Source code for gpaw.elph.supercell

"""Module for electron-phonon supercell properties."""

import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

from ase import Atoms
from ase.parallel import parprint
from ase.units import Bohr
from ase.utils.filecache import MultiFileJSONCache

from gpaw.calculator import GPAW
from gpaw.lcao.tightbinding import TightBinding
from gpaw.typing import ArrayND
from gpaw.utilities import unpack_hermitian
from import tri2full

from .filter import fourier_filter

sc_version = 1
# v1: saves natom, supercell, g_sNNMM.shape and dtype

class VersionError(Exception):
    """Error raised for wrong cache versions."""

[docs]class Supercell: """Class for supercell-related stuff.""" def __init__(self, atoms: Atoms, supercell_name: str = "supercell", supercell: tuple = (1, 1, 1), indices=None) -> None: """Initialize supercell class. Parameters ---------- atoms: Atoms The atoms to work on. Primitive cell. supercell_name: str User specified name of the generated JSON cache. Default is 'supercell'. supercell: tuple Size of supercell given by the number of repetitions (l, m, n) of the small unit cell in each direction. """ self.atoms = atoms self.supercell_name = supercell_name self.supercell = supercell if indices is None: self.indices = np.arange(len(atoms)) else: self.indices = indices def _calculate_supercell_entry(self, a, v, V1t_sG, dH1_asp, wfs, dH_asp) -> ArrayND: kpt_u = wfs.kpt_u setups = wfs.setups nao = setups.nao bfs = wfs.basis_functions dtype = wfs.dtype nspins = wfs.nspins # Array for different k-point components g_sqMM = np.zeros((nspins, len(kpt_u) // nspins, nao, nao), dtype) # 1) Gradient of effective potential for kpt in kpt_u: # Matrix elements # Note: somehow this part does not work with gd-parallelisation geff_MM = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype) bfs.calculate_potential_matrix(V1t_sG[kpt.s], geff_MM, q=kpt.q) tri2full(geff_MM, "L") # # print(world.rank, a, v, kpt.k, geff_MM) g_sqMM[kpt.s, kpt.q] += geff_MM # print(wfs.kd.comm.rank,,, # "\n", geff_MM) # 2) Gradient of non-local part (projectors) P_aqMi = wfs.P_aqMi # 2a) dH^a part has contributions from all atoms for kpt in kpt_u: # Matrix elements gp_MM = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype) for a_, dH1_sp in dH1_asp.items(): if a_ not in bfs.my_atom_indices: continue dH1_ii = unpack_hermitian(dH1_sp[kpt.s]) P_Mi = P_aqMi[a_][kpt.q] gp_MM += P_Mi.conj() @ dH1_ii @ P_Mi.T # g_sqMM[kpt.s, kpt.q] += gp_MM # 2b) dP^a part has only contributions from the same atoms # For the contribution from the derivative of the projectors dPdR_aqvMi = wfs.manytci.P_aqMi(bfs.my_atom_indices, derivative=True) dH_ii = unpack_hermitian(dH_asp[a][kpt.s]) for kpt in kpt_u: gp_MM = np.zeros((nao, nao), dtype) if a in bfs.my_atom_indices: P_Mi = P_aqMi[a][kpt.q] dP_Mi = dPdR_aqvMi[a][kpt.q][v] P1HP_MM = dP_Mi.conj() @ dH_ii @ P_Mi.T # Matrix elements gp_MM += P1HP_MM + P1HP_MM.T.conjugate() # # print(world.rank, a,v, kpt.k, bfs.my_atom_indices, gp_MM) g_sqMM[kpt.s, kpt.q] += gp_MM return g_sqMM
[docs] def calculate_supercell_matrix( self, calc: GPAW, fd_name: str = "elph", filter: str = None ) -> None: """Calculate matrix elements of the el-ph coupling in the LCAO basis. This function calculates the matrix elements between LCAOs and local atomic gradients of the effective potential. The matrix elements are calculated for the supercell used to obtain finite-difference approximations to the derivatives of the effective potential wrt to atomic displacements. The resulting g_xsNNMM is saved into a JSON cache. Parameters ---------- calc: GPAW LCAO calculator for the calculation of the supercell matrix. fd_name: str User specified name of the finite difference JSON cache. Default is 'elph'. filter: str Fourier filter atomic gradients of the effective potential. The specified components (``normal`` or ``umklapp``) are removed (default: None). """ assert calc.wfs.mode == "lcao", "LCAO mode required." assert not calc.symmetry.point_group, \ "Point group symmetry not supported" # JSON cache supercell_cache = MultiFileJSONCache(self.supercell_name) # Supercell atoms atoms_N = self.atoms * self.supercell # Initialize calculator if required and extract useful quantities if (not hasattr(calc.wfs, "S_qMM") or not hasattr(calc.wfs.basis_functions, "M_a")): calc.initialize(atoms_N) calc.initialize_positions(atoms_N) # Extract useful objects from the calculator wfs = calc.wfs gd = kd = calc.wfs.kd bd = nao = wfs.setups.nao nspins = wfs.nspins # FIXME: Domain parallelisation broken assert gd.comm.size == 1 # FIXME: Band parallelisation broken - M is band parallel assert bd.comm.size == 1 # Calculate finite-difference gradients (in Hartree / Bohr) V1t_xsG, dH1_xasp = self.calculate_gradient(fd_name, self.indices) # Equilibrium atomic Hamiltonian matrix (projector coefficients) fd_cache = MultiFileJSONCache(fd_name) dH_asp = fd_cache["eq"]["dH_all_asp"] # Check that the grid is the same as in the calculator assert np.all(V1t_xsG.shape[-3:] == (gd.N_c + gd.pbc_c - 1)), \ "Mismatch in grids." # Save basis information, after we checked the data is kosher with supercell_cache.lock("basis") as handle: if handle is not None: basis_info = self.set_basis_info(calc) # Fourier filter the atomic gradients of the effective potential if filter is not None: for s in range(nspins): fourier_filter(self.atoms, self.supercell, V1t_xsG[:, s], components=filter) if kd.gamma: print("WARNING: Gamma-point calculation. \ Overlap with neighboring cell cannot be removed") else: # Bloch to real-space converter tb = TightBinding(atoms_N, calc) # Calculate < i k | grad H | j k >, i.e. matrix elements in LCAO basis # Do each cartesian component separately for i, a in enumerate(self.indices): for v in range(3): # Corresponding array index xoutput = 3 * a + v xinput = 3 * i + v # If exist already, don't recompute with supercell_cache.lock(str(xoutput)) as handle: if handle is None: continue parprint("%s-gradient of atom %u" % (["x", "y", "z"][v], a)) g_sqMM = self._calculate_supercell_entry( a, v, V1t_xsG[xinput], dH1_xasp[xinput], wfs, dH_asp ) # Extract R_c=(0, 0, 0) block by Fourier transforming if kd.gamma or kd.N_c is None: g_sMM = g_sqMM[:, 0] else: # Convert to array g_sMM_tmp = [] for s in range(nspins): g_MM = tb.bloch_to_real_space(g_sqMM[s], R_c=(0, 0, 0)) g_sMM_tmp.append(g_MM[0]) # [0] because of above g_sMM = np.array(g_sMM_tmp) del g_sMM_tmp # Reshape to global unit cell indices N = # Number of basis function in the primitive cell assert (nao % N) == 0, "Alarm ...!" nao_cell = nao // N g_sNMNM = g_sMM.reshape((nspins, N, nao_cell, N, nao_cell)) g_sNNMM = g_sNMNM.swapaxes(2, 3).copy() if xinput == 0: with supercell_cache.lock("info") as handle: if handle is not None: info = { "sc_version": sc_version, "natom": len(self.atoms), "supercell": self.supercell, "gshape": g_sNNMM.shape, "gtype":, }
[docs] def set_basis_info(self, *args) -> dict: """Store LCAO basis info for atoms in reference cell in attribute. Parameters ---------- args: tuple If the LCAO calculator is not available (e.g. if the supercell is loaded from file), the ``load_supercell_matrix`` member function provides the required info as arguments. """ assert len(args) in (1, 2) if len(args) == 1: calc = args[0] setups = calc.wfs.setups bfs = calc.wfs.basis_functions nao_a = [setups[a].nao for a in range(len(self.atoms))] M_a = [bfs.M_a[a] for a in range(len(self.atoms))] else: M_a = args[0] nao_a = args[1] return {"M_a": M_a, "nao_a": nao_a}
[docs] @classmethod def calculate_gradient(cls, fd_name: str, indices=None) -> Tuple[ArrayND, list]: """Calculate gradient of effective potential and projector coefs. This function loads the generated json files and calculates finite-difference derivatives. Parameters ---------- fd_name: str name of finite difference JSON cache """ cache = MultiFileJSONCache(fd_name) if "dr_version" not in cache["info"]: print("Cache created with old version. Use") raise VersionError natom = cache["info"]["natom"] delta = cache["info"]["delta"] # Array and dict for finite difference derivatives V1t_xsG = [] dH1_xasp = [] if indices is None: indices = np.arange(natom) x = 0 for a in indices: for v in "xyz": name = "%d%s" % (a, v) # Potential and atomic density matrix for atomic displacement Vtm_sG = cache[name + "-"]["Vt_sG"] dHm_asp = cache[name + "-"]["dH_all_asp"] Vtp_sG = cache[name + "+"]["Vt_sG"] dHp_asp = cache[name + "+"]["dH_all_asp"] # FD derivatives in Hartree / Bohr V1t_sG = (Vtp_sG - Vtm_sG) / (2 * delta / Bohr) V1t_xsG.append(V1t_sG) dH1_asp = {} for atom in dHm_asp.keys(): dH1_asp[atom] = (dHp_asp[atom] - dHm_asp[atom]) / ( 2 * delta / Bohr ) dH1_xasp.append(dH1_asp) x += 1 return np.array(V1t_xsG), dH1_xasp
[docs] @classmethod def load_supercell_matrix(cls, name: str = "supercell" ) -> Tuple[ArrayND, dict]: """Load supercell matrix from cache. Parameters ---------- name: str User specified name of the cache. """ # TODO: load by indices? supercell_cache = MultiFileJSONCache(name) if "sc_version" not in supercell_cache["info"]: print("Cache created with old version. Use") raise VersionError shape = supercell_cache["info"]["gshape"] dtype = supercell_cache["info"]["gtype"] natom = supercell_cache["info"]["natom"] nx = natom * 3 g_xsNNMM = np.empty([nx, ] + list(shape), dtype=dtype) for x in range(nx): g_xsNNMM[x] = supercell_cache[str(x)] basis_info = supercell_cache["basis"] return g_xsNNMM, basis_info