Source code for gpaw.cdft.cdft

"""Module for constrained DFT

for review see Chem. Rev., 2012, 112 (1), pp 321-370
article on GPAW implementation:
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 2016, 12 (11), pp 5367-5378

import copy
import functools
from math import pi

import numpy as np
from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator
from import atomic_numbers, covalent_radii
from ase.units import Bohr, Hartree
from ase.utils import IOContext
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from gpaw.external import ExternalPotential

[docs]class CDFT(Calculator): implemented_properties = ['energy', 'forces'] def __init__(self, calc, atoms, charge_regions=[], charges=None, spin_regions=[], spins=None, charge_coefs=None, spin_coefs=None, promolecular_constraint=False, txt='-', minimizer_options={'gtol': 0.01}, Rc={}, mu={'Li': 0.5, 'F': 0.7, 'O': 0.7, 'V': 0.5}, method='BFGS', forces='analytical', use_charge_difference=False, compute_forces=True, maxstep=100, tol=1e-3, bounds=None, restart=False, hess=None): """Constrained DFT calculator. calc: GPAW instance DFT calculator object to be constrained. charge_regions: list of list of int Atom indices of atoms in the different charge_regions. spin_regions: list of list of int Atom indices of atoms in the different spin_regions. charges: list of float constrained charges in the different charge_regions. spins: list of float constrained spins in the different charge_regions. Value of 1 sets net magnetisation of one up/alpha electron charge_coefs: list of float Initial values for charge constraint coefficients (eV). spin_coefs: list of float Initial values for spin constraint coefficients (eV). promolecular_constraint: bool Define charge and/or spin constraints from promolecular densities, see: Eq. 29-31 If true, user specified charges/spins are overwritten! The atoms (of Atoms object) specifying the charge/spin regions need to contain have correct charge/spin state! (atoms.set_initial_charges([atomic_charges]) and atoms.set_initial_magnetic_moments([moments])) txt: None or str or file descriptor Log file. Default id '-' meaning standard out. Use None for no output. minimizer_options: dict options for scipy optimizers, see:scipy.optimize.minimize method: str One of scipy optimizers, e.g., BFGS, CG forces: str cDFT weight function contribution to forces 'fd' for finite difference or 'analytical' difference: bool If True, constrain charge difference between two regions Then charge_regions needs two regions and charges needs only one item which is the charge difference between the two regions, the first beign donor, the second acceptor If False, each region is treated with the corresponding charge constraint compute_forces: bool Should the forces be computed? restart: bool starting from an old calculation from gpw hess: '2-point', '3-point', 'cs' scipy hessian approximation """ Calculator.__init__(self) self.calc = calc self.restart = restart self.iocontext = IOContext() self.log = self.iocontext.openfile(txt, self.method = method self.forces = forces self.options = minimizer_options self.difference = use_charge_difference self.compute_forces = compute_forces self.Rc = Rc = mu # set charge constraints and lagrangians self.v_i = np.empty(shape=(0, 0)) self.constraints = np.empty(shape=(0, 0)) self.charge_regions = charge_regions self.spin_regions = spin_regions self._n_charge_regions = len(self.charge_regions) self._n_spin_regions = len(self.spin_regions) self._n_regions = self._n_charge_regions + self._n_spin_regions self.max_step = maxstep self.tol = tol self.gtol = minimizer_options['gtol'] self.bounds = bounds if self.bounds is not None: self.bounds = np.asarray(self.bounds) / Hartree self.hess = hess if self.difference: # difference calculation only for 2 charge regions if self.n_spin_regions != 0 or self._n_charge_regions != 2: raise ValueError('No spin constraints ' 'for charge difference calculations and' ' only two regions allowed') assert (self.n_charge_regions == 1) if self.n_charge_regions == 0: self.regions = [] else: self.charge_i = np.array(charges, dtype=float) if charge_coefs is None: # to Hartree self.v_i = 0.1 * np.sign(self.charge_i) else: self.v_i = np.array(charge_coefs) / Hartree if not self.difference: self.regions = copy.copy(self.charge_regions) # The objective is to constrain the number of electrons (nel) # in a certain region --> convert charge to nel Zn = np.zeros(self.n_charge_regions) for j in range(len(Zn)): for atom in atoms[self.charge_regions[j]]: Zn[j] += atom.number # combined spin and charge constraints self.constraints = Zn - self.charge_i else: # constrain charge between two regions nD = 0. # neutral donor nA = 0. # neutral acceptor for atom in atoms[charge_regions[0]]: nD += atom.number for atom in atoms[charge_regions[1]]: nA += atom.number self.dn_core = nD - nA # difference of core self.constraints = [self.dn_core - charges[0]] self.regions = charge_regions # set spin constraints if self.n_spin_regions != 0 and not self.difference: spin_i = np.array(spins, dtype=float) self.constraints = np.append(self.constraints, spin_i) if spin_coefs is None: # to Hartree v_is = 0.1 * np.sign(spin_i) else: v_is = np.array(spin_coefs) / Hartree self.v_i = np.append(self.v_i, v_is) # self.regions.append(spin_regions) for i in range(self.n_spin_regions): self.regions.append(self.spin_regions[i]) # initialise without v_ext atoms.calc = self.calc if not self.restart: atoms.get_potential_energy() assert atoms.calc.wfs.nspins == 2 self.cdft_initialised = False self.atoms = atoms = self.calc.density.finegd if promolecular_constraint: self.constraints = get_promolecular_constraints( calc=self.calc, atoms=self.atoms, charge_regions=self.charge_regions, spin_regions=self.spin_regions, charges=charges, spins=spins) # get number of core electrons at each constrained region # used for pseudo free energy to neglect core contributions # in coupling calculation self.n_core_electrons = np.zeros(len(self.regions)) for a in self.atoms: for r in range(len(self.regions[:self.n_charge_regions])): if a.index in self.regions[r] and not self.difference: n_core = a.number - self.calc.wfs.setups[a.index].Nv self.n_core_electrons[r] += n_core elif a.index in self.regions[r] and self.difference: if r == 0: n_core = a.number - self.calc.wfs.setups[a.index].Nv self.n_core_electrons[r] += n_core else: n_core = a.number - self.calc.wfs.setups[a.index].Nv self.n_core_electrons[r] -= n_core w = WeightFunc(, self.atoms, None, self.Rc, self.Rc, = w.get_Rc_and_mu() # construct cdft potential self.ext = CDFTPotential(regions=self.regions,, atoms=self.atoms, constraints=self.constraints, n_charge_regions=self.n_charge_regions, difference=self.difference, log=self.log, vi=self.v_i, Rc=self.Rc, self.calc.set(external=self.ext) self.w = self.ext.w_ig def __del__(self): self.iocontext.close()
[docs] def calculate(self, atoms, properties, system_changes): # check we're dealing with same atoms if atoms != self.atoms: self.atoms = atoms if not self.restart: Calculator.calculate(self, self.atoms) Calculator.calculate(self, self.atoms) # update positions and weight functions if 'positions' in system_changes or not self.cdft_initialised: self.ext.set_positions_and_atomic_numbers( self.atoms.positions / Bohr, self.atoms.numbers) self.cdft_initialised = True self.atoms.calc = self.calc p = functools.partial(print, file=self.log) self.iteration = 0 self.old_v_i = self.v_i.copy() def f(v_i): # nonlocal iteration # very simple step size control diff = v_i - self.old_v_i if np.any(np.abs(diff) >= self.max_step / Hartree): v_i = self.old_v_i + np.sign( v_i - self.old_v_i) * self.max_step / Hartree self.ext.set_levels(v_i) self.v_i = v_i # cDFT free energy <A|H^KS + V_a w_a|A> = Edft + <A|Vw|A> self.Ecdft = self.atoms.get_potential_energy() # in eV # cDFT corrections to energy self.get_atomic_density_correction() self.Ecdft += self.get_energy_correction() * Hartree # get the cDFT gradient dn_i = [] Delta_n = self.get_energy_correction(return_density=True) if self.calc.density.nt_sg is None: self.density.interpolate_pseudo_density() self.nt_ag = self.calc.density.nt_sg[0] self.nt_bg = self.calc.density.nt_sg[1] total_electrons = [] if self.n_charge_regions != 0: # total pseudo electron density n_gt = self.nt_ag + self.nt_bg n_electrons = ( self.ext.w_ig[0:self.n_charge_regions] * n_gt, global_integral=True)) # corrections n_electrons += Delta_n[0:self.n_charge_regions] # constraint diff = n_electrons - self.constraints[0:self.n_charge_regions] total_electrons.append(n_electrons) dn_i.append(diff) if self.n_spin_regions != 0: # difference of pseudo spin densities Dns_gt = (self.nt_ag - self.nt_bg) n_electrons = self.ext.w_ig[self.n_charge_regions:] * Dns_gt, global_integral=True) # corrections n_electrons += Delta_n[self.n_charge_regions:] # constraint diff = n_electrons - self.constraints[self.n_charge_regions:] total_electrons.append(n_electrons) dn_i.append(diff) self.dn_i = np.asarray(dn_i) self.dn_i = self.dn_i.flatten() total_electrons = np.asarray(total_electrons) self.w = self.ext.w_ig # Do not include external potential E_KS = get_ks_energy_wo_external(self.calc) self.Edft = E_KS # pseudo free energy, neglecting core electrons as done for # coupling constant calculation if not self.difference: self.Ecdft = E_KS + self.v_i * Hartree, (total_electrons - self.n_core_electrons)[0]) if self.iteration == 0: p(f'Optimizer: {self.method}') p(f'Optimizer setups:{self.options}') header = '----------------------------------------\n' header += 'Iteration: {0}\n' header += 'Energy: {1:10.8f} eV\n' header += 'Coefficients [eV]: {2} \n' header += 'Errors [e]: {3} \n' dn_intermediate = self.dn_i.tolist() p( header.format(self.iteration, self.Edft, ''.join(f'{v:4.3f} ' for v in self.v_i * Hartree), ''.join(f'{dn:6.4f} ' for dn in dn_intermediate), fill='left', align='left')) self.log.flush() self.iteration += 1 self.old_v_i = self.v_i.copy() return np.max(np.abs(self.dn_i)) m = minimize(f, self.v_i, jac=self.jacobian, hess=self.hess, bounds=self.bounds, tol=self.tol, method=self.method, options=self.options) p(str(m.message) + '\n') self.density = self.calc.density # TS09-vdw needs this self.results['energy'] = self.Edft # print to log p('Final DFT energy : ' + str(self.Edft) + ' eV \n') p('CDFT free energy <A|H+Vw|A> : ' + str(self.Ecdft) + ' eV \n') if self.compute_forces: f = WeightFunc(, self.atoms, self.regions, self.Rc,, new=False) f_cdft = f.get_cdft_forces2(dens=self.calc.density, v_i=self.v_i, n_charge_regions=self.n_charge_regions, n_spin_regions=self.n_spin_regions, w_ig=self.w, method=self.forces, difference=self.difference), 0) self.ext.set_forces(f_cdft) self.results['forces'] = self.atoms.get_forces()
def get_weight(self, save=True, name='weight', pad=False): if not pad: w_g = self.w else: c = CDFTPotential(regions=self.regions,, atoms=self.atoms, constraints=self.constraints, n_charge_regions=self.n_charge_regions, difference=self.difference, vi=self.v_i, Rc=self.Rc,, log=self.log) w_g = c.initialize_partitioning(, construct=True, pad=True, global_array=True) if save: w_s =, broadcast=True) if == 0:'coarse_weight', w_s) return w_g def jacobian(self, v_i): if np.all(np.abs(self.dn_i) < self.gtol): # forces scipy opt to converge when gtol is reached return np.zeros(len(self.v_i)) else: return -self.dn_i def cdft_free_energy(self): return self.Ecdft def dft_energy(self): return self.Edft def get_lagrangians(self): return self.v_i * Hartree def get_constraints(self): return self.constraints def get_grid(self): return def get_all_electron_density(self, gridrefinement=2, spin=None): return self.calc.get_all_electron_density( gridrefinement=gridrefinement, spin=spin) def get_atomic_density_correction(self, return_els=False): # eq. 20 of the paper self.dn_s = np.zeros((2, len(self.atoms))) for i in [0, 1]: for a, D_sp in self.calc.density.D_asp.items(): self.dn_s[i, a] += np.sqrt(4 * np.pi) * ([i], self.calc.wfs.setups[a].Delta_pL)[0] + self.calc.wfs.setups[a].Delta0 / 2) for a in range(len(self.atoms)): self.dn_s[:, a] += self.atoms[a].number / 2. if return_els: return self.dn_s def get_energy_correction(self, return_density=False): # Delta n^a part of eq 21 # for each region n_a = np.zeros(len(self.regions)) # int w_i Dn_i for both spins # in spin constraints w_ib = -w_ia # inside augmentation spheres w_i = 1 for c in range(len(self.regions)): # sum all atoms in a region n_sa = self.dn_s[0, self.regions[c]].sum() n_sb = self.dn_s[1, self.regions[c]].sum() # total density correction n_a[c] = n_sa + n_sb for s in range(self.n_spin_regions): n_sa = self.dn_s[0, self.regions[self.n_charge_regions + s]].sum() n_sb = self.dn_s[1, self.regions[self.n_charge_regions + s]].sum() n_a[self.n_charge_regions + s] = n_sa - n_sb if return_density: if not self.difference: # Delta n^a, eq 20 return n_a else: # the difference of corrections return [n_a[0] - n_a[1]] else: if not self.difference: return (, n_a)) else: # negative for difference acceptor vi_temp = np.array([self.v_i[0], -self.v_i[0]]) return (, n_a))
[docs] def get_number_of_electrons_on_atoms(self): """Return the number of electrons with each gaussian.""" nelectrons = [] ae_dens_correction = self.get_atomic_density_correction( return_els=True) if self.calc.density.nt_sg is None: self.calc.density.interpolate_pseudo_density() dens = self.calc.density.nt_sg[0] + self.calc.density.nt_sg[1] for atom in self.atoms: # weight function with one atom f = WeightFunc(, self.atoms, [atom.index], self.Rc,, new=False) w = f.construct_weight_function() n_el = ( * dens, global_integral=True)) # corrections n_el += (ae_dens_correction[:, atom.index]).sum() nelectrons.append(n_el) return nelectrons
def write(self, name, mode=None): self.calc.write(name, mode=mode) def save_parameters(self, name='initial', save_weight=True, save_wfs=True): if == 0: file = open(name + '.txt', 'w') file.write('NA = %f ,\n' % (self.constraints)) file.write('FA = %f , \n' % (self.Ecdft)) file.write('EA = %f , \n' % (self.Edft)) file.write('Va = %f , \n' % (self.v_i * Hartree)) file.write('N_charge_regions_A = %d ,\n' % self.n_charge_regions) file.close() def get_weight_function_on_coarse_grid(self, regions, gd, atoms, constraints, n_charge_regions, difference, save=True): gd = c = CDFTPotential(regions=self.regions, gd=gd, atoms=self.atoms, constraints=self.constraints, n_charge_regions=self.n_charge_regions, difference=self.difference, vi=self.v_i, log=self.log) w_G = c.initialize_partitioning(gd, construct=True) if save: w_s = gd.collect(w_G, broadcast=True) if gd.comm.rank == 0:'coarse_weight', w_s) return w_G def get_coarse_grid(self, save=True): if save: w_s =, broadcast=True) if == 0:'coarse_grid', w_s) return @property def n_spin_regions(self): self._n_spin_regions = len(self.spin_regions) return self._n_spin_regions @property def n_charge_regions(self): if not self.difference: self._n_charge_regions = len(self.charge_regions) else: self._n_charge_regions = 1 return self._n_charge_regions @property def n_regions(self): if not self.difference: self._n_regions = self._n_charge_regions + self._n_spin_regions else: self._n_regions = 2 return self._n_regions
def gaussians(gd, positions, numbers): r_Rv = gd.get_grid_point_coordinates().transpose((1, 2, 3, 0)) radii = covalent_radii[numbers] cutoffs = radii + 3.0 sigmas = radii * min(covalent_radii) + 0.5 result_R = gd.zeros() for pos, Z, rc, sigma in zip(positions, numbers, cutoffs, sigmas): d2_R = ((r_Rv - pos)**2).sum(3) a_R = Z / (sigma**3 * (2 * np.pi)**1.5) * np.exp(-d2_R / (2 * sigma**2)) a_R[d2_R > rc] = 0.0 result_R += a_R return result_R class CDFTPotential(ExternalPotential): def __init__(self, regions, gd, atoms, constraints, n_charge_regions, difference, vi, log, Rc={}, mu={}): self.indices_i = regions = gd self.iocontext = IOContext() self.log = log self.atoms = atoms self.pos_av = None self.Z_a = None self.w_ig = None self.n_charge_regions = n_charge_regions self.constraints = constraints self.difference = difference self.v_i = vi self.Rc = Rc = mu = 'CDFTPotential' def __str__(self): = 'CDFTPotential' return 'CDFTPotential' def get_name(self): return def update_ae_density(self, ae_dens): self.ae_dens = ae_dens def get_atoms(self): return self.atoms def get_ae_density(self): return self.ae_dens def get_vi(self): return self.v_i def get_constraints(self): return self.constraints def set_levels(self, v_i): self.v_i = np.array(v_i, dtype=float) self.vext_g = None return self.v_i def set_forces(self, cdft_forces): self.cdft_forces = cdft_forces def get_cdft_forces(self): return self.cdft_forces def spin_polarized_potential(self): return len(self.constraints) != self.n_charge_regions def get_w(self): return self.w_ig def set_positions_and_atomic_numbers(self, pos_av, Z_a): self.pos_av = pos_av self.Z_a = Z_a self.w_ig = None self.vext_g = None def initialize_partitioning(self, gd, construct=False, pad=False, global_array=False): w = get_all_weight_functions(self.atoms, gd, self.indices_i, self.difference, self.Rc, if construct: return np.array(w) self.w_ig = np.array(w) p = functools.partial(print, file=self.log) p('Number of charge constrained regions: {n}'.format( n=self.n_charge_regions)) if not self.difference: p('Number of spin constrained regions: {n}'.format( n=len(self.indices_i) - self.n_charge_regions)) else: p('Number of spin constrained regions: 0') p(f'Charge difference: {self.difference}') p('Parameters') p('Atom Width[A] Rc[A]') for a in p(' {atom} {width:.3f} {Rc:.3f}'.format( atom=a,[a] * Bohr, Rc=self.Rc[a] * Bohr)) print(file=self.log) self.log.flush() def calculate_potential(self, gd): # return v_ext^{\sigma} = sum_i V_i*w_i^{\sigma} if self.w_ig is None: self.initialize_partitioning( pot = np.empty(self.w_ig.shape) for i in range(len(self.v_i)): pot[i] = self.v_i[i] * self.w_ig[i] # first alpha spin vext_sga = np.sum(np.asarray(pot), axis=0) # then beta vext_sgb = np.asarray(pot) # spin constraints with beta spins vext_sgb[self.n_charge_regions:] *= -1. vext_sgb = np.sum(vext_sgb, axis=0) vext_sg = np.array([vext_sga, vext_sgb]) # spin-dependent cdft potential self.vext_g = vext_sg def write(self, writer): writer.write(vext='CDFTPotential') def read(self, reader): pass def todict(self): return { 'name': 'CDFTPotential', 'regions': self.indices_i, 'constraints': self.v_i * Hartree, 'n_charge_regions': self.n_charge_regions, 'difference': self.difference } def get_atomic_hamiltonians(self, setups, atom): h_cdft_a = np.zeros(setups.shape) h_cdft_b = np.zeros(setups.shape) v_i = self.v_i if self.difference: v_i = [v_i, -v_i] for i in range(len(self.indices_i)): if atom in self.indices_i[i]: h_cdft_a += v_i[i] * 2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * setups h_cdft_b += v_i[i] * 2. * np.sqrt(np.pi) * setups if i >= self.n_charge_regions and not self.difference: h_cdft_b *= -1. return h_cdft_a, h_cdft_b def get_cdft_external_energy(self, dens, nspins, vext_g, vt_g, vbar_g, vt_sg): # cDFT works with all-electron (spin)density # First the potential # spin dependent external potential, array of Vi*wi # vext_g = self.calculate_potential( vt_g += vext_g[0] vext_g[1:nspins] = vext_g[1] + vbar_g vt_sg[nspins:] = 0.0 # then energy w = self.get_w() # weight functions Vi = self.get_vi() constraints = self.get_constraints() # pseudo electron density on fine grid if dens.nt_sg is None: dens.interpolate_pseudo_density() diff = [] if self.n_charge_regions != 0: # pseudo density nt_g = dens.nt_sg[0] + dens.nt_sg[1] charge_diff = ([0:self.n_charge_regions], nt_g, global_integral=True) - constraints[0:self.n_charge_regions]) diff.append(charge_diff) # constrained spins if len(constraints) - self.n_charge_regions != 0: Delta_nt_g = dens.nt_sg[0] - dens.nt_sg[ 1] # pseudo spin difference density spin_diff = w[self.n_charge_regions:], Delta_nt_g, global_integral=True) - constraints[self.n_charge_regions:] diff.append(spin_diff) diff = np.asarray(diff) # number of domains size = e = np.multiply(Vi, diff[:]).sum() e /= size return e class WeightFunc: """ Class which builds a weight function around atoms or molecules given the atom index - using normalized Gaussian with cut-off! The weight function is constructed on the coarse or fine grid and can be used to do charge constraint DFT. """ def __init__(self, gd, atoms, indices, Rc={}, mu={}, new=True): """ Given a grid-descriptor, atoms object and an index list construct a weight function defined by: n_i(r-R_i) w(r) = --------------- sum_a n_a(r-R_a) where a runs over all atoms, and i can index an atom or a list of atoms comprising a molecule, etc. The n_i are construced with atom centered gaussians using a pre-defined cut-off Rc_i. """ = gd self.atoms = atoms self.indices_i = indices # Indices of constrained charge_regions # Weight function parameters in Bohr # Cutoffs if new: new_Rc = {} for a in self.atoms: if a.symbol in Rc: new_Rc[a.symbol] = Rc[a.symbol] / Bohr else: element_number = atomic_numbers[a.symbol] cr = covalent_radii[element_number] # Rc to roughly between 3. and 5. new_Rc[a.symbol] = (cr + 2.5) / Bohr self.Rc = new_Rc else: self.Rc = Rc # Construct mu (width) dict # mu only sets the width and height so it's in angstrom if new: new_mu = {} for a in self.atoms: if a.symbol in mu: new_mu[a.symbol] = mu[a.symbol] / Bohr else: element_number = atomic_numbers[a.symbol] cr = covalent_radii[element_number] # mu to be roughly between 0.5 and 1.0 AA cr = (cr * min(covalent_radii) + 0.5) new_mu[a.symbol] = cr / Bohr # "Larger" atoms may need a bit more width = new_mu else: = mu def get_Rc_and_mu(self): return self.Rc, def normalized_gaussian(self, dis, mu, Rc): # Given mu - width, and Rc # a normalized gaussian is constructed # around some atom. This is # placed on the gd (grid) - and truncated # at a given cut-off value Rc. dis # are the distances from atom to grid points. """ Normalized gaussian is: 1 g(r) = --------------- e^{-(r-Ra)^2/(2mu^2)} mu^3*(2pi)^1.5 for |r-Ra| <= Rc, 0 elsewhere """ # Check function check = abs(dis) <= Rc # Make gaussian 3D Guassian gauss = 1 / (mu * (2 * pi)**(1 / 2)) * np.exp(-dis**2 / (2.0 * mu**2)) # apply cut-off and return return np.array(gauss * check) def get_distance_vectors(self, pos, distance=True): xyz = if distance: # returns vector norm return np.sqrt((xyz**2).sum(axis=0)) else: # gives raw vector return xyz def construct_total_density(self, atoms): # Add to empty grid dens = for atom in atoms: charge = atom.number symbol = atom.symbol pos = atom.position / Bohr dis = self.get_distance_vectors(pos) dens += charge * self.normalized_gaussian(dis,[symbol], self.Rc[symbol]) return dens def construct_weight_function(self): # Grab atomic / molecular density dens_n = self.construct_total_density(self.atoms[self.indices_i]) # Grab total density dens = self.construct_total_density(self.atoms) # Check zero elements check = dens == 0 # Add value to zeros ... dens += check * 1.0 # make weight function return (dens_n / dens) def get_cdft_forces2(self, dens, v_i, n_charge_regions, n_spin_regions, w_ig, method, difference): """ Calculate cDFT force as a sum dF/dRi = Fi(inside) + Fs(surf) due to cutoff (Rc) in gauss / dw(r) Fi_a = -V | ------ n(r) dr / dR_a dw(r) ---- = sum of Gaussian functions... dR_a this is computed in get_dw_dRa dens = density Vc = cDFT constraint value method = 'fd' or 'analytical' for finite difference or analytical dw/dR """ cdft_forces = np.zeros((len(self.atoms), 3)) if dens.nt_sg is None: dens.interpolate_pseudo_density() rho_kd = self.construct_total_density(self.atoms) # sum_k n_k # Check zero elements check = rho_kd == 0. # Add value to zeros for denominator... rho_kd += check * 1.0 for a, atom in enumerate(self.atoms): wn_sg = prefactor = self.get_derivative_prefactor(n_charge_regions, n_spin_regions, w_ig, v_i, difference, atom, rho_kd) # make extended array for c in range(n_charge_regions): wn_sg += (dens.nt_sg[0] + dens.nt_sg[1]) * prefactor[0] for s in range(n_spin_regions): wn_sg += (dens.nt_sg[0] - dens.nt_sg[1]) * prefactor[1] for i in [0, 1, 2]: if method == 'analytical': dG_dRav = self.get_analytical_derivates(atom, direction=i) elif method == 'fd': dG_dRav = self.get_fd_derivatives(atom, direction=i) cdft_forces[a][i] -= * dG_dRav, global_integral=True) return cdft_forces def get_fd_derivatives(self, atom, direction, dx=1.e-4): dirs = [[dx, 0., 0.], [0., dx, 0.], [0., 0., dx]] charge = atom.number symbol = atom.symbol mu =[symbol] Rc = self.Rc[symbol] a_posx = atom.position / Bohr + dirs[direction] a_dis = self.get_distance_vectors(a_posx) Ga_posx = charge * self.normalized_gaussian(a_dis, mu, Rc) # move to -dx a_negx = atom.position / Bohr - dirs[direction] a_dis = self.get_distance_vectors(a_negx) Ga_negx = charge * self.normalized_gaussian(a_dis, mu, Rc) # dG/dx dGav = (Ga_posx - Ga_negx) / (2 * dx) return dGav def get_derivative_prefactor(self, n_charge_regions, n_spin_regions, w_ig, v_i, difference, atom, rho_kd): """Computes the dw/dRa array needed for derivatives/forces eq 31 needed for lfc-derivative/integrals """ wc = ws = for i in range(n_charge_regions): # build V_i [sum_k rho_k + sum_{j in i}rho_i] wi = -w_ig[i] if not difference: if atom.index in self.indices_i[i]: wi += 1. else: if atom.index in self.indices_i[0]: wi += 1. elif atom.index in self.indices_i[1]: wi -= 1. wi *= v_i[i] wc += wi / rho_kd for i in range(n_spin_regions): # build V_i [sum_k rho_k + sum_{j in i}rho_i] wi = -w_ig[n_charge_regions + i] if atom.index in self.indices_i[n_charge_regions + i]: wi += 1. wi *= v_i[n_charge_regions + i] ws += wi / rho_kd return [wc, ws] def get_analytical_derivates(self, atom, direction): # equations 32,33,34 a_pos = atom.position / Bohr a_symbol = atom.symbol a_charge = atom.number a_dis = self.get_distance_vectors(a_pos) rRa = -self.get_distance_vectors(a_pos, distance=False) dist_rRa = self.get_distance_vectors(a_pos, distance=True) check = dist_rRa == 0 # Add value to zeros ... dist_rRa += check * 1.0 # eq 33 drRa_di = rRa[direction] / dist_rRa # Gaussian derivative eq 34 G_a = a_charge * self.normalized_gaussian(a_dis,[a_symbol], self.Rc[a_symbol]) # within cutoff or at surface ? --> heaviside # inside check_i = abs(a_dis) <= self.Rc[a_symbol] rRc = check_i * a_dis dGa_drRa = -rRc * G_a / ([a_symbol])**2 # (\Theta * (r-R_a) n_A) / \sigma^2 # at surface surf = abs(abs(a_dis) - self.Rc[a_symbol]) check_s = surf <= max( dGa_drRa += check_s * G_a # \ sigma_{A\in i} n_A # eq 32 return dGa_drRa * drRa_di def get_ks_energy_wo_external(calc): return (calc.hamiltonian.e_kinetic + calc.hamiltonian.e_coulomb + calc.hamiltonian.e_zero + calc.hamiltonian.e_xc - calc.hamiltonian.e_entropy) * Hartree def get_all_weight_functions(atoms, gd, indices_i, difference, Rc, mu, new=False, return_Rc_mu=False): w = [] for i in range(len(indices_i)): wf = WeightFunc(gd, atoms, indices_i[i], Rc, mu, new) weig = wf.construct_weight_function() if not difference: w.append(weig) else: # for charge difference constraint if i == 0: w.append(weig) else: w[0] -= weig # negative for acceptor if return_Rc_mu: Rc, mu = wf.get_Rc_and_mu() return w, Rc, mu else: return w def get_promolecular_constraints(calc_a, atoms_a, calc_b, atoms_b, charge_constraint=True, spin_constraint=False, restart=False, Rc={}, mu={}): """ - calc_a is for the region you're interested in. Its charge should correspond to the "free charge" of the promolecule - atoms_a: atoms object for the region of interest - calc_b is for the other region - atoms_b: atoms object for the other region - restart: bool. If true, atoms_a have used calc_a and atoms_b calc_b """ constraints = [] atoms = atoms_a + atoms_b if not restart: atoms_a.calc = calc_a atoms_b.calc = calc_b atoms_a.get_potential_energy() atoms_b.get_potential_energy() gd = calc_a.density.finegd if charge_constraint: # can charge and spin constraints be treated at the same time? d_a = calc_a.get_all_electron_density(gridrefinement=2, pad=False) d_b = calc_b.get_all_electron_density(gridrefinement=2, pad=False) charge_region = [atom.index for atom in atoms_a] weight = WeightFunc(gd=gd, atoms=atoms, indices=charge_region, Rc=Rc, mu=mu) w = weight.construct_weight_function() dv = atoms.get_volume() / calc_a.get_number_of_grid_points().prod() gridrefinement = 2. Nel = (w * (d_a + d_b)).sum() * dv / gridrefinement**3 Zn = 0 for atom in atoms_a: Zn += atom.number constraints.append(Zn - Nel) if spin_constraint: # can charge and spin constraints be treated at the same time? d_a = calc_a.get_all_electron_density(gridrefinement=2, pad=False, spin=0) d_b = calc_b.get_all_electron_density(gridrefinement=2, pad=False, spin=1) charge_region = [atom.index for atom in atoms_a] weight = WeightFunc(gd=gd, atoms=atoms, indices=charge_region, Rc=Rc, mu=mu) w = weight.construct_weight_function() dv = atoms.get_volume() / calc_a.get_number_of_grid_points().prod() gridrefinement = 2. Ns = (w * (d_a - d_b)).sum() * dv / gridrefinement**3 constraints.append(Ns) return constraints