Source code for gpaw.elph.gmatrix

r"""Module for calculating electron-phonon matrix.

Electron-phonon interaction::

                  \     l   +         +
        H      =   )   g   c   c   ( a   + a  ),
         el-ph    /_    ij  i   j     l     l

where the electron phonon coupling is given by::

             l       / hbar         ___
            g   =   /-------  < i | \ /  V   * e  | j > .
             ij   \/ 2 M w           'u   eff   l

Here, l denotes the vibrational mode, w_l and e_l is the frequency and
mass-scaled polarization vector, respectively, M is an effective mass, i, j are
electronic state indices and nabla_u denotes the gradient wrt atomic
displacements. The implementation supports calculations of the el-ph coupling
in both finite and periodic systems, i.e. expressed in a basis of molecular
orbitals or Bloch states.
import numpy as np
from typing import Optional

from ase import Atoms
from ase.phonons import Phonons
import ase.units as units
from ase.utils.filecache import MultiFileJSONCache
from ase.utils.timing import timer, Timer

from gpaw.calculator import GPAW
from gpaw.mpi import world
from gpaw.typing import ArrayND

from .supercell import Supercell

OPTIMIZE = "optimal"

[docs]class ElectronPhononMatrix: """Class for containing the electron-phonon matrix""" def __init__(self, atoms: Atoms, supercell_cache: str, phonon, load_sc_as_needed: bool = True, indices=None) -> None: """Initialize with base class args and kwargs. Parameters ---------- atoms: Atoms Primitive cell object supercell_cache: str Name of JSON cache containing supercell matrix phonon: str, dict, :class:`~ase.phonons.Phonons` Can be either name of phonon cache generated with electron-phonon DisplacementRunner or dictonary of arguments used in Phonons run or Phonons object. load_sc_as_needed: bool Load supercell matrix elements only as needed. Greatly reduces memory requirement for large systems, but introduces huge filesystem overhead indices: list List of atoms (indices) to use. Default: Use all. """ self.timer = Timer() self.atoms = atoms if indices is None: self.indices = np.arange(len(atoms)) else: self.indices = indices if isinstance(self.indices, np.ndarray): self.indices = self.indices.tolist() if not load_sc_as_needed: assert indices is None, "Use 'load_sc_as_needed' with 'indices'" self._set_supercell_cache(supercell_cache, load_sc_as_needed) self.timer.start("Read phonons") self._set_phonon_cache(phonon, atoms) if set(self.phonon.indices) != set(self.indices): self.phonon.set_atoms(self.indices) self.phonon.D_N = None self._read_phonon_cache() self.timer.stop("Read phonons") def _set_supercell_cache(self, supercell_cache: str, load_sc_as_needed: bool): self.supercell_cache = MultiFileJSONCache(supercell_cache) self.R_cN = self._get_lattice_vectors() if load_sc_as_needed: self._yield_g_NNMM = self._yield_g_NNMM_as_needed self.g_xNNMM = None else: self.g_xsNNMM, _ = Supercell.load_supercell_matrix(supercell_cache) self._yield_g_NNMM = self._yield_g_NNMM_from_var def _set_phonon_cache(self, phonon, atoms): if isinstance(phonon, Phonons): self.phonon = phonon elif isinstance(phonon, str): info = MultiFileJSONCache(phonon)["info"] assert "dr_version" in info, "use valid cache created by elph" # our version of phonons self.phonon = Phonons(atoms, supercell=info["supercell"], name=phonon, delta=info["delta"], center_refcell=True) elif isinstance(phonon, dict): # this would need to be updated if Phonon defaults change supercell = phonon.get("supercell", (1, 1, 1)) name = phonon.get("name", "phonon") delta = phonon.get("delta", 0.01) center_refcell = phonon.get("center_refcell", False) self.phonon = Phonons(atoms, supercell=supercell, name=name, delta=delta, center_refcell=center_refcell) else: raise TypeError def _read_phonon_cache(self): if self.phonon.D_N is None: def _yield_g_NNMM_as_needed(self, x, s): return self.supercell_cache[str(x)][s] def _yield_g_NNMM_from_var(self, x, s): return self.g_xsNNMM[x, s] def _get_lattice_vectors(self): """Recover lattice vectors of elph calculation""" supercell = self.supercell_cache["info"]["supercell"] ph = Phonons(self.atoms, supercell=supercell, center_refcell=True) return ph.compute_lattice_vectors() @classmethod def _gather_all_wfc(cls, wfs, s): """Return complete wave function on rank 0""" c_knM = np.zeros((wfs.kd.nbzkpts,, wfs.setups.nao), dtype=complex) for k in range(wfs.kd.nbzkpts): for n in range( c_knM[k, n] = wfs.get_wave_function_array(n, k, s, False) return c_knM @timer("Bloch matrix q k") def _bloch_matrix(self, var1: ArrayND, C2_nM: ArrayND, k_c: ArrayND, q_c: ArrayND, prefactor: bool, s: Optional[int] = None) -> ArrayND: """Calculates elph matrix entry for a given k and q. The first argument must either be C1_nM, the ket wavefunction at k_c OR or a preprocessed g_xNMn, where the ket side was taken care of. """ if var1.ndim == 2: C1_nM = var1 precalc = False assert s is not None elif var1.ndim == 4: g_xNMn = var1 precalc = True else: raise ValueError("var1 must be C1_nM or g_xNMn") omega_ql, u_ql = self.phonon.band_structure([q_c], modes=True) u_l = u_ql[0] assert len(u_l.shape) == 3 # Defining system sizes nmodes = u_l.shape[0] nbands = C2_nM.shape[0] nao = C2_nM.shape[1] ndisp = 3 * len(self.indices) # Allocate array for couplings g_lnn = np.zeros((nmodes, nbands, nbands), dtype=complex) # Mass scaled polarization vectors u_lx = u_l.reshape(nmodes, ndisp) # Multiply phase factors phase_m = np.exp(2.0j * np.pi * np.einsum("i,im->m", k_c + q_c, self.R_cN)) if not precalc: phase_n = np.exp(-2.0j * np.pi * np.einsum("i,in->n", k_c, self.R_cN)) # Do each cartesian component separately for i, a in enumerate(self.indices): for v in range(3): xinput = 3 * a + v xoutput = 3 * i + v if not precalc: g_NNMM = self._yield_g_NNMM(xinput, s) assert nao == g_NNMM.shape[-1] # some of these things take a long time. make it fast with self.timer("g_MM"): g_MM = np.einsum("mnop,m,n->op", g_NNMM, phase_m, phase_n, optimize=OPTIMIZE) assert g_MM.shape[0] == g_MM.shape[1] with self.timer("g_nn"): g_nn =,, C1_nM.T)) # g_nn = np.einsum('no,op,mp->nm', C2_nM.conj(), # g_MM, C1_nM) else: with self.timer("g_Mn"): g_Mn = np.einsum("mon,m->on", g_xNMn[xoutput], phase_m) with self.timer("g_nn"): g_nn =, g_Mn) with self.timer("g_lnn"): # g_lnn += np.einsum('i,kl->ikl', u_lx[:, x], g_nn, # optimize=OPTIMIZE) g_lnn += np.multiply.outer(u_lx[:, xoutput], g_nn) # Multiply prefactor sqrt(hbar / 2 * M * omega) in units of Bohr if prefactor: # potential BUG: M needs to be unit cell mass according to # some sources amu = units._amu # atomic mass unit me = units._me # electron mass g_lnn /= np.sqrt(2 * amu / me / units.Hartree * omega_ql[0, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) # Convert to eV return g_lnn * units.Hartree # eV else: return g_lnn * units.Hartree / units.Bohr # eV / Ang @timer("g ket part") def _precalculate_ket(self, c_knM, kd, s: int): g_xNkMn = [] phase_kn = np.exp(-2.0j * np.pi * np.einsum("ki,in->kn", kd.bzk_kc, self.R_cN)) for a in self.indices: for v in range(3): x = 3 * a + v g_NNMM = self._yield_g_NNMM_as_needed(x, s) g_NkMM = np.einsum("mnop,kn->mkop", g_NNMM, phase_kn, optimize=OPTIMIZE) g_NkMn = np.einsum("mkop,knp->mkon", g_NkMM, c_knM, optimize=OPTIMIZE) g_xNkMn.append(g_NkMn) return np.array(g_xNkMn)
[docs] def bloch_matrix(self, calc: GPAW, k_qc: ArrayND = None, savetofile: bool = True, prefactor: bool = True, accoustic: bool = True) -> ArrayND: r"""Calculate el-ph coupling in the Bloch basis for the electrons. This function calculates the electron-phonon coupling between the specified Bloch states, i.e.:: ______ mnl / hbar ^ g = /------- < m k + q | e . grad V | n k > kq \/ 2 M w ql q ql In case the ``prefactor=False`` is given, the bare matrix element (in units of eV / Ang) without the sqrt prefactor is returned. Parameters ---------- calc: GPAW Converged calculator object containing the LCAO wavefuntions (don't use point group symmetry) k_qc: np.ndarray q-vectors of the phonons. Must only contain values comenserate with k-point sampling of calculator. Default: all kpoints used. savetofile: bool If true (default), saves matrix to gsqklnn.npy prefactor: bool if false, don't multiply with sqrt prefactor (Default: True) accoustic: bool if True, for 3 accoustic modes set g=0 for q=0 (Default: True) """ kd = calc.wfs.kd assert kd.nbzkpts == kd.nibzkpts, "Elph matrix requires FULL BZ" wfs = calc.wfs if k_qc is None: k_qc = kd.get_bz_q_points(first=True) elif not isinstance(k_qc, np.ndarray): k_qc = np.array(k_qc) assert k_qc.ndim == 2 g_sqklnn = np.zeros([wfs.nspins, k_qc.shape[0], kd.nbzkpts, 3 * len(self.indices),,], dtype=complex) for s in range(wfs.nspins): # Collect all wfcs on rank 0 with self.timer("Gather wavefunctions to root"): c_knM = self._gather_all_wfc(wfs, s) # precalculate k (ket) of g g_xNkMn = self._precalculate_ket(c_knM, kd, s) for q, q_c in enumerate(k_qc): # Find indices of k+q for the k-points kplusq_k = kd.find_k_plus_q(q_c) # works on FBZ # Note: calculations require use of FULL BZ, # so NO symmetry print("Spin {}/{}; q-point {}/{}".format( s + 1, wfs.nspins, q + 1, len(k_qc))) for k in range(kd.nbzkpts): k_c = kd.bzk_kc[k] kplusq_c = k_c + q_c kplusq_c -= kplusq_c.round() # print(kplusq_c, kd.bzk_kc[kplusq_k[k]]) assert np.allclose(kplusq_c, kd.bzk_kc[kplusq_k[k]]) ckplusq_nM = c_knM[kplusq_k[k]] g_lnn = self._bloch_matrix(g_xNkMn[:, :, k], ckplusq_nM, k_c, q_c, prefactor) if np.allclose(q_c, [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) and accoustic: g_lnn[0:3] = 0.0 g_sqklnn[s, q, k] += g_lnn if world.rank == 0 and savetofile:"gsqklnn.npy", g_sqklnn) return g_sqklnn
def __del__(self): if world.rank == 0: self.timer.write()
# def lcao_matrix(self, u_l, omega_l): # """Calculate the el-ph coupling in the electronic LCAO basis. # For now, only works for Gamma-point phonons. # This method is not tested. # Parameters # ---------- # u_l: ndarray # Mass-scaled polarization vectors (in units of 1 / sqrt(amu)) of # the phonons. # omega_l: ndarray # Vibrational frequencies in eV. # """ # # Supercell matrix (Hartree / Bohr) # assert self.g_xsNNMM is not None, "Load supercell matrix." # assert self.g_xsNNMM.shape[2:4] == (1, 1) # g_xsMM = self.g_xsNNMM[:, :, 0, 0, :, :] # # Number of atomic orbitals # # nao = g_xMM.shape[-1] # # Number of phonon modes # nmodes = u_l.shape[0] # # # u_lx = u_l.reshape(nmodes, 3 * len(self.atoms)) # # uses second to last index of second array # g_lsMM =, g_xsMM.transpose(2, 0, 1, 3)) # # Multiply prefactor sqrt(hbar / 2 * M * omega) in units of Bohr # amu = units._amu # atomic mass unit # me = units._me # electron mass # g_lsMM /= np.sqrt(2 * amu / me / units.Hartree * # omega_l[:, :, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]) # # Convert to eV # g_lsMM *= units.Hartree # return g_lsMM