Source code for gpaw.elph.raman_data

Calculates Raman matrices from Raman tensor
import numpy as np
from typing import Tuple

from ase.units import invcm
from ase.utils.filecache import MultiFileJSONCache
from gpaw.typing import ArrayND

def gaussian(w, sigma):
    g = 1.0 / (np.sqrt(2.0 * np.pi) * sigma) * np.exp(-(w**2) / (2 * sigma**2))
    return g

[docs]class RamanData: def __init__(self, raman_name="Rlab", gridspacing=1.0) -> None: """Raman Spectroscopy data. Parameters ---------- raman_name: str Name of Rlab file cache. Default 'Rlab' gridspacing: float grid spacing in cm^-1, default 1 rcm """ # JSON cache self.raman_cache = MultiFileJSONCache(raman_name) self.wph_w = self.raman_cache["phonon_frequencies"] # eV self.wrl_w = self.raman_cache["frequency_grid"] # eV gridmax = self.wph_w[-1] + 6.3e-3 # highest freq + 50rcm self.gridev_w = np.linspace( 0.0, gridmax, num=int(gridmax / (gridspacing * invcm) + 1), ) # eV
[docs] def calculate_raman_intensity(self, d_i, d_o, T=300, sigma=5.0): """ Calculates Raman intensities from Raman tensor. Returns bare `|R|^2` and and Bose occupation weighted values Parameters ---------- d_i: int Incoming polarization d_o: int Outgoing polarization T: float Temperature in Kelvin sigma: float Gaussian line width in rcm, default 5rcm """ KtoeV = 8.617278e-5 sigmaev = sigma * invcm # 1eV = 8.065544E3 rcm # grid for spectrum with extra space and sigma/5 spacing if self.gridev_w is None: self.gridev_w = np.linspace( 0.0, self.wph_w[-1] * 1.1, num=int(self.wph_w[-1] / (sigmaev / 5) + 100), ) int_bare = np.zeros_like(self.gridev_w, dtype=float) int_occ = np.zeros_like(self.gridev_w, dtype=float) # Note: Resonant Raman does not have a frequency grid R_lw = self.raman_cache[f"{'xyz'[d_i]}{'xyz'[d_o]}"] for l in range(len(self.wph_w)): occ = 1.0 / (np.exp(self.wph_w[l] / (KtoeV * T)) - 1.0) + 1.0 delta_w = gaussian((self.gridev_w - self.wph_w[l]), sigmaev) R2_w = np.abs(R_lw[l])**2 R2d_w = R2_w * delta_w int_bare += R2d_w int_occ += occ / self.wph_w[l] * R2d_w return int_bare, int_occ
[docs] def calculate_raman_spectrum(self, entries, T=300, sigma=5.0 ) -> Tuple[ArrayND, ArrayND]: """ Calculates Raman intensities from Raman tensor. Returns Raman shift in eV, bare `|R|^2` and Bose occupation weighted `|R|^2` values Parameters ---------- entries: str, list Sting or list of strings with desired polarisaitons For example: ["xx", "yy", "xy", "yx"] T: float Temperature in Kelvin sigma: float Gaussian line width in rcm, default 5rcm """ if isinstance(entries, str): entries = [ entries, ] spectrum_w = np.zeros_like(self.gridev_w) polnum = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} for entry in entries: d_i = polnum[entry[0]] d_o = polnum[entry[1]] (int_bare, _) = self.calculate_raman_intensity(d_i, d_o, T, sigma) spectrum_w += int_bare return self.gridev_w, spectrum_w
[docs] @classmethod def plot_raman( cls, figname, grid_w, spectra_nw, labels_n=None, relative=False, ): """Plots a given Raman spectrum. Parameters ---------- figname: str Filename for figure. grid_w: Frequency grid of spectrum in eV spectra_nw: np.ndarray Raman spectra to plot labels_n: list Labels for the legend relative: bool If true, normalize each spectrum to 1 Default is False """ from scipy import signal import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if not isinstance(spectra_nw, np.ndarray): spectra_nw = np.asarray(spectra_nw) ylabel = "Intensity (arb. units)" if relative: ylabel = "I/I_max" spectra_nw /= np.max(spectra_nw, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] else: spectra_nw /= np.max(spectra_nw) nspec = spectra_nw.shape[0] if labels_n is None: labels_n = nspec * [None] grid_w = cls.eVtorcm(grid_w) for i in range(nspec): peaks = signal.find_peaks(spectra_nw[i])[0] locations = np.take(grid_w, peaks) intensities = np.take(spectra_nw[i], peaks) plt.plot(grid_w, spectra_nw[i], label=labels_n[i]) for j, loc in enumerate(locations): if intensities[j] / np.max(intensities) > 0.05: plt.axvline(x=loc, color="grey", linestyle="--") plt.minorticks_on() if labels_n[0] is not None: plt.legend() plt.title("Raman intensity") plt.xlabel("Raman shift (cm$^{-1}$)") plt.ylabel(ylabel) if relative: plt.yticks([]) plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300) plt.clf()
@classmethod def eVtorcm(cls, energy): return energy / invcm