Source code for gpaw.zero_field_splitting

"""Zero-field splitting.


    Spin decontamination for magnetic dipolar coupling calculations:
    Application to high-spin molecules and solid-state spin qubits

    Timur Biktagirov, Wolf Gero Schmidt, and Uwe Gerstmann

    Phys. Rev. Research 2, 022024(R) – Published 30 April 2020

from math import pi
from typing import List, Tuple, Dict

import numpy as np
from ase.units import Bohr, Ha, _c, _e, _hplanck

from gpaw.calculator import GPAW
from gpaw.grid_descriptor import GridDescriptor
from gpaw.typing import Array1D, Array2D, Array4D
from gpaw.hyperfine import alpha  # fine-structure constant: ~ 1 / 137
from gpaw.setup import Setup
from import PWLFC
from import PWDescriptor
from gpaw.mpi import serial_comm

[docs]def zfs(calc: GPAW, method: int = 1) -> Array2D: """Zero-field splitting. Calculate magnetic dipole coupling tensor in eV. """ (kpt1, kpt2), = calc.wfs.kpt_qs # spin-polarized and gamma only nocc1 = (kpt1.f_n > 0.5).sum() nocc2 = (kpt2.f_n > 0.5).sum() assert nocc1 == nocc2 + 2, (nocc1, nocc2) if method == 1: wf1 = WaveFunctions.from_calc(calc, 0, nocc1 - 2, nocc1) wf12 = [wf1] else: wf1 = WaveFunctions.from_calc(calc, 0, 0, nocc1) wf2 = WaveFunctions.from_calc(calc, 1, 0, nocc2) wf12 = [wf1, wf2] D_vv = np.zeros((3, 3)) if == 0: compensation_charge = create_compensation_charge(wf1.setups, wf1.pd, calc.spos_ac) for wfa in wf12: for wfb in wf12: d_vv = zfs1(wfa, wfb, compensation_charge) D_vv += d_vv, 0) return D_vv
class WaveFunctions: def __init__(self, psit_nR: Array4D, P_ani: Dict[int, Array2D], spin: int, setups: List[Setup], gd: GridDescriptor = None, pd: PWDescriptor = None): """Container for wave function in real-space and projections.""" self.pd = pd or PWDescriptor(ecut=None, gd=gd) self.psit_nR = psit_nR self.P_ani = P_ani self.spin = spin self.setups = setups @staticmethod def from_calc(calc: GPAW, spin: int, n1: int, n2: int) -> 'WaveFunctions': """Create WaveFunctions object GPAW calculation.""" kpt = calc.wfs.kpt_qs[0][spin] gd =, bool), comm=serial_comm) psit_nR = gd.empty(n2 - n1) for band, psit_R in enumerate(psit_nR): psit_R[:] = calc.get_pseudo_wave_function( band + n1, spin=spin) * Bohr**1.5 return WaveFunctions(psit_nR, kpt.projections.as_dict_on_master(n1, n2), spin, calc.setups, gd=gd) def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.psit_nR) def create_compensation_charge(setups: List[Setup], pd: PWDescriptor, spos_ac: Array2D) -> PWLFC: compensation_charge = PWLFC([data.ghat_l for data in setups], pd) compensation_charge.set_positions(spos_ac) return compensation_charge def zfs1(wf1: WaveFunctions, wf2: WaveFunctions, compensation_charge: PWLFC) -> Array2D: """Compute dipole coupling.""" pd = wf1.pd setups = wf1.setups N2 = len(wf2) G_G = pd.G2_qG[0]**0.5 G_G[0] = 1.0 G_Gv = pd.get_reciprocal_vectors(add_q=False) / G_G[:, np.newaxis] n_sG = pd.zeros(2) for n_G, wf in zip(n_sG, [wf1, wf2]): D_aii = {} Q_aL = {} for a, P_ni in wf.P_ani.items(): D_ii = np.einsum('ni, nj -> ij', P_ni, P_ni) D_aii[a] = D_ii Q_aL[a] = np.einsum('ij, ijL -> L', D_ii, setups[a].Delta_iiL) for psit_R in wf.psit_nR: n_G += pd.fft(psit_R**2) compensation_charge.add(n_G, Q_aL) nn_G = (n_sG[0] * n_sG[1].conj()).real D_vv = zfs2(pd, G_Gv, nn_G) n_nG = pd.empty(N2) for n1, psit1_R in enumerate(wf1.psit_nR): D_anii = {} Q_anL = {} for a, P1_ni in wf1.P_ani.items(): D_nii = np.einsum('i, nj -> nij', P1_ni[n1], wf2.P_ani[a]) D_anii[a] = D_nii Q_anL[a] = np.einsum('nij, ijL -> nL', D_nii, setups[a].Delta_iiL) for n_G, psit2_R in zip(n_nG, wf2.psit_nR): n_G[:] = pd.fft(psit1_R * psit2_R) compensation_charge.add(n_nG, Q_anL) nn_G = (n_nG * n_nG.conj()).sum(axis=0).real D_vv -= zfs2(pd, G_Gv, nn_G) D_vv -= np.trace(D_vv) / 3 * np.eye(3) # should be traceless sign = 1.0 if wf1.spin == wf2.spin else -1.0 return sign * alpha**2 * pi * D_vv * Ha def zfs2(pd: PWDescriptor, G_Gv: Array2D, nn_G: Array1D) -> Array2D: """Integral.""" D_vv = np.einsum('gv, gw, g -> vw', G_Gv, G_Gv, nn_G) D_vv *= 2 * / return D_vv
[docs]def convert_tensor(D_vv: Array2D, unit: str = 'eV') -> Tuple[float, float, Array1D, Array2D]: """Convert 3x3 tensor to D, E and easy axis. Input tensor must be in eV and the result can be returned in eV, μeV, MHz or 1/cm according to the value of *unit* (must be one of "eV", "ueV", "MHz", "1/cm"). >>> D_vv = np.diag([1, 2, 3]) >>> D, E, axis, _ = convert_tensor(D_vv) >>> D 4.5 >>> E 0.5 >>> axis array([0., 0., 1.]) """ if unit == 'ueV': scale = 1e6 elif unit == 'MHz': scale = _e / _hplanck * 1e-6 elif unit == '1/cm': scale = _e / _hplanck / _c / 100 elif unit == 'eV': scale = 1.0 else: raise ValueError(f'Unknown unit: {unit}') (e1, e2, e3), U = np.linalg.eigh(D_vv * scale) if abs(e1) > abs(e3): D = 1.5 * e1 E = 0.5 * (e2 - e3) axis = U[:, 0] else: D = 1.5 * e3 E = 0.5 * (e2 - e1) axis = U[:, 2] return float(D), float(E), axis, D_vv * scale
def main(argv: List[str] = None) -> Array2D: """CLI interface.""" import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='python3 -m gpaw.zero_field_splitting', description='...') add = parser.add_argument add('file', metavar='input-file', help='GPW-file with wave functions.') add('-u', '--unit', default='ueV', choices=['ueV', 'MHz', '1/cm'], help='Unit. Must be "ueV" (micro-eV, default), "MHz" or "1/cm".') add('-m', '--method', type=int, default=1) args = parser.parse_intermixed_args(argv) calc = GPAW(args.file) D_vv = zfs(calc, args.method) D, E, axis, D_vv = convert_tensor(D_vv, args.unit) unit = args.unit if unit == 'ueV': unit = 'μeV' print('D_ij = (' + ',\n '.join('(' + ', '.join(f'{d:10.3f}' for d in D_v) + ')' for D_v in D_vv) + ') ', unit) print('i, j = x, y, z') print() print(f'D = {D:.3f} {unit}') print(f'E = {E:.3f} {unit}') x, y, z = axis print(f'axis = ({x:.3f}, {y:.3f}, {z:.3f})') return D_vv if __name__ == '__main__': main()