Source code for gpaw.response.df

from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass
import sys

import numpy as np
from ase.units import Hartree, Bohr

import gpaw.mpi as mpi

from gpaw.response.pw_parallelization import Blocks1D
from gpaw.response.coulomb_kernels import CoulombKernel
from gpaw.response.dyson import DysonEquation
from gpaw.response.density_kernels import get_density_xc_kernel
from gpaw.response.chi0 import Chi0Calculator, get_frequency_descriptor
from gpaw.response.chi0_data import Chi0Data
from gpaw.response.pair import get_gs_and_context

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from gpaw.response.frequencies import FrequencyDescriptor
    from gpaw.response.pair_functions import SingleQPWDescriptor

class Chi0DysonEquations:
    chi0: Chi0Data
    df: 'DielectricFunctionCalculator'

    def __post_init__(self): =
        self.context = self.df.context
        self.coulomb = self.df.coulomb
        # When inverting the Dyson equation, we distribute frequencies globally
        blockdist = self.chi0.body.blockdist.new_distributor(nblocks='max')
        self.wblocks = Blocks1D(blockdist.blockcomm, len(self.chi0.wd))

    def _normalize(direction):
        if isinstance(direction, str):
            d_v = {'x': [1, 0, 0],
                   'y': [0, 1, 0],
                   'z': [0, 0, 1]}[direction]
            d_v = direction
        d_v = np.asarray(d_v) / np.linalg.norm(d_v)
        return d_v

    def get_chi0_wGG(self, direction='x'):
        chi0 = self.chi0
        chi0_wGG = chi0.body.get_distributed_frequencies_array().copy()
        if chi0.qpd.optical_limit:
            # Project head and wings along the input direction
            d_v = self._normalize(direction)
            W_w = self.wblocks.myslice
            chi0_wGG[:, 0] =, chi0.chi0_WxvG[W_w, 0])
            chi0_wGG[:, :, 0] =, chi0.chi0_WxvG[W_w, 1])
            chi0_wGG[:, 0, 0] =,[W_w], d_v).T)
        return chi0_wGG

    def get_Kxc_GG(self, *, xc, chi0_wGG, **kwargs):
        """Get adiabatic xc kernel (TDDFT).

        Choose between ALDA, Bootstrap and LRalpha (long-range kernel), where
        alpha is a user specified parameter (for example xc='LR0.25')."""
        return get_density_xc_kernel(
            self.chi0.qpd,, self.context,
            functional=xc, chi0_wGG=chi0_wGG, **kwargs)

    def get_coulomb_scaled_kernel(self, xc='RPA', **xckwargs):
        """Get the Hxc kernel rescaled by the bare Coulomb potential V(q).

        K(q) = V^(-1/2)(q) K_Hxc(q) V^(-1/2)(q),

        where V(q) is the bare Coulomb potential and
        K_Hxc(q) = V(q) + K_xc(q),
        where the Hartree kernel V(q) might be truncated.
        qpd = self.chi0.qpd
        if self.coulomb.truncation is None:
            V_G = self.coulomb.V(qpd)
            K_GG = np.eye(len(V_G), dtype=complex)
            coulomb =
            V_G = coulomb.V(qpd)
            Vtrunc_G = self.coulomb.V(qpd)
            K_GG = np.diag(Vtrunc_G / V_G)
        if xc != 'RPA':
            Kxc_GG = self.get_Kxc_GG(xc=xc, **xckwargs)
            sqrtV_G = V_G**0.5
            K_GG += Kxc_GG / sqrtV_G / sqrtV_G[:, np.newaxis]
        return V_G, K_GG

    def invert_dyson_like_equation(in_wGG, K_GG, reuse_buffer=True):
        """Generalized Dyson equation invertion.


        B(q,ω) = [1 - A(q,ω) K(q)]⁻¹ A(q,ω)

        while possibly storing the output B(q,ω) in the input A(q,ω) buffer.
        if reuse_buffer:
            out_wGG = in_wGG
            out_wGG = np.zeros_like(in_wGG)
        for w, in_GG in enumerate(in_wGG):
            out_wGG[w] = DysonEquation(in_GG, in_GG @ K_GG).invert()
        return out_wGG

    def rpa_density_response(self, direction='x', qinf_v=None):
        """Calculate the RPA susceptibility for (semi-)finite q."""
        # Extract χ₀(q,ω)
        qpd = self.chi0.qpd
        chi0_wGG = self.get_chi0_wGG(direction=direction)
        if qpd.optical_limit:
            # Restore the q-dependence of the head and wings in the q→0 limit
            assert qinf_v is not None and np.linalg.norm(qinf_v) > 0.
            d_v = self._normalize(direction)
            chi0_wGG[:, 1:, 0] *=, d_v)
            chi0_wGG[:, 0, 1:] *=, d_v)
            chi0_wGG[:, 0, 0] *=, d_v)**2
        # Invert Dyson equation, χ(q,ω) = [1 - χ₀(q,ω) V(q)]⁻¹ χ₀(q,ω)
        V_GG = self.coulomb.kernel(qpd, q_v=qinf_v)
        chi_wGG = self.invert_dyson_like_equation(chi0_wGG, V_GG)
        return qpd, chi_wGG

    def inverse_dielectric_function(self, xc='RPA', direction='x', **xckwargs):
        """Calculate V^(1/2) χ V^(1/2), from which ε⁻¹(q,ω) is constructed.

        Starting from the TDDFT Dyson equation

        χ(q,ω) = χ₀(q,ω) + χ₀(q,ω) K_Hxc(q,ω) χ(q,ω),                (1)

        the Coulomb scaled susceptibility,
        χ(q,ω) = V^(1/2)(q) χ(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q)

        can be calculated from the Dyson-like equation
        ˷        ˷         ˷       ˷      ˷
        χ(q,ω) = χ₀(q,ω) + χ₀(q,ω) K(q,ω) χ(q,ω)                     (2)

        K(q,ω) = V^(-1/2)(q) K_Hxc(q,ω) V^(-1/2)(q).

        Here V(q) refers to the bare Coulomb potential. It should be emphasized
        that invertion of (2) rather than (1) is not merely a rescaling
        excercise. In the optical q → 0 limit, the Coulomb kernel V(q) diverges
        as 1/|G+q|² while the Kohn-Sham susceptibility χ₀(q,ω) vanishes as
        |G+q|². Treating V^(1/2)(q) χ₀(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q) as a single variable,
        the effects of this cancellation can be treated accurately within k.p
        perturbation theory.
        chi0_wGG = self.get_chi0_wGG(direction=direction)
        V_G, K_GG = self.get_coulomb_scaled_kernel(
            xc=xc, chi0_wGG=chi0_wGG, **xckwargs)
        # Calculate V^(1/2)(q) χ₀(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q)
        sqrtV_G = V_G**0.5
        Vchi0_symm_wGG = chi0_wGG  # reuse buffer
        for w, chi0_GG in enumerate(chi0_wGG):
            Vchi0_symm_wGG[w] = chi0_GG * sqrtV_G * sqrtV_G[:, np.newaxis]
        # Invert Dyson equation
        Vchi_symm_wGG = self.invert_dyson_like_equation(
            Vchi0_symm_wGG, K_GG, reuse_buffer=False)
        return InverseDielectricFunction.from_chi0_dyson_eqs(
            self, Vchi0_symm_wGG, Vchi_symm_wGG, V_G)

    def dielectric_matrix(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Calculate the dielectric function ε(q,ω) = 1 - V(q) P(q,ω)."""
        V_GG = self.coulomb.kernel(self.chi0.qpd)
        P_wGG = self.polarizability_operator(*args, **kwargs)
        nG = len(V_GG)
        eps_wGG = P_wGG  # reuse buffer
        for w, P_GG in enumerate(P_wGG):
            eps_wGG[w] = np.eye(nG) - V_GG @ P_GG
        return DielectricMatrixData.from_chi0_dyson_eqs(self, eps_wGG)

    def polarizability_operator(self, xc='RPA', direction='x', **xckwargs):
        """Calculate the polarizability operator P(q,ω).

        Depending on the theory (RPA, TDDFT, MBPT etc.), the polarizability
        operator is approximated in various ways see e.g.
        [Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 601 (2002)].

        In RPA:
            P(q,ω) = χ₀(q,ω)

        In TDDFT:
            P(q,ω) = [1 - χ₀(q,ω) K_xc(q,ω)]⁻¹ χ₀(q,ω)
        chi0_wGG = self.get_chi0_wGG(direction=direction)
        if xc == 'RPA':
            return chi0_wGG
        # TDDFT (in adiabatic approximations to the kernel)
        Kxc_GG = self.get_Kxc_GG(xc=xc, chi0_wGG=chi0_wGG, **xckwargs)
        return self.invert_dyson_like_equation(chi0_wGG, Kxc_GG)

class DielectricFunctionData:
    qpd: SingleQPWDescriptor
    wd: FrequencyDescriptor
    wblocks: Blocks1D

    def from_chi0_dyson_eqs(cls, chi0_dyson_eqs, *args, **kwargs):
        chi0 = chi0_dyson_eqs.chi0
        return cls(chi0.qpd, chi0.wd, chi0_dyson_eqs.wblocks, *args, **kwargs)

class InverseDielectricFunction(DielectricFunctionData):
    """Data class for the inverse dielectric function ε⁻¹(q,ω).

    The inverse dielectric function characterizes the longitudinal response

    V (q,ω) = ε⁻¹(q,ω) V (q,ω),
     tot                ext

    where the induced potential due to the electronic system is given by Vχ,

    ε⁻¹(q,ω) = 1 + V(q) χ(q,ω).

    In this data class, ε⁻¹ is cast in terms if its symmetrized representation
    ε⁻¹(q,ω) = V^(-1/2)(q) ε⁻¹(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q),

    that is, in terms of V^(1/2)(q) χ(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q).

    Please remark that V(q) here refers to the bare Coulomb potential
    irregardless of whether χ(q,ω) was determined using a truncated analogue.
    Vchi0_symm_wGG: np.ndarray  # V^(1/2)(q) χ₀(q,ω) V^(1/2)(q)
    Vchi_symm_wGG: np.ndarray
    V_G: np.ndarray

    def _get_macroscopic_component(self, in_wGG):
        return self.wblocks.all_gather(in_wGG[:, 0, 0])

    def macroscopic_components(self):
        Vchi0_W = self._get_macroscopic_component(self.Vchi0_symm_wGG)
        Vchi_W = self._get_macroscopic_component(self.Vchi_symm_wGG)
        return Vchi0_W, Vchi_W

    def dynamic_susceptibility(self):
        """Get the macroscopic component of χ(q,ω)."""
        Vchi0_W, Vchi_W = self.macroscopic_components()
        V0 = self.V_G[0]  # Macroscopic Coulomb potential (4π/q²)
        return ScalarResponseFunctionSet(self.wd, Vchi0_W / V0, Vchi_W / V0)

    def eels_spectrum(self):
        """Get the macroscopic EELS spectrum.

        Here, we define the EELS spectrum to be the spectral part of the
        inverse dielectric function. In the plane-wave representation,

        EELS(G+q,ω) = -Im ε⁻¹(G+q,ω) = -Im V(G+q) χ(G+q,ω),

        where ε⁻¹(G+q,ω) denotes the G'th diagonal element.

        In addition to the many-body spectrum, we also calculate the
        macroscopic EELS spectrum in the independent-particle random-phase
        approximation, that is, using the RPA dielectric function ε = 1 - Vχ₀
        and neglecting local field effects [Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 601 (2002)]:

        EELS₀(ω) = -Im 1 / (1 - V(q) χ₀(q,ω)).
        Vchi0_W, Vchi_W = self.macroscopic_components()
        eels0_W = -(1. / (1. - Vchi0_W)).imag
        eels_W = -Vchi_W.imag
        return ScalarResponseFunctionSet(self.wd, eels0_W, eels_W)

    def _suspicious_polarizability(self, L: float):
        # thosk notes:
        # This expression might be valid only for RPA in 2D for q == 0...
        Vchi0_W, Vchi_W = self.macroscopic_components()
        alpha0_W = -L / (4 * np.pi) * Vchi0_W
        alpha_W = -L / (4 * np.pi) * Vchi_W
        return ScalarResponseFunctionSet(self.wd, alpha0_W, alpha_W)

class DielectricMatrixData(DielectricFunctionData):
    """Data class for the dielectric function ε(q,ω).

    The dielectric function is written in terms of the Coulomb potential V and
    polarizability operator P [Rev. Mod. Phys. 74, 601 (2002)],

    ε(q,ω) = 1 - V(q) P(q,ω),

    and represented in a plane-wave basis.

    Please remark that the Coulomb potential may have been interchanged with
    its truncated analogue.
    eps_wGG: np.ndarray

    def dielectric_function(self):
        """Get the macroscopic dielectric function ε_M(q,ω)."""
        # Ignoring local field effects
        eps0_W = self.wblocks.all_gather(self.eps_wGG[:, 0, 0])

        # Accouting for local field effects
        eps_w = np.zeros((self.wblocks.nlocal,), complex)
        for w, eps_GG in enumerate(self.eps_wGG):
            eps_w[w] = 1 / np.linalg.inv(eps_GG)[0, 0]
        eps_W = self.wblocks.all_gather(eps_w)

        return ScalarResponseFunctionSet(self.wd, eps0_W, eps_W)

    def polarizability(self, L: float):
        """Get the macroscopic polarizability α_M(q,ω).

        Calculates the macroscopic polarizability

        α_M(q,ω) = Λ/(4π) (ε_M(q,ω) - 1),

        where Λ (given as input L) is the nonperiodic hypervolume of the unit
        df = self.dielectric_function()
        alpha0_w = L / (4 * np.pi) * (df.rf0_w - 1.0)
        alpha_w = L / (4 * np.pi) * (df.rf_w - 1.0)
        return ScalarResponseFunctionSet(self.wd, alpha0_w, alpha_w)

def nonperiodic_hypervolume(gs):
    """Get the hypervolume of the cell along nonperiodic directions.

    Returns the hypervolume Λ in units of Å, where

    Λ = 1        in 3D
    Λ = L        in 2D, where L is the out-of-plane cell vector length
    Λ = A        in 1D, where A is the transverse cell area
    Λ = V        in 0D, where V is the cell volume
    cell_cv =
    pbc_c = gs.pbc
    if pbc_c.all():
        return 1.
        if sum(pbc_c) > 0:
            # In 1D and 2D, we assume the cartesian representation of the unit
            # cell to be block diagonal, separating the periodic and
            # nonperiodic cell vectors in different blocks.
            assert np.allclose(cell_cv[~pbc_c][:, pbc_c], 0.) and \
                np.allclose(cell_cv[pbc_c][:, ~pbc_c], 0.), \
                "In 1D and 2D, please put the periodic/nonperiodic axis " \
                "along a cartesian component"
        V = np.abs(np.linalg.det(cell_cv[~pbc_c][:, ~pbc_c]))
        return V * Bohr**sum(~pbc_c)  # Bohr -> Å

class DielectricFunctionCalculator:
    def __init__(self, wd: FrequencyDescriptor,
                 chi0calc: Chi0Calculator, truncation: str | None):
        from gpaw.response.pw_parallelization import Blocks1D
        self.wd = wd

        self.chi0calc = chi0calc

        self.coulomb = CoulombKernel.from_gs(, truncation=truncation)

        # context: ResponseContext object from gpaw.response.context
        self.context = chi0calc.context

        # context.comm : _Communicator object from gpaw.mpi
        self.blocks1d = Blocks1D(self.context.comm, len(self.wd))

        self._chi0cache: dict = {}

    def gs(self):
        # gs: ResponseGroundStateAdapter from gpaw.response.groundstate

    def calculate_chi0(self, q_c: list | np.ndarray):
        """Calculates the response function.

        Calculate the response function for a specific momentum.

        q_c: [float, float, float]
            The momentum wavevector.

        # We cache the computed data since chi0 may otherwise be redundantly
        # calculated e.g. if the user calculates multiple directions.
        # May be called multiple times with same q_c, and we want to
        # be able to recognize previous seen values of q_c.
        # We do this by rounding and converting to string with fixed
        # precision (so not very elegant).
        q_key = [f'{q:.10f}' for q in q_c]
        key = tuple(q_key)

        if key not in self._chi0cache:
            # We assume that the caller will trigger this multiple
            # times with the same qpoint, then several times with
            # another qpoint, etc.  If that's true, then we
            # need to cache no more than one qpoint at a time.
            # Thus to save memory, we clear the cache here.
            # This should be replaced with something more reliable,
            # such as having the caller manage things more explicitly.
            # See
            # In conclusion, delete the cache now:

            # cache Chi0Data from gpaw.response.chi0_data
            self._chi0cache[key] = Chi0DysonEquations(
                self.chi0calc.calculate(q_c), self)

        return self._chi0cache[key]

    def _new_dynamic_susceptibility(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_inverse_dielectric_function(
            *args, **kwargs).dynamic_susceptibility()

    def _new_dielectric_function(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_dielectric_matrix(
            *args, **kwargs).dielectric_function()

    def _new_eels_spectrum(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.get_inverse_dielectric_function(
            *args, **kwargs).eels_spectrum()

    def _new_polarizability(self, *args, **kwargs):
        hypervol = nonperiodic_hypervolume(
        if self.coulomb.truncation:
            # Since eps_M = 1.0 for a truncated Coulomb interaction, use
            # alternative definition of the polarizability, namely
            # α_M(q,ω) = - Λ/(4π) Vχ_M(q,ω)
            return self.get_inverse_dielectric_function(
                *args, **kwargs)._suspicious_polarizability(L=hypervol)
            return self.get_dielectric_matrix(
                *args, **kwargs).polarizability(L=hypervol)

    def get_dielectric_matrix(self, q_c=[0, 0, 0], direction='x', **xckwargs):
        return self.calculate_chi0(q_c).dielectric_matrix(
            direction=direction, **xckwargs)

    def get_inverse_dielectric_function(self, q_c=[0, 0, 0], direction='x',
        return self.calculate_chi0(q_c).inverse_dielectric_function(
            direction=direction, **xckwargs)

    def get_rpa_density_response(self, q_c, *, direction, qinf_v=None):
        return self.calculate_chi0(q_c).rpa_density_response(
            direction=direction, qinf_v=qinf_v)

[docs]class DielectricFunction(DielectricFunctionCalculator): """This class defines dielectric function related physical quantities.""" def __init__(self, calc, *, frequencies=None, ecut=50, hilbert=True, nbands=None, eta=0.2, intraband=True, nblocks=1,, txt=sys.stdout, truncation=None, disable_point_group=False, disable_time_reversal=False, integrationmode=None, rate=0.0, eshift: float | None = None): """Creates a DielectricFunction object. calc: str The ground-state calculation file that the linear response calculation is based on. frequencies: Input parameters for frequency_grid. Can be an array of frequencies to evaluate the response function at or dictionary of parameters for build-in nonlinear grid (see :ref:`frequency grid`). ecut: float Plane-wave cut-off. hilbert: bool Use hilbert transform. nbands: int Number of bands from calculation. eta: float Broadening parameter. intraband: bool Include intraband transitions. world: comm mpi communicator. nblocks: int Split matrices in nblocks blocks and distribute them G-vectors or frequencies over processes. txt: str Output file. truncation: str or None None for no truncation. '2D' for standard analytical truncation scheme. Non-periodic directions are determined from k-point grid eshift: float Shift unoccupied bands """ gs, context = get_gs_and_context(calc, txt, world, timer=None) wd = get_frequency_descriptor(frequencies, gs=gs, nbands=nbands) chi0calc = Chi0Calculator( gs, context, nblocks=nblocks, wd=wd, ecut=ecut, nbands=nbands, eta=eta, hilbert=hilbert, intraband=intraband, disable_point_group=disable_point_group, disable_time_reversal=disable_time_reversal, integrationmode=integrationmode, rate=rate, eshift=eshift ) super().__init__(wd=wd, chi0calc=chi0calc, truncation=truncation) def get_frequencies(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Return frequencies that Chi is evaluated on""" return self.wd.omega_w * Hartree def get_dynamic_susceptibility(self, *args, xc='ALDA', filename='chiM_w.csv', **kwargs): dynsus = self._new_dynamic_susceptibility(*args, xc=xc, **kwargs) if filename: dynsus.write(filename) return dynsus.unpack()
[docs] def get_dielectric_function(self, *args, filename='df.csv', **kwargs): """Calculate the dielectric function. Generates a file 'df.csv', unless filename is set to None. Returns ------- df_NLFC_w: np.ndarray Dielectric function without local field corrections. df_LFC_w: np.ndarray Dielectric functio with local field corrections. """ df = self._new_dielectric_function(*args, **kwargs) if filename: df.write(filename) return df.unpack()
[docs] def get_eels_spectrum(self, *args, filename='eels.csv', **kwargs): """Calculate the macroscopic EELS spectrum. Generates a file 'eels.csv', unless filename is set to None. Returns ------- eels0_w: np.ndarray Spectrum in the independent-particle random-phase approximation. eels_w: np.ndarray Fully screened EELS spectrum. """ eels = self._new_eels_spectrum(*args, **kwargs) if filename: eels.write(filename) return eels.unpack()
[docs] def get_polarizability(self, *args, filename='polarizability.csv', **kwargs): """Calculate the macroscopic polarizability. Generate a file 'polarizability.csv', unless filename is set to None. Returns: -------- alpha0_w: np.ndarray Polarizability calculated without local-field corrections alpha_w: np.ndarray Polarizability calculated with local-field corrections. """ pol = self._new_polarizability(*args, **kwargs) if filename: pol.write(filename) return pol.unpack()
[docs] def get_macroscopic_dielectric_constant(self, xc='RPA', direction='x'): """Calculate the macroscopic dielectric constant. The macroscopic dielectric constant is defined as the real part of the dielectric function in the static limit. Returns: -------- eps0: float Dielectric constant without local field corrections. eps: float Dielectric constant with local field correction. (RPA, ALDA) """ df = self._new_dielectric_function(xc=xc, direction=direction) return df.static_limit.real
# ----- Serialized dataclasses and IO ----- # @dataclass class ScalarResponseFunctionSet: """A set of scalar response functions rf₀(ω) and rf(ω).""" wd: FrequencyDescriptor rf0_w: np.ndarray rf_w: np.ndarray @property def arrays(self): return self.wd.omega_w * Hartree, self.rf0_w, self.rf_w def unpack(self): # Legacy feature to support old DielectricFunction output format # ... to be deprecated ... return self.rf0_w, self.rf_w def write(self, filename): if mpi.rank == 0: write_response_function(filename, *self.arrays) @property def static_limit(self): """Return the value of the response functions in the static limit.""" w0 = np.argmin(np.abs(self.wd.omega_w)) assert abs(self.wd.omega_w[w0]) < 1e-8 return np.array([self.rf0_w[w0], self.rf_w[w0]]) def write_response_function(filename, omega_w, rf0_w, rf_w): with open(filename, 'w') as fd: for omega, rf0, rf in zip(omega_w, rf0_w, rf_w): if rf0_w.dtype == complex: print('%.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f' % (omega, rf0.real, rf0.imag, rf.real, rf.imag), file=fd) else: print(f'{omega:.6f}, {rf0:.6f}, {rf:.6f}', file=fd) def read_response_function(filename): """Read a stored response function file""" d = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',') omega_w = np.array(d[:, 0], float) if d.shape[1] == 3: # Real response function rf0_w = np.array(d[:, 1], float) rf_w = np.array(d[:, 2], float) elif d.shape[1] == 5: rf0_w = np.array(d[:, 1], complex) rf0_w.imag = d[:, 2] rf_w = np.array(d[:, 3], complex) rf_w.imag = d[:, 4] else: raise ValueError(f'Unexpected array dimension {d.shape}') return omega_w, rf0_w, rf_w