import numpy as np from ase.calculators.emt import EMT from ase.db import connect from ase.eos import EquationOfState from ase.lattice.cubic import FaceCenteredCubic def relax(input_atoms, ref_db): atoms_string = input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols() # Open connection to the database with reference data db = connect(ref_db) # Load our model structure which is just FCC atoms = FaceCenteredCubic('X', latticeconstant=1.) atoms.set_chemical_symbols(atoms_string) # Compute the average lattice constant of the metals in this individual # and the sum of energies of the constituent metals in the fcc lattice # we will need this for calculating the heat of formation a = 0 ei = 0 for m in set(atoms_string): dct = db.get(metal=m) count = atoms_string.count(m) a += count * dct.latticeconstant ei += count * dct.energy_per_atom a /= len(atoms_string) atoms.set_cell([a, a, a], scale_atoms=True) # Since calculations are extremely fast with EMT we can also do a volume # relaxation atoms.calc = EMT() eps = 0.05 volumes = (a * np.linspace(1 - eps, 1 + eps, 9))**3 energies = [] for v in volumes: atoms.set_cell([v**(1. / 3)] * 3, scale_atoms=True) energies.append(atoms.get_potential_energy()) eos = EquationOfState(volumes, energies) v1, ef, _B = latticeconstant = v1**(1. / 3) # Calculate the heat of formation by subtracting ef with ei hof = (ef - ei) / len(atoms) # Place the calculated parameters in the info dictionary of the # input_atoms object['key_value_pairs']['hof'] = hof # Raw score must always be set # Use one of the following two; they are equivalent['key_value_pairs']['raw_score'] = -hof # set_raw_score(input_atoms, -hof)['key_value_pairs']['latticeconstant'] = latticeconstant # Setting the atoms_string directly for easier analysis atoms_string = ''.join(input_atoms.get_chemical_symbols())['key_value_pairs']['atoms_string'] = atoms_string