# web-page: shg.png import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from ase.io import read # Plot and save both spectra atoms = read('gs.txt') cell = atoms.get_cell() cellsize = atoms.cell.cellpar() mult = cellsize[2] * 1e-10 # Make the sheet susceptibility legls = [] res_name = ['shg_yyy_lg.npy', 'shg_yyy_vg.npy'] plt.figure(figsize=(6.0, 4.0), dpi=300) for ii, name in enumerate(res_name): # Load the data shg = np.load(name) w_l = shg[0].real plt.plot(w_l, np.real(mult * shg[1] * 1e18), '-') plt.plot(w_l, np.imag(mult * shg[1] * 1e18), '--') legls.append(f'{name}: Re') legls.append(f'{name}: Im') plt.xlabel(r'$\hbar\omega$ (eV)') plt.ylabel(r'$\chi_{yyy}$ (nm$^2$/V)') plt.legend(legls, ncol=2) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('shg.png', dpi=300)