from import bulk from gpaw import GPAW, FermiDirac from gpaw import PW from import non_self_consistent_energy as nsc_energy from ase.parallel import paropen resultfile = paropen('si.pbe+exx.results.txt', 'a') # Plane wave cutoff pwcutoff = 400.0 # NxNxN k-point sampling, gamma-centred grid k = 6 # Si lattice constant alat = 5.421 # Do the bulk calculation bulk_crystal = bulk('Si', 'diamond', a=alat) bulk_calc = GPAW(mode=PW(pwcutoff), kpts={'size': (k, k, k), 'gamma': True}, xc='PBE', occupations=FermiDirac(0.01), txt='si.pbe+exx.pbe_output.txt', parallel={'band': 1} ) bulk_crystal.calc = bulk_calc e0_bulk_pbe = bulk_crystal.get_potential_energy() # Write to file bulk_calc.write('bulk.gpw', mode='all') # Now the exact exchange e0_bulk_exx = nsc_energy('bulk.gpw', 'EXX').sum() s = str(alat) s += ' ' s += str(k) s += ' ' s += str(pwcutoff) s += ' ' s += str(e0_bulk_pbe) s += ' ' s += str(e0_bulk_exx) s += '\n' resultfile.write(s)