ac) self.wfs.eigensolver.reset() if self.scf: self.scf.reset() def calculate(self, atoms=None, properties=['energy'], system_changes=['cell']): """Perform an electronic structure calculation, with either a constant number of electrons or a target potential, as requested by the user in the 'sj' dict.""" if atoms and not self.atoms: # Need to be set before ASE's Calculator.calculate gets to it. self.atoms = atoms.copy() if len(system_changes) == 0 and len(self.results) > 0: # Potential is already equilibrated. SolvationGPAW.calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes) return self.log('Solvated jellium method (SJM) calculation:') p = self.parameters['sj'] if p.target_potential is None: self.log('Constant-charge calculation with {:.5f} excess ' 'electrons'.format(p.excess_electrons)) # Background charge is set here, not earlier, because atoms needed. self.set(background_charge=self._create_jellium()) SolvationGPAW.calculate(self, atoms, ['energy'], system_changes) self.log('Potential found to be {:.5f} V (with {:+.5f} ' 'electrons)'.format(self.get_electrode_potential(), p.excess_electrons)) else: self.log(' Constant-potential mode.') self.log(' Target potential: {:.5f} +/- {:.5f}' .format(p.target_potential, p.tol)) self.log(' Initial guess of excess electrons: {:.5f}' .format(p.excess_electrons)) if 'workfunction' in self.parameters.convergence: if self.parameters.convergence['workfunction'] >= p.tol: msg = ('Warning: it appears that your work function ' 'convergence criterion ({:g}) is higher than your ' 'desired potential tolerance ({:g}). This may lead ' 'to issues with potential convergence.' .format(self.parameters.convergence['workfunction'], p.tol)) self.log(textwrap.fill(msg)) self._equilibrate_potential(atoms, system_changes) if properties != ['energy']: # The equilibration loop only calculated energy, to save # unnecessary computations (mostly of forces) in the loop. SolvationGPAW.calculate(self, atoms, properties, []) # Note that grand-potential energies were assembled in summary, # which in turn was called by GPAW.calculate. if p.grand_output: self.results['energy'] = self.omega_extrapolated * Ha self.results['free_energy'] = self.omega_free * Ha self.log('Grand-potential energy was written into results.\n') else: self.log('Canonical energy was written into results.\n') self.results['excess_electrons'] = p.excess_electrons self.results['electrode_potential'] = self.get_electrode_potential() self.log.fd.flush() def _equilibrate_potential(self, atoms, system_changes): """Adjusts the number of electrons until the potential reaches the desired value.""" p = self.parameters['sj'] iteration = 0 previous_electrons = [] previous_potentials = [] rerun = False while iteration <= p.max_iters: self.log('Attempt {:d} to equilibrate potential to {:.3f} +/-' ' {:.3f} V' .format(iteration, p.target_potential, p.tol)) self.log('Current guess of excess electrons: {:+.5f}\n' .format(p.excess_electrons)) if iteration == 1: self.timer.start('Potential equilibration loop') # We don't want SolvationGPAW to see any more system # changes, like positions, after attempt 0. system_changes = [] if any([iteration, rerun, 'positions' in system_changes]): self.set(background_charge=self._create_jellium()) # Do the calculation. SolvationGPAW.calculate(self, atoms, ['energy'], system_changes) true_potential = self.get_electrode_potential() self.log() msg = (f'Potential found to be {true_potential:.5f} V (with ' f'{p.excess_electrons:+.5f} excess electrons, attempt ' f'{iteration:d}/{p.max_iters:d}') msg += ' rerun).' if rerun else ').' self.log(msg, flush=True) # Check if we took too big of a step. try: stepsize = abs(true_potential - previous_potentials[-1]) except IndexError: pass else: diff_ratio = (true_potential - p.target_potential) /\ (previous_potentials[-1] - p.target_potential) if stepsize > p.max_step and diff_ratio < -0.5: self.log('Step resulted in a potential change of ' f'{stepsize:.2f} V, larger than max_step ' f'({p.max_step:.2f} V) and\n surpassed the' ' target potential by a dangerous amount.\n' ' The step is rejected and the change in' ' excess_electrons will be halved.') p.excess_electrons = (previous_electrons[-1] + (p.excess_electrons - previous_electrons[-1]) * 0.5) rerun = True continue # back to while # Increase iteration count. iteration += 1 rerun = False # Store attempt and calculate slope. previous_electrons.append(float(p.excess_electrons)) previous_potentials.append(float(true_potential)) if len(previous_electrons) > 1: slope = _calculate_slope(previous_electrons, previous_potentials) self.log('Slope regressed from last {:d} attempts is ' '{:.4f} V/electron,' .format(len(previous_electrons[-4:]), slope)) area =[:2, :2])) capacitance = -1.6022 * 1e3 / (area * slope) self.log(f'or apparent capacitance of {capacitance:.4f} ' 'muF/cm^2') if p.slope is not None: p.slope = p.mixer * p.slope + (1. - p.mixer) * slope self.log(f'After mixing with {p.mixer:.2f}, new slope is ' f'{p.slope:.4f} V/electron.') else: p.slope = slope self.log.flush() # Check if we're equilibrated and exit if always_adjust is False. if abs(true_potential - p.target_potential) < p.tol: self.log('Potential is within tolerance. Equilibrated.') if iteration >= 2: self.timer.stop('Potential equilibration loop') if not p.always_adjust: return # Guess slope if we don't have enough information yet. if p.slope is None: area =[:2, :2])) p.slope = -1.6022e3 / (area * 10.) self.log('No slope provided, guessing a slope of ' f'{p.slope:.4f} corresponding\nto an apparent ' 'capacitance of 10 muF/cm^2.') # Finally, update the number of electrons. p.excess_electrons += ((p.target_potential - true_potential) / p.slope) self.log(f'Number of electrons changed to {p.excess_electrons:.4f}' f' based on slope of {p.slope:.4f} V/electron.') # Check if we're equilibrated and exit if always_adjust is True. if (abs(true_potential - p.target_potential) < p.tol and p.always_adjust): return msg = (f'Potential could not be reached after {iteration-1:d} ' 'iterations. This may indicate your workfunction is noisier ' 'than your potential tol. You may try setting the ' 'convergence["workfunction"] keyword. The last values of ' 'excess_electrons and the potential are listed below; ' 'plotting them could give you insight into the problem.') msg = textwrap.fill(msg) + '\n' for n, p in zip(previous_electrons, previous_potentials): msg += f'{n:+.6f} {p:.6f}\n' self.log(msg, flush=True) raise PotentialConvergenceError(msg) def write_sjm_traces(self, path='sjm_traces', style='z', props=('potential', 'cavity', 'background_charge')): """Write traces of quantities in `props` to file on disk; traces will be stored within specified path. Default is to save as vertical traces (style 'z'), but can also save as cube (specify `style='cube'`).""" grid = self.density.finegd data = {'cavity': self.hamiltonian.cavity.g_g, 'background_charge': self.density.background_charge.mask_g, 'potential': (self.hamiltonian.vHt_g * Ha - self.get_fermi_level())} if not os.path.exists(path) and == 0: os.makedirs(path) for prop in props: if style == 'z': _write_trace_in_z(grid, data[prop], prop + '.txt', path) elif style == 'cube': _write_property_on_grid(grid, data[prop], self.atoms, prop + '.cube', path) def summary(self): """Writes summary information to the log file. This varies from the implementation in gpaw.calculator.GPAW by the inclusion of grand potential quantities.""" # Standard GPAW summary. self.hamiltonian.summary(self.wfs, self.log) # Add grand-canonical terms. p = self.parameters['sj'] self.log() mu_N = self.get_electrode_potential() * p.excess_electrons / Ha self.omega_free = self.hamiltonian.e_total_free + mu_N self.omega_extrapolated = self.hamiltonian.e_total_extrapolated + mu_N self.log('Legendre-transformed energies (grand potential, ' 'Omega = E - N mu)') self.log(' N (excess electrons): {:+11.6f}' .format(p.excess_electrons)) self.log(' mu (workfunction, eV): {:+11.6f}' .format(self.get_electrode_potential())) self.log(' (Grand) free energy: {:+11.6f}' .format(Ha * self.omega_free)) self.log(' (Grand) extrapolated: {:+11.6f}' .format(Ha * self.omega_extrapolated)) self.log() # Back to standard GPAW summary. self.density.summary(self.atoms, self.results.get('magmom', 0.0), self.log) self.wfs.summary(self.log) if len(self.wfs.fermi_levels) == 1: try: bandgap(self, output=self.log.fd, efermi=self.wfs.fermi_level * Ha) except ValueError: pass self.log.fd.flush() def _create_jellium(self): """Creates the counter charge according to the user's specs.""" atoms = self.atoms p = self.parameters['sj'] jellium = p['jelliumregion'] defaults = self.default_parameters['sj']['jelliumregion'] # Populate missing keywords. missing = {'top': None, 'bottom': None, 'thickness': None, 'fix_bottom': False} for key in missing: if key not in jellium: jellium[key] = missing[key] # Catch incompatible specifications. if jellium.get('thickness') and jellium['bottom'] == 'cavity_like': raise InputError("With a cavity-like counter charge only the " "keyword 'top' (not 'thickness') allowed.") # We need 2 of the 3 "specifieds" below. specifieds = [jellium['top'] is not None, jellium['bottom'] is not None, jellium['thickness'] is not None] if sum(specifieds) == 3: raise InputError('The jellium region has been overspecified.') if sum(specifieds) == 0: top = defaults['top'] bottom = defaults['bottom'] thickness = defaults['thickness'] if sum(specifieds) == 2: top = jellium['top'] bottom = jellium['bottom'] thickness = jellium['thickness'] if specifieds == [True, False, False]: top = jellium['top'] bottom = defaults['bottom'] thickness = None elif specifieds == [False, True, False]: top = defaults['top'] bottom = jellium['bottom'] thickness = None elif specifieds == [False, False, True]: top = None bottom = defaults['bottom'] thickness = jellium['thickness'] # Deal with negative specifications of upper and lower limits; # as well as fixed/free lower limit. if top is not None and top < 0.: top = atoms.cell[2][2] + top if bottom not in [None, 'cavity_like'] and bottom < 0.: bottom = (max(atoms.positions[:, 2]) - bottom) if jellium['fix_bottom'] is True: try: bottom = self._fixed_lower_limit except AttributeError: self._fixed_lower_limit = bottom # Use thickness if needed. if top is None: top = bottom + thickness if bottom is None: bottom = top - thickness # Catch unphysical limits. if top > atoms.cell[2][2]: raise InputError('The upper limit of the jellium region lies ' 'outside of unit cell. If you did not set it ' 'manually, increase your unit cell size or ' 'translate the atomic system down along the ' 'z-axis.') if bottom != 'cavity_like': if bottom > top: raise InputError('Your jellium region has a bottom at {:.3f}' ' AA, which is above the top at {:.3f} AA.' .format(bottom, top)) # Finally, make the jellium. if bottom == 'cavity_like': if self.hamiltonian is None: self.initialize(atoms) self.set_positions(atoms) g_g = self.hamiltonian.cavity.g_g.copy() self.wfs = None self.density = None self.hamiltonian = None self.initialized = False else: self.set_positions(atoms) # XXX If you start with a fixed bottom, run a calc, # then hot-switch to cavity_like it crashes here. Not sure # that's common enough to worry about. g_g = self.hamiltonian.cavity.g_g self.log('Jellium counter-charge defined with:\n' ' Bottom: cavity-like\n' ' Top: {:7.3f} AA\n' ' Charge: {:5.4f}\n' .format(top, p.excess_electrons)) return CavityShapedJellium(charge=p.excess_electrons, g_g=g_g, z2=top) self.log('Jellium counter-charge defined with:\n' ' Bottom: {:7.3f} AA\n' ' Top: {:7.3f} AA\n' ' Charge: {:5.4f}\n' .format(bottom, top, p.excess_electrons)) return JelliumSlab(charge=p.excess_electrons, z1=bottom, z2=top) def get_electrode_potential(self): """Returns the potential of the simulated electrode, in V, relative to the vacuum. This comes directly from the work function.""" try: return Ha * self.hamiltonian.get_workfunctions(self.wfs)[1] except TypeError: # Error happens on freshly-opened *.gpw file. if 'electrode_potential' in self.results: return self.results['electrode_potential'] else: msg = ('Electrode potential could not be read. Make sure a DFT' ' calculation has been performed before reading the ' 'potential.') raise PropertyNotPresent(textwrap.fill(msg)) def initialize(self, atoms=None, reading=False): """Inexpensive initialization. This catches CavityShapedJellium, which GPAW's initialize does not know how to handle on restart. We delete and it will be recreated by the _create_jellium method when needed. """ background_charge = self.parameters['background_charge'] if isinstance(background_charge, dict): if 'z1' in background_charge: if background_charge['z1'] == 'cavity_like': self.parameters['background_charge'] = None SolvationGPAW.initialize(self=self, atoms=atoms, reading=reading) def create_hamiltonian(self, realspace, mode, xc): """This differs from SolvationGPAW's create_hamiltonian method by the ability to use dipole corrections.""" if not realspace: raise NotImplementedError( 'SJM does not support calculations in reciprocal space yet' ' due to a lack of an implicit solvent module.') dens = self.density self.hamiltonian = SJM_RealSpaceHamiltonian( *self.stuff_for_hamiltonian,, finegd=dens.finegd, nspins=dens.nspins, collinear=dens.collinear, setups=dens.setups, timer=self.timer, xc=xc,, redistributor=dens.redistributor, vext=self.parameters.external, psolver=self.parameters.poissonsolver, stencil=mode.interpolation) xc.set_grid_descriptor(self.hamiltonian.finegd)
def _write_trace_in_z(grid, property, name, dir): """Writes out a property (like electrostatic potential, cavity, or background charge) as a function of the z coordinate only. `grid` is the grid descriptor, typically self.density.finegd. `property` is the property to be output, on the same grid.""" property = grid.collect(property, broadcast=True) property_z = property.mean(0).mean(0) with paropen(os.path.join(dir, name), 'w') as f: for i, val in enumerate(property_z): f.write(f'{(i + 1) * grid.h_cv[2][2] * Bohr:f} {val:1.8f}\n') def _write_property_on_grid(grid, property, atoms, name, dir): """Writes out a property (like electrostatic potential, cavity, or background charge) on the grid, as a cube file. `grid` is the grid descriptor, typically self.density.finegd. `property` is the property to be output, on the same grid.""" property = grid.collect(property, broadcast=True), name), atoms, data=property) def _calculate_slope(previous_electrons, previous_potentials): """Calculates the slope of potential versus number of electrons; regresses based on (up to) last four data points to smooth noise.""" npoints = 4 ans = linregress(previous_electrons[-npoints:], previous_potentials[-npoints:]) return ans[0]
[docs]class SJMPower12Potential(Power12Potential): r"""Inverse power-law potential. Inverse power law potential for SJM, inherited from the Power12Potential of gpaw.solvation. This is a 1/r^{12} repulive potential taking the value u0 at the atomic radius. In SJM one also has the option of removing the solvent from the electrode backside and adding ghost plane/atoms to remove the solvent from the electrode-water interface. Parameters: atomic_radii: function Callable mapping an ase.Atoms object to an iterable of atomic radii in Angstroms. If not provided, defaults to van der Waals radii. u0: float Strength of the potential at the atomic radius in eV. Defaults to 0.18 eV, the best-fit value for water from Held & Walter. pbc_cutoff: float Cutoff in eV for including neighbor cells in a calculation with periodic boundary conditions. H2O_layer: bool, int or str True: Exclude the implicit solvent from the interface region between electrode and water. Ghost atoms will be added below the water layer. False: The opposite of True. [default] int: Explicitly account for the given number of water molecules above electrode. This is handy if H2O is directly adsorbed and a water layer is present in the unit cell at the same time. 'plane': Use a plane instead of ghost atoms for freeing the surface. unsolv_backside: bool Exclude implicit solvent from the region behind the electrode """ depends_on_el_density = False depends_on_atomic_positions = True def __init__(self, atomic_radii=None, u0=0.180, pbc_cutoff=1e-6, tiny=1e-10, H2O_layer=False, unsolv_backside=True): super().__init__(atomic_radii, u0, pbc_cutoff, tiny) self.H2O_layer = H2O_layer self.unsolv_backside = unsolv_backside def __str__(self): s = Power12Potential.__str__(self) s += indent(f' H2O layer: {self.H2O_layer}\n') s += indent(f' Only solvate front side: {self.unsolv_backside}\n') return s def write(self, writer): writer.write( name='SJMPower12Potential', u0=self.u0, atomic_radii=self.atomic_radii_output, H2O_layer=self.H2O_layer, unsolv_backside=self.unsolv_backside) def update(self, atoms, density): if atoms is None: return False self.r12_a = (self.atomic_radii_output / Bohr) ** 12 r_cutoff = (self.r12_a.max() * self.u0 / self.pbc_cutoff) ** (1. / 12.) self.pos_aav = get_pbc_positions(atoms, r_cutoff) self.u_g.fill(.0) self.grad_u_vg.fill(.0) na = np.newaxis if self.unsolv_backside: # Removing solvent from electrode backside for z in range(self.u_g.shape[2]): if (self.r_vg[2, 0, 0, z] - atoms.positions[:, 2].min() / Bohr < 0): self.u_g[:, :, z] = np.inf self.grad_u_vg[:, :, :, z] = 0 if self.H2O_layer: # Add ghost coordinates and indices to pos_aav dictionary if # a water layer is present. all_oxygen_ind = [atom.index for atom in atoms if atom.symbol == 'O'] # Disregard oxygens that don't belong to the water layer allwater_oxygen_ind = [] for ox in all_oxygen_ind: nH = 0 for i, atm in enumerate(atoms): for period_atm in self.pos_aav[i]: dist = period_atm * Bohr - atoms[ox].position if np.linalg.norm(dist) < 1.3 and atm.symbol == 'H': nH += 1 if nH >= 2: allwater_oxygen_ind.append(ox) # If the number of waters in the water layer is given as an input # (H2O_layer=i) then only the uppermost i water molecules are # regarded for unsolvating the interface (this is relevant if # water is adsorbed on the surface) if not isinstance(self.H2O_layer, (bool, str)): if self.H2O_layer % 1 < self.tiny: self.H2O_layer = int(self.H2O_layer) else: raise InputError('Only an integer number of water ' 'molecules is possible in the water ' 'layer') allwaters = atoms[allwater_oxygen_ind] indizes_water_ox_ind = np.argsort(allwaters.positions[:, 2], axis=0) water_oxygen_ind = [] for i in range(self.H2O_layer): water_oxygen_ind.append( allwater_oxygen_ind[indizes_water_ox_ind[-1 - i]]) else: water_oxygen_ind = allwater_oxygen_ind oxygen = self.pos_aav[water_oxygen_ind[0]] * Bohr if len(water_oxygen_ind) > 1: for windex in water_oxygen_ind[1:]: oxygen = np.concatenate( (oxygen, self.pos_aav[windex] * Bohr)) O_layer = [] if isinstance(self.H2O_layer, str): # Add a virtual plane if len(self.H2O_layer.split('-')) > 1: plane_z = float(self.H2O_layer.split('-')[1]) - \ 1.0 * self.atomic_radii_output[water_oxygen_ind[0]] else: plane_rel_oxygen = -1.5 * self.atomic_radii_output[ water_oxygen_ind[0]] plane_z = oxygen[:, 2].min() + plane_rel_oxygen r_diff_zg = self.r_vg[2, :, :, :] - plane_z / Bohr r_diff_zg[r_diff_zg < self.tiny] = self.tiny r_diff_zg2 = r_diff_zg ** 2 u_g = self.r12_a[water_oxygen_ind[0]] / r_diff_zg2 ** 6 self.u_g += u_g.copy() u_g /= r_diff_zg2 r_diff_zg *= u_g.copy() self.grad_u_vg[2, :, :, :] += r_diff_zg else: # Ghost atoms are added below the explicit water layer cell = atoms.cell.copy() / Bohr cell[2][2] = 1. natoms_in_plane = [round(np.linalg.norm(cell[0]) * 1.5), round(np.linalg.norm(cell[1]) * 1.5)] plane_z = (oxygen[:, 2].min() - 1.75 * self.atomic_radii_output[water_oxygen_ind[0]]) nghatoms_z = int(round(oxygen[:, 2].min() - atoms.positions[:, 2].min())) for i in range(int(natoms_in_plane[0])): for j in range(int(natoms_in_plane[1])): for k in np.linspace(atoms.positions[:, 2].min(), plane_z, num=nghatoms_z): O_layer.append( [(1.5 * i - natoms_in_plane[0] / 4) / natoms_in_plane[0], (1.5 * j - natoms_in_plane[1] / 4) / natoms_in_plane[1], k / Bohr]), cell)) # Add additional ghost O-atoms below the actual water O atoms # of water which frees the interface in case of corrugated # water layers for ox in oxygen / Bohr: O_layer.append([ox[0], ox[1], ox[2] - 1.0 * self.atomic_radii_output[ water_oxygen_ind[0]] / Bohr]) r12_add = [] for i in range(len(O_layer)): self.pos_aav[len(atoms) + i] = [O_layer[i]] r12_add.append(self.r12_a[water_oxygen_ind[0]]) r12_add = np.array(r12_add) # r12_a must have same dimensions as pos_aav items self.r12_a = np.concatenate((self.r12_a, r12_add)) for index, pos_av in self.pos_aav.items(): pos_av = np.array(pos_av) r12 = self.r12_a[index] for pos_v in pos_av: origin_vg = pos_v[:, na, na, na] r_diff_vg = self.r_vg - origin_vg r_diff2_g = (r_diff_vg ** 2).sum(0) r_diff2_g[r_diff2_g < self.tiny] = self.tiny u_g = r12 / r_diff2_g ** 6 self.u_g += u_g u_g /= r_diff2_g r_diff_vg *= u_g[na, ...] self.grad_u_vg += r_diff_vg self.u_g *= self.u0 / Ha self.grad_u_vg *= -12. * self.u0 / Ha self.grad_u_vg[self.grad_u_vg < -1e20] = -1e20 self.grad_u_vg[self.grad_u_vg > 1e20] = 1e20 return True
class SJM_RealSpaceHamiltonian(SolvationRealSpaceHamiltonian): """Realspace Hamiltonian with continuum solvent model in the context of SJM. See also Section III of A. Held and M. Walter, J. Chem. Phys. 141, 174108 (2014). In contrast to the standard implicit solvent model a dipole correction can also be applied; this is the only difference from its parent. """ def __init__(self, cavity, dielectric, interactions, gd, finegd, nspins, setups, timer, xc, world, redistributor, vext=None, psolver=None, stencil=3, collinear=None): self.cavity = cavity self.dielectric = dielectric self.interactions = interactions cavity.set_grid_descriptor(finegd) dielectric.set_grid_descriptor(finegd) for ia in interactions: ia.set_grid_descriptor(finegd) if psolver is None: psolver = WeightedFDPoissonSolver() self.dipcorr = False elif isinstance(psolver, dict): psolver = SJMDipoleCorrection(WeightedFDPoissonSolver(), psolver['dipolelayer']) self.dipcorr = True if self.dipcorr: psolver.poissonsolver.set_dielectric(self.dielectric) else: psolver.set_dielectric(self.dielectric) self.gradient = None RealSpaceHamiltonian.__init__( self, gd, finegd, nspins, collinear, setups, timer, xc, world, vext=vext, psolver=psolver, stencil=stencil, redistributor=redistributor) for ia in interactions: setattr(self, 'e_' + ia.subscript, None) self.new_atoms = None self.vt_ia_g = None self.e_total_free = None self.e_total_extrapolated = None def initialize(self): if self.dipcorr: self.gradient = [Gradient(self.finegd, i, 1.0, self.poisson.poissonsolver.nn) for i in (0, 1, 2)] else: self.gradient = [Gradient(self.finegd, i, 1.0, self.poisson.nn) for i in (0, 1, 2)] self.vt_ia_g = self.finegd.zeros() self.cavity.allocate() self.dielectric.allocate() for ia in self.interactions: ia.allocate() RealSpaceHamiltonian.initialize(self) class CavityShapedJellium(Jellium): """The jellium object, where the counter charge takes the form of the solvent cavity. It puts the jellium background charge where the solvent is present and z < z2. Parameters: ---------- charge: float The total jellium background charge. g_g: array The g function from the implicit solvent model, representing the percentage of the actual dielectric constant on the grid. z2: float Position of upper surface in Angstrom units. """ def __init__(self, charge, g_g, z2): Jellium.__init__(self, charge) self.g_g = g_g self.z2 = (z2 - 0.0001) / Bohr def todict(self): dct = Jellium.todict(self) dct.update(z2=self.z2 * Bohr + 0.0001, z1='cavity_like') return dct def get_mask(self): r_gv =, 2, 3, 0)) mask = np.logical_not(r_gv[:, :, :, 2] > self.z2).astype(float) mask *= self.g_g return mask class SJMDipoleCorrection(DipoleCorrection): """Dipole-correcting wrapper around another PoissonSolver specific for SJM. Iterative dipole correction class as applied in SJM. Notes ----- The modules can easily be incorporated in the trunk version of GPAW by just adding the `fd_solv_solve` and adapting the `solve` modules in the `DipoleCorrection` class. This module is currently calculating the correcting dipole potential iteratively and we would be very grateful if anybody could provide an analytical solution. New Parameters --------- corrterm: float Correction factor for the added countering dipole. This is calculated iteratively. last_corrterm: float Corrterm in the last iteration for getting the change of slope with change in corrterm last_slope: float Same as for `last_corrterm` """ def __init__(self, poissonsolver, direction, width=1.0): """Construct dipole correction object.""" DipoleCorrection.__init__(self, poissonsolver, direction, width=1.0) self.corrterm = 1 self.elcorr = None self.last_corrterm = None def solve(self, pot, dens, **kwargs): if isinstance(dens, np.ndarray): # finite-diference Poisson solver: if hasattr(self.poissonsolver, 'dielectric'): return self.fd_solv_solve(pot, dens, **kwargs) else: return self.fdsolve(pot, dens, **kwargs) # Plane-wave solver: self.pwsolve(pot, dens) def fd_solv_solve(self, vHt_g, rhot_g, **kwargs): gd = slope_lim = 1e-8 slope = slope_lim * 10 dipmom = gd.calculate_dipole_moment(rhot_g)[2] if self.elcorr is not None: vHt_g[:, :] -= self.elcorr iters2 = self.poissonsolver.solve(vHt_g, rhot_g, **kwargs) sawtooth_z = self.sjm_sawtooth() L = gd.cell_cv[2, 2] while abs(slope) > slope_lim: vHt_g2 = vHt_g.copy() self.correction = 2 * np.pi * dipmom * L / \ gd.volume * self.corrterm elcorr = -2 * self.correction elcorr *= sawtooth_z elcorr2 = elcorr[gd.beg_c[2]:gd.end_c[2]] vHt_g2[:, :] += elcorr2 VHt_g = gd.collect(vHt_g2, broadcast=True) VHt_z = VHt_g.mean(0).mean(0) slope = VHt_z[2] - VHt_z[10] if abs(slope) > slope_lim: if self.last_corrterm is not None: ds = (slope - self.last_slope) / \ (self.corrterm - self.last_corrterm) con = slope - (ds * self.corrterm) self.last_corrterm = self.corrterm self.corrterm = -con / ds else: self.last_corrterm = self.corrterm self.corrterm -= slope * 10. self.last_slope = slope else: vHt_g[:, :] += elcorr2 self.elcorr = elcorr2 return iters2 def sjm_sawtooth(self): gd = c = self.c L = gd.cell_cv[c, c] step = gd.h_cv[c, c] / L eps_g = gd.collect(self.poissonsolver.dielectric.eps_gradeps[0], broadcast=True) eps_z = eps_g.mean(0).mean(0) saw = [-0.5] for i, eps in enumerate(eps_z): saw.append(saw[i] + step / eps) saw = np.array(saw) saw /= saw[-1] + step / eps_z[-1] - saw[0] saw -= (saw[0] + saw[-1] + step / eps_z[-1]) / 2. return saw class PotentialConvergenceError(ConvergenceError): """Raised if potential did not equilibrate."""