# web-page: Fe_magnon_dispersion.png """Plot the magnon dispersion of Fe(bcc)""" # General modules import numpy as np from matplotlib import rcParams import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Script modules from gpaw import GPAW from gpaw.response.heisenberg import calculate_single_site_magnon_energies # ---------- Inputs ---------- # # Ground state gpw = 'Fe_all.gpw' # High-symmetry points sp_p = [r'$\Gamma$', 'N', 'P', 'H'] spq_pc = [np.array(qc) for qc in [[0., 0., 0], [0., 0., 0.5], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25], [0.5, -0.5, 0.5]]] # Load MFT data q_qc = np.load('Fe_q_qc.npy') rc_r = np.load('Fe_rc_r.npy') J_qr = np.load('Fe_J_qr.npy') Juc_q = np.load('Fe_Juc_q.npy') # Define range of spherical radii to plot rmin = 1.0 rmax = 1.5 # Labels and limits mwlabel = r'$\hbar\omega$ [meV]' mwlim = (0., 450.) filename = 'Fe_magnon_dispersion.png' # ---------- Script ---------- # # Extract the magnetization of the unit cell calc = GPAW(gpw, txt=None) muc = calc.get_magnetic_moment() # Convert relative q-points into distance along the bandpath in reciprocal # space. B_cv = 2.0 * np.pi * calc.atoms.cell.reciprocal() # Coordinate transform q_qv = q_qc @ B_cv # Transform into absolute reciprocal coordinates pathq_q = [0.] for q in range(1, len(q_qc)): pathq_q.append(pathq_q[-1] + np.linalg.norm(q_qv[q] - q_qv[q - 1])) pathq_q = np.array(pathq_q) # Define q-limits of plot qlim = ((pathq_q[0] - pathq_q[1]) / 2., (1.5 * pathq_q[-1] - 0.5 * pathq_q[-2])) # Calculate the magnon energies E_qr = calculate_single_site_magnon_energies(J_qr, q_qc, muc) * 1.e3 # meV Euc_q = calculate_single_site_magnon_energies(Juc_q, q_qc, muc) * 1.e3 # We define the lower bound on the magnon energy as the minimum within the # chosen rc range, the "best estimate" as the median, and the upper bound # as the maximum value Evalid_qr = E_qr[:, np.logical_and(rc_r >= rmin, rc_r <= rmax)] Emin_q = np.min(Evalid_qr, axis=1) E_q = np.median(Evalid_qr, axis=1) Emax_q = np.max(Evalid_qr, axis=1) # Plot the magnon dispersion with spherical sites colors = rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'] plt.fill_between(pathq_q, Emin_q, Emax_q, color=colors[0], alpha=0.4) plt.plot(pathq_q, Emin_q, color='0.5') plt.plot(pathq_q, Emax_q, color='0.5') plt.plot(pathq_q, E_q, color=colors[0], label='sphere') # Plot the magnon dispersion with parallelepipedic sites plt.plot(pathq_q, Euc_q, '-o', mec='k', color=colors[1], label='unit cell') # Use high-symmetry points as tickmarks for the x-axis qticks = [] qticklabels = [] for sp, spq_c in zip(sp_p, spq_pc): for q, q_c in enumerate(q_qc): if np.allclose(q_c, spq_c): qticks.append(pathq_q[q]) qticklabels.append(sp) plt.xticks(qticks, qticklabels) # Plot also vertical lines for each special point for pq in qticks: plt.axvline(pq, color='0.5', linewidth=1, zorder=0) # Labels and limits plt.ylabel(mwlabel) plt.xlim(qlim) plt.ylim(mwlim) plt.legend(title='Site geometry') plt.savefig(filename, format=filename.split('.')[-1], bbox_inches='tight')